For personal use and select distribution only © June 1999 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: September 1873

"Michaela? It's time to go to town. Brian's hitching the wagon," Sully said.

"Coming," she replied. She came down the stairs with Katie in her arms. "Katie didn't want to get changed, but she couldn't go to town wearing breakfast."

Sully looked up at his wife and daughter as they came down the stairs. Katie had a pout on her face. As soon as she saw her father, she reached for him.


Smiling, Sully took Katie from Michaela's arms. "Hey, Katie. Ya look pretty in this dress."

Katie looked at her mother, pout still intact. "Want blue dress."

"Sorry, Katie. You put your oatmeal on it. You can't wear clothes you have smeared with your food. This dress is very pretty." Michaela told her stubborn daughter.

They reached the clinic after dropping Brian off at school. Michaela kissed Sully and Katie, then got off the wagon, leaving Katie sitting next to her father.

"We'll see ya later," said Sully. "We're gonna check for mail and talk to Horace. He wants to hire me to help him put an extra room on the station. He's running outa room. We're just going over the plans today, so Katie can stay with me."

"Okay.....but please try and keep Katie from getting too dirty."

"I'll try. But she's good at finding the dirt! If we ain't back before, we'll join ya for lunch."

Michaela was working on some charts when Grace came in.

"Hello, Grace. Ready for your exam?" Michaela asked.

"Sure am, Dr. Mike. This baby’s getting real active!"

"I shouldn't wonder. You only have two months to go!"

"Thank goodness. Robert E's getting so excited. Every night he adds somethin' to this list he's makin of things to teach the baby!"

Michaela smiled as Grace got up on the table. Michaela locked the doors and examined Grace.

"Everything looks very good, Grace. Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

"Oh yes, I would love that!" Grace listened as tears glistened in her eyes. "Dr. Mike, could I bring Robert E by sometime to hear?'

"Certainly. Any time."

By the time Sully and Katie came to get Michaela for lunch, she had seen a farmer with a horse bite, one of Hank's girls for a dislocated shoulder (from a rough customer, caught and put in jail by Deputy Hank), a baby she had delivered a few months ago, who had a diaper rash, and Widow Smith (the owner of the boarding house) who had stepped on some glass. A very busy morning. Michaela was happy to see her family and take a lunch break.

Daniel came up while they were eating.

"Join us?" Sully said.

"No, thanks....can't. Just wanted to talk to Michaela. After you're done with lunch, can ya come by the jail? When Hank arrested the guy who hurt Flo, he had to wrestle the troublemaker to the floor and the guy got a cut. I think it needs stitchin'. And fore ya say it, Sully, I'm gonna be in with her the whole time!"

Sully and Michaela both smiled. "I'll come over after lunch. My husband will be too busy trying to keep his youngest child in tow to be too concerned!"

After lunch, Sully and Katie walked Michaela over to the jail. Leaving Michaela there, they walked next door to see Robert E.

"Hey, Robert E," said Sully.

"Hey, Sully. And little Miss Katie," he answered, picking up his goddaughter.

Katie smiled and threw her arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Then she wanted down. Keeping his eye on his willful child, Sully asked Robert E, "Horace needs a new room on the station. I thought you might look at the plans I drew up. And then maybe help me build it. He needs it pretty fast and is paying an honest wage."

"I'll be glad to help."

"Can ya start tomorrow?"


"Katie, leave the mule alone. He don't want that candy."

Katie glanced at her pa and back at the mule she was trying to feed some hard candy that had been in her pocket. "He do too, Pa. Like Tafie."

"Katie," he said as he went over to pick her up, "most animals don't like that kind of candy, not even Taffy. Brian only gives her the soft candy."

" try...."

"No, Katie. We gotta go and let Robert E get back to work. Let's go see Mr. Bray."

"'Kay! He gots soft candy!"

Robert E let out a chuckle, "She's always thinkin', ain't she?"

"Yeah. We can't always keep up!"

Sully and Katie crossed the street towards the store. Preston came out of the bank, stopped and looked at Sully with his famous sneer, before heading to the train station. Sully smiled and shook his head.

"Papa, me don't like him!"

"Now, Katie, ya shouldn't say that. Ya don't know him."

"Me know......him me don't like!"

Katie said this as they walked into the store.

"Who don't she like?" asked Loren.

"Preston. But I told her she don't know him to say that."

"Huh! I'd say she knows him just fine."

Sully shook his head at Loren, hoping Katie didn't hear that. He needn't worry....she was already over looking at the candy jars, way above her head. "Horace said he had ya get some lumber and he thought it had come in."

"Yeah, it did. It's in the back. Horace's already paid for it."

"Robert E and me will come get it tomorrow. We'll also need some nails." Sully glanced at Katie. She was in the process of trying to pull a chair over to the candy shelves. "Katie...what are ya doing?"

Katie stopped, put her hands behind her back and turned to face her father. She shook her head, "Nuffin."

"Katherine Elizabeth....don't lie."

"Lookin', Papa. See candy."

"You don't need the chair to see the candy. And mama says I get ya too much candy. So we ain't gettin' any today."

Katie gave her father a look that reminded him so much of her mother. Even Loren caught that look. "Sure looks like Dr. Mike right there."

"Yeah, and she's stubborn like her ma! Come on Kates, Brian's gettin' outa school soon. Let's walk over and meet him." Sully said this knowing it'd get Katie's mind off the candy as she loved to meet Brian after school.

"'Kay, Papa....come on!"

Brian came out of the school to find Sully sitting on the ground, tossing Katie in the air. Katie was giving out her belly laugh every time he tossed her. Then she saw Brian as Sully put her on the ground.

"Bran! We here, Bran!" She went running up to him, to be scooped up in the arms of her brother.

"Hey, Pa. Ya need something?"

"Nope. She's just full of beans and been trying to keep her busy."

"Hey, Katie, wanna walk over to the train with me? I got a letter to mail to grandma."

"'Kay. Me go Bran, Papa?"

"Sure. See ya at the clinic."

Michaela was starting to straighten out her instruments when someone knocked. She opened the door to Teresa Slicker. "Hello, Dr. Quinn."

"Mrs. Slicker....please come in.....what can I do for you?"

"I....well, I guess I need to have a checkup."

"Are you feeling ill?" Michaela asked.

"Not really....just....well.....I am having trouble sleeping....and, I....I have been getting sick in the morning."

"Oh. Okay. Let's get you checked out." Michaela finished examining Teresa and had her get dressed. "You are going to have a about six months. Congratulations."

Teresa smiled, "Thank you, Dr. Quinn. I thought I was, but I need to know for sure. Now I can tell Jacob. He will be pleased."

"I'd like to see you once a month until you are seven months, then every two weeks until you are close to your time, then every week. And I'd feel much better if you would call me Dr. Mike. Dr. Quinn is so formal."

Teresa smiled, "Thank you, Dr. Mike, please call me Teresa. I will be sure to come as you said. Now I must go tell Jacob."

Michaela walked Teresa out and watched her head over to the barbershop. A few minutes later she heard a loud whoop coming from the inside of the barbershop. Then Jake dashed out carrying Teresa in his arms and a big smile on his face. Loren went running over to see what was wrong and ended up patting Jake on the back.

"What's going on?" Sully asked Michaela as he came around the corner.

"Jake just found out he's going to be a father."

"Hey, that's nice," said Sully, putting his arms around Michaela, as she leaned back against his chest. They saw Jake and Teresa standing on the barbershop step, smiling and talking to Loren. Brian and Katie walked up to them and Teresa said something to Brian. He shook Jake's hand, so it was obvious she told him about the baby.

Brian and Katie came over to the clinic. "Hey, Ma, Pa, did ya hear? Miss Teresa's going to have a baby!"

"Yes, I know, Brian," Michaela said, smiling at her son.

"Oh, yeah, you would, huh?" said Brian.

"Mama, up, up!" Katie demanded.

Michaela picked Katie up. "Did you have a good time with Brian?"

"Uh huh. Go see train."

Just then, Grace and Robert E came around the corner from the café. "Dr. Mike," Grace said, "could Robert E hear the baby?"

"Sure. Come in." Michaela told them.

Sully took Katie from Michaela, "Come on, Katie, let's go with Brian to the guide office."

"No! Me stay mama," Katie said, pouting.

"Mama's busy with Aunt Grace and Uncle Robert E. You need to come with me and Brian." Sully told her.

"I'll come see you in a little while, Katie," Michaela told her.

"Dr. Mike, if it's a problem....." said Grace.

"No, it's not a problem. Katie can go with her father. She's just being obstinate."

Sully and Brian walked through the clinic and out the back door to the guide office with Katie while Michaela took Grace and Robert E into the clinic so that Robert E could hear the baby's heartbeat.

After they left, Michaela cleaned up the clinic and sat down to write up Teresa Slicker's chart. As she sat down, there was a knock on the clinic door. She opened the door to find Josephine Penn Johnson, the Reverend's wife.

"Hello, Josie," Michaela said.

"Dr. Mike. How are you?" Josie asked.

"Just fine. You?"

"Well, I have come to talk with you as a doctor."

"Please, come in. What can I do for you?"

"I have missed my monthly for a few months. I think I may be pregnant, but I want my doctor to tell me for sure," Josie told Michaela, smiling.

Michaela smiled back. After examining Josie, Michaela said, "I think Colorado Spring is going through a population explosion. First Grace, then Teresa and now you!"

Josie hugged Michaela, "Oh Dr. Mike...this is so wonderful. I don't think Timothy has any idea. Bless him, he's kind of naïve that way. He'll make such a wonderful father and he's talked about having children. I can't wait to tell him. He's at home working on a sermon," said Josie.

They heard a knock on the back door and since Josie was already dressed, Michaela answered it to find Sully, Brian and Katie.

"Sorry...thought ya were alone," Sully said to Michaela.

"Please, Sully, come in," said Josie. "I was just leaving and Michaela can tell you the my news!" Josie waved and left.

"Michaela?" Sully looked at his wife.

"Josie and the Reverend are going to be parents."

Sully smiled, "Good fer them. And I think you're gonna be busy in a few months. Gonna have lots of babies here."

"Baby? Baby, Papa? Where?" asked Katie.

"No, Katie, no baby right now. Miss Josie's gonna have a baby," said Sully.

"Me want baby Papa!" Katie exclaimed.

"Well, Katiedid, I'll talk to your ma about it."

"Sully!" Michaela exclaimed as Brian stood there laughing at his sister.

"Yes, dear?"

Michaela was sitting in bed, reading, as Sully came into the room. He leaned over and kissed her, then took his beads and clothes off and got into bed. Michaela put her book down as Sully reached over and turned the lamp down. Sully put his arms around Michaela and drew her to him. Michaela put her hand on his chest and intertwined her fingers in his chest hair. Sully kissed her on the forehead.



"Today, when Katie said she wanted a baby?"

"Yes?" Michaela asked, smiling up at him.

"Do you?"

"Yes, love. But I can't promise it'll happen. I haven't taken precaution for it not to happen and nothing's happened since I had the miscarriage. I mean, not that I know of." She laughed, "I mean, I could be pregnant now and not know it. I didn't know I was pregnant with Katie until Dr. Gerard told me. Would you be terribly disappointed if we didn't have another?"

"No. We have four wonderful children. I just wanted to make sure you did want to try for another. But the most important thing to me is your health. I figger you miscarried because of all the problems I caused and I don't want it to happen again. I can't lose ya, Michaela. You are my life."

"Sully, I've tried to tell you, you alone did not cause me to lose the baby. Many things caused it...yes, the stress contributed, but you can't take all the blame. I've had women patients who have miscarried and I tell them it's nature's way of resolving a problem and that's true for us also. For some reason, my body could not care for the fetus, so it was expelled. Stop blaming yourself.....if you continue to take the blame, then I'm to blame too, because I do things, like ride Flash, that might also be a cause. I need you to promise me that you won't blame yourself anymore....we need to get by this. Please...for me, Sully?"

Sully hugged her tight, "I hear what ya say, but I just can't help feelin' guilty."

"Well, stop it. Do you want me to start blaming myself?"

"No! Ya did nothing wrong!"

"Then neither did you. Let it go, Sully. Let's put our thoughts on the children we have now and the ones we might have. I need you to stop taking the blame. Do it for me, please?"

"I'll try....I promise. I love ya so much, Michaela. I never wanted to be the cause of any of your pain, but I know on occasion I am. I'm sorry."

"Shh!" Michaela moved up to quiet his lips with hers.

Michaela massaged his chest, stopping to caress his nipples. She started slowly moving her hand down his body, enjoying the fact that he didn't wear anything to bed. Sully moved his hands to the buttons of her nightgown, undid enough of them to slip it off so that he could feel her flesh touching his. He rolled Michaela on to her back and they kissed with passion, using lips and tongues, his hands buried in her hair. Michaela took his hand and moved it down to her breast, keeping her hand on top of his for a few seconds. When she removed her hand, he began to caress her breast, feeling her nipple harden amidst sighs of pleasure from her. He moved down to kiss the valley between her breasts and then moved to her other breast to kiss and nibble at her nipple.

Michaela felt him rising against her leg and she wanted him to enter her, "Now, Sully...."

He moved his lips back up to hers, "Not yet......wait......"

Her desire for him was getting intense.....she knew that he knew it and was prolonging the pleasure. She moved her hand down to grasp him....she felt his throbbing warmth and tightened her hand around him, causing him to groan with pleasure. He reached down and parted her thighs so he could move gently between them. She guided him, needing to feel him inside immediately. As he entered her, Michaela was consumed with her love of him and she felt herself reaching the heights of desire, and then he came with a powerful thrust.

Their conversation the night before got Michaela to thinking about a baby. She realized she hadn't had a monthly in awhile, not that that meant anything. She'd never really been able to rely on them. She realized she had been eating more lately. But she hadn't been tired or nauseous.

"Michaela, are you okay? You're very quiet." Sully said as they rode into town.

"Yes...I'm fine. Just thinking about things," replied Michaela.

"Anything ya wanna talk about? If it's a patient, ya know I won't say anything."

"I know. But not right now. Okay?" Michaela asked.

"Sure. Any time. You know that," Sully said.

"Yes, I know. Thank you."

How lucky I am, Michaela thought, to have a husband like Sully who would listen but not press her if she didn't want to talk. She just couldn't right now. She wasn't sure.

Michaela was sitting at her desk, trying to update a chart. She had to decide what to do. Amanda and Matthew were in Denver at a lawyer's conference. Colleen was working here this morning so maybe she would go out and see Andrew. Maybe....just maybe....

"Ma?....Ma?...." Colleen said.

"Oh....yes, Colleen?" Michaela replied.

"Are you okay? You look like you're in another place. Katie's been calling to you.

"Mama!" Katie said, for the third time, loudly, as her mother hadn't responded.

"Oh dear," Michaela said, getting up, going to Katie's play area and picking her up. "Sorry, Katie. Mama got distracted....and yes, Colleen, I'm fine. Just thinking."

Katie had just wanted her mother's attention and now that she had it, she wanted down.

"Colleen, can you watch Katie and the clinic? I need to run an errand. I should be back in about an hour.

"Sure, Ma. We'll be fine.

Michaela rode Flash out to the hotel. Sully and Brian were out scouting some land for Welland Smith and wouldn't be back until later in the afternoon, so she knew they wouldn't see her out at the hotel. When she got to the hotel, a sign was up at the clinic saying that Andrew was with a patient. Michaela sat down on the bench to wait. She only waited a few minutes, when the door opened and Andrew came out with his patient. He nodded at Michaela.

"Let me know if the rash doesn't go away, Mrs. Wilson." Mrs. Wilson nodded and left. "Are you waiting for me, Michaela?"


"Come in please.

"Andrew, this is between you as my doctor and me...okay?" Michaela asked.

"Of course!"

"I think I may be pregnant, but since I've never been able to rely on my monthlies...."

"Well then, let's find out," Andrew said.

Andrew finished the exam and smiled at Michaela. "You are. About two months."

Michaela smiled, "Thank you." After she got dressed, "Do you think you and Colleen can watch Katie tonight? I'd like to be alone with Sully."

"Of course. Brian too, if he wants."

"Thanks.....or maybe we'd better act like I haven't seen you. Colleen might guess if she knows I came to see you. I'll ask her to watch Katie when I get back to the clinic. I'll tell Sully tonight or in the morning. Colleen and Brian can know tomorrow."

"Sounds good! I won't say a word, I promise." Andrew said.

Michaela walked into the clinic to find Colleen sitting on the floor, playing with Katie.

"Mama! Where 'been?" Katie asked.

"Over seeing Auntie Grace.

"Otay! " Katie really didn't care where her mother had been, she just said what she heard others say.

"Colleen, I asked Grace to make a picnic dinner for Sully and me for tonight. Do you think you and Andrew could watch Katie all night?"

"Sure, Ma. Going any where special?"

"Just to the waterfall to spend the night. It's been awhile since we've had some time alone."

Sully and Brian rode into town just as Michaela was getting ready to close the clinic. "Colleen and Andrew are going to watch Katie tonight. Brian, you can stay with them or at the house. We will meet everyone back here in town for lunch tomorrow." as Michaela was explaining this, Sully's smile grew wide.

"And where will we be?" Sully asked.

"Out at the waterfall with one of Grace's dinners and blankets to spend the night."

"Sounds good ta me! Okay with you, Brian?"

"Sure! I'll stay at home. But maybe I'll see if Sarah wants to have dinner at the cafe.

Michaela and Sully arrived at their waterfall just before dinner time. They spread out blankets, Grace's food and enjoyed a quiet dinner. After dinner, Sully told Michaela about the land he and Brian had scouted. "And now, is there a reason we're here?" Sully asked.

"We haven't had much time alone lately. I wanted to be alone with my husband. Is that okay?"

"Of course. I like those wants!" Sully leaned over and kissed her. Michaela put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. Slowly, while enjoying the touching and kissing, they removed their clothes and cuddled under the blankets. "This is nice," he said, nuzzling her neck. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of bein' alone with ya. I love you, my lovely wife."

"And I love you," Michaela whispered in his ear. "I need you, I want you...."

And with that they made love under the stars, near their waterfall, the music of the water adding to their pleasure.

Michaela opened her eyes in the pre-dawn. Sully's arms were still wrapped around her and his body pressed into hers. The air was brisk. She was hoping it would get warm enough to take a dip in the water. Being here always brought back such good memories. She felt a slight shift in Sully's position. "Sully," she whispered, "are you awake?"

"Yeah. Why are ya whispering?"

"In case you were still asleep," she said, laughing. She turned around in his arms, to face him. "Good morning my love."

"Morning, heartsong. Did ya sleep good?"

" I usually do in your arms."

They enjoyed a few moments of kissing. Then Michaela took Sully's hand and placed it on her abdomen. Sully moved his head back a little so he could look into her eyes. "Michaela?"

"We have a child in here," Michaela said softly, looking into his eyes.

Sully's smile was immediate and lit up his entire face and eyes. "You're pregnant?!"


"My love! My darling! How wonderful!.....You are happy about this, aren't you?"

She laughed, "Yes, I am! After our talk the other night, I got to thinking and realized I had some of the symptoms and suspected I might be so I went to see Andrew yesterday morning. He said I'm about two months along, which makes the baby due in April."

"Why didn't ya tell me last night?"

"Because I didn't want to share you with anyone last night, not even this baby! Andrew promised he wouldn't tell anyone, not even Colleen. We can tell them all when we get to town today."

As they shared a very passionate kiss, Sully moved his hand down from her abdomen, caressing her. Michaela returned the caresses. They brought each other to the heights of desire and completion. Later they swam under the waterfall. Since they had a little time before they needed to leave for town, they sat under a tree and Sully recited some poetry to Michaela. He glanced at her face and saw she was asleep. He smiled, thinking she seemed to fall asleep a lot when he recited poetry. He'd have to chide her about that. He put his head back against the tree, closed his eyes and started thinking about this new baby. He thought about how much this beautiful, wonderful woman beside him had given to him. He had nothing when he met her....she gave him everything.

Sully dozed a little while. He woke with a start. Michaela's hand had fallen in his lap and the slight pressure was doing exciting things to him. "Michaela? Michaela, wake up."


"Wake up, honey. We need to get back to town and if your hand don't stop, we ain't going back very soon."

"Wha.....What?!" Michaela woke all the way up at Sully's comment. Then she noticed her hand and his reaction. The red lit up her face. "I.....I didn't mean...."

"I know ya didn't. It's okay," he laughed. "But we gotta get going right away."

Michaela sat up and removed her hand. "Oh, Sully......"

"Don't worry about it. I ain't gonna give in to it just yet. But if we didn't have family to meet....." He stood up and pulled her to her feet and close to him. "Hmmm....I like this," he whispered. They kissed, then he backed away a little. "I think we'd better go....but tonight......"

Michaela blushed again, then they gathered up their things and walked hand in hand to the horses.

Michaela and Sully arrived in town at lunchtime and met their entire family at Grace's, including Matthew and Amanda who had just returned from Denver. When everyone finished enjoying the meal, Sully stood up. "Michaela and I want to share something with our family," he said, looking down at Michaela and taking her hand. "In April, we'll be havin' another baby."

The family reacted with surprise and joy, and gathered around Michaela and Sully for hugs. While Katie didn't know why everyone was hugging, she giggled and joined in.

"Ma, are you sure?" asked Colleen. "Maybe Andrew should...."

"He already has, dear. He confirmed it yesterday," Michaela said.

"Andrew?" said Colleen, turning to frown at her husband, but with a smile in her eyes.

Andrew laughed, "Sorry, my dear, but that information was between a doctor and his patient."

"You just wait, Dr. Cook, I'll think of some revenge," Colleen said, laughing, along with the rest of the family.

"Do ya want a boy this time?" Matthew asked.

"Don't matter," Sully responded. "Just a healthy baby's all we need."

"This is so exciting," Amanda said. "I really love being part of this family. I've never had so many relatives....and it just keeps getting bigger!"

"Hey you all," said Grace, coming over to the table, "What's going on here?"

"Ma?" said Brian. Michaela nodded her head. "Miss Grace, Ma's gonna have another baby. In April!"

"Dr. Mike! Sully! Congratulations!" said Grace.

"Thank you, Grace," Sully said.

Colleen and Andrew were in Denver for a few days, picking up medical supplies for the clinics, and enjoying a little vacation. They were standing in the hotel lobby looking at a paper, when Colleen heard someone call her.


She turned around, "Peter!" She moved over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh, Peter, it's so good to see you!"

"It is good to see you also," Peter said.

"Peter, this is my husband, Dr. Andrew Cook. Andrew, this is my friend, Peter Tate."

As Andrew reached out to shake Peter's hand, he could see the disappointment in Peter's eyes at hearing Colleen was married.

"It's good to meet you, Peter."

"It is good to meet you, Dr. Cook."

"Please, call me Andrew. We were just going into have lunch. Will you join us?"

"I would like that. Thank you."

They went into the hotel dinning room and were seated. "What are you doing in Denver, Peter?" Colleen asked.

"Father is here for a meeting with the train's owners. I have been working at the camps and have not seen him for a long while. I came to be with him for a few days. Do you live here?"

"No. We live in Colorado Springs. In fact, Sully, Matthew, Brian and others, redid the spare downstairs rooms at the clinic. We live there."

"And how is your family?"

"Very good. Let's see, I haven't seen you since that time at the mining camp when Matthew and you almost got blown up. Gee, that's been over two years. Ma and Pa had a baby, a little girl. She was two in May and her name is Katie. And we just found out ma is pregnant again. We have a hotel outside of town now and it has a new owner, who has a friend managing it. The manager has a daughter, Amanda. Matthew and Amanda fell in love and they were married a few weeks ago. Brian is still in school and does a lot of writing for our town newspaper. He's even had a few articles in the Denver paper."

"It is good that Matthew has found someone new. He was so sad over Ingrid. I read in the paper about the bad things that happened at the reservation. I saw a notice about Mr. Sully being wanted. Is everything all right now? And how is your friend, Cloud Dancing?"

"Yes, it was bad for awhile. Pa was in hiding because the Army had charged him with treason and murder. But those charges were dropped and he is free. He's home now. Cloud Dancing had gotten away and was up in the north on the Indian lands. But he wanted to be near us. Our town made him something like an honorary citizen, so he can come and go when he wants. He lives on the old reservation land, which is now owned by Pa's best friend, Daniel, who is our town's sheriff. You remember Dorothy Jennings, our newspaper editor?" Peter nodded his head. "Well, she and Cloud Dancing are in love. The town has learned to accept it, but they don't talk about it a lot."

"Are you still going to be a doctor?" He asked.

"I'm not really sure. I mean, I think I still want to be, but I also want to have a family," she said, smiling at Andrew. "I did go to college and graduated a few months ago. Right after that, Andrew and I got married and for the time being prefer to live in Colorado Springs. Andrew is the doctor out at the hotel. He and ma help each other when needed. Amanda and I work at both clinics, to help ma and Andrew."

"What do you do at the camps, Peter?" Andrew asked.

"Many things. My adoptive father wants me to learn all about the railroad to help my people and to be important in the railroad."

Just then, Jackson Tate came up to the table. "Peter, I've been looking for you." He then realized who was at the table. "Colleen Cooper? How good to see you!"

"It's Colleen Cook now, Mr. Tate. And I'd like you to meet my husband, Dr. Andrew Cook."

Andrew and Tate shook hands. "Join us, please, Mr. Tate."

"Thank you," he said as he sat down. "How long have you been married?"

They had a very pleasant lunch. Colleen enjoyed catching up on the adventures of her friends. They parted with a promise from the Tates to visit Colorado Springs soon.

"Colleen?" Andrew asked as they were walking down the street to go shopping.


"I like your friends. Tell me about them."

Colleen related to Andrew how she had met Peter and his father. Andrew had known about the experiences at the mining camp, but he hadn't known how she had met Peter.

"Colleen, did you know Peter was smitten with you?"

"No....No, I don't think so. He's just a friend."

"No, dear. I saw his face when you introduced me. He was very disappointed."

"Oh, Andrew.....I didn't mean for him.....I mean......well, at one time......I don't know....I hope I didn't lead him on...."

"It's okay, honey, I'm sure you didn't. I understand how Peter feels, though. I'm sorry for him, but I sure am glad you chose me!"

It was midmorning. Sully had decided to stay home and do some repairs in the barn and watch Katie. He heard someone coming and walked out of the barn to see Daniel riding into the yard.

"Hey, Sully."


Katie came running out of the barn, saw Daniel and went running to him as he was dismounting. He caught her and swung her into the air. Katie giggled and clapped her hands when he put her down.

"Am I interrupting anything?"

"Nuthin' important."

"Have ya got some time I can talk with you?"

"Sure. Let's go over to the steps. Come on, Kates."

"Hungie, Pa...."

"Just let me get her a snack. Katie, stay out here with Daniel and I'll get you something to eat."

After Sully got Katie settled on the porch with some cookies and lemonade, he sat on the steps next to Daniel.

"You know, Anna Marie and me been keeping pretty close company." Sully nodded. "Last night I asked Anna Marie to marry me. I thought she'd say yes right away. I mean we been kissin' and huggin' and saying we love each other. But she didn't. She said she had to think about it."

"That don't mean no, Daniel."

"No, but it don't mean yes either. I thought we'd gotten awful close, and she said she loved me. She's told me all about her life with her husband and it was good, so she can't be afraid of marriage. Maybe she just don't love me the way I love her."

"There could be a lot of reasons she wants to think on it. For one, there's Sarah...."

"But she knows I love Sarah like she was mine. I'd try to be a good father. Maybe she don't think I could be since I ain't got any kids of my own....or maybe Sarah don't like me...."

Katie, having finished her snack, sat down in her pa's lap and promptly fell asleep.

