;-[ Information ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-2-0--

; Project Z: One (Opt)
; Created by: TheChange
; Date: 16 Jun 2002

; This is the optimized version of Project Z: One.
; For game information, please run the game, there's an introduction screen with clarification.
; There's also the unoptimized 'Demo' version of this code, which contains lots of comments.
; If you desire to learn how this game works internally, please consult that version first.
; There are many differences between these versions, like the major speed difference.
; Note: This game is resolution dependent (time saving) -> 800x600.

; Include "Lib\Keyboard.BB"

;-[ Key code definitions ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-2-0--

  ;-( Numerical )------------------------------------------;

  Const Key1% =  2
  Const Key2% =  3
  Const Key3% =  4
  Const Key4% =  5
  Const Key5% =  6
  Const Key6% =  7
  Const Key7% =  8
  Const Key8% =  9
  Const Key9% = 10
  Const Key0% = 11

  Dim KeyNumeric% ( 9 )
    KeyNumeric ( 0 ) = Key0
    KeyNumeric ( 1 ) = Key1
    KeyNumeric ( 2 ) = Key2
    KeyNumeric ( 3 ) = Key3
    KeyNumeric ( 4 ) = Key4
    KeyNumeric ( 5 ) = Key5
    KeyNumeric ( 6 ) = Key6
    KeyNumeric ( 7 ) = Key7
    KeyNumeric ( 8 ) = Key8
    KeyNumeric ( 9 ) = Key9

  ;-( Alphabetic )-----------------------------------------;

  Const KeyQ% = 16
  Const KeyW% = 17
  Const KeyE% = 18
  Const KeyR% = 19
  Const KeyT% = 20
  Const KeyY% = 21
  Const KeyU% = 22
  Const KeyI% = 23
  Const KeyO% = 24
  Const KeyP% = 25
  Const KeyA% = 30
  Const KeyS% = 31
  Const KeyD% = 32
  Const KeyF% = 33
  Const KeyG% = 34
  Const KeyH% = 35
  Const KeyJ% = 36
  Const KeyK% = 37
  Const KeyL% = 38
  Const KeyZ% = 44
  Const KeyX% = 45
  Const KeyC% = 46
  Const KeyV% = 47
  Const KeyB% = 48
  Const KeyN% = 49
  Const KeyM% = 50

  Dim KeyAlpha% ( 26 )
    KeyAlpha (  1 ) = KeyA
    KeyAlpha (  2 ) = KeyB
    KeyAlpha (  3 ) = KeyC
    KeyAlpha (  4 ) = KeyD
    KeyAlpha (  5 ) = KeyE
    KeyAlpha (  6 ) = KeyF
    KeyAlpha (  7 ) = KeyG
    KeyAlpha (  8 ) = KeyH
    KeyAlpha (  9 ) = KeyI
    KeyAlpha ( 10 ) = KeyJ
    KeyAlpha ( 11 ) = KeyK
    KeyAlpha ( 12 ) = KeyL
    KeyAlpha ( 13 ) = KeyM
    KeyAlpha ( 14 ) = KeyN
    KeyAlpha ( 15 ) = KeyO
    KeyAlpha ( 16 ) = KeyP
    KeyAlpha ( 17 ) = KeyQ
    KeyAlpha ( 18 ) = KeyR
    KeyAlpha ( 19 ) = KeyS
    KeyAlpha ( 20 ) = KeyT
    KeyAlpha ( 21 ) = KeyU
    KeyAlpha ( 22 ) = KeyV
    KeyAlpha ( 23 ) = KeyW
    KeyAlpha ( 24 ) = KeyX
    KeyAlpha ( 25 ) = KeyY
    KeyAlpha ( 26 ) = KeyZ

  ;-( Numeric keypad )-------------------------------------;

  Const KeyPad7% = 71
  Const KeyPad8% = 72
  Const KeyPad9% = 73
  Const KeyPad4% = 75
  Const KeyPad5% = 76
  Const KeyPad6% = 77
  Const KeyPad1% = 79
  Const KeyPad2% = 80
  Const KeyPad3% = 81
  Const KeyPad0% = 82

  Dim KeyPadNumeric% ( 9 )
    KeyPadNumeric ( 0 ) = KeyPad0
    KeyPadNumeric ( 1 ) = KeyPad1
    KeyPadNumeric ( 2 ) = KeyPad2
    KeyPadNumeric ( 3 ) = KeyPad3
    KeyPadNumeric ( 4 ) = KeyPad4
    KeyPadNumeric ( 5 ) = KeyPad5
    KeyPadNumeric ( 6 ) = KeyPad6
    KeyPadNumeric ( 7 ) = KeyPad7
    KeyPadNumeric ( 8 ) = KeyPad8
    KeyPadNumeric ( 9 ) = KeyPad9

  ;-( Function keys )--------------------------------------;

  Const KeyFunction1%  = 59
  Const KeyFunction2%  = 60
  Const KeyFunction3%  = 61
  Const KeyFunction4%  = 62
  Const KeyFunction5%  = 63
  Const KeyFunction6%  = 64
  Const KeyFunction7%  = 65
  Const KeyFunction8%  = 66
  Const KeyFunction9%  = 67
  Const KeyFunction10% = 68
  Const KeyFunction11% = 87
  Const KeyFunction12% = 88

  Dim KeyFunction% ( 12 )
    KeyFunction (  1 ) = KeyFunction1
    KeyFunction (  2 ) = KeyFunction2
    KeyFunction (  3 ) = KeyFunction3
    KeyFunction (  4 ) = KeyFunction4
    KeyFunction (  5 ) = KeyFunction5
    KeyFunction (  6 ) = KeyFunction6
    KeyFunction (  7 ) = KeyFunction7
    KeyFunction (  8 ) = KeyFunction8
    KeyFunction (  9 ) = KeyFunction9
    KeyFunction ( 10 ) = KeyFunction10
    KeyFunction ( 11 ) = KeyFunction11
    KeyFunction ( 12 ) = KeyFunction12

  ;-( Shiftstate )-----------------------------------------;

  Const KeyLeftShift%  =  42
  Const KeyRightShift% =  54
  Const KeyLeftAlt%    =  56
  Const KeyRightAlt%   = 184
  Const KeyLeftCtrl%   =  29
  Const KeyRightCtrl%  = 157
  Const KeyCapsLock%   =  58
  Const KeyNumLock%    =  69  ; Disfunctional
  Const KeyScrollLock% =  70

