Paul, The Mad Cellist
Go Garfield! You da man! lol!
How I Decided to Play the Cello-
I first started playing the cello in 1997 when I was in 6th grade, when I discovered what it was. The day before we chose instruments we were allowed to try them out. The day we chose, however, I was sick, so I had no clue what was going on. When I arrived the next day, I behaved sheepishly (followed the greatest amount of people) to the gym, where band was meeting. I was the last person in, so the door slammed behind me. The entire band class (80 kids) turned around and simultaneously said, "Orchestra's in the other room!". Well, I didn't feel wanted, so I went to the MPR with orchestra. I sat down next to my only friend there (a cellist) and we talked until the conductor came next to me. She asked, "What do you play?"
I replied, "I don't know."
"What do you want to play?"
I thought for a moment. "Cello," I decided, for violins and violas are too loud and high-pitched in your ear. The conductor jumped for joy, because no one wants to play cello willingly. And the rest, as they say, is history.
   I am in our best orchestra at school (Symphonic Orchestra (a full orchestra)). I have been principal cellist for my freshman and junior year, but Assistanc principal my sophomore year.
    I just made All-State Orchestra (an orchestra that meets once a year and is composed of the best 60 string players in Alaska. I earned 10th chair (of 14). While in Fairbanks (where the concert took place) we re-auditioned and I gained two places for 8th chair. I am therefore the 8th best cellist under 18 in Alaska.
    I am currently in a working string quartet, and we have earned approximately $1000 as a group (just for doing something we love and having a great time!). We play for weddings, banquets, and just about anything.
    I am also a soloist, going to state competitions in my freshman year. I am currently working on Handel's Messiah and Vivaldi's Sonata #5.
    I just found the Bach 6 Cello Suites and I'm having bunches of fun with them! Suites 5+6 are too hard, but I will hopefully play Bourree 1 and 2 from Suite 3 for the Solo and Ensemble Festival.I just ordered the version arranged by Pablo Casals, a cellist considered the expert on the Suites.

Last Updated: 03-26-03
I do, as a matter of fact play cello :-)