The 1915 UL World's Championship Series

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Team Totals Boxscores

Game One

Highlanders Opening Act A Success

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] New York(AP) - The Brooklyn Robins came to town today planning to run their way to a World's Championship. All World outfielder Ty Cobb is both the season and All Time Theft King, after all. Once he's on, there isn't much a team can to do to stop him. That's where the Highlanders "strategy" comes in. "We just hope he doesn't get on base in the first place" announced NY skipper Orator Jim O'Rourke, "`cuz once he's on ..." The normally loquacious helmsman didn't have to complete the thought. So it fell to the old man, Babe Adams, to reprise his performance from the 1900 Series, when he limited the Federal Leaguers from Troy to just 15 baserunners in his 24 innings on the hill, picking up a pair of W's in the process. Adams set a WCS record for ERA that Series, allowing runs at an extremely stingy rate of 0.38 per nine. Babe did not disappoint the New York faithful this sunny day. The old man was masterful all game, keeping the all the Robins, including Cobb, off balance and off the bases with a confounding assortment of curves mixed in with the occasional heater. The locals took the lead right away in the bottom of the first when Ross Youngs tripled to left center and Paddy Baumann followed with a sac fly to right. They added two more when they parlayed a Cliff Lee triple, a Slug Heilmann single and a John Johnston double into two more tallies in the sixth. Protecting a 3-0 lead in the last frame, Adams finally cracked a bit, allowing a two out, two run tater to Casey Stengel before inducing Vic Saier to fly out to Kenny Williams to end the game. Adams had tied the All Time WCS record of 3 Wins and by so doing served notice that he was ready, willing and able to repeat his clutch performances on the leagues' biggest stage.

 [Babe Adams ]
Highlander Ace Babe Adams

Game Two

One Flew Over The Robins Nest

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] New York (AP) - By all indications, this game was over before the first frame was done. The Brooklyns futility with the timber was continuing as Highlander starter Chief Bender (16-9, 2.96) had set down the side in order to start the game. Then the Robins lefthander, Gene Packard (13-4, 2.66), took to the hill. He was immediately met with a barrage of New York basehits. Ross Youngs singled and was sacrificed to second by Paddy Baumann, the scrappy second sacker. Slug Heilmann followed with a basehit, scoring Youngs. Big Cliff Lee followed, and he launched a shot over the left field wall to make it 3-0, NY. When Ken Williams followed that with another basehit, Brooklyn manager Wilbert Robinson motored out of the dugout to pull the plug on Gene's day almost before it had started. Robby put in another southpaw, Joe Boehling, and he managed to close out the inning without any further damage being done. But after Heilmann led off the third with a four bagger of his own, it looked as if the rout was on. But the Robins still had something to say about that before this day was done. In the top of the sixth inning, Robinson went to his bench, selecting Eddie Murphy to pinch hit for Boehling. He was aboard first base after Heilmann played his linedrive off his glove for an error. Ty Cobb, silent thus far, followed with a basehit, as did Charlie Hollocher, which put the Robins on the board. One out later, the irrepressible Charles Dillion "Casey" Stengel strode to the plate to the jeers of the New York cranks. Stengel and the crowd had been riding each other from the git go in Game One, and it had continued into this afternoon. Now Casey acknowledged the greeting by tipping his cap to the crowd - upon which an actual robin flew out from under it, which then flew to the relative safety of the rafters of Hill Top Park! The Brooklyn bench rolled in laughter, and one could venture to guess that Stengel's tactic somewhat unnerved the Chief as Casey laid into a fat one in his ensuing at bat, sending it far and deep into the right field bleachers - tying the game at four and leaving the crowd at a significant disadvantage! Bender recovered enough to retire the side from there, but the game's momentum had noticeably shifted.

 [Heads Up!]
Brooklyn's All World outfielder Ty Cobb

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] The Highlanders threatened in the bottom of the Sixth, but ex-New Yorker Ad Brennan came out of the pen to retire pinch hitter Turner Barber with two gone and a couple of ducks on the pond. Then another ex-New Yorker (and fan favorite), Clyde Milan doubled into the right field gap to lead off the seventh. He came around on a couple of groundballs and as easy as that Brooklyn held its first lead of the series. They tacked on a couple insurance runs in the next frame and then All Time saves leader Mellie Wolfgang came on to close things out as the Federals evened up the Series at one.

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Game Three will be played in Brooklyn, with a couple of Rubes tossing the horsehide. Lefty Rube Benton (11-8, 3.68) will go for the visiting Highlanders, while righthander Rube Foster (5-7, 3.71) will take the hill for the Robins.


The Highlanders Flex Their Muscles

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Brooklyn (AP) After taking the first subway trip between the two Gotham ball parks, thankfully if predictably accomplished with no John Rocker sightings, the Highlanders made themselves right at home in the Federal League stronghold called Ebbets Field. Just as in the first two games of the Series, the PL Champs wasted no time in putting up the first number on the scoreboard. In fact NY left fielder Ken Williams had found the seats behind the right field wall even before most of the Robins fans had found their own seating accommodations for the game. Fritz Maisel was onboard at the time of Williams' first WCS homerun, making it 2-0 Highlanders. On the flip side of things, Highlander starter Rube Benton was sharp on this day, and when Hank Gowdy and ex-Robin Everett Scott slammed back to back two baggers in the second to extend the lead to 3-0, it looked gloomy for the Robins faithful despite the warm sunshine. Once again, Wilbert "Captain Hook" Robinson pulled his starter early, but this time the relief was not up to the task. Joe Boehling and Jim Shaw allowed five more Highlanders to cross home plate before the day was done, and the Rube from New York was sharp until leaving the game in the seventh, allowing just a single run on five Brooklyn basehits. Lefty Ralph Aitchison finished the day for NY without allowing even a single baserunner and the Highlanders recaptured the Series lead, two games to one.

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] "We had heard some comments about our home park helping us out", Highlander batting coach Walter "Pop" Thornton related after the game. "I think the boys showed them today what bunk that was. We can hit that ball wherever we play the games. Even in this wide open ball park", he smiled, nodding toward the "297" mark in right field. But third base coach Honus Wagner waved the caution flag. "Those Robins know how to play the game. Once the top of their lineup gets untracked, it could make for a very unpleasant visit for us, today's game notwithstanding. This thing is far from over." For their part, the Brooklyns weren't saying much yet. "They just better give me an open lane to the next base." muttered left fielder Cobb. "I'm getting sick of all that talk coming out of the other dugout." The Brooklyn fans are still wondering when Cobb will start getting on base in the first place.

