For personal use and select distribution only © January 1998 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: September 1872

Sully and Daniel were fishing. Daniel had come up to the cave to spend some time with Sully. Fishing together reminded them of old times, when they were young and living in New York. Daniel was filling Sully in on some of the comings and goings of Colorado Springs. Sully was telling Daniel of the work he and Cloud Dancing were doing to try and get Black Moon and the other braves to give up the fighting and the raiding. They both knew that once the crises with the Indians was over, Sully might have a chance to work out his problems with the army and come home.

"Michaela was up here yesterday and said you were havin' some problems with Hank," Sully said.

"Yeh. He resents my being Sheriff. Thinks something was wrong with the voting. Dorothy was saying she thought guns should be outlawed again. Someone told Hank and he come running over to fight me on it. But he got a surprise. I know you wouldn't agree, but I don't think guns should be outlawed. Responsible people got a right to protect themselves, is what I told Dorothy. Then I said the problem was the ones who were irresponsible with the guns...both Dorothy and I looked at Hank then. She said she saw my meaning and we dropped it there. But Hank also sees most of the town backs me, so unless I do somethin' real bad, he doesn't have anything to call me on."

Sully smiled, "Poor Hank. First Matthew beats him out and then you! I sure feel safer with you as sheriff than Hank. Things could get real wild if Hank were sheriff....just look at what happened the short time he was. He and Jake took the risk to come out here and try to catch me and the Indians. They almost got themselves killed. If me and Cloud Dancing hadn't been there, Black Moon and his braves would have killed them."

"Hank's a hot head and sure doesn't think before he acts. But I ain't worried, I can handle Hank." Daniel said with a smile.

Colleen was home from school for the weekend, so Michaela asked Andrew and Daniel to come out for dinner. Sully was also there...he snuck into the house through the upstairs window and with Matthew, Brian and Katie, it was a nice gathering. For awhile they could forget about the problems outside the doors of the homestead. After dinner, Daniel and Sully played chess, while Michaela sat near her husband as she rocked Katie. Matthew and Brian had a game of checkers, while Colleen told Andrew about some of her school subjects. They were all happy to be where they were and whom they were with. Sully stayed the night with Michaela, leaving just before dawn.

Michaela was removing stitches from a cut on Robert E's arm. "It's healed nicely, Robert E."

"Sure does feel better, Dr. Mike. There sure was a lot of blood when it happened. Kinda scared Grace and Anthony...and me too."

As Robert E was getting ready to leave, they heard some shouting coming from the direction of the saloon. Robert E opened the clinic door and as they went out on the porch, they saw Daniel coming around the corner at a dead run from his office. They glanced over to the saloon and saw two men backing out of the saloon with guns drawn. As the men turned to run, they saw Daniel and at the same time, Hank came out of the saloon waving his gun and yelling he'd been robbed. One robber pointed his gun at Hank and the other pointed his gun at Daniel. Daniel drew his gun and all four men shot their guns within moments of each other. Daniel's bullet found it's mark and down went the robber, who fired at Daniel as he fell, the bullet grazing Daniel on the side of his head, but not knocking Daniel down. The second robber fired at Hank, missing him and his bullet went into the shoulder of Maria, one of Hank's girls who was just inside the saloon doors. Hank also missed, but his bullet did the most damage; it hit Daniel in the abdomen, near his side. As Daniel went down, the second robber ran for his horse, but was tackled by Matthew, who had come around the corner from the library.

Things were chaotic. Hank looked shocked at shooting Daniel; Daniel was on the ground, as was the first robber. A townsman had come over to help Matthew with the second robber. Michaela and Robert E headed for Daniel, while Jake went to check on the first robber, who turned out to be dead.

Daniel was unconscious and bleeding heavily. Robert E and Jake picked him up and carried him into the clinic. Maria followed close behind with one of the saloon customers holding a towel on her shoulder.

"Jake, I may need your help," said Michaela. "Robert E, please ride out and get Andrew."

Michaela quickly checked Maria, whose injury was not serious. "Just keep the towel on it for now." Then she turned to Daniel. Blood was everywhere. Jake was holding a cloth on the abdomen wound. She quickly checked his head and determined the bullet caused a wound big enough to need stitches, but it was not serious. Michaela started checking the wound in Daniel's abdomen and determined the bullet was still in. She knew it would be a major surgery and decided she could afford to wait for Andrew.

Just then Colleen came in, "I was with Becky and I heard there that someone had been shot!" then she realized it was Daniel on the table, "Ma! Daniel's hurt?"

