The rules of Sims Survivor are designed not only to uphold the premise of the show, but to promote the safety of all castaways and crewmembers. The prize for following all these rules and making it to the very end is one million dollars, but consolation cash prizes will be awarded to the other castaways based on their order of elimination. The consolation prizes will range from approximately $2500 for the first castaway ousted from the island to approximately $100,000 for the runner-up to the final Survivor.

Several actions can result in immediate elimination from the contest and expulsion from the island, as well as forfeiture of any prize. If you were one of the survivors, you wouldn't want to do any of these things:

Try to conspire to share the prize. The million dollars may be won by one and only one individual. Survivors are prohibited from sharing or making any agreement to share all or any portion of the prize.
Enter the production area. The area designated for the production crew is strictly off-limits to the survivors.
Break the law. Even though they are stranded on a remote tropical island, the castaways will still be held to U.S. law, as well as local law. Any breach of those laws is against the contest rules.
Miss an Island Council or a challenge. Island Council meetings are mandatory for all castaways, and everyone is required to vote. In addition, sitting out of a challenge that requires the participation of all survivors is not allowed.
Damage the island environment. Only designated fruits, vegetables and marine life are allowed to be harvested as food. In addition, the survivors may not leave litter or any other debris in the water or around the island, and they will be obliged to give full consideration to the ecological impact of everything they do on the island.
Act up. Any misconduct is against the rules, including but not limited to stealing or misappropriating food, harming other castaways or crewmembers, and acts of violence.