RGM-79(G) GM Sniper
Model number: RGM-79(G)
Name: GM Sniper
Unit type: Mass-production, modified for sniper duty
long range beam sniper rifle
arm shield
beam saber x2
Mission specific armaments:
100mm machinegun
bazooka, caliber unknown
beam rifle
6-tube missile launcher
Weight: 66.0 tons (maximum)
Armor: Luna titanium
Thruster acceleration: .74 G's
Head height: 18.0 meters
Sensor range: 6000 meters
Operator: Earth Federal Forces
First deployment: U.C. 0079
Cockpit: Standard type in upper torso

                Weapon Lineart:

long range beam sniper rifle

            Additional pictures:

A trio of GM Snipers near a Big Tray

A GM Sniper checking its sniper rifle

GM Sniper firing at an airborne target

Another view of the Sniper's firing

A GM Sniper hiding behind a hill

Sniper taking a potshot at Apsaras III

GM Sniper firing from behind trees

A GM Sniper hiding from Apsaras III
This is yet another piece of Gundam Project's Gundam guru Mark Simmons that I proudly feature on my website. As always, this picture is not mine as I did not draw it. Please send all your thanks for this image to Mark as without him, there wouldn't be such fine pictures.
Just like a real life military, the Earth Federal Forces, towards the end of the One Year War, had their own unique mobile suits for individual purposes. The RX-79(G) Gundams for heavy duty combat, the RGM-79(G) GMs for multi-purpose work, and
the most recent incarnation, the GM Sniper, for long range sniping. Aside from the camoflaged green paint job and a redesigned backpack designed to hook up to an extrenal power source via a pair of conduction cables, the GM Sniper was almost identical to the GM Ground Type. As its name implies, the GM Sniper is a sniper mobile suit, designed to take advantage of terrain and snipe out enemy mobile suits from long range with its long range beam sniper rifle. Of course, GM Snipers could be outfitted with the same weapons as a regular GM Ground Type for missions where the sniper rifle was not necessary. It is unknown how many GM Snipers were produced, but at least three were assigned to the Kojima Battalion and proved instrumental in the defeat of the Zeon's mobile armor Apsaras III. In terms of mechanics, a GM Sniper could function just as well, if not better, than a regular GM. Its camoflage paint scheme allowed it to easily blend in to the surrounding foliage, and its ability to hook up to a stationary power source, such as a Big Tray land battleship, allowed it to continually fire its beam weapons without risk of overheating. However, for the beam sniper rifle, this was a necessity. Quite possibly the most powerful non-mega particle beam weapon of the One Year War, the sniper rifle had a tramendous output, and thus required the hookup to avoid having an internal reactor overheat. Although the GM Snipers could potentially leave the power source and leave the cable attached, acting as a sort of umbilicle cable, this was a limited range tactic and only practiced in extreme situations. A GM Sniper pilot has to be experianced with working terrain to his or her advantage when some situations require the GM Sniper to function away
from a stationary power source, limiting the ability to fire multiple rounds. Just like real snipers, GM Sniper pilots must be extremely cautious and quiet. One shot, one kill.