"Yes. So is Maria. She has a minor shoulder wound, the bullet went through. Please help her. I'm waiting for Andrew and then we'll operate on Daniel."

Colleen tended to Maria and Michaela prepared for surgery with Jake's help. A knock was heard, Colleen opened the door to find Hank standing there.

"Is Daniel gonna be okay?" he asked.

"I don't know," Michaela said. "The head wound is nothing. But the wound in his abdomen is very serious. And the blood loss is the worst of it. In case you're worried about Maria, she'll be fine but will need to rest for a few weeks."

"I really feel bad about this, Michaela. I didn't mean for Daniel to get shot...I sure didn't mean to shoot him. I was aiming at those guys who robbed me."

"Think about your actions, Hank, especially if Daniel doesn't make it! Daniel was not in direct line with the robber. Your shot could be questionable!"

"I agree with Dr. Mike, Hank. Your shot went kind a wild to hit Daniel," said Jake.

"I swear I wasn't aiming at Daniel!" Hank yelled.

"We'll deal with this later, Hank. I need to treat Daniel. Leave," said Michaela.

As Hank was leaving, Andrew came rushing in.

"Do you need me anymore, Dr. Mike?" Jake asked.

"No. Thank you for staying until now though. Colleen is done with Maria...can you get her back to her room?"

"No problem. Send someone if I can help." Jake put his arm around Maria and led her out of the clinic.

Michaela turned to Daniel. Andrew and Colleen were standing at his side.

"Is there an exit hole?" Andrew asked.

"No. And a lot of blood. I'm concern about the bullet's course. From the angle, I think it has hit the spleen, but we won't know for sure about that or the other damage until we operate. I'm hoping the damage isn't too much. So let's get started."

Colleen used chloroform on Daniel just in case he regained consciousness. Michaela and Andrew set about repairing the damage the bullet caused.

Knowing it would be awhile, if ever, before Daniel could resume his duties, Jake appointed Matthew as temporary sheriff, because of his previous experience.

When the operation was finishing, Michaela went out to give news to the waiting crowd. "Daniel survived the operation. The next 48 hours will be critical for him. If he makes it through those, he will probably survive. The head wound is minor, but the bullet that went in his abdomen ruptured his spleen and damaged some other tissue. We had to remove the spleen, which anyone can live without, and we repaired the other damage. The big concern is the blood loss."

"Is there anything we can do, Dr. Mike," Reverend Johnson asked.

"Besides praying? There's not a thing. Thank you."

Sully heard a horse coming. No one was scheduled to be visiting right now, so he hid in the bushes outside the cave until he could get a better view of the rider. When he saw it was Michaela, he moved out into the open.

"Michaela!" he said.

"Sully!" she replied and was off her horse and into his arms.

"What's wrong?" he asked after a kiss.

"Daniel's been shot."

"Is he alive?"

"Yes. But he's still unconscious. We had to operate, remove his spleen and repair some damaged tissue. He also was grazed by a bullet on the scalp, but that's a minor wound."

"Who shot him?"

"Come, sit down and I'll tell you the whole story. But you must promise to stay calm," Michaela said, with a worried look.




Michaela proceeded to tell him of the incident in town. While telling the story, Michaela watched Sully's blue eyes get dark with anger.

"D'ya think Hank shot Daniel on purpose?"

"On the ride up here, I thought about it and I can't say for sure one way or the other. When Hank gets riled up, his aim is not good. I think if there hadn't been problems between Hank and Daniel, I could easily believe it was only an accident. But because of the problems, I can't be sure. And the other bad part of this is Jake made Matthew the temporary sheriff."

"I'm sorry for that, Michaela."

"It's all right. I got through it once, I can get through it again. My big concern is Daniel. He lost a lot of blood, but he is healthy and strong, so the odds are on his side. Andrew, Colleen and I will take turns staying with him. Matthew and Brian will take care of Katie and stay out at the homestead. I don't know how soon I can make it back up here, but one of the boys will bring you any news."

"I wish I could be there with ya through this. It's times like these I really feel the weight of my actions. I hate not being there to help ya."

"I know, Sully. But if you hadn't done what you did, Cloud Dancing could very well be dead by now. I was angry in the beginning, but I think I always understood why you did it. I still love you, no matter what."

They put their arms around each other and held on for awhile. Finally, Michaela stood up to go. "I need to go back. I'm sorry I can't stay longer."

