-It is impossible for any machine to be
100% efficient –such a machine is termed
a “perpetual-motion machine of the first kind”

-Carnot discovered the concept of entropy while trying to create
a machine that would have a work output equal to that of its
heat input (in other words, a machine that wouldn’t
lose any energy in the process). He ended
up proving that such a machine could not exist
, much to the dismay of the sponsors of his project.

-Carnot’s discovery helped industrial engineers
design engines that could operate up to an
80% efficiency level, which was an enormous improvement
over prior designs. Productivity increased exponentially

- A good analogy for the Laws of Thermodynamics is a casino:
the Universe is the big casino, which deals the cards and always
takes its percentage. In the long run, it leaves the player broke
b/c his chips, or heat energy, eventually dissipate into nothingness.
So the player can’t win (First Law: energy can’t be created or
destroyed, so he can’t get something for nothing), he can’t
break even (Second Law: when energy is converted from one form
to another, some will always be lost), and he can’t get out of the game
(Third Law: absolute zero is unattainable)

If a circle is drawn to encompass a Koch Snowflake,
there is an infinitely long line in a finite area.

There is no limit of how hot something can get,
but there is a limit of how cold - absolute zero

Every fractal is generated from a single equation

If you could find a fractal equation that accurately
modeled the weather for the last 10 years,
it would also predict the weather for the NEXT 10 years.
