Linguese - basic vocabulary - Linguese order, separated by word groups

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(a - amount)
amount - am
quality - an
count - as
number - at
(aw - method, way)
way (method) - awm
(ay - place, area)
place, point, location - aym
position - aymziym
room - ayt
space - ay6
way (direction) - ayv


(â - acid, sour)
sour - âd
acid - âm


(ba - container)
bag - bag
pocket - bak
box - bar
vessel - bav
(baw - inside)
impulse - baw-vawt
sponge - bawb
garden (noun) - bawg
garden (verb) - bawgz
prison - bawnt
(bay - front)
hat - bayb
face (noun) - bayf
face (verb) - bayfs
front - baym
head - bayn
chief (person) - bayv
lead (verb) - bayz
(bâ - container)
bottle - bâb
bucket - bâk
kettle - bânt
glass, cup - bâp
basket - bâst
pot - bât
(bâw - squeeze)
crush - bâws
(be - health)
healthy - bed
health - bet
medical - betıd
(bey - before)
surprise (noun) - be-ňil
surprise (verb) - be-ňilz
ready - beycıň
early - beyd
morning - beyd-vem
hope (verb) - beys
hope (noun) - bey6
(bê - good)
kind (nice) - bêd
respect (noun) - bêt
respect (verb) - bêz
(bi - good)
good - bid
well - bidıs, b`is
great - bimd
right (correct) - bind
(bi - become)
development - bidjiyn
get (become) - biz, b`
(blaw - outside)
country (rural) - blawb
field - blawf
(blâ - lump, bulge)
bulb - blâb
chin - blân
(blâw - throat)
cough (noun) - blâwg
cough (verb) - blâwgz
throat - blâwt
(ble - sick)
ill - bled
disease - blet
hospital - blet-aym
(blê - bad)
cruel - blênd
shame - blêr
(bli - bad)
bad - blid
error - blin
wrong - blind
(bliy - out)
expansion - bli-masiyn
sneeze (noun) - bliyn
sneeze (verb) - bliynz
(blo - hang)
curtain - blop
hang - bloz
(blow - low)
low - blowd
short (not tall) - blowđ
floor (bottom) - blowf
seat (noun) - blown
seat (verb) - blownz
sit - blowns
basin - blowv
(blô - down)
drop (noun, fall) - blôb
drop (verb) - blôbz
drop (noun, of liquid) - blôp
fall (noun) - blôt
south - blô6
fall (verb) - blôz
mist - blôl
rain (noun) - blôn
umbrella - blôn-sâm
rain (verb) - blônz
(blu - ground, root)
potato - bluf
root - blut
(bluw - under)
deep - bluwd
spade, shovel - bluwk
(bo - bird)
bird, fowl - bom
(bow - above)
high - bowd
tall - bowđ
roof - bowf
mountain - bown
jump (noun) - bowň
jump (verb) - bowňz
fly (verb) - bows
top - bowt
flight - bow6
(bô - up)
support (noun) - bôk
support (verb) - bôks
north - bô6
lift (noun) - bôv
lift (verb) - bôvz
(bra - brown)
brown - brad
(brâ - metal)
lead (metal) - brâb
silver (color) - brâd
iron (metal) - brâf
silver (metal) - brâg
metal - brâm
gold (material) - brân
gold (color) - brând
copper - brâň
brass - brâňk
steel - brâst
tin - brât
(bre - yellow)
yellow - bred
(briy - between, center)
middle - briym
center - briyt
hollow - briytlık
(bro - money)
price - brok
pay - bronz
payment - bronziyn
(brow - business)
market (noun) - browk
store (noun) - browm
company, business - browt
office - browt-aym
advertise - browz
advertisement - browziym
(brô - money)
account - brôk
debt - brôl
cheap - brôld
free (gratis) - brôlđ
credit (noun) - brôm
credit (verb) - brômz
money - brôn
profit - brôp
(brôy - among)
exchange - brôydj
trade - brôys
(bu - sky)
sky - bum
(buw - beauty)
beautiful - buwd
ornament - buwm
art - buwn
verse - buwv