"I know. It's okay. I love ya, Michaela." Sully said as he took her face in his hands and tenderly kissed her.

Daniel was still unconscious when Michaela return. "He hasn't moved or made any sounds, ma," Colleen said. "He has a slight fever. But the incision isn't bleeding, nor is his head. Andrew's in the recovery room down the hall getting some sleep. You should get some too."

"I can't right now, Colleen. I want you to go into the other room and sleep. I'll call you if I need you. Thank you, Colleen."

"He'll be okay, ma, I know it."

Michaela was dozing in the chair next to Daniel's bed. She felt a hand on her shoulder and woke up with a start. "Sully!"

"I couldn't stay away. No one saw me and I'll leave before dawn. How is he?"

"No better, but no worse." Michaela said.

"Here, you go to one of the other rooms and get some rest. I'll sit with him.," said Sully.

"No, I don't want to leave you, or him."

", let's sit on the floor. You put your head in my lap and close your eyes. We're together, but you'll get some rest. I'll keep watch and wake ya if he stirs."

"Michaela......Michaela....wake up," Sully called to her. Michaela opened her eyes and looked up at her husband. "I think somethin's wrong. He looks whiter and I can see some blood."

Michaela got up quickly and went to Daniel. His incision was bleeding. "Sully, get Andrew...hurry!"

"We need to open him up. I think one of the internal stitches tore and we can't move him," Michaela said to Andrew.

Colleen came into the room. "I heard voices. What's wrong?"

"We need to go back in," Andrew said.

"I'll get everything for you," Colleen said.

"I'll help," Sully said and went downstairs with Colleen.

They opened up the incision and found that a couple of stitches had torn. They fixed the stitches, suctioned out the blood and closed the incision again.

"He's going to need a blood transfusion," Michaela said. She turned to Sully, "Sully, I hate to ask, but..."

"No need ta ask. Where d'ya want me?"

Andrew and Sully carried a table into Daniel's room, so that Sully could lie down to give blood. Michaela attached Daniel and Sully together with the needles and tubes, and for the third time Sully was giving his blood to someone else.

The transfusion went well and Daniel was regaining a pink color. The transfusion was finished and Sully was ready to leave before dawn. Michaela walked with him to the clinic's back door.

"What are his chances, Michaela?" Sully asked.

"Much better than they were a few hours ago. I really think he'll make it. I'll do my best to make sure he does." she replied.

"I know you will. There's no one else I'd rather see takin' care of him. I wish I could stay and help ya."

"I know you do, but it's too dangerous. I couldn't take it if you were arrested, Sully. What keeps me going without you here is the thought that eventually you'll be back home with us. I love you!"

Sully put his arms around Michaela and held her tight. "I love you, too. And I miss you so! I miss waking up with ya, being with ya, going to sleep with ya, making love with ya whenever we want...just everything. I can't ever apologize enough for causing this."

"Sully, you didn't and you've got to stop thinking that. You are so honorable and only act with others in mind. Just stay safe for me, please?"

They looked at each other, their eyes were moist and so full of love for each other. They kissed in a series of little pecks and nibbles, something they'd like to continue for a long time, but knew Sully must leave so he could get out of town safely.

"You're always in my thoughts. I say good night to you every night," Michaela told Sully.

"I, too, say good night to you. I'll see ya soon."

They kissed once more and Sully slipped out the door.

By the afternoon, Daniel's vital signs were close to normal, but he still hadn't regained consciousness. Andrew and Colleen were in with Daniel so that Michaela could sleep. She was taking a nap with Katie.

"Maybe I should send a telegram to school and let them know I won't be back for a few days. I'm not sure I should go back tomorrow." Colleen said to Andrew.

"I think you should go back as planned, Colleen. I promise to stay here with Michaela until Daniel is better, and he will get better. I mean, I'd like to see you stay, but your schooling is important."

"Well, maybe I'll wait and see how things go tomorrow. My train doesn't leave until evening."

When dinnertime came, Matthew and Brian brought dinner over from Grace's for everyone. They all sat on the floor in Daniel's room to have dinner so that they could be together and continue to watch Daniel.

"Ma? Look, Daniel's moving," said Brian.

Michaela got up quickly and went to Daniel's side. The others sat still and waited. "Daniel?" Michaela said.

In a weak voice, Daniel answered, "Michaela?"

At that, the rest got up and came to the bedside. Daniel looked around at all the faces of his friends, "What happened?"

"You were shot. Once by a robber and once by Hank. Do you remember?" said Michaela.

