MS-09 Dom
Model Number: MS-09
Name: Dom
Unit type: mass production
heat saber
H&L GB03K 360mm bazooka
scattering beam gun
Mission specific armaments:
panzer fausts
ZMP-50D 120mm rifle
MMP-90 90mm machinegun
Weight: 81.8 tons (maximum)
Armor: High-tensile steel
Thruster acceleration: .71 G's
Head height: 18.6 meters
Sensor range: 5400 meters
Operator: Duchy of Zeon
First deployment: U.C. 0079
Cockpit: standard type in torso
Just as it appeared that the MS-07B Gouf would become the immediate replacement for the Zaku II, a third party producer, the Zimmad Corporation,
put forth their own design, the MS-09 Dom. While it appears to be unabld to outrun a penguin, its large, bell shaped feet house a pair
of thermonuclear jet engines, allowing the Dom to "skate" above the ground a few feet at super high speeds in excess of 240 kilometers per hour, much faster than the Gouf's 99 kilometers per hour running speed. Also, like the Gouf, the Dom is capable of jumping a moderate distance thanks to thrusters mounted in the suit's skirt armor and feet. In addition to being very mobile, Doms also were heavily armed, usually with a heavy-duty 360mm bazooka, easily capable to destroying a GM or GunTank in one round and giving a Gundam a good beating. In addition to the bazooka, Doms are also equipped with a long, pole shaped heat saber. Although similar in function, it is shaped completely differently than the Gouf's heat saber. As opposed to Gouf's machete-like design, Dom's heat saber is shaped like a long pole with a handle on one end. Black while off, the Dom's heat saber glows bright yellow when activated and can be used to melt through GM's steel by slashing, but requires thrusting to get through the tough luna titanium of a Gundam. Another interesting weapon is the Dom's scattering beam gun. Mounted in the left torso, the scattering beam gun, rather than damaging enemy units, is designed to fire a burst of extremely bright energy, temporarily blinding enemy pilots. When the mission calls otherwise, a Dom can use a 120mm rifle just like the one used by the Zaku I & II, a  90mm machinegun. and several panzer fausts. A panzer faust is a MS sized single use disposable rocket launcher almost exactly identical to the German panzer fausts of World War II. A panzer faust is essentially a heavy rocket on a stick, complete with trigger. Once the trigger is pushed, the warhead is launched at the enemy and the stick can be tossed aside. Although only armored with high-tensile steel, a Dom's incredable manuverability
         Weapon lineart:

H&L GB03K 360mm bazooka

heat saber

MMP-80 90mm machinegun

panzer faust

120mm rifle

       Additional pictures:

Dom aiming its bazooka

A Dom pulls out its saber

A Dom preparing to strike
(P.O.V. of a Fed pilot)

Dom holding a 120mm rifle

A Dom and Gouf Custom
This illustration was drawn by Mark Simmons of the Gundam Project. All credit it due to him. Please note that I made a few minor alterations to this picture, mainly in the colors of the heat saber and mono-eye, yellow to black and pink to red.
allows it to dodge enemy attacks and quickly silence the opposition. Unlike the Zaku II which it replaced, Dom has no external conduction cables and a completely different head design. As opposed to the Zaku's traditional "egg head" design, Dom's head is styled more with the rear flaring of a World War II German infantry helmet, as well as a cross-shaped mono-eye. Although the Dom can easily out-perform a ground-use Zaku II, it is nearly immobile in space. Lacking a suitable space-use replacement for the Zaku II, Doms were quickly converted for space use after a heavily modified Zaku, sporting high-power rockets in its Dom-style feet, tested and allowed for a Dom's thermonuclear jets to be replaced with high-power vernier rockets, once again making for exceptional speed. These space use Doms were entitled Remake Dom, or Rick Dom for short.