Dopp Jet Fighter & Gaw Atmospheric Assault Carrier
Name: Dopp
Role: Jet Fighter
20mm machinegun x2
6-tube missile pod x2
Operator: Duchy of Zeon

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A Dopp escorting Apsaras I

Closeup of a Dopp's pods
Before the begin of Operation British, Zeon engineers began to design non-mobile suit craft for use in the Earth's atmosphere. One of these designs was the
Dopp Jet Fighter. Nimble and blindingly fast, a Dopp is one of the Zeon's fruity-but-effective designs. A Dopp fighter is intended to shoot down other aircraft, so it is armed with weapons to suit that role. Unlike the Earth Federation's Jet Core Booster, Dopp fighters are armed with missiles that launch from a pair of 6-tube pods seated next to the cockpit. Each 20mm machinegun is also stored at the tip of this pod. Though ineffective against mobile suits, several Dopp fighters are able to confuse the enemy while Zakus or other friendly mobile suits move in. Although fast, a Dopp rapidly consumes fuel, limiting its range to about 1,200 kilometers. This makes the Dopp more useful in areas where it can land and refuel often, such as escorting a Gaw Assault Carrier or patrolling around Zeon bases. Originally developed in space colonies, Dopp fighters don't have the advantage of being designed by people who know Earth well, and to that extent have a few weaknesses that can be extorted by Federation pilots... provided, of course, that they can even hit the Dopp itself...
Name: Gaw
Role: Assault Carrier
2-barrel Mega Particle Gun x3
anti-aircraft machinegun x Many
Operator: Duchy of Zeon
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A Gaw's AA guns firing on a Gundam

A damaged Gaw unloading tanks
While the Earth Federation with their "quantity over quality" approach to war built small, yellow Medea aircraft to transport supplies and mobile suits into
combat, the Duchy of Zeon took a completely different approach. In a fashion similar to the Soviet Union of the Twentieth Century, Zeon engineers designed a massive, four engine aircraft called Gaw to take their mobile suits into combat. Capable of taking at least three mobile suits (and probably more) into combat, as well as eight or more Dopp fighters, the Gaw was a truly massive aircraft with a wingspan or over 140 meters. The sheer size of the Gaw is illustrated in the above picture, where the Fed's Ez-8 is about to be rammed by one of the  titan aircraft. Also unlike the Medea, the Gaw is heavily armed with three double barreled Mega Particle Gun turrets and numerous anti-aircraft machineguns peppered all over the craft. Mobile suits can exit the Gaw via a conventional rear hatch, or can be dropped off in mid air through a protruding front hatch below the bridge.