Upon Awakening One Night



The mumbled dream-words preceding his awakening, an overabundance of sleep finally pulling out of the particularly delectable dream he was having about the man. Groaning quietly, not really wanting to go into the real world from all the fantasies the dream was encompassing..the real world..so boring..

..an eye cracks open slowly..peering out over the expanse of the bed with a grunt when he sees no one else is in it. Must be late. He'd honestly planned to wake up early - but he hadn't planned to fall asleep at the cemetery either. One of the others must have come to get him..."fucking dreams.."..at least this one was good.


Rolling onto his back now with the quietest moan, muscles just a little tense from sleeping in the same position too long. Easing himself up against the pillows to lounge, head falling back against the headboard, trying to wake up..."..hope nothing exciting happened today.."..because if it had, he'd have missed it. Mind you, everything 'exciting' happening around here was always either bad or relating to sex - and the last one would have woken him up.

"Mmmm?.."..well well..appears his muscles aren't the only things that are tense. As green eyes slant down he makes the observation that the dream about Aya had some definite physical effects on him. One, at least. A grin spreading slowly over his lips..no one's around, why not..?


Shifting upwards a little bit more, rolling a pillow against his back and leaning again. A moment's stretch of his arms above his head, growling teasingly with a laugh when muscles shift under bronze flesh, before long fingers to to push the sheets down. Air hissing between clenched teeth as material rubs over his growing arousal. The thought of doing this here just..mmmmm..

Baring himself now, sheets pushed down to midthigh, the obvious evidence of his desire thrusting upwards nicely. Yeah, the dream had been that hot. Giving a quick glance towards the door just to make sure it's closed before he reaches down again..breath catching when he runs a finger up the length of himself, eyes closing lazily for a second..


Usually it's women he has on his mind when he does this, tonight..it's Aya and Crawford, both of them at the same time in the various ways he's seen them. Crawford's growl in his mind, the way Aya looked between his thighs..almost just wrapping his hand around himself and getting this over quickly, the thoughts make him so hot, but no...patience leads to good things, especially in this case.

Another brush of fingers over rigid flesh, seeming to pulse with each beat of his heart. Shit, how do the two of them, even the thought of them, get him this way?..it's amazing..circling his fingers around himself now lightly, just enough that when he moves them it brushes teasingly against the hot skin..snarling at his own teasing.


"Aya.."..the redhead springs first into his thoughts when his eyes close, imagining the man in front of him..it's not his own fingers brushing so agonisingly softly over himself, it's Aya's, and Aya's lips darting in at times to add kisses too soft to be felt. Crawford is the weight of the pillows and headboard behind him, the warmth he leans up against..almost able to feel the other man's arousal pressing against him..

"Ah..careful..."..because if he sinks too far into that fantasy of the two of them he'll lose control and it will all be over in a short short time. Better to torment himself, make himself so hot it almost hurts before he allows himself release..it's so much more fulfilling that way


Fingers brushing down now, not his but in the fantasy in his head, Crawford's fingers sinking down behind him and brushing against that sensitive opening. His own fingers tightening around himself, imagining Aya's lips brushing just there, that ridge under the head, locking around it..

"Ahhh..fuck..that's good.."..growled softly to himself as the fantasy continues, stroking himself with two fingers in long, lazy motions. Laying back further against the pillows, imagining..yeah..there's Aya, tightening his lips just around the head, that ever-so-talented tongue of his brushing against the opening as Crawford's fingers start to press in.."nnnngh!.."..such a good fantasy..


His body arches slightly as though the intrusion of fingers into tightness is real, he can almost feel them pressing in and hear Crawford's purrsnarl in his ear. Can almost see the way Aya's head would look down there, crimson hair spreading like silk blood over his thighs, the talented mouth working at him..and it's making him..mmmmmm..

"So much for..taking it slow.."..he's not moving that fast, but faster than he wanted. His hand wrapping around himself now, fingers clinging against clear-slicked erection and gripping tightly..almost painfully so, the feeling making him shudder and squirm all at the same time..so good..in such a delightfully bad way..


Rocking back and forth just slightly now, back onto Crawford's fingers and forward into the divine heat that encompasses him with the cling-suck of Aya's lips. At least that's what it's like in his head, outwardly it's just him in the bed, sprawled and flushed in tangled sheets and pillows. To be inside his head is to be lost in a world of fire now, teasing and tormenting him until he thinks he'll melt away.

"Pleasssse.."..hissed out to the fantasy-Crawford teasing him, wanting something more substantial, more than just the teasing fingers that curl inside and stroke against places that spark electricity through his entire body. Even as his hand tightens on himself, he's imagining that it's Aya's mouth there, that he's bringing a hand up to the man's head and urging him downward slowly..never forcing..just..wanting so badly, wanting to feel himself plunge in to Aya's throat.


There it is, the press of something larger against the slightly stretched opening, thrusting just lightly in his fantasy to try and press inside. No, not trying really, just teasing, making him tense and shiver and whimper against the body behind him. Aya's mouth there isn't helping, the swirls of tongue and lips over his hardness making him gasp, air catching in his throat..breaths are held for what seems like hours before releasing on long moans..a cry, faint, when dream-Aya's teeth scrape just softly over the sensitive flesh..

"F..Aya..!.."..no, not there yet..but his movements are faster, hand wrapped around himself moving in quick motions. He'd tried to control himself, but..who could, really, with such images and feelings going through their head? Tightening fingers, snarling as he works himself, the fantasy continuing. Continuing forever, drawing him along almost against his will - not too much against it, though. He adores this.


He's being split apart, his entire body is going to come apart. At least that's what it feels like in his fantasy as the intruder behind him finally intrudes. Pressing up into his body, stretching and forcing in, causing him to arch forward into fantasy-Aya's lips that spread to take him so willingly. The tightness of the other man's throat closing around him, that sweet last gasp of air before lips are pressed against his groin, nuzzled in the trimmed dusting of gold hair.

Stroking harder, thumb rising to brush and press over the swollen head of himself. The fantasy is so hot it almost seems real, almost seems that he can really feel Crawford inside him and Aya's mouth around him. Head falling back, pulse jumping in his throat as he gasssps for air hard. His other hand useless, sprawled out against the pillows uncaring while its partner works to bring him towards that sharp climax of pleasure.


Behind him in his fantasy is the feeling of Crawford starting to thrust in, that tight heavy friction of the man moving inside him. Before him is the warmth of Aya's mouth and throat, locked around his hardness in the hottest of embraces. Is it any wonder, then, that he can't hold out for much longer, that his body and mind work in concert to steal away any thoughts of waiting to make it more intense?

As it is, his climax is more intense than he thought, perhaps because of the people involved in the fantasy to which his actions were played out. There's this moment of silence before he snarl-moans and thrusts up into his hand. The world is white, endless white covering his vision and spraying over his hand and stomach, elegant pure white radiating everywhere as pleasure so hard as to be almost pain overtakes him.


The white fades slowly, receding from his mind and leaving his vision hazed for the moments after that are so pleasureable, that sweet sinking down into lazy relaxation from the complete release of tension. Purrrring softly with it, feeling like the bed's just swallowing him up as he eases down a bit. His hand releasing himself..

Enjoying that moment for a little bit longer, sprawled naked and flushed in the sheets, before rolling slightly and grabbing his shirt off the floor. It will work well enough. Cleaning himself off with a quiet laugh, Crawford and Aya would kill him if he got the sheets dirty.


..he falls asleep again now, tired and sated..

.....the bedroom reeks of sex.....



Characters are the property of
Koyasu Takehito, Project Wei?br>
Original fanfic ? Tendai 2002