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Tomorrow's scheduled starters for Game Four are Carl Mays (16-12, 2.77) for the visiting New Yorkers and Gene Packard (13-4, 2.66) for the home Brooklyns.

Game Four

The Robins Even Things Up

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Brooklyn (AP) The Robins needed to make a statement this afternoon, and thanks to Ty Cobb and Gene Packard they did exactly that. Cobb, the Brooklyns' catalyst all season long had been disturbingly quiet for the first three games of the series. The noise coming from the Highlanders' bats was by comparison a deafening roar. The hopes of all Brooklyn was riding on a reversal of those two trends. That is just what Game Four brought to the Flatbush Faithful. Right from the git-go things were different; for once the New Yorkers did not score in the first frame. And for once the Robins did, sparked by none other than Mr. Happy himself, Tyrus Raymond Cobb. Cobb led off the bottom of the first by lacing a basehit into center then swiping his second base of the series. The Robins' All Star Shortstop Charlie Hollocher then promptly singled him home for a 1-0 Brooklyn lead. That would be all lefty Gene Packard would need, although his mates tacked on three additional tallies for good measure as they tattooed NY's Carl Mays for 10 hits in his 4 1/3 ineffective innings. Packard was the anti-Mays this game, allowing just 3 harmless singles, a double by Everett Scott and a pair of bases on balls as he totally stymied the Highlanders in tossing a complete game masterpiece in the most clutch of circumstances.

 [ Carl Mays ]
Highlander's submarining righty Carl Mays

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Game Five will pit Babe Adams against Rube Marquard in a rematch of the Game One starters. The winner of that game will be just one step away from the title ...

Game Five

It's The Robins In A Pinch

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Brooklyn (AP) With big stars with sharp nicknames like "The Fordham Flash" and "The Georgia Peach" dominating the media's attention all season in Brooklyn, sometimes the less well known players on a team's roster are overlooked, especially in this, the biggest event of the UL season. Not so today. No, to be sure, all of Brooklyn is raising their glasses in toasting the Man of The Hour ... Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy?! Well, coming through with a late inning, clutch pinch hit to give your team the win which puts them within striking distance of the title can do that for you. Murphy had only 81 regular season at bats all year, and rest assured none were nearly as pressure filled as this one. The Highlanders had just taken a 2-1 lead in the top of the seventh on an Everett Scott basehit, and Babe Adams was pitching a gem of a game - again. But he seemed to tire in the bottom of the inning, and when called upon to "grab some ash and get your butt up there" by manager Robinson the sacks were full of Robins and one run was already in. Murphy calmly came through with the basehit which put the Federals up for good. Consequently Rube Marquard nabbed his first WCS win and Mellie Wolfgang pocketed the save, his second of the series. The Robins look good as they head back across the river to Hill Top Park to try to close the series out. For their part, the Highlanders seem to be looking no farther than the next game. "One game at a time" was the mantra spoken by one and all, "One at a time." The words were tough and the faces set, but there was no denying the disappointment they all felt after dropping this one.

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Game Six will be a rematch of Rube Foster (0-1, 13.50) and Rube Benton (1-0, 1.29).

Game Six

Power Show

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] New York (AP) Backs against the wall, down three games to two in the series and two to one in the game at hand, the Highlanders roared back to take the game and tie the series on a big Ken Williams homerun off reliever Al Demaree. The heart of the New York order produced six hits, including two homeruns and a double and accounted for all five runs batted in as the New Yorkers prevailed over their cross town rivals in Game Five by a 5-2 score.

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Starters Rubes Benton and Foster were both effective, but nonetheless neither figured in the decision. today. Even though Brooklyn had more margin for error than their opposition, skipper Wilbert Robinson wanted to avoid going to a Game Seven on enemy turf. The scoring opened in the fourth when Harry Heilmann launched his second homerun of the series, putting the Highlanders on top. The Robins took the lead the very next inning however, when Casey Stengel doubled home one run and then scored another on a Heine Groh single. It remained 2-1 until the bottom of the seventh when Williams reached the cheap seats with Heilmann aboard via a basehit. In the eighth frame first sacker Jake Daubert, who had missed the first two games of the series due to a regular season injury, plated Heilmann and Williams for a couple of insurance runs to bring the final tally to 5-2. The win went to lefty reliever Ralph Aitchinson while Brooklyn's Demaree was saddled with the loss. Oscar Tuero, who led the PL in saves this season with 28, picked up his first in his first appearance of the series.

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Joe Boehling (0-0) will be pressed into duty to start Game Seven for the Brooklyns while Chief Bender (0-1) takes the hill for the New York squad.

Game Seven

The Curse Of Jocko Flynn

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] New York (AP) For the old timers in the UL, Jocko Flynn, now a pitching coach for the New York Highlanders, is a familiar name. Way back in the league's dawn, Flynn crafted one of the most spectacular seasons in UL history. Jocko ran away with Pitcher of The Year honors that season, posting a 28-7 record to go with a 2.57 ERA while leading his team to the Championship Series. Most importantly to this discussion, Mr. Flynn did not allow a single homerun all season. That's 307 innings worth of season, just to be clear. Then came the WCS, and the name that is linked to Flynn like Bucky Dent is to Mike Torrez: Frank Olin. Frank was a fine pinch hitter, but not exactly an early Babe Ruth. For instance, Mr. Olin smacked all of one four bagger in his ML career and three during his UL days. 1876 WCS, Game Six, sixth inning. Jocko on the mound with the Arahants up by three with Olin at the plate and two aboard. The lead holds and the Championship goes to the Arahants. But that is not to be. Long fly to center - back goes center fielder Rasty Wright, back, back and ... gone. The ball goes over his head and rolling into oblivion, taking the season along with it. Flynn allowed just one homerun all year, and it essentially cost the Arahants (now the Highlanders) the Championship. The next season Flynn was a virtual shell of his former self (3-3, 4.19), and thus the curse was born. The Robins (nee Crusaders) will never again win the Championship after that fortuitous long ball enabled them to cop the very first one while at the same time destroying Flynn's career. That is the legend, anyway ... believe it or not. Now fast forward to the present ...

