The PSA Constitution

       The Pakistani Students Association at Georgia State University, is a non-political, non-profit student based
       organization committed to promoting cooperation and fellowship among students of the GSU.

Article I : Name
       The name of the organization shall be "Pakistani Students Association", hereinafter referred to as the PSA.

Article II: Purpose

       The purposes of PSA shall be but not limited to:

        · To foster a better understanding between Pakistanis and other nationalities at Georgia State University.
        · To increase interest and awareness of Pakistan, among the Georgia State University community, by projecting
          Pakistani culture and traditions.

Article III: Membership - (General & Associate)

Section 1:
        · Membership and participation shall be free of discrimination based on race, religion, ethnic group, national origin,
       or sex.

Section 2:
        · General membership shall be open to all students registered full or part time at Georgia State University.
        · General members may be able to hold office in accordance with Article IV-Section I.

Section 3:
        · Associate membership shall be open to alumni, faculty & staff of Georgia State University, and to any person
        outside Georgia State University affiliation.
        · Associate members may not vote or hold office.

Article IV: The Executive Board

Section 1: Eligibility
       General members who are in good standing may run for the office.

Section 2: Term duration
       The Executive Board shall be elected each year and shall serve for a period of one year starting from the
       first day of the following semester. In case an office becomes vacant, the President will appoint an interim officer and
       the elections will be called for that specific office.

Section 3: Offices
       The Executive Board of the PSA shall consist of the following officers:

        · President
        · Vice President
        · Secretary
        · Treasurer

Article V: Functions and Powers

Section 1: President
       1.1  The President shall call and preside over all meetings, and ensure that the constitution is adhered to.
       1.2  The President shall officially represent the Association in all external matters unless he/she designates another
               member of the Executive Board to do so in his/her behalf.
       1.3  The President shall hold the Executive Decision, and may exercise it should there be a need.

Section 2: Vice President
       2.1  The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the event that the President is unable to perform
              his/her duties.
       2.2  The Vice-president shall prepare the agenda and assist the President in the day-to-day affairs.

Section 3: Secretary
       3.1  The Secretary shall be responsible for the records, correspondence, and any other affair of the Association
              designated to him/her by the President and/or the Executive Board.

Section 4: Treasurer
       4.1  The Tresurer shall be responsible for collecting all the dues, keeping record of all disbursements and keeping
              all accounts of the finances of the organization.
       4.2  The Treasurer shall administer the finances of the Association and shall have the power to receive and make
              payments in the name of the Association.
       4.3  The Treasurer shall maintain satisfactory records of all financial transactions, and shall make periodic and annual
              reports of the finances of the Association to the Executive Board.

Article: VI Member Level Offices

Section 1: Eligibility
       The member level offices may only be held by a general member regardless of origin, as appointed by the
       President.These offices are non elected positions, and are created and removed by the current President / V.President or
       the Executive Board with two-third majority. The member level officies do not constitute in a board and hold no powers.

Section 2: Purpose
       The purpose of member level offices is to provide a leadership role to a general member who specializes in the
       purpose soley setforth for the specific office.

Section 3: Function & Powers
       The member level officies do not constitute in a board and hold no power of any sort. These officers are assigned
       responsibilities by the President / V. President or executive board.

Section 4: Term Duration
       The default duration of member level offices is parallel to the current board, however, any member level office could
       be ended at any time, by the President / V.President or Executive Board with two-third majority.

ARTICLE VII: Members of the Executive Board

Section 1:
       They shall actively participate in the formulation of the policies of the Association.

Section 2:
       They shall carry out duties designated to them by the President or decided in Executive Board Meeting.

ARTICLE IX: Elections

Section 1:
       The outgoing Executive Board will select the Election Committee and shall supervise the elections.

Section 2:
       The election will be held at a General Body Meeting called by the Executive Board no later than twelve months
       after the previous election.

Section 3:
       The election will be by secret ballot unless some other mean is decided by the Executive Board.

Section 4:
       A simple majority will determine election to an office.

ARTICLE X: Amendments

Section 1:

       Amendments to the Constitution may be made at an Executive Board Meeting by a two-thirds majority of the Board Members present. Any proposed amendment by the general members should be initiated in writing to the Executive Board giving the Executive Board at least one week to come up with a decision.

ARTICLE XI: Impeachment

Section 1: Impeachment within the Executive Board

       In case of dissatisfaction with the work of an Executive Board member, a motion of no confidence may be brought against him/her by the Executive Board, in an Executive Board meeting. After a two-third majority among the Executive Board members, the motion of no confidence against the Executive Board Member shall be passed.

Section 2: Impeachment by the members

       In case of dissatisfaction with the work of Executive Board, a motion of no confidence may be passed by a member or members of the PSA against the Executive Board. The motion shall be in the form of a formal letter to the current President, expressing the reasons for dissatisfaction. The President / Executive Board must respond to the letter within One week from the date stated in the formal letter. A simple majority among the members would dissolve the Executive Board. A no response until the end of deadline would automatically dissolve the whole Executive Board and new elections would be called by an interim team of members.

Section 3: Automatic Dissolution of the Executive Board

       The Executive Board shall be automatically dissolved if any of the following holds true during the first semester after holding the office:

        · Not holding monthly Executive Board Meetings.
        · Not holding monthly General Body Meetings
        · Not organizing atleast one Cultural Event.
        · Not attending ISAC meetings regularly.

       The motion of no confidence may be brought by the members of the PSA in the form of a formal letter to the President. The Executive Board would then have 7 days from the date stated on the letter, to step down from the office. The interim team of members shall then call for elections to form a new Executive Board.