  Const KeyLeftAlternate%  =  56
  Const KeyRightAlternate% = 184
  Const KeyLeftControl%    =  29
  Const KeyRightControl%   = 157

  ;-( Control keys )---------------------------------------;

  Const KeySpace%        =  57
  Const KeyEnter%        =  28
  Const KeyTab%          =  15
  Const KeyBackSpace%    =  14
  Const KeyInsert%       = 210
  Const KeyDelete%       = 211
  Const KeyHome%         = 199
  Const KeyEnd%          = 207
  Const KeyPageUp%       = 201
  Const KeyPageDown%     = 209
  Const KeyEscape%       =   1
  Const KeyPause%        = 197  ; Numlock
  Const KeyLeftWindows%  = 219
  Const KeyRightWindows% = 220
  Const KeyApps%         = 221
  Const KeyPower%        = 222
  Const KeySleep%        = 223
  Const KeyWake%         = 227

  ;-( Signs )----------------------------------------------;

  Const KeyBackQuote%    = 41
  Const KeyMinus%        = 12
  Const KeyEquals%       = 13
  Const KeyLeftBracket%  = 26
  Const KeyRightBracket% = 27
  Const KeyBackSlash%    = 43
  Const KeySemiColon%    = 39
  Const KeyQuote%        = 40
  Const KeyComma%        = 51
  Const KeyPeriod%       = 52
  Const KeySlash%        = 53

  ;-( Keypad controls )------------------------------------;

  Const KeyPadSlash%    = 181
  Const KeyPadAsterisk% =  55
  Const KeyPadMinus%    =  74
  Const KeyPadPlus%     =  78
  Const KeyPadEnter%    = 156
  Const KeyPadPeriod%   =  83

  ;-( Cursors )--------------------------------------------;

  Const KeyCursorUp%    = 200
  Const KeyCursorDown%  = 208
  Const KeyCursorLeft%  = 203
  Const KeyCursorRight% = 205

;-[ Key name definitions ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-2-0--

Dim KeyName$ ( 255 )

  ;-( Numerical )------------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( Key1 ) = "1"
  KeyName ( Key2 ) = "2"
  KeyName ( Key3 ) = "3"
  KeyName ( Key4 ) = "4"
  KeyName ( Key5 ) = "5"
  KeyName ( Key6 ) = "6"
  KeyName ( Key7 ) = "7"
  KeyName ( Key8 ) = "8"
  KeyName ( Key9 ) = "9"
  KeyName ( Key0 ) = "0"

  ;-( Alphabetic )-----------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( KeyQ ) = "Q"
  KeyName ( KeyW ) = "W"
  KeyName ( KeyE ) = "E"
  KeyName ( KeyR ) = "R"
  KeyName ( KeyT ) = "T"
  KeyName ( KeyY ) = "Y"
  KeyName ( KeyU ) = "U"
  KeyName ( KeyI ) = "I"
  KeyName ( KeyO ) = "O"
  KeyName ( KeyP ) = "P"
  KeyName ( KeyA ) = "A"
  KeyName ( KeyS ) = "S"
  KeyName ( KeyD ) = "D"
  KeyName ( KeyF ) = "F"
  KeyName ( KeyG ) = "G"
  KeyName ( KeyH ) = "H"
  KeyName ( KeyJ ) = "J"
  KeyName ( KeyK ) = "K"
  KeyName ( KeyL ) = "L"
  KeyName ( KeyZ ) = "Z"
  KeyName ( KeyX ) = "X"
  KeyName ( KeyC ) = "C"
  KeyName ( KeyV ) = "V"
  KeyName ( KeyB ) = "B"
  KeyName ( KeyN ) = "N"
  KeyName ( KeyM ) = "M"

  ;-( Numeric keypad )-------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( KeyPad7 ) = "Pad 7"
  KeyName ( KeyPad8 ) = "Pad 8"
  KeyName ( KeyPad9 ) = "Pad 9"
  KeyName ( KeyPad4 ) = "Pad 4"
  KeyName ( KeyPad5 ) = "Pad 5"
  KeyName ( KeyPad6 ) = "Pad 6"
  KeyName ( KeyPad1 ) = "Pad 1"
  KeyName ( KeyPad2 ) = "Pad 2"
  KeyName ( KeyPad3 ) = "Pad 3"
  KeyName ( KeyPad0 ) = "Pad 0"

  ;-( Function keys )--------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( KeyFunction1  ) = "F1"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction2  ) = "F2"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction3  ) = "F3"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction4  ) = "F4"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction5  ) = "F5"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction6  ) = "F6"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction7  ) = "F7"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction8  ) = "F8"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction9  ) = "F9"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction10 ) = "F10"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction11 ) = "F11"
  KeyName ( KeyFunction12 ) = "F12"

  ;-( Shiftstate )-----------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( KeyLeftShift  ) = "Left Shift"
  KeyName ( KeyRightShift ) = "Right Shift"
  KeyName ( KeyLeftAlt    ) = "Left Alt"
  KeyName ( KeyRightAlt   ) = "Right Alt"
  KeyName ( KeyLeftCtrl   ) = "Left Control"
  KeyName ( KeyRightCtrl  ) = "Right Control"
  KeyName ( KeyCapsLock   ) = "CapsLock"
  KeyName ( KeyNumLock    ) = "NumLock"
  KeyName ( KeyScrollLock ) = "ScrollLock"

  ;-( Control keys )---------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( KeySpace        ) = "SpaceBar"
  KeyName ( KeyEnter        ) = "Enter"
  KeyName ( KeyTab          ) = "Tab"
  KeyName ( KeyBackSpace    ) = "BackSpace"
  KeyName ( KeyInsert       ) = "Insert"
  KeyName ( KeyDelete       ) = "Delete"
  KeyName ( KeyHome         ) = "Home"
  KeyName ( KeyEnd          ) = "End"
  KeyName ( KeyPageUp       ) = "PageUp"
  KeyName ( KeyPageDown     ) = "PageDown"
  KeyName ( KeyEscape       ) = "Escape"
  KeyName ( KeyPause        ) = "Pause"
  KeyName ( KeyLeftWindows  ) = "Left Windows"
  KeyName ( KeyRightWindows ) = "Right Windows"
  KeyName ( KeyApps         ) = "Apps"
  KeyName ( KeyPower        ) = "Power"
  KeyName ( KeySleep        ) = "Sleep"
  KeyName ( KeyWake         ) = "Wake"