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] It was a tight game throughout, with the Robins scoring in the 1st and 5th innings and the Highlanders coming right back in the bottom of those frames to tie the game. The New Yorkers were aided by a pair of Brooklyn errors in each of those scores. Then in the 8th, Brooklyn catcher Walter Schmidt pinch hit for pitcher Al Demaree and singled in a pair of runs off reliever Carl Mays to give Brooklyn a 4-2 lead. Instead of giving the Federals their first WCS win since 1876, that just set up the spectacular finish for the New Yorkers, however. The final inning began in good fashion for the Brooklyns. Mellie Wolfgang, untouched in his previous two appearances, strode to the mound and easily retired the leadoff batter, catcher Hank Gowdy, on a ground ball to Frisch. "Orator" Jim O'Rourke then went to his bench, pinch-hitting speedy outfielder Gus Williams, normally a pinch-runner, for Everett Scott. But Gus can swing the lumber a bit as well, and he lined a shot up the middle to keep NY's hopes alive. O'Rourke went to his reserves once again and chose pinch-hitting specialist Turner Barber to bat for the pitcher Mays. Once Barber settled in the box, Williams took off for second, sliding in safely under Hollocher's tag with the stolen base. Barber then hit one back through the pitcher's box for a base hit, but third base coach Wagner held Williams at third; no sense taking a chance here. Now the crowd was stirring. First and third, one out. But Wolfgang was still in control - no runs had scored and at any rate he is the last line of defense. Ross Youngs was the next batter - no need for O'Rourke to make a move here. Youngs lined a shot to right to score Williams and send Barber to third. 4-3 Brooklyn. More stirring from the crowd. O'Rourke once again searched the pine for an answer, and now chose George Maisel to bat for the second baseman, Paddy Baumann. Wolfgang stared in for the sign then threw a heater up and in. But Maisel just barely fought it off, dumping the ball into left field for the third pinch single of the inning. Barber scored easily and Youngs moved into second with the potential winning run. The game had been tied! Disbelief from the Federal League fans and unbridled joy from the Players Leaguers! The game will go on! That brought up Harry Heilmann, perhaps the most dangerous batter on the New York squad. Wilbert Robinson was staying with what got him here - Wolfgang was going to pitch to Heilmann. Slug dug in and looked for his pitch. Wolfgang wound up and gave it all he had to give. But on this particular confrontation, Heilmann won out, slamming a solid two base hit between Cobb and Hub Northern in left center field (that's a 2-9 plain double in strat terms!)! Youngs scored and was immediately mobbed at the dish by the entire team! The Highlanders win the Series! The Highlanders win the Series! The Highlanders win the Series! (with apologies to Russ Hodges!)

 [ Slug Heilmann ]
Series MVP Harry Heilmann

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] Was it the curse?

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] "Bunk" says Flynn. "That happened eons ago. Nothing to do with this game at all. Besides, I never put no damn curse on nobody."

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] "That was a fast ball that just got too much plate", added Heilmann. "Nothing to do with no ridiculous curse."

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] "That's just the game, boys" added a glum Wilbert Robinson. "just the game ..."

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] "You want a curse? I'll give you a curse!", was Cobb's typically blunt response. "Get that !@#$% notebook out of my face before I shove it up your ass. There's a !@#$% curse for your damn ass."

 [ 1x1 Pixel ] But to Brooklyn fans who know better, it's just the curse of Jocko Flynn, rearing it's ugly head once again.

1915 World Series Stats



NAME              BAVG  GM  AB   R   H 2B 3B HR RBI  BB  SO HB SH DP  SB CS  E
H.Ford            .500   2   2   0   1  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
W.Schmidt         .375   6   8   0   3  1  0  0   4   1   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
C.Stengel         .367   7  30   2  11  2  0  2   7   0   7  0  0  0   0  0  1
B.Paschal         .333   3   3   0   1  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
H.Groh            .320   7  25   4   8  2  0  0   1   4   3  0  0  0   0  0  0
J.Harris          .308   6  13   3   4  0  0  0   0   5   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
F.Frisch          .290   7  31   4   9  4  1  0   2   0   0  0  0  1   0  0  0
T.Cobb            .267   7  30   5   8  2  1  0   0   1   3  0  0  0   3  0  1
C.Milan           .259   7  27   3   7  2  0  0   3   0   3  0  0  0   1  0  0
E.Murphy          .250   5   4   1   1  0  0  0   2   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
C.Hollocher       .250   7  28   2   7  0  0  0   3   0   2  1  1  0   0  0  2
V.Saier           .200   6  10   0   2  0  1  0   0   3   0  1  0  0   0  0  0
W.Fischer         .071   6  14   0   1  0  0  0   0   0   1  0  0  0   0  0  1
H.Northen         .000   2   2   0   0  0  0  0   1   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
O.O'Mara          ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
T.Long            ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
D.Brown           ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
H.Cady            ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
P.Bodie           ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
ALL PITCHERS      .000   7  12   0   0  0  0  0   0   2   3  0  1  1   0  0  1
----------------- ---- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- --- --- --- -- -- -- --- -- --
TEAM TOTALS       .264     239      63     3     23      22     2      4     6
                         7      24     13     2      16      2     2      0

NAME               ERA  W  L   PCT   G GS CG SH SV    IP   H   R  ER HR  BB  SO
L.Williams        0.00  0  0  ----   1  0  0  0  0   1.0   0   0   0  0   0   0
J.Shaw            1.59  0  0  ----   4  0  0  0  0   5.2   5   1   1  0   3   5
A.Demaree         2.70  0  1  .000   5  0  0  0  0   6.2   5   2   2  1   2   1
G.Packard         2.89  1  0 1.000   2  2  1  1  0   9.1   8   3   3  1   2   1
J.Boehling        3.07  0  0  ----   3  1  0  0  0  14.2  19   7   5  1   4   8
R.Marquard        3.21  1  1  .500   2  2  0  0  0  14.0  12   5   5  0   4   7
R.Foster          6.00  0  1  .000   2  2  0  0  0   6.0   8   4   4  2   2   1
M.Wolfgang       11.57  0  1  .000   3  0  0  0  2   2.1   6   3   3  0   1   1
A.Brennan        13.50  1  0 1.000   2  0  0  0  0   0.2   2   2   1  0   1   0
H.Perdue          ----  0  0  ----   0  0  0  0  0   0.0   0   0   0  0   0   0
D.Black           ----  0  0  ----   0  0  0  0  0   0.0   0   0   0  0   0   0
ALL NON-PITCHERS  ----  0  0  ----   0  0  0  0  0   0.0   0   0   0  0   0   0
Team                                          0                   +0
----------------- ---- -- -- ----- --- -- -- -- -- ----- --- --- --- -- --- ---
TEAM TOTALS       3.58     4         7     1     2        65      24     19
                        3     .429      7     1     60.1      27      5      24



