The Pagan Heart
Kitchen Tips for Kids


Munchkin-Cook Cooking Tips


Keeping Kids Busy
Take 2 wooden skewer and trim off the sharp points. Stick them into two mounds of play dough. Set out two bowls - one filled with Cheerios and one with tube pasta (must be straight, not curly). Depending upon the child's age, s/he can thread Cheerios and pastas in a variety of ways:

  • Pasta on one skewer, Cheerios on the other - count as s/he goes to see how many of each fill the skewer;
  • Alternate Cheerios and pasta on the same skewer;
  • Simple addition and subtraction games.

Cooking Hints
If you are baking with dried fruits and nuts mix them with a little flour and bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes or so. This will prevent them sinking to the bottom of the batter.
Do not beat your eggs until the other ingredients are ready, as the eggs will fall fast. If you need to beat both whites and yolk separately, do the whites first, as they will stand longer.
Fresh Egg Test - fill a bowl or pan with cold water and add 1 tsp. salt. Place the egg in the water. If it sinks to the bottom, it is fresh. If it floats it has gone bad.
Dry lemons can be saved. Place in a bowl and cover with sour milk. Cover with cling wrap and let it set for 4-6 days. To keep lemons fresh and juicy, freeze them (rendering them perfect for juicing. Just microwave to defrost and you have a ball of juice. If you want to use the actual fruit, store them in the fridge in a sealed container of water.

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