  ;-( Signs )----------------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( KeyBackQuote    ) = "BackQuote"
  KeyName ( KeyMinus        ) = "Minus"
  KeyName ( KeyEquals       ) = "Equals"
  KeyName ( KeyLeftBracket  ) = "Left Bracket"
  KeyName ( KeyRightBracket ) = "Right Bracket"
  KeyName ( KeyBackSlash    ) = "BackSlash"
  KeyName ( KeySemiColon    ) = "SemiColon"
  KeyName ( KeyQuote        ) = "Quote"
  KeyName ( KeyComma        ) = "Comma"
  KeyName ( KeyPeriod       ) = "Period"
  KeyName ( KeySlash        ) = "Slash"

  ;-( Keypad controls )------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( KeyPadSlash    ) = "Pad Slash"
  KeyName ( KeyPadAsterisk ) = "Pad Asterisk"
  KeyName ( KeyPadMinus    ) = "Pad Minus"
  KeyName ( KeyPadPlus     ) = "Pad Plus"
  KeyName ( KeyPadEnter    ) = "Pad Enter"
  KeyName ( KeyPadPeriod   ) = "Pad Period"

  ;-( Cursors )--------------------------------------------;

  KeyName ( KeyCursorUp    ) = "Cursor Up"
  KeyName ( KeyCursorDown  ) = "Cursor Down"
  KeyName ( KeyCursorLeft  ) = "Cursor Left"
  KeyName ( KeyCursorRight ) = "Cursor Right"

;-[ Key initialization ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-2-0--

  FlushKeys ()


; Include "Lib\Vector.BB"

; *------------------------------------*
; |                                    |
; | Vector Matrix Conversion - VXII    |
; |                                    |
; *------------------------------------*

;-[ Sub ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-2-0--

  Function GetVectorX# ( Distance# , Angle# )  ; Get horizontal size of vector using distance and angle.
    Return Sin ( Angle ) * Distance
  End Function

  Function GetVectorY# ( Distance# , Angle# )  ; Get vertical size of vector using distance and angle.
    Return Sin ( Angle - 90 ) * Distance
  End Function


  Function GetLength# ( X# , Y# )  ; Get true length of a vector (not used in this game).
    Return Sqr ( X * X + Y * Y )
  End Function

  Function GetAngle% ( X# , Y# )  ; Get true angle of a vector.
    Result% = ATan2 ( Y , X ) + 90
    If Result < 0 Result = Result + 360
    Return Result
  End Function


If Not GfxModeExists ( 800 , 600 , 16 )
  e1$ = "I'm sorry, "
  e2$ = "your graphics card does not support "
  e3$ = "the required graphics mode: "
  e4$ = "800 x 600. "
  RuntimeError e1$ + e2$ + e3$ + e4$

Graphics 800 , 600
ClsColor 0 , 0 , 0
Color 255 , 255 , 255
Print "Starting up manually..."

SmallFont = LoadFont ( "Blitz" )
Font = LoadFont ( "Blitz" , 20 , True )
SetFont Font

PlayerBitmap = CreateImage ( 32 , 32 )
MidHandle PlayerBitmap
SetBuffer ImageBuffer ( PlayerBitmap )
Color 0 , 63 , 127
Oval 0 , 0 , 32 , 32 , False
Color 0 , 127 , 191
Oval 3 , 3 , 26 , 26 , False
Color 0 , 95 , 159
Oval 6 , 6 , 20 , 20 , True
Color 0 , 0 , 0
Oval 11 , 11 , 10 , 10 , True
Color 159 , 159 , 159
Oval 12 , 12 , 8 , 8 , False
Color 255 , 255 , 255
Oval 14 , 14 , 4 , 4 , True
PlayerX = 400
PlayerY = 300

TargetBitmap = CreateImage ( 15 , 15 )
MidHandle TargetBitmap
SetBuffer ImageBuffer ( TargetBitmap )
Color 255 , 0 , 0
Oval 0 , 0 , 15 , 15 , False
Plot 7 , 7

EnemyBitmap = CreateImage ( 25 , 25 )
MidHandle EnemyBitmap
SetBuffer ImageBuffer ( EnemyBitmap )
Color 95 , 127 , 0
Rect 0 , 0 , 25 , 25 , False
Color 191 , 255 , 0
Oval 2 , 2 , 10 , 10 , False
Oval 2 , 13 , 10 , 10 , False
Oval 13 , 2 , 10 , 10 , False
Oval 13 , 13 , 10 , 10 , False
Type Enemy
  Field X#
  Field Y#
  Field Class
End Type
Local Enemy.Enemy

BulletBitmap = CreateImage ( 3 , 3 )
MidHandle BulletBitmap
SetBuffer ImageBuffer ( BulletBitmap )
Color 255 , 255 , 255
Plot 1 , 1
Color 127 , 127 , 127
Plot 0 , 1
Plot 1 , 0
Plot 2 , 1
Plot 1 , 2
Color 63 , 63 , 63
Plot 0 , 0
Plot 0 , 2
Plot 2 , 0
Plot 2 , 2
Type Bullet
  Field Owner  ; 1 for Player , 2 for Enemy
  Field X#
  Field Y#
  Field Angle#
End Type
Local Bullet.Bullet

ShrapnelBitmap = CreateImage ( 12 , 12 )
MidHandle ShrapnelBitmap
SetBuffer ImageBuffer ( ShrapnelBitmap )
Color 95 , 127 , 0
Oval 0 , 0 , 12 , 12 , False
Color 191 , 255 , 0
Oval 2 , 2 , 8 , 8 , False
Type Shrapnel
  Field X#
  Field Y#
  Field Angle#
  Field Distance
  Field TotalDistance
End Type
Local Shrapnel.Shrapnel

SeedRnd MilliSecs ()
Timer = CreateTimer ( 60 )
FrameLimit = True

MaxEnemy = 25
HighScore = 1000000




  Score = 0
  SpawningTime# = 100

  Level = 0
  BulletCost = 1
  ShootDelay = 140
  EnemyClass = 1
  EnemySpeed = 1
  EnemyShots = 0
  EnemyShooting = False

