UPDATE June 17, 2004
Howdy to all my friends!  I think it's just about time for another update.  It's been so long since my last update and a lot, AND I MEAN A LOT has happened to me since my last post.  So, here goes......

May 10, 2004

I had been back to work and taking the Reglan and Phenergan that was prescribed to me by Dr. Brown.  I was asked to work day shift, so therefore, I worked from 7am to 3pm.
     At about 1pm, everything stared happening:  I was in the bathroom at least 6 times from 1pm until 2:30pm, passing a large amount of blood.  So, at the suggestion of my supervisor, who loked up the telephone number for me, I immediately called Dr. Brown's office.  I was told to go see my primary care provider.  Exhausted, I decided to come home until the following morning.  I came home and immediately went to bed, where I remained until mid afternoon the next day.

May 11, 2004

I decided to go see my primary care provider, Dr. Suresh Nekuri, MD (The doctor who pulled me through that Bacterial Spinal Meningitis in September 2003).
     Dr. Nekuri assessed my condition and quickly ordered me to go to the hospital to be admitted.  He wrote out the orders which included extensive lab work and a consult for an EGD by Dr. Carroll Rose, MD.
     I immediately took the paperwork to the admitting office at the hospital, where I was told I was going to be put into a semi-private room.  That's when I went ballistic! LOL
     I told the admitting clerk "No way was I going into a room with a pain pill, drug seeker who is in and out constantly going to smoke".  My orders were handed back to me and I left and came back home.  I was told before I left that they would call me when a private room became available.

May 12, 2004

At around noon, I received a telephone call from the nurse manager (my supervisor) at the hospital informing me that there was a private room waiting on me.
     I immediately got ready and left home and arrived to the hospital, where I was admitted to room 319.  I had a somewhat restless night as my heart rate dropped to as low as 44 and I was being roused up all throughout the night.  But all in all, I knew from talking to Dr. Rose just what was on the agenda, but I didn't worry too much.

May 13, 2004

I was taken to surgery at around 7:30am for Dr. Rose to do an EGD on me.  I was brought back to my room roughly by 11am. 
     Dr. Nekuri came in and talked to me about Dr. Rose's findings: The esophagus was basically the same, narrower than what should be.  There was no evidence of active bleeding in my upper GI tract.  The bleed may have clotted itself off during the time it took for me to get into the hospital.
     Dr. Nekuri was also concerned about the drop in my heart rate all night the previous night.  He discussed with me the possibility of wearing a halter (heart) monitor for 7 days AND having a sleep study done to determine possible causes. 
     After all the hassle I went through to get into the hospital to get checked out, after an overnight stay, I was discharged to home.

May 23, 2004

I had to go to Murfreesboro, TN to the VA clinic where I had to undergo a series of PFTs (Pulmonary Function Testing).
     To make a very long story short, my Oxygen saturation in my blood was 86%, not good considering the normal range is 92 - 100%.  My hemoglobin was up as were my red blood cells, but I failed the PFT series.
     Before bronchodilation, it was confirmed I had a 63.6% total lung capacity. (The normal in 70 and above).  AFTER bronchodilation with an albuterol inhaler, the percentage dropped drastically to 52.0%.
I was now told at that time that I do infact have an onset of Reactive Airway Disease: Bronchitis, Asthma and COPD.

June 3, 2004

I went back to Murfreesboro, TN and back to the VA clinic, where I was scheduled for an EGD that was to be done by a Dr. Janes with the VA.  Dr. Janes had to dilate the esophagus for a second time in 38 days.  Dr. Janes was concerned with the "snap back" that I am experiencing with my esophagus and has recommended I have an Esophageal Manometry test done. (This is a test where they run a catheter through my nose and into my esophagus and down into my stomach and slowly pull out so the size of my esophagus can be measured).  Other than that, all Dr. Janes would tell me was that Dr. Brown did a great job with my surgery.  I liked Dr. Janes, but his nonwillingness to let me in on my condition and/or treatments has me in great doubt about his profession.

June 9, 2004

I was in the ER this afternoon.  This visit to the ER was a joke because I saw one of the biggest frauds posing as a doctor as I have ever seen.
     I was seen by a "doctor" named Karen Harsh, who prescribed my Magnesium Citrate (a laxative) for diarrhea!  I was hurting intensley in my left upper abdomen and she even refused to give me anything for pain, which violates MY patient rights.  Oh, and I had a blood pressure of 160/110.  But she discharged me anyway.
    Once home, I called my doctor, Dr. Manish Dimri, MD (he is in practice with Dr. Nekuri).  I was advised NOT to drink the Magnesium Citrate and to take a Nexium and go on to bed unless I felt I really had to come back to the ER.  Otherwise, I was to follow up with Dr. Dimri at his office the following day. 
     On the next day, I decided not to go to Dr. Dimri's office, but I did file a complaint against that quack "doctor" Harsh.

