The Route Tree

Learning Level: PRIMARY

    The primary (but not only) routes of this passing system are based on a simple route tree of nine patterns that are numbered for purposes of play calling.  By using numbers, a combination of patterns can be easily specified with a few simple numbers.  A few key items of interest:

Route Tree Descriptions.

1.  Slant (2 yards)
2.  Quick Out (1 yard)
3.  Hitch (5-7 yards)
4.  Flat (7-5 yards)
5.  Curl (10-12 yards)
6.  Comeback (10-12 yards)
7.  Post (12 yards)
8.  Flag (12 yards)
9. Fly or Go

Other Patterns.  There are a number of other key patterns used by this offense that do not fit into the conventional route tree.  These routes are referred to by names and not numbers.

Additional Pattern Descriptions.

A.  Arrow (5-10 yards)
B.  Out (10 yards)
C.  Stop-n-Go (8-10 yards)
D.  Corner (12-15 yards)
E.  In (10 yards)

There are other routes which may be called, i.e., Fade, Cross, Under, etc.

Route Combinations.  Finally, the combination of two or more routes, especially when they involve name patterns as opposed to number patterns, can often because quite cumbersome.  Thus, some of the more frequent combinations are better served by names of their own.

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