  SpawningWait = 0
  ShootingWait = 0
  Shooting = False
  ScoreWait = 0


  InformationBitmap = CreateImage ( 800 , 600 )
  SetBuffer ImageBuffer ( InformationBitmap )
  Color 0 , 191 , 255
  Text 400 , 22 , "Project Z: One" , True , True

  SetFont SmallFont

  y = 48
  Color 0 , 127 , 255
  Text 400 , y + 00 , "In this game, you cannot die. Instead, there is another type of agony: Score." , True , True
  Text 400 , y + 12 , "The game's primary objective is to beat the HighScore, which you see at the bottom of the screen." , True , True
  Text 400 , y + 24 , "This game also contains a secret objective, which can be completed by getting a very high score." , True , True
  Text 400 , y + 36 , "These controls are at your disposal:" , True , True

  x = 30
  y = y + 60
  Color 127 , 127 , 127
  Rect x + 20     , y      - 2 , 20 , 20 , True
  Rect x      - 2 , y + 20     , 20 , 20 , True
  Rect x + 20     , y + 20     , 20 , 20 , True
  Rect x + 40 + 2 , y + 20     , 20 , 20 , True
  Color 095 , 095 , 095
  Rect x + 20     , y      - 2 , 20 , 20 , False
  Rect x      - 2 , y + 20     , 20 , 20 , False
  Rect x + 20     , y + 20     , 20 , 20 , False
  Rect x + 40 + 2 , y + 20     , 20 , 20 , False
  Color 5 , 5 , 5
  s = 3
  a = x + 20     + 10 -4
  b = y      - 2 + 10 -7
  For i = 0 To s
    Line a - i , b + i , a + i , b + i
  a = x      - 2 + 10 -7
  b = y + 20     + 10 -4
  For i = 0 To s
    Line a + i , b - i , a + i , b + i
  a = x + 20     + 10 -4
  b = y + 20     + 10 -1
  For i = 0 To s
    Line a - i , b - i , a + i , b - i
  a = x + 40 + 2 + 10 -1
  b = y + 20     + 10 -4
  For i = 0 To s
    Line a - i , b - i , a - i , b + i

  a = 140
  b = 30
  s = 10
  e = 40
  DrawImage PlayerBitmap , x + a , y + b
  Color 0 , 0 , 127
  c = x + a
  d = y + b - e
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d + i , c + i , d + i
  c = x + a
  d = y + b + e
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d - i , c + i , d - i
  c = x + a - e
  d = y + b
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c + i , d - i , c + i , d + i
  c = x + a + e
  d = y + b
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d - i , c - i , d + i

  tx = 450
  Color 0 , 127 , 255
  Text tx , y + b , "Use the cursor-keys to move the player." , True , True

  s = 8
  c = x + a + 90
  d = y + b
  Color 63 , 63 , 0
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c + i , d - i , c + i , d + i

  y = y + 68
  a = 800 - 30 - 30 - 80
  Color 127 , 127 , 127
  Rect x + a , y - 25 , 20 , 20 , True
  Rect x + 25 + a , y , 20 , 20 , True
  Rect x + 50 + a , y + 25 , 20 , 20 , True
  Color 095 , 095 , 095
  Rect x + a , y - 25 , 20 , 20 , False
  Rect x + 25 + a , y , 20 , 20 , False
  Rect x + 50 + a , y + 25 , 20 , 20 , False

  c = x + a + 3
  d = y - 25 + 3
  Color 5 , 5 , 5
  Plot c + 00 , d + 00
  Plot c + 00 , d + 01
  Plot c + 00 , d + 02
  Plot c + 00 , d + 03
  Plot c + 00 , d + 04
  Plot c + 01 , d + 00
  Plot c + 01 , d + 02
  Plot c + 01 , d + 04
  Plot c + 02 , d + 00
  Plot c + 02 , d + 04
  Plot c + 04 , d + 01
  Plot c + 04 , d + 04
  Plot c + 05 , d + 00
  Plot c + 05 , d + 02
  Plot c + 05 , d + 04
  Plot c + 06 , d + 00
  Plot c + 06 , d + 03
  Plot c + 08 , d + 01
  Plot c + 08 , d + 02
  Plot c + 08 , d + 03
  Plot c + 09 , d + 00
  Plot c + 09 , d + 04
  Plot c + 10 , d + 00
  Plot c + 10 , d + 04

  c = x + a + 25 + 3
  d = y + 3
  Plot c + 00 , d + 00
  Plot c + 00 , d + 01
  Plot c + 00 , d + 02
  Plot c + 00 , d + 03
  Plot c + 00 , d + 04
  Plot c + 01 , d + 00
  Plot c + 01 , d + 01
  Plot c + 01 , d + 02
  Plot c + 01 , d + 03
  Plot c + 01 , d + 04
  Plot c + 02 , d + 00
  Plot c + 02 , d + 02
  Plot c + 03 , d + 00
  Plot c + 03 , d + 02
  Plot c + 04 , d + 00
  Plot c + 04 , d + 01
  Plot c + 04 , d + 02
  Plot c + 05 , d + 01

  c = x + a + 50 + 3
  d = y + 25 + 3
  Plot c + 00 , d + 00
  Plot c + 00 , d + 01
  Plot c + 00 , d + 02
  Plot c + 00 , d + 03
  Plot c + 00 , d + 04
  Plot c + 01 , d + 00
  Plot c + 01 , d + 01
  Plot c + 01 , d + 02
  Plot c + 01 , d + 03
  Plot c + 01 , d + 04
  Plot c + 02 , d + 00
  Plot c + 02 , d + 02
  Plot c + 03 , d + 00
  Plot c + 03 , d + 02
  Plot c + 04 , d + 00
  Plot c + 05 , d + 00