(ca - building)
building - cab
church - cag
structure - cak
house - cat
(ce - fire)
flame - cem
fire - cen
coal - cen6
burn - cez
(cê - certain)
certain - cêd
insurance - cêdjiyn
doubt - cêlt
(ci - edge, side)
limit (noun) - cilt
limit (verb) - cilz
wall - civ
(ci - care)
interest (interesting) - ciň
interest (verb) - ciňz
care (noun) - cit (sorry!)
care (verb) - ciz, c`
(ciy - beside, side)
political - ciyrık
side - ciyt
(co - back and forth)
shake - coks
wave - con
(cô - city)
city - côt
town - côv


(da - fast)
quick - dad
slow - dald
rate - dat
(de - tooth)
bite (noun) - det
tooth - dem
bite (verb) - dez
(dey - past)
past (adjective) - deyd
past (noun) - deym
history - deym-ňim
yesterday - deym-ven, de`ven
(dê - rodent)
rat - dên
(di - have)
owner - disô6
property - dit
have - diz, d`
(djâ - jell)
jelly - djâm
(dji - get)
receipt - djist
get (obtain) - djiz, dj`
(djiy - two)
second (2nd) - djiyđ
minute (time) - djiyp
(dju - measure)
scale - djuk
measure (noun) - djut
measure (verb) - djuz
(djuw - judge)
judge (person) - djuwm
judge (verb, justice) - djuwz
(do - sudden)
sudden - dod
shock (noun) - dog
shock (verb) - dogz
degree - dol
(du - dust)
powder - dun
dust - dut
(duw - durable)
last (endure) - duws


(đi - take)
tax (noun) - đik
tax (verb) - điks
left (remaining) - đild
take - điz, đ`
(điy - compare)
compare - điyz
comparison - điyziyn


(e - eat, mouth)
bread - eb
digestion - edjiyn
stomach - ek
mouth - em
meal - en
kiss (verb) - ens
kiss (noun) - ent
lip - eň
food - et
(ey - time)
clock - eyb
time - eym
wait (verb) - eys
wait (noun) - ey6
last (duration) - eyz


(ê - air)
nose - ên
chest - êňk
air - êr
breath - êt


(fa - other (additional))
copy (noun) - fat
copy (verb) - faz
(fâ - easy)
easy - fâd
(fâ - female sibling, cousin)
sister - fân
(fê - male sibling, cousin)
brother - fên
(fi - end)
last (final) - fid
complete (verb) - fis
complete (adjective) - fisıň
end (noun) - fit
end (verb) - fiz, f`
(fiy - alike)
balance (noun) - fiyb
balance (verb) - fiybz
same - fiyd
representative (adjective) - fiydjiyd
representative (noun) - fiydjô6
equal - fiyjd
agreement - fiysiyn
match (noun, alike) - fiyv
match (verb) - fiyvz
(flâ - difficult)
trouble - flât
hard (difficult) - flâd
(fle - change)
change (noun) - flet
change (verb) - flez
(flê - effect)
effect -flêt
affect - flêz
different - fliyd
sex (gender) - fliyg
kind (type) - fliyk
(flo - lose (misplace))
loss (misplace) - flot
lose (misplace) - floz
(fo - find)
discover - fos
discovery - fo6, fosiyn, -iym
(fow - self)
automatic - fowd
(fô - shape)
form (noun) - fôr
design (noun) - fôrn
design (verb) - fôrnz
form (verb) - fôrz
(fra - break)
broken - frađ
fixed (de-broken) - frâlzıň
smash - frânc
burst - frânz
damage (noun) - frâ6
damage (verb) - frâs
break - frâz
delicate - frâzıňk
(fri - fear)
fear (noun) - frit
fear (verb) - friz, fr`
(friy - seven)
week - friyv
(frô - flower)
flower (noun) - frôt
flower (verb) - frôz
(fruw - fruit)
apple - fruwb
berry - fruwl
fruit - fruwm


