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Fourteen Lessons |
Title PageLesson 1: The First Three PrinciplesOn the Threshold - The Constitution of Man - The Physical Body - The Astral Body - Prana or Vital Force Lesson 2: The Mental PrinciplesThe Fourth and Fifth Principles - The Instinctive Mind - The Intellect Lesson 3: The Spiritual PrinciplesThe Sixth and Seventh Principles - The Spiritual Mind - Spirit Illumination, or Spiritual Consciousness Lesson 4: The Human AuraThe Human Aura - Health Aura - Pranic Aura - Aura of the Three Mental Principles - Spirit Aura - Auric Colors, Phenomena, etc. Lesson 5: Thought DynamicsThought Dynamics - The Nature, Quality and Power of Thought - Thought Forms - Thought Influences - The Occult Teachings on This Great Subject Lesson 6: Telepathy, ClairvoyanceClairvoyance, Clairaudience, Psychometry, Telepathy, etc. - How to Develop Psychic Powers Lesson 7: Human MagnetismHman Magnetism - Pranic Energy - Uses and Properties - Directions for Development and Use Lesson 8: Occult TherapeuthicsOccult Therapeutics - Spiritual Healing - Mental Healing - Pranic Healing - Theory and Practice Lesson 9: Psychic InfluencePsychic Influence - Personal Magnetism - Mesmerism, etc. Explained, with Instructions Regarding Self-Protection and Warning Against Misuse of the Power - A Timely Lesson upon an Important Subject Lesson 10: The Astral WorldThe Astral World; Its Phenomena - The Astral Body - Astral Helpers, etc. Lesson 11: Beyond The BorderBeyond the Border - The Survival of the Ego after Passing out of the Body - Where It Goes and What It Does after the Change Called Death Lesson 12: Spiritual EvolutionSpiritual Evolution - The Growth of the Soul - Its Travels - Its Purpose - Its Goal Lesson 13: Spiritual Cause & EffectSpiritual Cause and Effect - The Yogi Teaching Regarding the Puzzling Questions of Human Life - Conduct - The Sowing and Reaping Explained Lesson 14: Yoga Path Of AttainmentThe Yogi's Path of Attainment - The Threefold Path - Methods - Directions - Plans, etc. - Advice and Words of Encouragement to the Neophyte Appendix: Mantrams And Meditations |
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