  Color 0 , 127 , 255
  Text tx , y - 09 , "Press Esc during the game to return here." , True , True
  Text tx , y + 03 , "Press P to pause the game." , True , True
  Text tx , y + 15 , "And press F to toggle between" , True , True
  Text tx , y + 27 , "hardware or software frame-limiting." , True , True

  s = 8
  c = x + a - 50
  d = y + 9
  Color 63 , 63 , 0
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d - i , c - i , d + i

  x = x + 5
  y = y + 22
  Color 63 , 63 , 63
  Rect x , y , 51 , 80 , False
  Line x , y + 25 , x + 50 , y + 25
  Line x + 25 , y , x + 25 , y + 25
  Color 127 , 127 , 127
  Rect x + 2 , y + 2 , 22 , 22
  Rect x + 27 , y + 2 , 22 , 22
  Rect x + 2 , y + 27 , 47 , 51
  Color 95 , 95 , 95
  Rect x + 2 -1, y + 2 -1, 22 +2, 22 +2, False
  Rect x + 27 -1, y + 2 -1, 22 +2, 22 +2, False
  Rect x + 2 -1, y + 27 -1, 47 +2, 51 +2, False

  a = x
  b = y
  x = a + 5
  y = b + 10
  Color 5 , 5 , 5
  Plot x + 00 , y + 00
  Plot x + 00 , y + 01
  Plot x + 00 , y + 02
  Plot x + 00 , y + 03
  Plot x + 00 , y + 04
  Plot x + 01 , y + 00
  Plot x + 01 , y + 02
  Plot x + 02 , y + 00
  Plot x + 04 , y + 00
  Plot x + 04 , y + 04
  Plot x + 05 , y + 00
  Plot x + 05 , y + 01
  Plot x + 05 , y + 02
  Plot x + 05 , y + 03
  Plot x + 05 , y + 04
  Plot x + 06 , y + 00
  Plot x + 06 , y + 04
  Plot x + 08 , y + 00
  Plot x + 08 , y + 01
  Plot x + 08 , y + 02
  Plot x + 08 , y + 03
  Plot x + 08 , y + 04
  Plot x + 09 , y + 00
  Plot x + 09 , y + 02
  Plot x + 10 , y + 01
  Plot x + 10 , y + 03
  Plot x + 10 , y + 04
  Plot x + 12 , y + 00
  Plot x + 12 , y + 01
  Plot x + 12 , y + 02
  Plot x + 12 , y + 03
  Plot x + 12 , y + 04
  Plot x + 13 , y + 00
  Plot x + 13 , y + 02
  Plot x + 13 , y + 04
  Plot x + 14 , y + 00
  Plot x + 14 , y + 04
  x = a
  y = b

  a = 25
  b = 40
  s = 8
  e = 45
  f = 60
  Color 63 , 63 , 63
  c = x + a
  d = y + b - f
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d + i , c + i , d + i
  c = x + a
  d = y + b + f
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d - i , c + i , d - i
  c = x + a - e
  d = y + b
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c + i , d - i , c + i , d + i
  c = x + a + e
  d = y + b
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d - i , c - i , d + i

  a = 135
  b = 40
  s = 8
  e = 35
  DrawImage TargetBitmap , x + a , y + b
  Color 95 , 0 , 0
  c = x + a
  d = y + b - e
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d + i , c + i , d + i
  c = x + a
  d = y + b + e
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d - i , c + i , d - i
  c = x + a - e
  d = y + b
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c + i , d - i , c + i , d + i
  c = x + a + e
  d = y + b
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c - i , d - i , c - i , d + i

  Color 0 , 127 , 255
  Text tx , y + b - 6 , "Use the mouse to move the target." , True , True
  Text tx , y + b + 6 , "Press the primary mouse button to fire." , True , True

  s = 8
  c = x + a + 90
  d = y + b
  Color 63 , 63 , 0
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c + i , d - i , c + i , d + i

  x = x + 50

  a = 85
  y = y + 112
  DrawImage EnemyBitmap , x + a , y
  s = 8
  c = x + a + 10 + ImageWidth ( EnemyBitmap ) / 2
  d = y
  Color 63 , 63 , 0
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c + i , d - i , c + i , d + i

  Color 0 , 127 , 255
  Text tx , y - 12 , "The enemy comes in 5 different flavors." , True , True
  Text tx , y + 00 , "Shooting an enemy can give you up to 500 points." , True , True
  Text tx , y + 12 , "But when an enemy bumps into you, you lose 1000 points." , True , True

  y = y + 66
  DrawImage BulletBitmap , x + a , y
  s = 8
  c = x + a + 10 + ImageWidth ( BulletBitmap ) / 2
  d = y
  Color 63 , 63 , 0
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c + i , d - i , c + i , d + i

  Color 0 , 127 , 255
  Text tx , y - 24 , "Both you and ememies can fire bullets which cost points." , True , True
  Text tx , y - 12 , "The higher the firing-rate, the higher the cost." , True , True
  Text tx , y + 00 , "The higher the score, the higher the firing-rate." , True , True
  Text tx , y + 12 , "An enemy is always instantly killed by a bullet." , True , True
  Text tx , y + 24 , "But when a bullet hits you, you lose 100 points." , True , True

  y = y + 60
  DrawImage ShrapnelBitmap , x + a , y
  s = 8
  c = x + a + 10 + ImageWidth ( ShrapnelBitmap ) / 2
  d = y
  Color 63 , 63 , 0
  For i = 0 To s
    Line c + i , d - i , c + i , d + i

  Color 0 , 127 , 255
  Text tx , y - 6 , "When you kill an enemy, it leaves behind shrapnel." , True , True
  Text tx , y + 6 , "Shrapnel, in this game, is completely harmless." , True , True

  y = y + 36
  Text 400 , y + 00 , "The game progresses slowly, so you can easily familiarize yourself with the environment." , True , True
  Text 400 , y + 12 , "But please be aware that at a certain point in the game, the enemies" , True , True
  Text 400 , y + 24 , "will start looking like a green virus from outer space gone mad." , True , True
  Text 400 , y + 36 , "At that point you will know you're not inside a dull shooter but a virus wrecking mayhem." , True , True

  y = y + 66
  Color 127 , 191 , 255
  Text 200 , y , "Press Fire to start" , True , True
  Text 600 , y , "Press Esc to stop" , True , True

  SetFont Font

  Color 0 , 127 , 255
  Text 200 , 590 , "Score: " + WithComma (     Score ) , True , True
  Text 600 , 590 , "High: "  + WithComma ( HighScore ) , True , True

  Color 47 , 95 , 0
  Rect 298 , 594 , 200 + 2 , 6 , False

  For Enemies = 1 To MaxEnemy
    Enemy = New Enemy
    Enemy\X = Int ( Rnd ( 800 ) )
    Enemy\Y = Int ( Rnd ( 600 ) )
    Enemy\Class = Int ( Rnd ( 360 ) )  ; Class temporarily used as Angle


  SpawnTimer = 0
  Shaking# = 20

  SetBuffer BackBuffer ()

