Dave and Richard's Halloween Party

David and Richard hosted a Halloween bash on October 30th. The Barb captured a few of the people there that she knew (there were hundreds packed in the little house!). Michalene spent the evening showing her "poms - poms" (its not what you're thinking, but just as bad).

Kevin J half cooked (in more ways than one)

David -- dripping on everyone

Two thirds of Charlie's Angels (Elyssa had to be away)
Rebecca and Kirsten

Richard G, Kevin and Lily
(no she did not cut her hair)

Cory, the Jellybean Bag

Cory and The Barb (in her Scarecrow outfit)

Recognize her? It's Tiffani!

Jelly Beans puts the moves on Farrah

The Fabulous Michalene

Nick (Kirten's guy) and Scott (icognito -- Rebecca's guy)

Kirsten and Nick

Mich and Cory (doncha love Mich's black fuzzy halo?)

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