Pick-pock-et (pik'pok"it): One who steals, or makes a practise of stealing, from peoples pockets.

The Stage Production's Artful Dodger

The Artful Dodger in the Oliver! which played in Toronto at the Princess of Whales Theatre in 1999 (the only time I've seen it on the stage- alas!), was apparelled in classic style with floppy top hat and cut off striped pants (a tad baggier then usual) and raggy coat, etc. He also had a distinct resemblance to a mexican jumping bean- his exuberance and rev have not been equaled by any Dodger, and his charm was simply his undying enthusiasm for everything he did. He had a different twist on the 'I'm a gentleman' ideal, and seemed rather uppity at times, but presented the pride in being a pickpocket very well. He had an amazing voice, and even danced with the buskers in Consider Yourself, so I was content. His understudy was Brice Bunn, who played Charley Bates, and who had a more round-like face that I think of when thinking of the Artful Dodger (he'd also played Dodger before in another production)- Jake Epstein has a more diamond shape face- but he was very impressive, and I know has inspired many people.

It might be interesting to note that Jake Epstein, at the time of playing the Artful Dodger on stage was actualy doing a childrens television show with a group of other kids his age- and is now (2000) starring in another slightly better quality show called the Zack Files.

Other people who have played Dodger on the stage: Davy Jones
Phil Collins
Adam Searles

*Adam Searles may have played in a television/movie version, I'm not sure.