  ExitLoop = False
    If SpawnTimer < 10
      SpawnTimer = SpawnTimer + 1
      SpawnTimer = 0
      If Enemies > MaxEnemy
        Enemy = First Enemy
        For x = 0 To 3
          Shrapnel = New Shrapnel
          Shrapnel\X = Enemy\X
          Shrapnel\Y = Enemy\Y
          Shrapnel\Angle = x * 90 + Rnd ( 90 )
          Shrapnel\Distance = 0
          Shrapnel\TotalDistance = 9 + Rnd ( 20 )
        Delete Enemy
      Enemy = New Enemy
      Enemy\X = Int ( Rnd ( 800 ) )
      Enemy\Y = Int ( Rnd ( 600 ) )
      Enemy\Class = Int ( Rnd ( 360 ) )

    For Enemy = Each Enemy
      Enemy\Class = Enemy\Class + Rnd ( -15 , 15 )
      Enemy\X = Enemy\X + GetVectorX ( 3 , Enemy\Class ) + GetVectorX ( 2 , Rnd ( 360 ) )
      Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + GetVectorY ( 3 , Enemy\Class ) + GetVectorY ( 2 , Rnd ( 360 ) )
      If Enemy\X < 0   Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X + 800
      If Enemy\X > 799 Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X - 800
      If Enemy\Y < 0   Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + 600
      If Enemy\Y > 599 Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y - 600

      DrawImage EnemyBitmap , Enemy\X , Enemy\Y

    For Shrapnel = Each Shrapnel
      Shrapnel\X = Shrapnel\X + GetVectorX ( 1 , Shrapnel\Angle )
      Shrapnel\Y = Shrapnel\Y + GetVectorY ( 1 , Shrapnel\Angle )
      If Shrapnel\Distance >= Shrapnel\TotalDistance
        Delete Shrapnel
        Shrapnel = After Shrapnel
        If Shrapnel = Null Then Exit
        Shrapnel\Distance = Shrapnel\Distance + 1
      If Shrapnel\X < 0   Then Shrapnel\X = Shrapnel\X + 800
      If Shrapnel\X > 799 Then Shrapnel\X = Shrapnel\X - 800
      If Shrapnel\Y < 0   Then Shrapnel\Y = Shrapnel\Y + 600
      If Shrapnel\Y > 599 Then Shrapnel\Y = Shrapnel\Y - 600

      DrawImage ShrapnelBitmap , Shrapnel\X , Shrapnel\Y

    If Shaking > 0.1
      Shaking = Shaking / 1.03
      DrawImage InformationBitmap , Rnd ( -Shaking , Shaking ) , Rnd ( -Shaking , Shaking )
      Shaking = 0
      DrawImage InformationBitmap , Rnd ( -Shaking , Shaking ) , Rnd ( -Shaking , Shaking )

    Flip True

    If MouseDown ( 1 ) Then ExitLoop = True
    If KeyHit ( KeyEscape )
      QuitGame = True
      ExitLoop = True
  Until ExitLoop

  FreeImage InformationBitmap


  If Not QuitGame


    ClsColor 255 , 255 , 255
    Flip True
    ClsColor 0 , 0 , 0

    For Enemy = Each Enemy
      For x = 0 To 3
        Shrapnel = New Shrapnel
        Shrapnel\X = Enemy\X
        Shrapnel\Y = Enemy\Y
        Shrapnel\Angle = x * 90 + Rnd ( 90 )
        Shrapnel\Distance = 0
        Shrapnel\TotalDistance = 9 + Rnd ( 20 )
      Delete Enemy
    Enemies = 0

    FlushKeys ()


