RX-79(G) Gundam "Ez-8"
Model number: RX-79(G)
Name: Ez-8
Unit type: Customized/modified heavy combat mass-production
100mm machinegun
beam saber x2
35mm vulcan x2, head mounted
12.7mm machinegun, mounted in torso
arm shield
Mission specific armaments:
beam rifle
180mm cannon
bazooka, caliber unknown
6-tube missile launcher
Weight: 71.7 tons (maximum)
Armor: Luna titanium
Thruster acceleration: .74 G's
Pilot: Shiro Amada
Head height: 18 meters
Sensor range: 5900 meters
Extras: Parachute pack
Operator: Earth Federal Forces
First deployment: U.C. 0079
Cockpit: Standard type in upper torso

                 Weapon Lineart:

100mm machinegun

beam rifle

180mm cannon


6-tube missile launcher

           Additional Pictures:

Ez-8 dropping out of the sky

Ez-8 blocking a Magella Tank's bullet

Preparing to strike with its beam saber

Ez-8 firing its 35mm head vulcans

A Zaku meets Ez-8... Guess who wins
Here we have another great illustration by the great Mark Simmons of Gundam Project.
As always, this picture is not mine as I did not draw it. Send your thanks to Mark for his excellent work that I humbly display here.
A relatively late-war mobile suit, the E.F.'s RX-79(G) Gundam Ground Types were only produced in limited numbers because of the E.F.'s tight budget, as well as the weakening Zeon army. A drawback of this idea
was that there were not many spare parts leftover for heavy repairs on damaged Gundams. When a Gundam is badly damaged, it is usually repaired using parts from other mobile suits, such as the plentiful RGM-79(G) GMs, or in extremely pressured circumstances, custom-built parts designed by field mechanics. When Shiro Amada's Gundam was badly mangled in a disasterous run-in with the Zeon's Apsaras II mobile armor, a new mobile suit had to be quickly prepared so Shiro could get back into combat as quick as possible. Made out out of a combination of the salvageable components of Shiro's Gundam, several parts from an RGM-79(G) GM and several custom made pieces, the Extra Zero Eight (Ez-8 for short) was a prime example of the nearly Frankensteinian jerry rigging field overhauls made so infamous by E.F. field mechanics. Perhaps one of the most oddball Federation mobile suits used in the One Year War, the Ez-8 bears the least resemblence to the traditional Gundam decorum set in place by the original RX-78 Gundam. Perhaps due to the usage of some GM head components, the Ez-8 lacks the traditional Gundam's V-fin antenna in favor of a simple but effective black unit attached to the right side of its head. The torso was completely re-done, lacking any visable external vents and a 12.7mm anti-personell machinegun in its lower chest presumably taken from a Type 61 Main Battle Tank, mounted on a moveable sensor pod. This weapon was by no means a substitute for the higher caliber chest vulcan the regular RX-79(G)s had, so a pair of 35mm vulcans were installed in the Ez-8's head. Numerous other little details can be spotted under close observation, but the bulk of the rest were purely superficial. In terms of armaments, the Ez-8's was exactly the same as the Gundam Ground Type's, but the redesigned backpack, although able to use the parachute pack, was now unable to house the
weapons container, requiring Ez-8 to carry whatever armament it was to use into battle, most commonly a beam rifle or 100mm machinegun. Though a fairly unattractive mobile suit, Ez-8 appears to have a slightly higher thruster and reactor output, making it a marginally superior unit.