Pick-pock-et (pik'pok"it): One who steals, or makes a practise of stealing, from peoples pockets.

What do Sam Weller, the Artful Dodger, and Gavorche have in common?

They're ragamuffin pride.

But before we get into all that, theres something you should know for your useless triva addiction- guess what inspired author Alain Boubil to write the musical version of Les Miserables? Watching the Artful Dodger on stage, he was reminded of Gavorche! Whats've I've been saying? ;) Far out, eh man?

There is something delightful and appealing about a rag-tag street urchin being totally indifferent to his state of affairs, heritage, and others opinoin of him. There is a wonderful character/idea of the child that acts like a worldly adult and has all the airs and wit of one, but shows it through the simple confidence of childhood.
In so many stories the keen little mischief maker is adored- and even more so if it is also thread-bare and hunger stricken, simply because then it is despite this- they are still incorrigable and charming. The lad who makes do with what he has with a jaunty sort of arrogance.
The Artful Dodger, Sam Weller, and now the boy Gavorche are all slight variations of this one theme or idea. In all there is:
-the quality of acting older, or wiser, then they’re age
-in all they are coping with extreme poverty, but with an stubron irripressible nature (never showing a sad face)
-and they are all clever, charming or witty. *grin*
It has been speculated that the Artful Dodger (from Oliver Twist) and Sam Weller (from the Pickwick Papers) are one and the same character, although one is bad and one is good. If this it true, then the boy Gavorche walks the line between them. He scrapes and steals anything he can, and is also very worldly at times- but always helps out whoever might be in a worse fortune then he is, never seeming to realise his own decripid position. He treasts all people the same- from adult to youngster, and his cocky lip and the his careless skill of rolling with the punches, he is treated by respect (and demands it) by everyone, despite his poor conditions.