(ga - love)
love (noun) - gat
love (verb) - gaz
(gay - against)
rub (noun) - gayt
rub (verb) - gayz
(gâ - heat)
warmth - gâl
warm (adjective) - gâld
warm (verb) - gâlz
summer - gâm
spring (season) - gâp
heat (noun) - gât
boil - gâtc
steam - gâv
heat (verb) - gâz
(gâw - cook)
cook (person) -gâwm
oven - gâwzı6
cook (verb) - gâwz
(ge - kin)
family - gem
(gey - depend)
depend - geyz
dependent - geyziyd
(gê - fun)
humor - gêb
amusement - gênsiyn
laugh (verb) - gês
play (noun) - gêt
laugh (noun) - gê6
play (verb) - gêz
(gi - like)
like (enjoy) - giz, g`
(giy - joy)
happy - giyd
smile (noun) - giyk
smile (verb) - giyks
(glâ - cold)
cold - glâd
ice - glân
winter - glâm
fall (autumn) - glâp
snow (noun) - glâv
snow (verb) - glâvz
(gli - hate, dislike)
hate (noun) - glit`
disgust (verb) - glis
disgust (noun) - gli6
bitter - glind
hate (verb) - gliz, gl`
(gliy - sad)
sad - gliyd
regret (noun) - gliyt
regret (verb) - gliyz
(go - fabric)
silk - gok
linen - gon
cotton - got
(gow - skin)
skin - gowm
(gô - taste)
taste (noun) - gôt
taste (verb) - gôz
(grê - gray)
gray (adjective) - grêd
gray (verb) - grêz
(gri - come)
come - griz, gr`
(griy - please)
pleasure - griyt
(grô - lipids)
fat (noun) - grôm
oil - grôt
(gu - clothing)
skirt - guf
clothing - gum
shirt - gun
dress (noun) - gug
pants, trousers - gup
dress (verb) - gus
cloth - gu6
(guw - upon)
process - gu-hisiyn
stamp (noun) - guwf
stamp (verb) - guwfs
cover (noun) - guwm
coat - guwt
cover (verb) - guwz


(hâ - happen)
probable - hâd
event - hât
possible - hâzık
(he - heavy)
heavy - hed
light (not heavy) - held
weight - het
(hi - do)
behave - hic
behavior - hiciyn
act - hi6
do - hiz, h`
able - hizık, hık
responsible (prudent) - hizıtc
(ho - work)
rest (leisure) - hol
work (verb - function) - hos
operation - hosiyn
work (noun - labor) - hot
work (noun - function) - ho6
work (verb - labor) - hoz
(how - condition)
condition - hown
weather - howt
(hô - help)
manage - hôdj
manager - hôdjô6
help (noun) - hôt
help (verb) - hôz
secretary - hôzô6
(hôy - serve)
serve - hôyz
servant - hôyzô6
(huw - use)
waste (verb) -huwls
waste (noun) - huwl6
instrument (tool) - huwn
use (noun) - huwt
use (verb) - huwz


(i - be)
be - iz, `
(iy - right (direction)
right (direction) - iyd
east - iy6


(ji - give)
present (gift) - jim
send - jis
give - jiz, j`
(juw - blue)
blue - juwd


