The Barb Celebrates Christmas 2004

Once again, tis the season.
This page contains celebrations and
activities that The Barb had the privilege
to attend this holiday season.
Keep checking back for updates as
The Barb goes from event to event stuffing her face --
after all --"Tis the season to be chubby"

The Suishi Girls

This time the girls tried a new place, Shogun
Betty and Jan

Robin & The Barb
Vanessa is not in the photos cause it was her new digital camera that these photos were taken on

The Annual Christmas Celebration

Here are the photos of the most celebrated party in town
(if I say so myself, and I do!). A veritable whos-who showed
up to celebrate with The Barb and to stuff themselves silly
and take home fabulous hostess gifts!

Jeremy and Marie

Martin and his twin sister Maja.
(aka The Princess and his sister)

Anne Marie and Stephanie

Anne Marie and hubby Dave

Instant family -- just add Vern
Sharon, The Playwright and The Daughter
(that would be Vern and Holly to those that don't
speak the goofy language that Sharon & The Barb
Communicate in)

Jason (the most brilliant man on the planet) and Trish
(The Barb was rude enough to make him examine her computer
during the party because she was stuffing the computer full of tv
shows and couldn't get them to empty -- he was genius -- pure genius)

Three ladies dancing
Trish, Megan, Michalene

Sharon and her politically incorrect coat
(but isn't it to die for?)

Bob and Gail (who is now off trekking around South Africa)

Vanessa, Robin and Oscar

Vanessa with Vern peeking over her shoulder
Now, Vern will protest (and he often does), but I say
does he not look like a Jewish Rabbi in that hat and those glasses?
I mean really, doesn't he look like an escapee from the set
of "Fiddler on the Roof"? -- NOTE: this is a long-running
tease that The Barb has had with Vern since waaayyyy back.

Dorothy pets Sharons coat
(and what do you bet it also needs a saucer of milk every night)


Bettinska Kolodjezstein

The Barb sits in front of her designer stockings and
handmade topiaries (this year's new decorations)

The Suishi Girls!
Betty, Barb, Gail, Robin, Vanessa

Michalene, The Barb, Megan
Three people in search of a last name

Gail and Vanessa

Bob Foo's Potluck Brunch, Dec 17
Bob Foo hosted a wonderful, intimate lunch
Where we all stuffed our faces to the point
of immobility (well, at least The Barb did)
Here are photos of the event (and Ms. Sharon was
there too).

Bob, The Barb, DJ

Bob, and Dorothy

The Barb ready to pig out

Dorothy and Vanessa

Tis the season to be eating. We decided that there clearly were not enough occasions to stuff our faces. So, we gathered more girls together for a pre-xmas suishi at some place on 109th (The Barb started losing track of where she was eating). So here is more suishi with the girls!

Sheilagh and Lynda

Sheilagh, Lynda, The Barb, Betty

Shelagh, Lynda, The Barb

Betty, Vanessa, Sheilagh, Lynda

The sisters celebrate together. My sister Bea came home for xmas. So, she and Grace (my other sister) came over to eat, have fun and generally dish the parents out of earshot!

Bea on "The Throne"

Grace sitting at the opposite end

The Barb and Bea

Watching paint dry. Actually we were all playing on The Barb's new "media" computer editing a DVD. The Barb is not the only Mah into the TV and DVDs.

Christmas Eve at Marie Gynane's. The Barb, Bea, Dorothy and Vanessa all ventured out to Marie's annual xmas eve eat-a-thon. This year she had her bathroom all re-done (its always something lovely every year).

Bea, Vanessa, Marie

Dorothy and Vanessa

Bea, The Barb, Marie

An Evening At Ron and Darold's. A bunch of us trooped out to Sylvan Lake to have some holiday cheer with the boys. We were supposed to go on a Sleigh Ride, but The Barb is just as happy to sit 'round the fire chatting (all that nature and hay-fever in the freezing cold was not her idea of paradise). Have a look-see at some of the festivities.

The cameras all come out. Shutterbug Ron starts shooting

Allan and Betty

Dennis, Jan and Allan

Darold & The Barb figure out the fold out couch

The group gathers round. (from left)
Jan (pronounced "Yon"), Dennis (peeking out), Darold, The Barb
Allan (with Izzy), Jan (pronounced "Jan" -- sitting), Betty, Ron

Dennis and Allan

The Barb must be wearing "Eau de 'Mo" as she is certainly attracting them!
(she was also very bad -- she broke their crockpot lid -- too much party!)

I have no idea what Darold is up to.
(same people as in the other photo except
that Vanessa is on the end
-- and Ron is taking the photo)

Paul dropped by the following day to say "hello"

The King and I. Some friends of The Barb were in the Festival Place production of King and I. Michalene, Megan and The Barb travelled the very familiar road to Festival Place to see the production.

Megan, Martin (with very dark skin and hair) and Michalene

Ron P, Dee and Martin (all with the same strange hair and skin affliction

Michalene, Carolyn, and The Barb
(Carolyn was especially outstanding in the show!)

Visiting with the Harris'. The Barb went over to exchange presents with DJ and Van on January 1, 2005.

The Barb on the couch

DJ opens presents

Vanessa models as new hat (some say "hat" others say "collander")

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