Link to Me

Since you obviously love my site like nobody's business, and want me to get lots and lots of hits, you'll be happy to link to me, right? Well, now is your chance! You can choose either one of these beautiful links to give me the boost I deserve! So who's with me?

Gee, couldn't at least ONE of you volunteered?

For some reasons, the tint on the animated ones is wrong. I've now spent about two hours trying to get it to look right, and I can't make it work. If anyone else knows why it's doing this, please tell. Until then, It'll just have to be off-color.

My new, cool banners. They come in four convenient sizes: large, medium, small, and tiny. So, I know you must be asking, is it true? Well, sorta...

My old animated ones, Still pretty cool, but I like my new ones much better.

This is just a replica of my banner. I don't really recomend it.

This is the (much) smaller version for pages with limited space, or with just a whole lot of other stuff. But of course, you wouldn't want to do that to MY wonderful page, would you?

Apparently, there's an internet standard size for angsty teenager webpage banners (200 by 50 pixels, 72 ppi). I wish someone would tell me about these things. Anyway, this is mine.