NAME              BAVG  GM  AB   R   H 2B 3B HR RBI  BB  SO HB SH DP  SB CS  E
G.Williams        .667   4   3   1   2  1  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   1  0  0
H.Gowdy           .400   7  25   2  10  1  0  0   1   3   4  0  0  2   0  0  0
K.Williams        .375   7  24   5   9  1  0  2   5   5   2  1  0  0   2  1  1
H.Heilmann        .345   7  29   7  10  3  0  2   4   2   1  0  0  1   0  0  1
C.Bigbee          .333   6   3   0   1  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
G.Maisel          .333   3   3   0   1  0  0  0   1   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
E.Scott           .304   7  23   0   7  2  0  0   2   0   3  0  0  0   0  0  0
J.Johnston        .286   7  28   1   8  1  0  0   3   0   4  0  0  1   0  0  1
R.Youngs          .259   7  27   5   7  0  1  0   1   4   3  0  0  0   0  0  0
C.Lee             .250   6  20   2   5  0  1  1   4   0   1  0  0  2   0  0  0
T.Barber          .250   4   4   1   1  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
J.Daubert         .222   4   9   0   2  0  0  0   4   1   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
F.Maisel          .167   4   6   3   1  0  0  0   0   3   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
P.Baumann         .000   5  14   0   0  0  0  0   1   0   4  0  3  0   0  0  0
J.Thorpe          ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
W.Tragesser       ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
E.Krueger         ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
W.Smith           ----   0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   0   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
Z.Terry           ----   2   0   0   0  0  0  0   0   1   0  0  0  0   0  0  0
ALL PITCHERS      .071   7  14   0   1  0  0  0   0   0   2  0  4  0   0  0  0
----------------- ---- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- --- --- --- -- -- -- --- -- --
TEAM TOTALS       .280     232      65     2     26      24     7      3     3
                         7      27      9     5      19      1     6      1

NAME               ERA  W  L   PCT   G GS CG SH SV    IP   H   R  ER HR  BB  SO
C.Hageman         0.00  0  0  ----   3  0  0  0  0   0.2   2   0   0  0   0   0
G.Morton          0.00  0  0  ----   1  0  0  0  0   2.0   1   0   0  0   0   1
O.Tuero           0.00  0  0  ----   1  0  0  0  1   1.0   1   0   0  0   0   1
R.Benton          2.25  1  0 1.000   2  2  0  0  0  12.0  11   3   3  0   6   4
B.Adams           3.38  1  1  .500   2  2  1  0  0  16.0  10   6   6  1   3   6
H.Thormahlen      3.60  0  0  ----   5  0  0  0  0   5.0   8   2   2  0   1   1
R.Aitchison       3.60  1  0 1.000   4  0  0  0  0   5.0   5   2   2  0   1   4
C.Bender          3.95  0  1  .000   2  2  0  0  0  13.2  13   7   6  1   3   4
C.Mays            6.35  1  1  .500   2  1  0  0  0   5.2  12   4   4  0   2   1
E.Vangilder       ----  0  0  ----   0  0  0  0  0   0.0   0   0   0  0   0   0
M.Walker          ----  0  0  ----   0  0  0  0  0   0.0   0   0   0  0   0   0
ALL NON-PITCHERS  ----  0  0  ----   0  0  0  0  0   0.0   0   0   0  0   0   0
Team                                          0                   +0
----------------- ---- -- -- ----- --- -- -- -- -- ----- --- --- --- -- --- ---
TEAM TOTALS       3.39     3         7     1     1        63      23     16
                        4     .571      7     0     61.0      24      2      22

The Boxscores

Game One

Game One, 1-0 NYH

  ROBINS             AB  R  H RBI AVG     HIGHLANDERS        AB  R  H RBI AVG
  T.Cobb LF           4  0  0  0 .000     R.Youngs CF         3  1  2  0 .667  
  C.Hollocher SS      4  0  1  0 .250     P.Baumann 2B        3  0  0  1 .000  
  F.Frisch 2B         4  1  2  0 .500     H.Heilmann RF,1B    4  1  1  0 .250  
  C.Stengel CF        4  1  1  2 .250     C.Lee 1B            4  1  1  1 .250  
  V.Saier 1B          3  0  0  0 .000   B-C.Bigbee RF         0  0  0  0 ----  
  H.Groh 3B           3  0  0  0 .000     K.Williams LF       2  0  0  0 .000  
  C.Milan RF          3  0  0  0 .000     J.Johnston 3B       3  0  1  1 .333  
  W.Fischer C         3  0  0  0 .000     H.Gowdy C           3  0  1  0 .333  
  R.Marquard P        1  0  0  0 .000     E.Scott SS          3  0  0  0 .000  
A-E.Murphy PH         1  0  0  0 .000     B.Adams P           3  0  0  0 .000  
  A.Demaree P         0  0  0  0 ----                                          
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      30  2  4  2                 Totals      28  3  6  3

A-Pinch Hit For Marquard In 8th Inning
B-Subbed Defensively (RF) For Lee In 9th Inning

ROBINS.......... 0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 2  -  2  4  0
HIGHLANDERS..... 1 0 0  0 0 2  0 0    -  3  6  0

ROBINS                   IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
R.Marquard LOSS(0-1)      7       6   3   3   2   2   0 107   3.86  A1 D2
A.Demaree                 1       0   0   0   0   0   0   9   0.00  D3
Totals                    8       6   3   3   2   2   0

HIGHLANDERS              IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
B.Adams WIN(1-0)          9       4   2   2   2   4   1 111   2.00  A1
Totals                    9       4   2   2   2   4   1