    SetBuffer BackBuffer ()
    ExitLoop = False
      WaitTimer ( Timer )
      If Score < 1000
        BulletCost = 1
        ShootDelay = 140
        Level = 0
        EnemyClass = 1
        EnemySpeed = 1
      ElseIf Score < 2000
        BulletCost = 1
        ShootDelay = 120
        EnemySpeed = 2
        EnemyShooting = True
        EnemyShots = 1
      ElseIf Score < 4000
        BulletCost = 1
        ShootDelay = 100
        EnemyShots = 2
      ElseIf Score < 6000
        BulletCost = 1
        ShootDelay = 80
        EnemyShots = 5
      ElseIf Score < 8000
        EnemyShots = 10
      ElseIf Score < 10000
        BulletCost = 2
        ShootDelay = 60
        Level = 1
        EnemyClass = 2
      ElseIf Score < 20000
        BulletCost = 3
        ShootDelay = 40
        Level = 2
        EnemySpeed = 3
      ElseIf Score < 30000
        BulletCost = 4
        ShootDelay = 24
        EnemyClass = 3
      ElseIf Score < 40000
        BulletCost = 5
        ShootDelay = 12
        EnemyShots = 20
      ElseIf Score < 60000
        BulletCost = 6
        ShootDelay = 6
        Level = 3
        EnemyClass = 4
      ElseIf Score < 80000
        EnemyShots = 50
      ElseIf Score < 100000
        BulletCost = 12
        ShootDelay = 4
        Level = 4
        EnemyClass = 5
      ElseIf Score < 200000
        BulletCost = 24
        ShootDelay = 2
        Level = 5
      ElseIf Score < 300000
        EnemyShots = 100
      ElseIf Score < 400000
        BulletCost = 48
        ShootDelay = 1
        Level = 6
      ElseIf Score < 500000
        BulletCost = 96
        ShootDelay = 0
        Level = 7
        EnemySpeed = 4
      ElseIf Score < 600000
        EnemyShots = 200
      ElseIf Score < 700000
        Level = 8
        EnemySpeed = 6
      ElseIf Score < 800000
        EnemyShots = 300
      ElseIf Score < 900000
        EnemyShots = 400
      ElseIf Score < 1000000
        Level = 9
        EnemySpeed = 8
        EnemyShots = 500
      ElseIf Score < 2000000
        Level = 10
        EnemySpeed = 10
        EnemyShots = 1000
        BulletCost = 0
        Level = 10
        GodMode = True
      If Score > HighScore
        HighScore = Score
      If ScoreWait > 9
        ScoreWait = 0
        Score = Score + 1
        ScoreWait = ScoreWait + 1
      If Shooting
        If ShootingWait >= ShootDelay
          Shooting = False
          ShootingWait = 0
          ShootingWait = ShootingWait + 1
        If MouseDown ( 1 )
          If Score >= BulletCost
            Score = Score - BulletCost
            Shooting = True
            Bullet = New Bullet
            Bullet\Owner = 1
            Bullet\X = PlayerX
            Bullet\Y = PlayerY
            Bullet\Angle = GetAngle ( MouseX () - PlayerX , MouseY () - PlayerY )
      If SpawningTime > 1
        SpawningTime = SpawningTime / 1.00015
      If SpawningWait > SpawningTime
        SpawningWait = 0
        If Enemies >= MaxEnemy
          Enemy = First Enemy
          For x = 0 To 3
            Shrapnel = New Shrapnel
            Shrapnel\X = Enemy\X
            Shrapnel\Y = Enemy\Y
            Shrapnel\Angle = x * 90 + Rnd ( 90 )
            Shrapnel\Distance = 0
            Shrapnel\TotalDistance = 9 + Rnd ( 20 )
          Delete Enemy
          Enemies = Enemies - 1
          x = Rnd ( 800 )
          y = Rnd ( 600 )
        Until Not ( x > PlayerX - 149 ) And ( x < PlayerX + 149 ) And ( y > PlayerY - 149 ) And ( y < PlayerY + 149 )
        Enemy = New Enemy
        Enemies = Enemies + 1
        Enemy\X = x
        Enemy\Y = y
        Enemy\Class = Rnd ( 1 , EnemyClass )
        SpawningWait = SpawningWait + 1
      If KeyDown ( KeyCursorUp )
        PlayerY = PlayerY - 2
        MovementY = True
      If KeyDown ( KeyCursorDown )
        PlayerY = PlayerY + 2
        MovementY = True
      If KeyDown ( KeyCursorLeft )
        PlayerX = PlayerX - 2
        MovementX = True
      If KeyDown ( KeyCursorRight )
        PlayerX = PlayerX + 2
        MovementX = True
      If MovementY
        MovementY = False
        If PlayerY < 0   Then PlayerY = 0
        If PlayerY > 599 Then PlayerY = 599
      If MovementX
        MovementX = False
        If PlayerX < 0   Then PlayerX = 0
        If PlayerX > 799 Then PlayerX = 799
      For Shrapnel = Each Shrapnel
        Shrapnel\X = Shrapnel\X + GetVectorX ( 1 , Shrapnel\Angle )
        Shrapnel\Y = Shrapnel\Y + GetVectorY ( 1 , Shrapnel\Angle )
        If Shrapnel\Distance >= Shrapnel\TotalDistance
          Delete Shrapnel
          Shrapnel = After Shrapnel
          If Shrapnel = Null Then Exit
          Shrapnel\Distance = Shrapnel\Distance + 1
          If ( Shrapnel\X < 0 ) Or ( Shrapnel\X > 799 ) Or ( Shrapnel\Y < 0 ) Or ( Shrapnel\Y > 599 )
            Delete Shrapnel
            Shrapnel = After Shrapnel
            If Shrapnel = Null Then Exit
        DrawImage ShrapnelBitmap , Shrapnel\X , Shrapnel\Y
      For Enemy = Each Enemy
        x = Rnd ( -1 , 1 )
        y = Rnd ( -1 , 1 )
        Select Enemy\Class
          Case 1
            If EnemyShooting
              If Int ( Rnd ( 10000 / EnemyShots ) ) = 0
                Blt.Bullet = New Bullet
                Blt\Owner = 2
                Blt\X = Enemy\X
                Blt\Y = Enemy\Y
                Blt\Angle = GetAngle ( PlayerX - Enemy\X , PlayerY - Enemy\Y ) + Rnd ( -5 , 5 )
                If Blt\Angle < 0   Then Blt\Angle = Blt\Angle + 360
                If Blt\Angle > 359 Then Blt\Angle = Blt\Angle - 360
            Enemy\X = Enemy\X + x * EnemySpeed
            Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + y * EnemySpeed
          Case 2
            If EnemyShooting
              If Int ( Rnd ( 20000 / EnemyShots ) ) = 0
                Blt.Bullet = New Bullet
                Blt\Owner = 2
                Blt\X = Enemy\X
                Blt\Y = Enemy\Y
                Blt\Angle = GetAngle ( PlayerX - Enemy\X , PlayerY - Enemy\Y ) + Rnd ( -10 , 10 )
                If Blt\Angle < 0   Then Blt\Angle = Blt\Angle + 360
                If Blt\Angle > 359 Then Blt\Angle = Blt\Angle - 360
            z = EnemySpeed/2
            Enemy\X = Enemy\X + x * z
            Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + y * z
            If MouseX () > Enemy\X Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X - z
            If MouseX () < Enemy\X Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X + z
            If MouseY () > Enemy\Y Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y - z
            If MouseY () < Enemy\Y Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + z
          Case 3
            If EnemyShooting
              If Int ( Rnd ( 30000 / EnemyShots ) ) = 0
                Blt.Bullet = New Bullet
                Blt\Owner = 2
                Blt\X = Enemy\X
                Blt\Y = Enemy\Y
