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 About us

The word Thillana is analogous to a pure dance item traditionally presented as the last piece in a concert of music or dance. The name “thillana” stands for an expression of joy, dynamism and creativity.  Its therefore only apt that a group of enthusiastic and talented musicians with a penchant to play their favorite songs, be named Thillana.


To give you a brief idea about the origin of Thillana, it is essential to take you down the memory lane to the Tamil New Year celebrations hosted by Bay Area Tamil Manram in the year 2000. From a group of 5 Silicon Valley professionals who performed at this celebration, Thillana has grown into a full-fledged light music band of close to 25 members within the last year. In addition, it has 3 full blown concerts to its credit, all performed with the sole motivation of raising money for charity, through an evening of musical splendor.


Thillana stands as an outlet for exposing immeasurable amount of passion, energy and creativity to do music. In the process we also derive additional pleasure by performing for a good cause. “Music for Charity” is a sentiment that is predominantly shared by all team members. To most of us, it has provided an opportunity to prove our mettle, and indulge ourselves in what we like to do the most: play great songs, even if it means offbeat and non-commercial numbers.


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