ATTENDANCE- 7,201 DATE- Wednesday, September 19th 1900 TIME- Day WEATHER- Average
UMPIRES- William H. Wright, Charles E. Palmer, Jocko Milligan, Hank O'Day
DOUBLES- F.Frisch-2(2nd), J.Johnston(1st)
TRIPLES- R.Youngs(1st), C.Lee(1st)
HOME RUNS- C.Stengel(1st)
WALKS- V.Saier, R.Marquard, R.Youngs, K.Williams
HIT BY PITCH- K.Williams
STRIKE OUTS- T.Cobb, C.Stengel, C.Milan, W.Fischer, P.Baumann, K.Williams
GIDP- F.Frisch


Game Two


  ROBINS             AB  R  H RBI AVG     HIGHLANDERS        AB  R  H RBI AVG
  T.Cobb LF           5  1  2  0 .222     R.Youngs CF         3  1  1  0 .500  
  C.Hollocher SS      4  1  1  1 .250     P.Baumann 2B        2  0  0  0 .000  
  F.Frisch 2B         5  0  0  0 .222   B-T.Barber PH         1  0  0  0 .000  
  C.Stengel CF        4  1  2  3 .375   C-F.Maisel 2B         0  0  0  0 ----  
  V.Saier 1B          3  0  0  0 .000   I-G.Maisel PH         1  0  0  0 .000  
E-J.Harris 1B         1  0  1  01.000   J-Z.Terry 2B,SS       0  0  0  0 ----  
  H.Groh 3B           4  1  1  0 .143     H.Heilmann RF,2B    4  2  3  2 .500  
  C.Milan RF          4  2  2  0 .286     C.Lee 1B            5  1  1  2 .222  
  W.Fischer C         3  0  0  0 .000     K.Williams LF       5  0  3  0 .429  
F-W.Schmidt C         1  0  1  21.000     J.Johnston 3B       4  0  2  0 .429  
  G.Packard P         0  0  0  0 ----     H.Gowdy C           4  0  1  0 .286  
  J.Boehling P        1  0  0  0 .000     E.Scott SS          3  0  2  0 .333  
A-E.Murphy PH         1  1  0  0 .000   G-C.Bigbee PH,RF      1  0  0  0 .000  
  A.Demaree P         0  0  0  0 ----     C.Bender P          1  0  0  0 .000  
  A.Brennan P         0  0  0  0 ----     H.Thormahlen P      0  0  0  0 ----  
D-H.Northen PH        1  0  0  1 .000     C.Hageman P         0  0  0  0 ----  
  J.Shaw P            1  0  0  0 .000   H-G.Williams PH       1  0  1  01.000  
  M.Wolfgang P        0  0  0  0 ----     R.Aitchison P       0  0  0  0 ----  
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      38  7 10  7                 Totals      35  4 14  4

A-Pinch Hit For Boehling In 6th Inning
B-Pinch Hit For Baumann In 6th Inning
C-Subbed Defensively (2B) For Barber In 7th Inning
D-Pinch Hit For Brennan In 7th Inning
E-Subbed Defensively (1B) For Saier In 7th Inning
F-Subbed Defensively (C ) For Fischer In 7th Inning
G-Pinch Hit For Scott In 8th Inning
H-Pinch Hit For Hageman In 8th Inning
I-Pinch Hit For Maisel In 8th Inning
J-Subbed Defensively (2B) For Maisel In 9th Inning

ROBINS.......... 0 0 0  0 0 4  1 2 0  -  7 10  1
HIGHLANDERS..... 3 0 1  0 0 0  0 0 0  -  4 14  1

ROBINS                   IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
G.Packard                 0 1/3   4   3   3   0   0   1  21  81.00  A1 A5
J.Boehling                4 2/3   7   1   1   0   1   1  74   1.93  A6 C6
A.Demaree                 0 2/3   1   0   0   1   0   0  16   0.00  C7 D1
A.Brennan WIN(1-0)        0 1/3   0   0   0   0   0   0   3   0.00  D2 D2
J.Shaw                    2       2   0   0   1   2   0  39   0.00  D3 E2
M.Wolfgang SAVE(1st)      1       0   0   0   1   0   0  13   0.00  E3
Totals                    9      14   4   4   3   3   2

HIGHLANDERS              IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
C.Bender LOSS(0-1)        6 2/3   7   5   4   0   2   1  86   5.40  A1 D2
H.Thormahlen              1       2   2   2   0   0   0  11  18.00  D3 D7
C.Hageman                 0 1/3   1   0   0   0   0   0  10   0.00  D8 D9
R.Aitchison               1       0   0   0   0   0   0  12   0.00  E1
Totals                    9      10   7   6   0   2   1

ATTENDANCE- 5,450 DATE- Thursday, September 20th 1900 TIME- Day WEATHER- Good
UMPIRES- Harding Richardson, Carl Lundgren, Phil Ehret, Otis Stockdale
ERRORS- C.Hollocher, H.Heilmann
DOUBLES- C.Stengel(1st), H.Groh(1st), C.Milan(1st), W.Schmidt(1st),
         H.Heilmann(1st), K.Williams(1st), G.Williams(1st)
HOME RUNS- C.Stengel(2nd), H.Heilmann(1st), C.Lee(1st)
SACRIFICE HITS- P.Baumann, C.Bender-2
WALKS- R.Youngs-2, H.Heilmann
HIT BY PITCH- C.Hollocher
STRIKE OUTS- C.Hollocher, H.Groh, J.Johnston, H.Gowdy, C.Bender
GIDP- C.Lee-2, H.Gowdy


Game Three


  HIGHLANDERS        AB  R  H RBI AVG     ROBINS             AB  R  H RBI AVG
  R.Youngs CF         4  0  0  0 .300     T.Cobb LF           4  1  1  0 .231  
  F.Maisel 2B         2  3  1  0 .500     C.Hollocher SS      3  0  0  1 .182  
  K.Williams LF       4  2  3  3 .545     F.Frisch 2B         4  0  1  0 .231  
  H.Heilmann RF       5  1  1  0 .385     J.Harris 1B         4  0  1  0 .400  
  R.Aitchison P       0  0  0  0 ----     C.Stengel CF        4  0  1  0 .333  
  J.Daubert 1B        4  0  1  2 .250     H.Groh 3B           3  0  0  0 .100  
  J.Johnston 3B       5  0  2  2 .417     C.Milan RF          4  0  1  0 .273  
  H.Gowdy C           5  2  3  0 .417     W.Schmidt C         2  0  0  0 .333  
  E.Scott SS          4  0  1  1 .300     R.Foster P          0  0  0  0 ----  
  R.Benton P          2  0  0  0 .000   A-B.Paschal PH        1  0  0  0 .000  
C-T.Barber PH         1  0  0  0 .000     J.Boehling P        1  0  0  0 .000  
D-C.Bigbee RF         0  0  0  0 .000   B-H.Ford PH           1  0  0  0 .000  
                                          J.Shaw P            0  0  0  0 .000  
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      36  8 12  8                 Totals      31  1  5  1

