My 2002 Subaru WRX Photos  Journeys  Mods  LInks

Originally, this was just a quickly made page with some photos of my car when I first got it. Then it started getting hits and being linked to from a number of other sites. You can see it here. I figured since people were coming here anyway, I'm gonna make a site for fellow subaru owners and those curious about these little blue beasts. I used to keep a page about my old car, a 1996 Nissan 240sx, here it is. That page was somewhat well known in the 240 circles, and I enjoyed doing it. I want to take this a bit further. This will not be a comprehensive Subaru site, there are other sites ( for one) that do that better than I can or have interest in. This will be my place to put up pictures of my car, of the places I take it, and the people I meet along the way. Enjoy.

And no, that one in the pics isnt mine. I dont have those headlights. Not yet.

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Last updated 06.17.01

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