Chorus Line Reunion

Some of the cast got together for a reunion and to watch ourselves on video (we are not the most modest bunch). Here are some of the lovely photos of the lovely people.

Ryna and roommie - Melissa (?) get cozy

Michael & Jess get even cozier!

Matt gets into a comfortable position to watch the video
while Martin and Caroline get cozy.
Richard Lee clearly "likes to watch".

The gang all happy (they should be, there was a ton of food!)

"Just Malcolm"! Malcolm demonstrates expert use of Jazz Hands

Trina, Michael and Martin

Megan enjoying some quaff.

Martin and Malcom doing..... I don't know what they're doing!

Michael says a "special hello"

The boys in the doorway.
Note: Martin always carries around
a photo of himself (in case
he forgets how pretty he is
--- hee hee hee - he is so gonna kill me for this)

Megan needs to be comforted after the video (we are kinda scary)

Matt, The Barb and Richard L (he's so special, he sparkles)

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