MS-06K Zaku Cannon
For the most part, this picture was drawn by Mark Simmons of the Gundam Project. All credit is due to him for this mobile suit's base, although I did somewhat of a custom paint job to make it resemble more of the 08th MS Team version. Also, this unit is pictured with an optional shoulder shield, that wasn't seen in the 08th MS Team OVA.
Model number: MS-06K
Name: Zaku Cannon
Unit type: Artillery mass-prod.
180mm howitzer
smoke dischargers
Mission specific armaments:
ZMP-50D 120mm rifle
Zi-Me Triple Missile Pod x 2
heat hawk

83.2 tons (maximum)
High-tensile steel
Thruster acceleration:
.49 G's
Head height:
17.7 meters
Sensor range:
4400 meters
Duchy of Zeon
Standard type in torso
When the Zeon military learned that the Earth Federal Forces were about to begin production of their own mobile suits, and that they would be armored with tough luna titanium alloy, the Zeon engineers halted a current anti-aircraft Zaku project in favor of a Zaku which could lob heavy-duty shells long distances. The final product of their plans and research was the heavy MS-06K Zaku Cannon. This Zaku, armed with a heavy
180mm over-the-shoulder howitzer, was capable of inflicting severe damage on the Federal Forces' mobile suits from long range. The only drawback was that the howitzer added extra weight to the Zaku, and also caused serious balance issues while standing and firing, so mass-production of the Zaku Cannons was halted. However, some base commanders saw a potential in the Zaku Cannon, and had a few units given to them. As a defensive unit, the Zaku cannon is wonderful. Without needing to move, the recoil and balance problems are not an issue, and also it allowed the Zaku to aim precisely and accurately. The usual plan entailed the Zaku being braced with a pair of large supports in the back and lowering itself into a hole dug in the ground. Thus, the Zaku would have no recoil
          Weapon lineart:

120mm rifle

         Additional pictures:

Zaku Cannon firing its howitzer

Front view showing refined head

Mechadomain's Zaku Cannon in firing position, supports deployed
issues, and also would pose a smaller target, with only it's head, shoulders and upper torso above ground. The howitzer backpack was also modular in design, allowing it to be detached quickly if the Zaku needed to make a quick escape. In addition to the howitzer, Zaku Canons were also outfitted with built in smoke dischargers to confuse the enemy during an attack, and of course, the Zaku Cannon could use the standard Zaku's 120mm rifle. Also, the Zaku Cannon had some structual differences which can be noticed upon closer investigation. The Zaku Cannon mounted a modified head with a 360 degree mono-eye, allowing it to look in any direction. The conduction cables around the Zaku's face were removed and a highly sensitive scanner was mounted ontop of the head. Also, the conduction cables around the Zaku's torso now served a completely different purpose. Instead of carrying power from the backpack reactor to the mobile suit, the Zaku Cannon's cables can be used to have power transferred from a stationary power source (i.e. a base) to the Zaku, allowing it to run complex cooling systems which allowed the howitzer to be fired in rapid succession. Also, a little known fact is that a few Zaku Cannons which survived the war were taken by the Federal Forces for use in defending their Jaburo Head Quarters, a testimate to the Zaku Cannon's superior design.
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