(kay - back (adverb))
reaction - kay-hisiyn
reward (verb) - kayj
reward (noun) - kayjiym
spring (object) - kayn
answer (verb) - kays
answer (noun) - kay6
(kâ - clear)
clear - kâd
glass (material) - kâg
jewel - kâv
(ke - machine)
machine - kem
apparatus - ket
(kê - clean)
clean (adjective) - kêd
soap - kêm
clean (verb) - kêz
(ki - keep(continue))
rhythym - kin6
keep (continue) - kiz, k`
(kiy - with)
relation - kiyciyn
full - kiyd
(klâ - opaque)
cloud - klâb
smoke (noun) - klâm
smoke (verb) - klâmz
(klê - dirt)
dirty - klêd
(klo - apart)
island - klo-têr
division (split) - klodjiyn
parcel - klol
branch - kloň
part - klot
(klow - apart)
open (adjective) - klowd
separate (adjective) - klowđ
crack (noun) - klowk
crack (verb) - klowks
separate (verb) - klows
open (verb) - klowz
(klô - block, piece, atom)
brick - klôb
body - klôr
(ko - group)
group (noun) - kon
group (verb) - koz
(kow - together)
committee - ko-hijiym
harmony - ko-sowntıkt
shut (adjective) - kowd
join - kowdz
connect - kowgz
connection - kowgziyn, -iym
mix - kowks
mixed - kowksıň
marry - kowj
married - kowjd
sex (intercourse) - kow6
shut (verb) - kowz
(kô - connect)
chain - kôn
paste (noun) - kôp
paste (verb) - kôps
(kôy - meet)
meet - kôyz
meeting - kôyzın
(kra - throw)
gun - kran
(kray - all over, spread)
distribute - kraydz
distribution - kraydziyn
(krâw - turn)
twist (turn - noun) - krâwt
screw (noun) - krâwv
screw (verb) - krâwvz
twist (turn - verb) - krâwz
(kre - ship)
ship - krem
boat - kret
(krê - wind)
wind (noun) - krên
sail - krêň
blow - krêz
(kri - go)
go - kriz, kr`
(kri - round)
ball - krib
frame (noun) - krif
frame (verb) - krifs
hook (noun) - krik
hook (verb) - kriks
collar - kriň
knot (verb) - kris
nut (screw) - krist
knot (noun) - kri6
(kriy - round)
round - kriyd
ring (noun, circle) - kriyg
circle - kriym
turn (verb) - kriyns
turn (noun) - kriyn6
wheel - kriyt
curve (noun) - kriyv
curve (verb) - kriyvz
roll (verb) - kriyz
(kro - move, vehicle)
carry - kroc
porter - krocô6
transport - krodz
car, automobile - krom
cart - kront
train - krop
move (noun) - krot
carriage - krov
move (verb) - kroz
motion - kroziyn
engine - krozı6
(krow - move)
letter (mail) - krowb
journey (noun) - krown
journey (verb) - krownz
slip (verb) - krowňz
slip (action) - krowň
drive - krowvz
(krô - flow)
liquid (adjective) krôd
river - krôm
liquid (noun) - krôn
current (flow) - krôt
soup - krô6
flow - krôz
(krôy - muscle)
muscle - krôyt
(kru - thick)
thick - krud
fat (adjective) - kruđ
paper - krul
thin - kruld
flag - krulf
slip (piece of paper) - krulv
ticket - krulv
(kruw- wide)
wing - kruwb
plane (airplane) - kruwb-krem
wide - kruwd
bridge - kruwg
arch - kruwk
neck - kruwl
narrow (adjective) - kruwld
narrow (verb) - kruwlz
range (verb) - kruws
range (noun) - kruw6
(ku - cone)
horn - kup
(kwâ - cat)
cat - kwât
(kwe - dog)
dog - kwen
(kwi - keep)
keep (retain) - kwiz, kw`
(kwiy - four)
square - kwiym
(kwo - hooved mammal)
cow - kwob
leather - kwob-gowm
sheep - kwon
wool - kwon6
goat - kwo6
horse - kwov
(kwow - pig)
pig - kwowg


(la - small)
detail - lab
small, little - lad
drop, bit (noun, small amount) - lam
(law - poor)
poor - lawd
(lâ - female child)
daughter - lâm
girl - lân
(lâ - small)
division (mathematics) - lâciyn
simple - lâd
dear - lânđ
(ley - new)
new - leyd
invention - leydziyn, -iym
news - leyk
young - leynd
(lê - strange)
strange - lêd
(lê - male child)
son - lêm
boy - lên
(lô - neuter child)
baby - lôl
(lu - satelite)
moon - lun
month - lunt


(ma - big)
big, large - mad
important - mand
farm (noun) - mar
farm (verb) - marz
grow - mas
fertile - masık
interest (bank) - mask
size - mat
growth - ma6
increase (verb) - maz
increase (noun) - maziyn
(mâ - big)
complex - mâd
common - mând
add - mâs
addition - mâsiyn
(mâ - female adult)
mother - mâm
woman - mân
(mâ - milk)
butter - mâb
cheese - mâg
milk - mât
(me - order, demand)
order (noun, command) - met
order (verb, command) - mez
(mey - old, usual, custom)
frequent - meyd
tendency - meyciyt
normal - meyfıd
old - meynd
(mê - male adult)
father - mêm
man - mên
(mi - make)
make - miz, m`
produce - minz
industry - miň
(mo - one)
only (single, adjective) - mod
only (single, adverb) - modıs
(mow - one)
first - mowđ
unit - mowk
chief (adjective) - mownd
hour - mowp


(nâ - female)
female (adjective) - nâd
female (noun) - nâm
(nê - male)
male (adjective) - nêd
male (noun) - nêm
(ni - need)
necessary - nid
need (noun) - nit
need (verb) - niz, n`
(no - name)
name - nom
word - non
(nô - orange)
orange (color) - nôd
orange (fruit) - nôd-cêrt


