pics and profiles of me and friends
me(matt bernaix) my profile
180 off loading dock(animated gif)
boardslide shuv it out on zach's rail(animated gif)
double kickflip(animated gif)
nosegrind on my box(animated gif)
ollie off a loading dock
360 flip
another 360 flip
bs 180 kickflip
noseslide on a picnic table
5050 on picnic table
5-0 on my box
bs 5050 on my box
180 off a bump
big ollie off a bump

john bracamontes john's profile
ollie 8 then 5(animated gif)
ollie over a trash can from 3(animated gif)
boardslide on rail a columbia(animated gif)
noseslide off of 5 stairs(animated gif)
noseblunt on a curb
8 stair gap, at keiner plaza
a different 8 stair
50-50 down 9 stairs
50-50 on a rail at columbia
ollie over a quarter at columbia
ollie over a pyramid at columbia
boarslide on rail at columbia
caveman boardslide on a handrail
noseslide on a 5 stair handrail
boardslide on the arch handrail
racking himself on the arch rail, different try

zach cunningham zach's profile
kickflip off loading dock(animated gif)
crooked grind on my box(animated gif)
5 board ollie(animated gif)
a 50-50 off 5 stairs(animated gif)
boardslide on a handrail
360 flip
another 360 flip
50-50 off 5 stairs
50-50 on picnic table
noseslide on a picnic table
boardslide on ledge at columbia
tweaked out 5-0 on my box
bs 5-0 on my box
big ollie off a bump

stephen hartzel
crooked grind on the box at columbia
50-50 off 5 stairs

josh bracamontes
50-50 on a rail at columbia

kyle cunningham kyle's profile
3 stair ollie