                Blt\Angle = GetAngle ( PlayerX - Enemy\X , PlayerY - Enemy\Y ) + Rnd ( -15 , 15 )
                If Blt\Angle < 0   Then Blt\Angle = Blt\Angle + 360
                If Blt\Angle > 359 Then Blt\Angle = Blt\Angle - 360
            z = EnemySpeed/3
            Enemy\X = Enemy\X + x * z
            Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + y * z
            If PlayerX < Enemy\X Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X - z
            If PlayerX > Enemy\X Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X + z
            If PlayerY < Enemy\Y Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y - z
            If PlayerY > Enemy\Y Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + z
            If MouseX () > Enemy\X Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X - z
            If MouseX () < Enemy\X Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X + z
            If MouseY () > Enemy\Y Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y - z
            If MouseY () < Enemy\Y Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + z
          Case 4
            z = EnemySpeed/2
            Enemy\X = Enemy\X + x * z
            Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + y * z
            If PlayerX < Enemy\X Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X - z
            If PlayerX > Enemy\X Then Enemy\X = Enemy\X + z
            If PlayerY < Enemy\Y Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y - z
            If PlayerY > Enemy\Y Then Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + z
          Case 5
            z = EnemySpeed/2
            a = GetAngle ( PlayerX - Enemy\X , PlayerY - Enemy\Y )
            Enemy\X = Enemy\X + GetVectorX ( z , a ) + GetVectorX ( z , x*180+180 )
            Enemy\Y = Enemy\Y + GetVectorY ( z , a ) + GetVectorY ( z , y*180+180 )
        End Select
        If Enemy\X < 0   Then Enemy\X = 0
        If Enemy\X > 799 Then Enemy\X = 799
        If Enemy\Y < 0   Then Enemy\Y = 0
        If Enemy\Y > 599 Then Enemy\Y = 599
        If ImagesOverlap ( EnemyBitmap , Enemy\X , Enemy\Y , PlayerBitmap , PlayerX , PlayerY )
        If ImagesCollide ( EnemyBitmap , Enemy\X , Enemy\Y , 0 , PlayerBitmap , PlayerX , PlayerY , 0 )
          For x = 0 To 3
            Shrapnel = New Shrapnel
            Shrapnel\X = Enemy\X
            Shrapnel\Y = Enemy\Y
            Shrapnel\Angle = x * 90 + Rnd ( 90 )
            Shrapnel\Distance = 0
            Shrapnel\TotalDistance = 9 + Rnd ( 20 )
          Delete Enemy
          Enemies = Enemies - 1
          If Not GodMode Then Score = Score - 1000
          Enemy = After Enemy
          If Enemy = Null Then Exit
        DrawImage EnemyBitmap , Enemy\X , Enemy\Y
        For Bullet = Each Bullet
          If Bullet\Owner = 1
            If ImagesOverlap ( EnemyBitmap , Enemy\X , Enemy\Y , BulletBitmap , Bullet\X , Bullet\Y )
            If ImagesCollide ( EnemyBitmap , Enemy\X , Enemy\Y , 0 , BulletBitmap , Bullet\X , Bullet\Y , 0 )
              Score = Score + ( 100 * Enemy\Class )
              If EnemyShooting
                Select Enemy\Class
                  Case 1
                    Score = Score + 300
                  Case 2
                    Score = Score + 200
                  Case 3
                    Score = Score + 100
                End Select
              For x = 0 To 3
                Shrapnel = New Shrapnel
                Shrapnel\X = Enemy\X
                Shrapnel\Y = Enemy\Y
                Shrapnel\Angle = x * 90 + Rnd ( 90 )
                Shrapnel\Distance = 0
                Shrapnel\TotalDistance = 9 + Rnd ( 20 )
              Delete Bullet
              Delete Enemy
              Enemies = Enemies - 1
      For Bullet = Each Bullet
        Bullet\X = Bullet\X + GetVectorX ( 5 , Bullet\Angle )
        Bullet\Y = Bullet\Y + GetVectorY ( 5 , Bullet\Angle )
        If ( Bullet\X < 0 ) Or ( BulletX > 799 ) Or ( Bullet\Y < 0 ) Or ( Bullet\Y > 599 )
          Delete Bullet
          Bullet = After Bullet
          If Bullet = Null Then Exit
        If Bullet\Owner = 2
          If ImagesOverlap ( PlayerBitmap , PlayerX , PlayerY , BulletBitmap , Bullet\X , Bullet\Y )
          If ImagesCollide ( PlayerBitmap , PlayerX , PlayerY , 0 , BulletBitmap , Bullet\X , Bullet\Y , 0 )
            Delete Bullet
            If Not GodMode Then Score = Score - 100
            Bullet = After Bullet
            If Bullet = Null Then Exit
        DrawImage BulletBitmap , Bullet\X , Bullet\Y
      If Score < 0 Then Score = 0
      DrawImage PlayerBitmap , PlayerX , PlayerY
      DrawImage TargetBitmap , MouseX () , MouseY ()
      Color 0 , 127 , 255
      Text 200 , 590 , "Score: " + WithComma (     Score ) , True , True
      Text 600 , 590 , "High: "  + WithComma ( HighScore ) , True , True
      If Not GodMode
        Color 255 , 0 , 0
        Color 255 , 191 , 0
      Text 400 , 590 , String ( "¤" , Level ) , True , True
      Color 63 , 127 , 0
      Rect 300 , 596 , ( 100 - SpawningTime ) * 2 , 2 , False
      Color 47 , 95 , 0
      Rect 298 , 594 , 200 + 2 , 6 , False
      If ShootDelay > 40
        If Shooting
          Color 63 , 127 , 0
          Rect 10 , 10 , ShootingWait * 780 / ShootDelay , 10 , True
          Color 47 , 95 , 0
          Rect 8 , 8 , 780 + 4 , 14 , False
          Color 95 , 191 , 0
          Text 400 , 15 , "RECHARGING" , True , True
      If FrameLimit Then
        Flip True
        Flip False
      If KeyHit ( KeyF )
        FrameLimit = Not FrameLimit
      If KeyHit ( KeyP )
        SetBuffer FrontBuffer ()
        Color 0 , 63 , 127
        Rect 400 - 100 - 2 , 300 - 30 - 2 , 100 * 2 + 4 , 30 * 2 + 4 , False
        Color 0 , 47 , 95
        Rect 400 - 100 , 300 - 30 , 100 * 2 , 30 * 2 , True
        Color 0 , 127 , 255
        Text 400 , 300 , "PAUSED" , True , True
        SetBuffer BackBuffer ()
        Until KeyHit ( KeyP )
        FlushKeys ()
      If KeyHit ( KeyEscape )
        ExitLoop = True
    Until ExitLoop
    Delete Each Bullet




Until QuitGame

Delete Each Shrapnel
Delete Each Bullet
Delete Each Enemy

FreeImage ShrapnelBitmap
FreeImage BulletBitmap
FreeImage EnemyBitmap
FreeImage PlayerBitmap
FreeFont Font
FreeFont SmallFont

FreeTimer Timer

Color 255 , 255 , 255
Print "Shutting down automatically..."



Function WithComma$ ( Number$ )
  Local Reverse$
  Local Comma$
  For x = 1 To Len ( Number )
    Reverse = Reverse + Mid ( Number , Len ( Number ) - x + 1 , 1 )
    Counter = Counter + 1
    If Counter = 3
      Counter = 0
      Reverse = Reverse + ","
  For x = 1 To Len ( Reverse )
    Comma = Comma + Mid ( Reverse , Len ( Reverse ) - x + 1 , 1 )
  If Left ( Comma , 1 ) = "," Then Comma = Mid ( Comma , 2 , Len ( Comma ) - 1 )
  Return Comma
End Function


    Source: geocities.com/thechange/pz1

               ( geocities.com/thechange)