The Barb Finally Paints Some Rooms

Okay everyone. The Barb is FINALLY put some colour on her walls. The lovely Elissa (she was in Blood Brothers) was over and faux finished two rooms: the living room (no, not the bookcases, those are still white) and the bedroom. I think everyone will agree that this is a major big change. Have a look and let me know what you think!

I don't know if you can tell that it's finished almost like a painted plaster look in a warm yellowy beige.

We painted right up to the fireplace

There are three layers of colour in the paint. A cream undercoat, a burnt orange and then a terra cotta colour.

I left one wall orangy. Elissa "faded in" the red colour on those walls.

Another view of the bed. I still need to make some roman blinds for the windows. I have some red material with a gold pattern stamped on it, but I think that's a bit too much red. I think I'll have to go with a gold or something.

Another look at the wall that is orangy.

Don't you just LOVE my light fixture. Is it not to die for? Very Moulin Rouge inspired (as is the whole room).

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