(ñay - school)
school - ňaym
(ñà - brain, nerve)
nerve - ňâm
brain - ňân
(ñe - conscious)
attention - ňeciyn
sleep - ňel
asleep - ňeld
awake, conscious - ňend
mind - ňet
(ñey - memory)
record (noun) - ňeym
record (verb) - ňeymz
(ñi - know)
education - ňiciyn
learn - ňidj
experience (noun) - ňif
experience (verb) - ňifs
teach - ňij
science - ňin
knowledge - ňit
wise - ňizd
know - ñiz, ñ`
(ño - primate)
monkey - ňon
(ñô - expert)
expert (adjective) - ňôd
foolish - ňôld
trick (noun) - ňôlt
trick (verb) - ňôlz
expert (person) - ňôm


(o - animal)
animal - om
meat - ot
(ow - thing)
chemical (noun) - owb
chemical (adjective) - owbıd
thing - owm
mass - owp
substance - owt
physical - owtıd
material (noun) - owv
material (adjective) - owvıd


(ô - person)
public (adjective) - ôd
private - ôld
person - ôm
public (noun) - ôt
(ôy - reason)
reason - ôym
purpose - ôyn
cause (noun) - ôyt
responsible (cause of) - ôy6ık
cause (verb) - ôyz


(pâ - hand)
glove - pâg
grip (noun) - pâk
grip (verb) - pâks
hand - pân
watch (wrist clock) - pâň-eyb
(pa - exact)
adjustment - paziyn
(pâw - power, force)
force (noun) - pâwf
force (verb) - pâwfs
control (ability to control) - pâwk
control (verb) - pâwks
control (device) - pâwn
power - pâwt
(pe - foot)
boot - peb
shoe - peg
kick (noun) - pek
kick (verb) - peks
foot - pen
stocking - peňk
sock - peňk
step - pep
run - pes
walk - pez
(pê - arm, leg)
leg - pêl
arm - pên
(pi - point, sharp)
sharp (point) - pid
nail (for building) - pil
fork - pim
pin - pin
point (thing) - pit
stick (verb -poke) - pitc
needle - piv
(pi - put)
put - piz, p`
(piy - for)
approval - piyziyn
(pla - approximate)
judge (verb, approximate) - plaz
(pli - win)
loss (not win) - plil
(pliy - oppose)
competition - pliyciyn
argument -pliyjiyn
protest (noun) - pliyn6
protest (verb) - pliyns
opposite - pliyziyd
(plo - fight)
army - plok
war - plon
general (person) - plon-bayv
military - plop
attack - plotciyn
fight (noun) - plot
fight (verb) - ploz
(po - peace)
peace - pon
(pô - friend)
friend - pôm
(pô - corner)
angle - pôyn
(pra - flat)
flat - prad
leaf - praf
page - prag
plane (geometry) - pran
tray - praň
board - prar
plate - prat
canvas - prav
(prâ - flat)
card - prâg
(pre - horizontal, level)
floor (level) - pref
table - prek
level (noun) - prem
level (verb) -premz
shelf - prev
(prê - horizontal, level)
stage - prêg
(priy - about, pertaining to)
discussion - pri-tiziyn
(pru - feather)
feather - prum
(puw - power, force)
button (control) - puwb
tired - puwglık
electricity - puwn
electric (adjective) - puwnıd


(ra - anger)
angry - rad
(re - red)
red - red
heart - rem
blood - re6
(rê - web)
net - rêt
(ri - ask)
request (verb) - ris
question (noun) - rit
question (verb) - rits
request (noun) - ri6
ask - riz, r`
(ro - rock)
stone - rok
sand - rol
mine (verb, rocks) - ronz
mine (noun, rocks) - ront
(ru - rule)
regular - rud
law - ruk
crime - rul
rule (regulation) - run
rule (governance) - rut
rule (verb) - ruz
government - ruziyt