A-Pinch Hit For Foster In 2nd Inning
B-Pinch Hit For Boehling In 7th Inning
C-Pinch Hit For Benton In 8th Inning
D-Subbed Defensively (RF) For Barber In 8th Inning

HIGHLANDERS..... 2 1 3  0 1 0  0 1 0  -  8 12  0
ROBINS.......... 0 0 0  0 1 0  0 0 0  -  1  5  0

HIGHLANDERS              IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
R.Benton WIN(1-0)         7       5   1   1   2   2   0 121   1.29  A1 D1
R.Aitchison               2       0   0   0   0   2   0  18   0.00  D2
Totals                    9       5   1   1   2   4   0

ROBINS                   IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
R.Foster LOSS(0-1)        2       4   3   3   0   1   1  38  13.50  A1 B1
J.Boehling                5       6   4   4   3   3   0  99   4.66  B2 D6
J.Shaw                    2       2   1   1   2   3   0  39   2.25  D7
Totals                    9      12   8   8   5   7   1

ATTENDANCE- 3,371 DATE- Saturday, September 22nd 1915 TIME- Day WEATHER- Good
UMPIRES- Henry Oberbeck, Jimmy Peoples, George Bradley, Wash Williams
DOUBLES- H.Gowdy(1st), E.Scott(1st)
TRIPLES- T.Cobb(1st)
HOME RUNS- K.Williams(1st)
SACRIFICE FLIES- J.Daubert, C.Hollocher
WALKS- R.Youngs, F.Maisel-3, K.Williams, H.Groh, W.Schmidt
STRIKE OUTS- R.Youngs-2, H.Heilmann, J.Johnston, H.Gowdy-2, E.Scott,
             C.Stengel-2, H.Groh, J.Boehling
BALKS- J.Boehling


Game Four


  HIGHLANDERS        AB  R  H RBI AVG     ROBINS             AB  R  H RBI AVG
  R.Youngs CF         4  0  1  0 .286     T.Cobb LF           4  1  2  0 .294  
  P.Baumann 2B        3  0  0  0 .000     C.Hollocher SS      4  1  2  1 .267  
  H.Heilmann RF       4  0  1  0 .353     F.Frisch 2B         4  1  2  0 .294  
  C.Lee 1B            4  0  1  0 .231     C.Stengel CF        4  0  3  1 .438  
  K.Williams LF       3  0  0  0 .429     V.Saier 1B          1  0  0  0 .000  
  J.Johnston 3B       4  0  0  0 .313   A-J.Harris PH,1B      1  0  0  0 .333  
  H.Gowdy C           4  0  0  0 .313     H.Groh 3B           4  1  1  0 .143  
E-G.Williams PR       0  0  0  01.000     C.Milan RF          4  0  2  2 .333  
  E.Scott SS          3  0  1  0 .308     W.Fischer C         3  0  1  0 .111  
D-G.Maisel PH         1  0  0  0 .000   B-W.Schmidt C         1  0  0  0 .250  
  C.Mays P            2  0  0  0 .000     G.Packard P         3  0  0  0 .000  
  H.Thormahlen P      0  0  0  0 ----                                          
C-Z.Terry PH          0  0  0  0 ----                                          
  G.Morton P          0  0  0  0 ----                                          
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      32  0  4  0                 Totals      33  4 13  4

A-Pinch Hit For Saier In 5th Inning
B-Subbed Defensively (C ) For Fischer In 7th Inning
C-Pinch Hit For Thormahlen In 7th Inning
D-Pinch Hit For Scott In 9th Inning
E-Pinch Ran For Gowdy In 9th Inning

HIGHLANDERS..... 0 0 0  0 0 0  0 0 0  -  0  4  0
ROBINS.......... 1 0 0  1 2 0  0 0    -  4 13  2

HIGHLANDERS              IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
C.Mays LOSS(0-1)          4 1/3  10   4   4   1   1   0  75   8.31  A1 C4
H.Thormahlen              1 2/3   2   0   0   1   1   0  17   6.75  C5 D2
G.Morton                  2       1   0   0   0   1   0  24   0.00  D3
Totals                    8      13   4   4   2   3   0

ROBINS                   IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
G.Packard WIN(1-0)        9       4   0   0   2   1   0 127   2.89  A1
Totals                    9       4   0   0   2   1   0

ATTENDANCE- 1,631 DATE- Sunday, September 23rd 1915 TIME- Day WEATHER- Bad
UMPIRES- Jimmy Peoples, George Bradley, Wash Williams, Henry Oberbeck
ERRORS- T.Cobb, C.Stengel
DOUBLES- E.Scott(2nd), H.Groh(2nd), C.Milan(2nd)
SACRIFICE HITS- P.Baumann, G.Packard
WALKS- K.Williams, Z.Terry, V.Saier, J.Harris
STRIKE OUTS- H.Gowdy, T.Cobb, H.Groh, G.Packard  


