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Hello...I am A.J. Cancio, known in CyberSpace as Wolfie, from Miami, Fl...Architectural draftsman by profession; plumber by necessity; computer nuts by choice. My favorite hobby is Boating. Either cruising around, fishing or spending the weekend on the water or in any of the numerous islands around South Florida or The Florida Keys. If you are a boating enthusiast like me, I hope you find this page and its links useful; if you're not, I hope I can convince you to become one...
I will try to show here, using text, pictures and links, how enjoyable, relaxing and fun boating can be. It cost money (what doesn't these days?) and you need to do quite a bit of hard work (unless your name is Huizenga or Gates), but the rewards are worth it...Let me know you were here by e-mail or signing my guestbook... Look around and leave me any comments, good or bad, it doesn't matter, just let me know your thoughs....

* M E N U *


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