Hello! Mabuhay! Guten Tag!
Welcome to my little home page!
I am from New Zealand but my mother hails from
Ireland and my father from Germany. I have a degree in Physics and Physiology from which I graduated in '95. I followed this with a Diploma of Teaching (secondary). I then entered the workforce and taught for a year at a girls' High School before coming to my senses and quitting!! This is when I 'ran away' to Ireland to look up my relatives!
In Ireland I worked as a nanny for a wealthy family. During that year we spent three months in Los Angelos. At the end of the year I moved to England and stayed there for about eight months.
Currently I am in my third year of teaching English on the JET programme in
Japan. I am making the most of my time here and visiting some of Japan's neighbours such as the beautiful Philippines and Thailand.
In August 2001 I flew to Germany to visit my brother and came back to Japan by
Knightspoint, New Zealand
Virlanie Foundation, Philippines
Lonely Planet
My main passion in life is scuba diving. I also enjoy sailing, motorcycling, travel, languages and needlecrafts.
Bangladesh Ecotours
My brother's homepage
Banchte Shekha Bangladesh
I am a PADI divemaster and will do the Instructor course in the near future. My future plan is to travel the world in my small sailboat working as an instructor or English teacher whenever I need to top up the coffers!! PADI
Go M.A.D!
Art by Bong Perez
Photo Albums
My Info:
New Zealand 1

New Zealand 2


Trans Siberian



Los Angeles
Kerstin Mueller
My future boat!
Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand