The Barb visits Vancouver

The Barb recently got the chance to visit Vancouver and experience the ambience and the culture that the city had to offer. (The Barb had to attend a conference there -- ie: work paid for it -- and before you get all jealous, work has also arranged for The Barb to experience the ambience and culture of Plamondon, Fort McMurray, McLennan, Consort, Pincher Creek and over 100 other similar places -- ie Podunk AB -- The Barb deserved this business trip!!)

While there, The Barb was lucky enough to get a chance to visit with "The Steves" (Stephen Heatley and Steven Sparling -- or, "Steve Squared" (ha ha ha -- okay, so it's not that funny -- whatever).

Stephen and The Barb

Stephen Heatley graciously arranged for the weather to be fantastic (ie: not a cloud in the sky and warm enough to shed the woolies The Barb had been clad in since late September). Flowers everywhere! The Barb was treated like visiting royalty by the Heatleymeister (as was appropriate) and was dined and wined (okay dined and latte-ed) and regaled with amusing tales of "life in Vancoo-coo". Seems Mr. Heatley has been a little busy lately. In his new job, he is one of five permanent faculty in the theatre department. After he got back from directing The Aberhart Summer in Feburary (Edmonton), he went back to work. Almost immediately three of the other permanent staff handed in Doctor's notes excusing them from work. No big deal. The Heatleymeister and remaining colleague were up to the challenge (as long as this wasn't a permanent arrangement). Things were going swimmingly until one fateful Sunday, when an urgent phone call came through requesting his presence at a rehearsal -- a rehearsal that his colleague was to supervise. Seems said colleague had unsuccessfully attempted a foot amputation. (From the description given by Stephen, it sounded like a cross between Mr. Bean and Cirque du Soliel -- something to do with ladders, slippage and backflips). A very unpleasant way to secure the Doctor's note that also excused him from work, leaving Stephen to cover the whole department. However, things are now semi back to normal and The Barb is pleased to report that Stephen appears none the worse for the wear.

Stephen and The Barb standing outside his dining room
(notice the pillars)

The Barb was treated to dinner, treated to a play at UBC (a lovely one-act directed by one of the grad students). Then back to Stephen and Tyler's new house. What can The Barb say? It's TO DIE FOR! Three storeys (the top one is a loft bedroom -- yummy!). High ceilings, PILLARS!!, formal dining room (with three tables -- don't ask), and room for statuary. (The Barb thinks statues really make a statement in the home). He currently has a room-mate (Susan Hayes) who is studying to be a gourmet chef (she does her "homework" at home -- poor Stephen). Susan took the pictures of us. She also made Chai tea for us (The Barb was completely impressed). Stephen's house is totally awesome: with magnolia trees, bamboo trees in the lovely backyard (BAMBOO???!! it grows in Vancouver?) and two balconies (that afford a stunning view of Vancouver -- you can see clear to the water). The house also came with it's own cat (who lives in the cutest little cat house in the backyard). For more news on Stephen (and there is more) please check The Barb's Friends Page.

Stephen in his loft bedroom (all done up in wood
with a cathedral ceiling and
also complete with skylights!)

The Barb also had a chance to visit with Steven Sparling.

The Barb and Steven

The Barb had dinner with him twice (once on Granville island, once while shopping down Broadway). Seems Steven is very busy. He and Karyn Way had put together and performed a musical theatre concert (The Barb is trying to talk him into doing his act for Showcase). And seems he's also IN LOVE! And get this, it's with someone from Edmonton! Go figure. Steven will be back in Edmonton during the Easter break -- to see his sweetie and see The Barb in Kiss Me Kate. The Barb had a chance to check out Stevens "First grown up apartment" (his words). It was very large and sunny. The Barb was suitably impressed.

Steven lounging in his apartment

Of course, wedged in between the visits was the shopping. The Barb went snake on Granville Island (way too overpriced), Robson street (too pricey and too much like the stuff Edmonton has) and along Granville and Broadway (very cool). The Barb would now like to pause and take and Alberta moment: WHAT IS THIS PST SHIT? Isn't everything too expensive already? How come you can't just wave some ID proving that you're from some NORMAL province (ie Alberta) that doesn't charge PST and not have to pay it in the weird province???!!!

This concludes our Alberta moment. And now back to the Vancouver trip.

Oh yeah, The Barb also attended some conference called Pacific Contact while she was in Vancouver.

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