Aircheck Radio Museum

Trent Page 3 - Radio Trent 945 / Trent FM (102.8 Derbyshire) & GEM AM (945) - The Stickers

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The original Radio Trent 945 car sticker - 945KHz, 317 Meters Medium Wave, 102.8 MHz vhf FM Stereo....a bit ropey, but it is 15 years old and was stuck on to a bit of glass a bit wonky too!

And so with the split between FM & AM frequencies in 1988, 'Radio' was dropped in favour of 'FM' but the general theme remained - and no lingo at the bottom.


One of the many Trent stickers from the 'Sticker Drive/Sticker Patrol era' on this occasion, with the help of a sponsor.

...and another...see our other Trent Museum pages for details of the promotion that went with this sticker.


And so eventually, the 'rose' of RT's was dropped in favour of a darker blue and a spot of yellow, but room remained for the county name and/or frequency at the bottom.  This was in the days when the words 'music' and 'mix' were rarely used and therefore acceptable!

Does anyone know what this was really all about?  Comic Relief?  The 'splat' sticker...

The GEM sticker applicable from the FM/AM split of 1988.  General design in keeping with Trent FM's first sticker above.

Do you remember the ad campaign for A&B Windows which sounded like the Neighbours theme?  This sticker went with the campaign.

Despite GWR's take over in 1993, GEM retained it's logo for some time.  Was the GEM logo 'the rising sun', 'a jukebox', or as in one version of the logo, a tea cup and saucer as seen from above? This sticker is a variation from the original theme from the GWR takeover days of 1993 to quite recently.  What was it all about?were

Originally placed together against the glass of a picture frame (sad wasn't I), these are two great and very rare themed stickers for GEM - again, logo same as above, but colours different and note the differing typeface for the station name.


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