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You're visitor  since 19 Feb 97
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Trisha and Rusty:

We are both scuba divers who absolutely LOVE SHARKS! Trisha is a photographer, and Rusty used to be a photo/journalist. We plan to use our interest in scuba diving and photography to launch us into new careers. Our love for sharks has taken us to the Bahamas where we went on a few shark dives surrounded by well over a hundred sharks at once. We have only been diving since February 1996, but we have already logged in over 20 dives, which isn't too bad since we don't have much time to get to the coastal waters where we would feel right at home. We have one daughter and her name is Jessica Wynn. Maybe we can encourage her to be a shark enthusiast. She sure has changed our life and now she's expecting a little baby brother in April 99, We're going to name him Brandon. We just moved from Georgia to beautiful Butte, Montana. A big change in temp and well away from the warm waters. Well, on with the show.

Our journey starts here as Trisha and I guide you through the oceans of the world on your quest for knowledge of the Shark. Many of you may be land-lovers and this may be as close as you will ever get to exploring our oceans and it's inhabitants. Please keep an open mind as you descend into the depths. I think I hear the boat's engines starting and the Captain is ready to go. The air tanks are filled and the water is warm so without further delay, join us now as we take you into the deep blue, where you will come face to face with SHARKS.

The Shark
Species of Sharks
Your Questions and Comments

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Walker's Cay-Bahamas
Pictures of our dives !!!
West Palm Beach, Florida
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Family Album
Family Album II
Shark LinksShark Links
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