Hi and Welcome to my Page!
As you can see (if you have been here previously) the site has finally had an update, and a big one at that. A complete make-over.
Now you will be able to find a wider range of Care Bears stuff here including wallpaper, icons, useful things to use on your web pages, a message board, FAQ, a few colouring pages, and a lot more links and other stuff.
Some of the links won't be working because I'm putting this site together section by section. So keep checking back!
The Site Map is below, it has a brief description of each section of this site.

All of the pictures on this site I scanned myself from my own books, and spent loads of time fixing up in photoshop, so please respect the work I've put into this page and refrain from using any of the pictures here on your webpages. I have made a special section in the picture gallery with graphics for people wishing to make their own webpages. .

    Last updated :: 30th June 2003

Sign my Tagboard below!!

.:: SITE MAP ::.

  • Meet the Care Bears: Here you will find pictures and descriptions of the different Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins, and any other characters from the cartoon that I can think of.
  • Picture Gallery: Here you will find Pictures to download from the cartoon, and from my own books and comics. All pictures are scanned by me from my own collection. I also have put up a special section of graphics people can use on their own web pages! This includes background images, buttons, and pictures!
  • Desktop Goodies: This section includes stuff like Wallpapers and Icons that I have made for use on your desktop.
  • Fun Stuff: Here you will find a few bits and pieces like printable pictures to colour in, recipies for kids to try, and other activities.
  • About Me / This Page: Find out about me, and my reasons for making this web site!
  • My Care Bears: Here I have put up pictures of the Care Bears that i have collected and some other Care Bear Items.
  • Message Board: Pretty self explanatory.. here you can post messages to other Care Bear fans or any questions you might have about Care Bears or any other 80's cartoon.
  • Webrings: Click here to see the webrings the site is in, you will find tons of links to other Care Bears and 80's Cartoon Websites.
  • Links: Links to other Care Bears pages that I like. Also links to pages for other 80's cartoons..
  • FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Guestbook: Leave any comments and suggestions here, or just say hi!
  • Email Me: Write me a letter! i love getting mail. It may take me a while to reply sometimes but i will try to reply to people who's comments and requests are not too outrageous. Please dont ask me to send you pictures though. And i have no Care Bear stuff for Sale or Trade.

The Care Bears are © American Greetings Company, with which I am in no way affiliated. This is a fan site and no profit is made from it.