"No...I don't think so. I remember being at the jail, someone came running by yelling there was trouble at the saloon. I know I left the jail, but can't remember anything after that," said Daniel.

"One of the bullets grazed your head. That probably accounts for the memory loss. You may not ever remember what's hard to say for sure."

"How long have I been out?" Daniel asked.

"It happened yesterday morning and it's now's been close to 20 hours. Last night we weren't sure you were going to make it. Sully was here...I had gone up and told him around noon yesterday. He came down last night. It's a good thing he did, you ended up needing a blood transfusion. Sully's given blood before, to Loren and Cloud Dancing. Usually if someone's good at giving blood, we use them again. So Sully gave you his blood last night. It did the trick," Michaela replied.

"Is he still here?"

"No. He left before dawn this morning," Matthew said. "And don't worry, I'll take care of things til you're better."

Daniel looked at Matthew and saw the badge. He nodded at Matthew, "Thanks, Matthew. Michaela, you said Hank shot me. Did he do it on purpose or was it an accident?"

"I thought about it while I was watching you and I'm pretty sure it was an accident. I wouldn't put it past Hank to try and shoot you, but I don't think he'd be so obvious and he has always reacted by shooting, and not always straight, when he gets robbed."

"So I take it this ain't the first time?" Daniel said, with his usual humor showing through.

"No, it's not. That's enough for now. You need to rest," Michaela said. She turned and shooed everyone out of the room. She turned back to Daniel and saw he was asleep. She smiled and left the room. It was too dark for anyone to go up to tell Sully, so Michaela resolved to go in the morning. Besides, another 12 hours and she could be sure Daniel would be all right. When she got downstairs, the others were waiting for her. "Matthew, please let Hank know about Daniel. I know his concern may be for himself, not wanting to be in trouble, but he may care a little that he shot Daniel. Then please let Dorothy know and ask her to put a note in her paper."

"Sure thing, Dr. Mike. What about Sully?" Matthew asked.

"It's too late tonight to go up there. I plan to ride up first thing in the morning as long as Daniel is still okay. Andrew, I know Preston's probably furious over your staying here, so perhaps you should go back in the morning."

"Yes, I will. Thanks, Michaela," Andrew said

"No, thank you, Andrew," Michaela said as they smiled at each other.

When dawn came, Michaela checked Daniel and found him sleeping soundly, with no evidence of any problems. She checked on Colleen and found her asleep also. Andrew was not in the room he was using, so she went downstairs to the clinic and found Andrew reading a medical book. "Good morning," she said.

"Good morning, Michaela. I checked in on Daniel before I came down...he's looking well."

"Yes he is."

"Are you going up to Sully now?"


"Then I've decided to stay until you get back. Colleen was really tired and it's better for her to sleep if she can. I know she has to go back to school this evening and needs her rest. Another day won't make Preston any angrier"

"Thank you, Andrew. I really appreciate it and I know Colleen will. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"No...please, take your time. I know you get little enough time to spend with Sully. And I'd like to stay and see Colleen off. I plan to spend the day here in town."

"Thank you. Please tell Colleen then, I'll be back in time to see her off."

Sully had gotten very little sleep. He was very worried about Daniel. If he didn't hear today, he would go back down to town tonight. He was pacing around the cave when he heard someone coming. He hurried outside and looked through the bushes to see Michaela. He ran toward her and saw the smile on her face....he knew then that Daniel was okay. He reached up for her and she came into his arms. He held on tight.

After a little while, they sat down on a log. "It was dark last night when we knew Daniel would make it, otherwise I would have come yesterday. He woke up and we talked. He knows you were there and that you gave him your blood."

"He's really okay?" asked Sully.

"Yes...I promise. He'll be weak for awhile and I'll keep him at the clinic for a few days. He doesn't remember getting shot, which is probably because of the bullet that grazed his head. The last thing he remembers is leaving the jail to head for the saloon."

"Thank you, Michaela....thank you for saving my friend," Sully said with a voice choked with emotion.

"Our friend, Sully...and you're welcome. But you had a big hand in it. It's your blood that pulled him through." Michaela said as she reached up to smooth his hair away from his face. "Andrew plans to stay at the clinic most of the day. He said I should stay up here with you for awhile and I agreed since I knew Daniel was going to be okay."

Sully smiled, "Then this is a good day! My friend is going to live and my wife is going to be in my arms." He put his arms around Michaela and they kissed. Without a word, with just a look, they turned and walked into the cave together.

The End

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