(sa - protect)
safe - sad
danger - sal
(sâw - sounds)
whistle (verb) -sâws
whistle (noun) - sâwt
thunder - sâw6
(se - sense)
sense - sem
feeling - sezın
(sey - present (now))
present (tense - adjective), current - seyd
present (tense - noun) - seym
today - seym-ven, se`ven
(sê - serious)
serious - sêd
(si - hear)
hear - siz, s`
hearing - sizıkt
(siy - arrange)
organization - siydziyn
system - siym
list (noun) - siyn
list (verb) - siynz
order (noun, not chaos) - siyt
order (noun, sequence) - siy6
sort - siyz
(ska - birth)
birth - skat
(skâ - insect)
bee - skâf
insect - skâm
fly (insect) - skâb
ant - skâl
(ske - egg)
egg - skem
(ski - start)
start (noun) - skit
start (verb) - skiz, sk`
(sko - seed)
nut (seed) - skob
seed - skon
(skow - basic)
base - skowt
(skô - society)
society - skôt
(skri - write)
pencil - skrig
note (memo) - skrilt
letter (of alphabet) - skrim
print (noun) - skrint
print (verb) - skrinz
sign (verb) - skriňz
pen - skriv
writing - skrizın
(sle - incline)
slope - slen
(sli - stop)
brake - slin
stop (noun) - slit
stop (verb) - sliz, sl`
(sliy - random)
chance - sliyn
(sna - salt)
salt (noun) - snat
salt (verb) - snaz
(so - instrument (music))
bell - sob
instrument (music) - som
ring (verb, bell) - soňz
(sow - sound)
loud - sowđ
quiet - sowld
soft (not loud) - sowlđ
ear - sowm
sound - sown
noise - sowň
(sô - music)
music - sôn
(sôy - voice)
song - sôy6
cry (wail) - sôyps
sing - sôys
voice - sôyt
(spe - special)
general (adjective) - speld
example - spem
special - spend
(spo - spot)
mark (noun) - spok
mark (verb) - spoks
(spre - strong)
strong - spred
weak, feeble - spreld
(spuw - scoop)
spoon - spuwn
(stawz - store)
store (verb) - stawz
(stâ - fasten)
button (on clothing) - stâm
(ste - plant)
green - sted
stem - stem
plant - step
(stey - grass)
rice - steyb
grain - steyn
grass - steyt
(stê - wood)
cork - stêk
wood - stêm
tree - stêr
(sti - stay)
fixed (stationary) - stid
station - stin
stay - stiz, st`
left (remaining) - stizd
(stow - solid)
solid - stowm
(stôy - lock)
lock - stôyk
(stra - straight)
straight - strad
road - stran
street - strat
(strâ - hair)
comb (noun) - strâm
comb (verb) - strâmz
hair - strât
(stre - stiff)
stiff - stred
fold (noun) - strel
bent - streld
twist (bend - verb) - strels
twist (bend - noun) - strel6
knee - strelv
fold (verb) - strelz
(strê- snake)
snake - strêm
(stri - long)
long - strid
stretch (noun) - strik
stretch (verb) - striks
elastic (adjective) - striksınk
elastic (noun) - strikt
short (not long) - strild
line - strin
(striy - along)
parallel - striyd
guide (verb) - striys
way, direction - striyt
guide (noun) - striy6
(stro - long thin object, string)
cord - strok
thread - strot
wire (noun) - strov
wire (verb) - strovz
(strô - long flat thin object, ribbon)
band - strôm
whip (noun) - strônk
whip (verb) - strônks
(stru - long thick object, bar)
rail - struf
stick (noun) - struk
(struw - long thick object, bar)
rod - struwt
(stu - stuck)
stick (verb - adhere) - stus
sticky - stusiyd
(su - suggest)
offer (verb) - suc
offer (noun) - suciyn
suggest - suz
suggestion - suziym
(swa - smooth)
smooth - swad
rough - swald
comfort - swat
(swe - sweep)
brush - swem
(swiy - sweet)
sweet - swiyd
cake - swiyk
sugar - swiym
(swo - soft)
soft (texture) - swod
hard (not soft) - swold
bone - swolt
cushion - swom
bed - swot