June 11, 2004

I was at work and decided to go out for lunch.  I went out to Long John Silvers in Tazewell.  (WARNING: DO NOT EAT THERE)
     At around 6:30, I started going to the bathroom with chronic diarrhea. 
     At around 8pm, after I had made 4 trips to the bathroom with diarrhea, I called the head nurse and asked if I could go to the ER to get checked out.  There, I saw Dr. Vivek Vanketesh.  An IV was started and labs were immediately drawn and I was taken to X Ray where they did a chest series AND an abdominal series.  I was also asked to do a number 2 in a tiny speciman cup, which I did with no problem whatsoever  LOL.
     After 2 and a half hours, Dr. Vanketesh explained to me that there were some abnormalities and that I should follow up with my primary care provider ASAP.  My blood pressure was also monitored and the lowest it would go was 166/116.  I was given a Norvasc for the blood pressure AND a Levquin (antibiotic).

June 13, 2004

I was sitting at home in a real good mood when my phone rang.  It was the hospital telling me they received a med-alert on the speciman of diarrehea I had on the 11th.
     I was told by Amanda Partin, RN that I had a contageous bacteria called C-Diff in my colon, and that I needed to follow up with Dr. Dimri the first thing the next day.

June 14, 2004

I received a call from the hospital's Emergency Room Director, Kim Runions, RN, concerning the med alert that was called in to me on the previos night by nurse Partin.  I was told by nurse Runions that I had C Diff, which is highly contageous and definitely could be spread through contact.  I was then advised to make an appointment and go see Dr. Dimri that day.
     I was looking up Dr. Dimri's office number when the phone rang and it was Dr. Dimri's office calling me. 
     Kathy from the office placed me on hold after telling me that Dr. Dimri needed to speak with me.
     Dr. Dimri got on the phone and told me I had a very high toxicity of bacteria in my colon and that my system was "run down".  Dr. Dimri said I needed to be started on antibiotics and wanted to know if I could come into the office.  I agreed to come in at 2pm.
     I read all the reports from my ER visit of the 11th when I got to Dr. Dimri's office.  It was true I had a high toxic level of bacteria in my colon, so Dr. Dimri put me on a very potent antiobotic called Flagyl ($4.57 a capsule!) and told me to take them 3 times a day for 7 days until they are gone.  Dr. Dimri is hoping this round will kill the bacteria.
     Also at this office visit, I noticed that the radiologist, Dr. Sunan Vongkasmesri, MD has read the abdominal series X Rays and found that I had 2 calcifications in my right pelvic region consistant with uretheral stones, but Dr. Dimri never addressed these findings.

June 16, 2004

I had called the VA earlier in the week requesting to see my VA primary care provider Dr. Venugopal to follow up on the PFT series AND the EGD that was done by Dr. Janes.
     The EGD was unremarkable, although my esophagus had to be dilated again.  But, according to Dr. Venugopal, the PFT series had a very bad outcome.  I was diagnosed with COPD and Bronchitis (Reactive Airway Disease), and placed on Combivent inhalers (a combination on Albuterol and Ipratropium Bromide) to use 2 puffs 4 times a day.  Dr. venugopal said he will follow up with me on my next scheduled appointment which will be on August 12, 2004.

June 17, 2004

After over a month and a half, I finally had another follow-up visit with Dr. Brown, my surgeon.
     After bringing Dr. Brown up-to-date on what has been going on, I emphasized that I was still unable to swallow correctly and that the medicine he prescribed for me on May 6, 2004 did NOT help me overcome this condition.
     I also informed Dr. Brown that I had a colonoscopy (colon scope) scheduled the day before my birthday on June 24th.
     Dr. brown advised me to go ahead with the colonoscopy and call the results to his office.  In addition, Dr. Brown told me he wanted to schedule a Barium swallow evaluation to see what areas of my esophagus are not contracting.  Therefore, I may have to have another surgery to have the diseased part of my esophagus amputated and a "new" esophagus built.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that I do not have to have this done.  I really don't think I can go through another serious operation again this soon.

Well, as long as it was, there is the update I should have already posted to my site.  If you have read all of this and would like to contact me, please feel free to do so.  My Yahoo Messenger ID is: tennmale32 and my Yahoo Email address is tennmale32@yahoo.com
     I would love to hear from you!  Until next time, have a great day and remember, I love you all!

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Thanks to all my family and friends for your support!  Without you all, I would have never made it!!!!!!!  Thank You!