Last update was April 11, 1998
Blue Heaven Rendezvous 

(where Jimmy Buffett's music never stops)

Blue light guitars and a tropical breeze; hummingbirds mime the words as they dance in the trees. 

Its' a flash back kind of crowd; its a cabaret sound. 
There's still some magic left in this tourist town.

Those crazy days and crazy ways we never want to undo. We'll be together now and forever at the Blue Heaven Rendezvous.

We're weird Roman candles burning bright at both ends; at the end of the road is where this story begins.

Where the green of the Gulf meets the blue of the sea. 

What makes it all happen is still a mystery to me.

But those crazy days and those crazy ways we never want to undo. We'll be together now and forever

at the Blue Heaven Rendezvous.
If these walls could talk, I don't know what they'd say. They've seen some accidental masquerades.

But it's no surprise; dances till dawn; heros long gone; let that guitar play.

We'll be together now and forever at the Blue Heaven Rendezvous.

We'll be together now and forever at the Blue, Blue Heaven Rendez-vous.

- Jimmy Buffett, Blue Heaven Rendezvous
from his album, "Barometer Soup"

Who are we?

David and Sheila Wilson of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
She: Elementary guidance counselor, collects birdhouses and lighthouses, loves the beach
He: Market research consultant to credit unions, credit union lobbyist, loves gardening, travel, the Internet
Both: adore our grandson, Cody; we're crazy about Jimmy Buffett music (see links below), love tropical climates, would like to live in the Florida Keys

November, '97 Southern Caribbean Cruise

The Oilers are in Tennessee now

Gardner Family Reunion '97

The Gang of Friends we hang out with

Links we like . . .

The Jimmy Buffett Parrot(t)head Page
The Jimmy Buffett Gazetteer Buffett
Buffett - The Great Lyrics Compilation
The Coconut Modem
Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville - Key West
Parrot Island Store - A Buffett Fan's Dream Store
A Key West Paradise on Line, Key West, Florida
The Garden Web
Lighthouse Links on the Internet
Anxiety Park's Official Bartender's Guide
The Electric Postcard
Find US Addresses, E-mail, Phone #s
Create a Map for any US Street Address
The Late Show with David Letterman
The Ultimate TV List (rainy days only)
My Neighbors in the 5500 block, TheTropics
My Work - When I'm NOT in the Tropics

There's magic
in those ole Conch shells! 

I would love to hear from you . . . please write . . .

all (most) e-mail answered . . . lone palm

If you think this page is for the birds . . . 
well you're probably right! Toucan

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