(taw - tight)
tight - tawd
loose - tawld
(tâw - toward)
point (verb) - tâwdj
pull (noun) - tâwt
attract - tâwtc
attraction - tâwtciyn
pull (verb) - tâwz
drawer - tâwz-bâv
(tcay - pain)
pain - tcayt
(tcâ - hit)
violent - tcând
wound (verb) - tcâns
wound (noun) - tcân6
hammer (noun) - tcâň
hammer (verb) - tcâňz
(tcâw - punish)
punishment - tcâwciyn
(tce - cut)
sharp (blade) - tced
knife - tcem
blade - tcen
cut (noun) - tcet
cut (verb) - tcez
scissors - tcezı6
(tcê - claw)
nail (finger) - tcên
(tci - say)
sign (noun) - tciň
statement - tcitsiym
say - tciz, tc`
(tco - chalk)
chalk - tcok
(te - language)
tongue - ten
language - teň
(tê - land)
nation, country - tên
land (noun) - têr
land (verb) - têrz
(ti - talk)
talk (noun) - tit (sorry!)
talk (verb) - tiz, t`
(tiy - to)
near - tiyd
touch - tiytc
(tow - all)
complete (adjective) - towd
(tri - try)
test (noun) - trim
test (verb) - trimz
attempt - trit
(triy - three)
second (time) - triyp
(twi - tell)
story (tale) - twim


(6e - believe)
opinion - 6eg
religion - 6em
belief - 6et
(6i - think)
idea - 6ib
thought - 6it


(u - smell)
smell (verb, intransitive) - us
smell (noun) - u6
smell (verb, transitive) - uz
(uw - choose)
decide - uws
decision - uwsiyn
choice - uwt
select - uwtc
selection - uwtciyn
choose - uwz


(va - white)
white - vad
black - vald
(vâw - away)
push (noun) - vâwt
push (verb) - vâwz
(vay - behind)
tail - vayg
back (noun) - vaym
(ve - day)
night - vel
day (daytime) - vem
day (24 hours) - ven
(vey - after)
late - veyd
(vê - color)
paint (noun) - vên
paint (verb) - vênz
color - vêr
ink - vê6
(vi - see)
observe - vibz
observation - vibziyn
appear, look, seem - vic
look (appearance) - vict
view (verb) - vidj
look (at) - vis
view (noun) - vist
watch (verb) - vitc
look (noun) - vi6
see - viz, v`
(viy - from)
far - viyd
pump (noun) - viyp
pump (verb) - viyps
rest (remaining) - viyst
distance - viyt
(vo - picture, show)
camera - vogz-owm
picture - vok
secret (adjective) - vold
secret (noun) - volt
(vow - eye, optical device)
eye - vowm
(vô - chart)
map - vôr
(vôy - read)
book - vôym
library - vôym-aym
reading - vôysın
(vu - sun, star)
star - vul
sun - vum
(vuw - light)
light (not dark) - vuwd
bright - vuwđ
ray - vuwg
dark (noun) - vuwl
dark (adjective) - vuwld
shade (noun) - vuwlk
shade (verb) - vuwlks
light (lamp) - vuwm
polish (noun) - vuwp
polish (verb) - vuwps
light (form of energy) - vuwt
light (verb) - vuwz


(za - live)
death - zal
dead - zald
poison (noun) - zalp
poison (verb) - zalps
living - zazın
(zaw - assume)
theory - zawt
(zâ - nature)
natural - zâd
(ze - true)
true - zed
fact - zek
false - zeld
fiction - zelk
truth - zet
(zey - future)
future (adjective) - zeyd
future (noun) - zeym
tomorrow - zeym-ven, ze`ven
(zi - exist)
destruction - zilciyn, -iym
authority - zindıt
existence - ziziyn
(ziy - ten)
thumb - ziyb
finger - ziyf
toe - ziyl
(zow - through)
swim (noun) - zowt
swim (verb) - zowz
(zu - through, hole)
door - zum
harbor - zut-aym
window - zuv
(zuw - through, hole)
hole - zuwl
pipe - zuwp
stitch (verb) - zuwtc
stitch (noun) - zuwtciym
plough - zuwv


(wa - water)
wash - wac
wet - wad
dry (adjective) - wald
drain (verb) - wals
drain (noun) - wal6
dry (verb) - walz
sea - wam
water - wat
bath - wa6
cry (tear) - wavz
(wâ - fish)
fish (noun) - wâm
fish (verb) - wâmz
(we - drink)
drink (noun) - wet
drink (verb) - wez
(wey - left (direction))
left (direction) - weyd
west - wey6
(wi - want)
value - win
desire (verb) - wis
desire (noun) - wi6
want - wiz, w`
(wow - wax)
wax - wowk
(wô - alcohol)
wine - wôn


(yi - allow)
free (liberated) - yid
free (liberate) - yidz
right (freedom) - yim
let - yiz, y`

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