The Squirrels Are Out To Get Us!

The images shown below were collected by our field agents. As squirrels were the first rodents implicated, many of the images show said creature. However, as research continues, we hope to bring you new images in the near future.


This picture shows the mastermind behind the conspiracy.

This image was found in the abandoned camera of a well known photographer. He was last seen near the area where said camera was found,an area where squirrels are known to hunt. We can only assume that he fell prey to the local squirrel population. The investigation into this event started well, until a secret memo from MI5, found by the BHI (British Home Of Herring And Insanity), brought it to a stop. All evidence was destroyed.

The face of the enemy.

We at the BHI believe this squirrel to be of high ranking among the conspiritors. He has been seen at the sites of some of the most active squirrel attacks in recent months. He seems only to be known as "Nutkin" by his subordinates.

Would you trust this ferret?

This action image shows the ferocity of a squirrel on the rampage.

The Inquisition Continues.
They are plotting our downfall!


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