MA-?? Apsaras I & II
Model number: MA-??
Name(s): Apsaras I & II
Unit type: Base attack use MA
Armament: large mega particle cannon
Weight: Unknown
Armor: Multiple layered high-tensile steel
Thruster acceleration: unknown (fast)
Height: unknown
Sensor range: unknown
Operator: Duchy of Zeon
First deployment: U.C. 0079
Cockpit: Standard type below head

                 Weapon lineart:

                      (none yet)

                Additional pictures:

Closeup of Apsaras I's Zaku head

Top view of Apsaras I

Apsaras II charging down a canyon

Front view of Apsaras II

Apsaras II's Mega Particle Cannon
The end of the catastrophic One Year Was was nearing its end. After a year of combat, the Duchy of Zeon's military forces were dwindling, resources in short supply and soldiers exhausted. As the war wore down, Zeon engineers, in desperate need of something to destroy the Federation, began leaving behind humaniod shaped mobile suits and cunning tactics in favor of producing high-powered, massive, mobile armors which looked nothing like a human and fought with brute strength. These mobile armors were usually fast, huge, and deadly, packed full of annihilating weaponry. Although incredably powerful, these mobile armors were usually single-unit war machines, the Zeon lacking enough resources to mass-produce them. Towards the very end of the war, Zeon engineer Ghinius Sanklain, leader of the rewarding Dom-Rick Dom conversion project, was placed incharge of a radical new design which called for a mobile armor that could destroy the Federation's underground Jaburo head quarters quickly and efficiently. After months of research and design, the mobile armor Apsaras I was completed. Built out of recycled Zaku parts, most noteably, a Zaku head oddly stuck onto the mobile armor's topside, Apsaras I was propelled by an experimental Minovsky Craft compressor, or M-Craft compressor for short. This allowed the Apsaras to hover in atmosphere an unlimited amount of time, and also move very quickly. Not designed for any purpose other than destroying Jaburo, the Apsaras was only armed
with the base smashing large mega particle cannon. This weapon, when fired, could easily annihilate the armor and rocks protecting Jaburo from assault and destroy the headquarters. The first unit built, Apsaras I, was simply a test bed for the M-Craft compressor. After successful test flights, a fully operational unit, Apsaras II was built, this one armed with the massive particle cannon for fire testing and advanced manuvering. The plan called for the Apsaras II to fly into low Earth orbit, use its high-velocity to speed past Federation warships, then plummet down into Earth's atmosphere, using gravity to propell it through the Federation defenses, and fire the cannon, annihiliating the headquarters. However, the Apsaras II was destroyed after crashing in the Himalayas after an encounter with the Federation's Kojima Battalion, 08th Team, and Ghinius dropped the Apsaras II blueprints all together and began working on a new, much more wicked design: Apsaras III.