Game Five

Game Five, 3-2 BRK

  HIGHLANDERS        AB  R  H RBI AVG     ROBINS             AB  R  H RBI AVG
  R.Youngs CF         4  0  0  0 .222     T.Cobb LF           4  1  1  0 .286  
  P.Baumann 2B        3  0  0  0 .000     C.Hollocher SS      4  0  1  0 .263  
D-C.Bigbee PH         1  0  1  0 .500     F.Frisch 2B         4  0  0  1 .238  
F-F.Maisel 2B         0  0  0  0 .500     C.Stengel CF        4  0  2  0 .450  
  H.Heilmann RF       3  0  0  0 .300     J.Harris 1B         4  1  0  0 .200  
  C.Lee 1B            3  0  0  0 .188     H.Groh 3B           3  1  2  0 .235  
E-J.Daubert PH,1B     1  0  0  0 .200     C.Milan RF          4  1  1  1 .316  
  K.Williams LF       3  1  0  0 .353     W.Fischer C         2  0  0  0 .091  
  J.Johnston 3B       4  1  2  0 .350   A-V.Saier PH          0  0  0  0 .000  
  H.Gowdy C           4  0  3  1 .400     A.Demaree P         0  0  0  0 ----  
  E.Scott SS          3  0  2  1 .375     M.Wolfgang P        0  0  0  0 ----  
G-G.Williams PH       1  0  0  0 .500     R.Marquard P        2  0  0  0 .000  
  B.Adams P           2  0  0  0 .000   B-E.Murphy PH         1  0  1  2 .333  
  H.Thormahlen P      0  0  0  0 ----   C-W.Schmidt C         0  0  0  0 .250  
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      32  2  8  2                 Totals      32  4  8  4

A-Pinch Hit For Fischer In 7th Inning
B-Pinch Hit For Marquard In 7th Inning
C-Subbed Defensively (C ) For Murphy In 8th Inning
D-Pinch Hit For Baumann In 8th Inning
E-Pinch Hit For Lee In 8th Inning
F-Subbed Defensively (2B) For Bigbee In 8th Inning
G-Pinch Hit For Scott In 9th Inning

HIGHLANDERS..... 0 1 0  0 0 0  1 0 0  -  2  8  0
ROBINS.......... 1 0 0  0 0 0  3 0    -  4  8  0

HIGHLANDERS              IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
B.Adams LOSS(1-1)         7       6   4   4   1   2   0 105   3.38  A1 D2
H.Thormahlen              1       2   0   0   0   0   0  18   4.91  D3
Totals                    8       8   4   4   1   2   0

ROBINS                   IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
R.Marquard WIN(1-1)       7       6   2   2   2   5   0 103   3.21  A1 D1
A.Demaree                 1       1   0   0   0   0   0  10   0.00  D2 D4
M.Wolfgang SAVE(2nd)      1       1   0   0   0   1   0  17   0.00  D5
Totals                    9       8   2   2   2   6   0

ATTENDANCE- 3,069 DATE- Monday, September 24th 1915 TIME- Day WEATHER- Good
UMPIRES- Otis Stockdale, Harding Richardson, Carl Lundgren, Phil Ehret
DOUBLES- T.Cobb(1st)
STOLEN BASES- C.Milan(1st)
WALKS- H.Heilmann, K.Williams, H.Groh
STRIKE OUTS- R.Youngs, P.Baumann-2, C.Lee, K.Williams, E.Scott, C.Milan,
GIDP- H.Heilmann

Game Six

Game Six, Series Tied 3-3

  ROBINS             AB  R  H RBI AVG     HIGHLANDERS        AB  R  H RBI AVG
  T.Cobb LF           4  0  1  0 .280     R.Youngs CF         4  0  0  0 .182  
  C.Hollocher SS      4  0  0  0 .217     F.Maisel 2B         4  0  0  0 .167  
  F.Frisch 2B         5  1  2  0 .269     H.Heilmann RF       4  3  3  1 .375  
  J.Harris 1B         2  1  1  0 .250   H-C.Bigbee RF         0  0  0  0 .500  
  C.Stengel CF        5  0  1  1 .400     K.Williams LF       4  2  2  2 .381  
  H.Groh 3B           4  0  3  1 .333     J.Daubert 1B        3  0  1  2 .250  
  C.Milan RF          5  0  1  0 .292     J.Johnston 3B       4  0  0  0 .292  
  W.Schmidt C         3  0  1  0 .286     H.Gowdy C           1  0  1  0 .429  
D-B.Paschal PH        1  0  0  0 .000     E.Scott SS          4  0  1  0 .350  
E-W.Fischer C         0  0  0  0 .091     R.Benton P          1  0  0  0 .000  
  R.Foster P          2  0  0  0 .000   A-C.Lee PH            1  0  0  0 .176  
  L.Williams P        0  0  0  0 ----     R.Aitchison P       0  0  0  0 ----  
B-H.Ford PH           1  0  1  0 .500     C.Hageman P         1  0  0  0 .000  
C-E.Murphy PR         0  0  0  0 .333     H.Thormahlen P      0  0  0  0 ----  
  A.Demaree P         0  0  0  0 ----   G-T.Barber PH         1  0  0  0 .000  
F-V.Saier PH          1  0  1  0 .125     O.Tuero P           0  0  0  0 ----  
  A.Brennan P         0  0  0  0 ----                                          
  J.Shaw P            0  0  0  0 .000                                          
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      37  2 12  2                 Totals      32  5  8  5

A-Pinch Hit For Benton In 5th Inning
B-Pinch Hit For Williams In 6th Inning
C-Pinch Ran For Ford In 6th Inning
D-Pinch Hit For Schmidt In 7th Inning
E-Subbed Defensively (C ) For Paschal In 7th Inning
F-Pinch Hit For Demaree In 8th Inning
G-Pinch Hit For Thormahlen In 8th Inning
H-Subbed Defensively (RF) For Heilmann In 9th Inning

ROBINS.......... 0 0 0  0 2 0  0 0 0  -  2 12  1
HIGHLANDERS..... 0 0 0  1 0 2  0 2    -  5  8  2

ROBINS                   IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
R.Foster                  4       4   1   1   2   0   1  63   6.00  A1 B8
L.Williams                1       0   0   0   0   0   0   6   0.00  B9 C2
A.Demaree LOSS(0-1)       2       2   2   2   1   0   1  33   3.86  C3 D2
A.Brennan                 0 1/3   2   2   1   1   0   0  19  13.50  D3 D7
J.Shaw                    0 2/3   0   0   0   0   0   0   7   1.93  D8
Totals                    8       8   5   4   4   0   2

HIGHLANDERS              IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
R.Benton                  5       6   2   2   4   2   0  84   2.25  A1 C7
R.Aitchison WIN(1-0)      1 2/3   3   0   0   1   1   0  32   0.00  C8 D7
C.Hageman                 0 1/3   0   0   0   0   0   0   3   0.00  D8 D8
H.Thormahlen              1       2   0   0   0   0   0  12   3.86  D9 E3
O.Tuero SAVE(1st)         1       1   0   0   0   1   0  18   0.00  E4
Totals                    9      12   2   2   5   4   0

ATTENDANCE- 4,649 DATE- Wednesday, September 26th 1915 TIME- Day WEATHER- Good
UMPIRES- Billy Long, Abraham Mills, Isaac Burkalow, Ferguson Malone
ERRORS- C.Hollocher, K.Williams, J.Johnston
DOUBLES- F.Frisch-2(4th), C.Stengel(2nd), H.Heilmann(2nd)
HOME RUNS- H.Heilmann(2nd), K.Williams(2nd)
STOLEN BASES- T.Cobb(3rd), K.Williams-2(2nd)
WALKS- T.Cobb, J.Harris-3, H.Groh, J.Daubert, H.Gowdy-3
STRIKE OUTS- T.Cobb, C.Stengel-2, C.Milan
GIDP- R.Foster, J.Johnston


Game Seven

Game Seven, NYH Wins Series 4-3

  ROBINS             AB  R  H RBI AVG     HIGHLANDERS        AB  R  H RBI AVG
  T.Cobb LF           5  1  1  0 .267     R.Youngs CF         5  3  3  1 .259  
  C.Hollocher SS      5  0  2  0 .250     P.Baumann 2B        3  0  0  0 .000  
  F.Frisch 2B         5  1  2  1 .290   J-G.Maisel PH         1  0  1  1 .333  
  C.Stengel CF,RF     5  0  1  0 .367     H.Heilmann RF       5  0  1  1 .345  
  V.Saier 1B          2  0  1  0 .200     C.Lee 1B            3  0  2  1 .250  
C-J.Harris PH,1B      1  1  1  0 .308   G-J.Daubert PH,1B     1  0  0  0 .222  
  H.Groh 3B           4  1  1  0 .320     K.Williams LF       3  0  1  0 .375  
  C.Milan RF          3  0  0  0 .259     J.Johnston 3B       4  0  1  0 .286  
D-B.Paschal PH        1  0  1  0 .333     H.Gowdy C           4  0  1  0 .400  
  J.Shaw P            0  0  0  0 .000     E.Scott SS          3  0  0  0 .304  
  M.Wolfgang P        0  0  0  0 ----   H-G.Williams PH       1  1  1  0 .667  
  W.Fischer C         3  0  0  0 .071     C.Bender P          2  0  1  0 .333  
E-H.Northen PH,CF     1  0  0  0 .000   B-C.Bigbee PH         1  0  0  0 .333  
  J.Boehling P        1  0  0  0 .000     R.Aitchison P       0  0  0  0 ----  
A-E.Murphy PH         1  0  0  0 .250     C.Hageman P         0  0  0  0 .000  
  A.Demaree P         0  0  0  0 ----     H.Thormahlen P      0  0  0  0 ----  
F-W.Schmidt PH,C      1  0  1  2 .375     C.Mays P            0  0  0  0 .000  
                                        I-T.Barber PH         1  1  1  0 .250  
                     -- -- -- ---                            -- -- -- ---      
         Totals      38  4 11  3                 Totals      37  5 13  4

A-Pinch Hit For Boehling In 6th Inning
B-Pinch Hit For Bender In 7th Inning
C-Pinch Hit For Saier In 8th Inning
D-Pinch Hit For Milan In 8th Inning
E-Pinch Hit For Fischer In 8th Inning
F-Pinch Hit For Demaree In 8th Inning
G-Pinch Hit For Lee In 8th Inning
H-Pinch Hit For Scott In 9th Inning
I-Pinch Hit For Mays In 9th Inning
J-Pinch Hit For Baumann In 9th Inning

ROBINS.......... 1 0 0  0 1 0  0 2 0  -  4 11  2
HIGHLANDERS..... 1 0 0  0 1 0  0 0 3  -  5 13  0

ROBINS                   IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
J.Boehling                5       6   2   0   1   4   0  92   3.07  A1 C4
A.Demaree                 2       1   0   0   0   1   0  21   2.70  C5 D2
J.Shaw                    1       1   0   0   0   0   0  12   1.59  D3 D6
M.Wolfgang LOSS(0-1)      0 1/3   5   3   3   0   0   0  20  11.57  D7
Totals                    8 1/3  13   5   3   1   5   0

HIGHLANDERS              IP       H   R  ER  BB  SO  HR  PC    ERA  SCORESHEET
C.Bender                  7       6   2   2   3   2   0 101   3.95  A1 D3
R.Aitchison               0 1/3   2   2   2   0   1   0  11   3.60  D4 D6
C.Hageman                 0       1   0   0   0   0   0   5   0.00  D7 D7
H.Thormahlen              0 1/3   0   0   0   0   0   0   5   3.60  D8 D8
C.Mays WIN(1-1)           1 1/3   2   0   0   1   0   0  28   6.35  D9
Totals                    9      11   4   4   4   3   0

ATTENDANCE- 3,427 DATE- Thursday, September 27th 1915 TIME- Day WEATHER- Good
UMPIRES- Carl Lundgren, Phil Ehret, Otis Stockdale, Harding Richardson
ERRORS- W.Fischer, J.Boehling
DOUBLES- T.Cobb(2nd), H.Heilmann(3rd)
TRIPLES- F.Frisch(1st), V.Saier(1st)
STOLEN BASES- G.Williams(1st)
WALKS- V.Saier, J.Harris, H.Groh, J.Boehling, K.Williams
STRIKE OUTS- C.Hollocher, C.Stengel-2, P.Baumann, J.Johnston-2, E.Scott,
GIDP- H.Gowdy

                             SUBSTITUTE P - Mellie Wolfgang
0     H.Gowdy              1 Ground Out                     b-0 
                             SUBSTITUTE PH- Gus Williams
1     G.Williams           2 Single                         b-1 
1 1                        1 Stolen Base                    1-2 
                             SUBSTITUTE PH- Turner Barber
1  2  T.Barber             5 Single                         2-3 b-1 
1 1 3 R.Youngs             5 Single                         3-H 1-3 b-1 
                             SUBSTITUTE PH- George Maisel
1 1 3 G.Maisel             5 Single                         3-H 1-2 b-1 
1 12  H.Heilmann           1 Double                         2-H 1-3 b-2 

WCS Records/ Front Page/ Union League/