"You're gettin' ahead of yourself. Anna Marie's a good and honest woman from what I can tell. Don't think she'd lead ya on and say she loved ya if it weren't true. I'd say Sarah likes ya just fine. Women just seem to need to think on things more'n men. I know I'll ask Michaela something I think she'd answer right away to, but she has to think it out."

"So when you asked Michaela to marry ya, she said she'd have to think on it?"

" said yes right away."


"But, Daniel, by then we'd been through a lot together."

"Like what?"

"Bad times like when the dog soldiers took her...they had her for three days while I was trying to find her. That tested us. Then there was a white girl the Army took from an Indian Village after they killed all the Indians, among them this girl's husband. They brought her here. She thought because I understood how she loved her Indian husband and the tribe, we'd stay together. She kissed me and Brian saw. After I told the girl that Michaela was my heartsong, she went back to her family in the east. Brian told Michaela I had kissed the girl instead of the other way around.....he was too young to understand the difference. Even when I explained exactly what happened, it took us a long time to get back to where we had been. I didn't ask Michaela until we'd been courting a while."

"We've been courting awhile..."

"Only a few months. For me and Michaela it was around two years, but we had strong feelings before then. Ya just gotta be patient and give her time."

"I'm worried I'll lose her. I ain't never really loved a woman like this. I know we had a problem over my feelings for Michaela, but I think what I felt was like what a young boy feels the first time he gets feelings for a girl. Thinking back, it was probably mostly had a beautiful, good woman who loved ya more'n anything. I never had that. I gotta say now, Sully, I'm sorry for any trouble I caused between the two of you. In loving Anna Marie, I thought how I'd feel if my friend looked at her different and I can see how you felt."

"It's okay, Daniel. I guess I was angry most cuz Michaela didn't see how ya felt and she was nicer to you than I wanted her to be. But she was just being the good person she is and I wouldn't want her to change. I knew her love was mine, that I was in her heart, and I should'a let it go. In my heart, I knew my wife and knew I didn't have anything to worry about. Jealousy got me. But back to Anna Marie, don't start thinking the love ain't there just cuz she needs to think."

"Yeah, you're right. It's just so hard cuz I love her so much."

Michaela was returning to the clinic after visiting Dorothy. She had closed the clinic as Amanda was out at the resort since Colleen and Andrew were in Denver. Anna Marie was sitting on the clinic bench.

"Anna Marie?"

"Dr. Mike, have you got time for me? I need to talk."

"Certainly. Come in. Please sit," she said, indicating a chair by her desk.

"I know you've known Daniel a long time, and....well, last night he asked me to marry him."

"That's wonderful.....or is it?" Michaela asked as she saw tears running down Anna Marie's cheeks. "Anna Marie, what's wrong?"

"I do love him. I love him very much. But I'm worried.....he might want children and I don't know if I can have any more. Before Sarah, I had a miscarriage, then three after Sarah. The doctors said they didn't know why. Sarah was a very easy birth and the doctors said there was no reason we couldn't keep trying. As much as he loved me, my husband decided he didn't want to. He decided if we kept trying, I might die no matter what the doctors said. I won't marry Daniel without telling him this, but if I do he might not want me. I'm afraid something's wrong with me."

"First of all, Daniel and Sully are a lot alike and if I couldn't have had babies, it wouldn't have changed Sully's feelings for me. Second, let's start with an examination and go from there...."


Michaela finished the examination. "Well, I don't see anything to prevent you from conceiving and carrying a baby full term. There's so much we don't know about what can cause a miscarriage. There are obvious reasons, if a woman has an accident or if she doesn't eat right. It's very possible that whatever is causes a miscarriage can come from the husband. I'm sorry I can't tell you more. Tell Daniel....he'll understand. If you want me to explain anything to him, I will. But trust in his love for you and yours for him."

"Thank you, Dr. Mike. You've made me feel better. I will talk to Daniel....tonight."

Michaela decided to close the clinic at three. Brian had stopped by after school to tell her he'd see her at home. And since Sully was home with Katie, there was no one to wait for. She got Flash and rode home. Brian was there, having gone directly home. Sully was sitting on the steps, while Brian was chasing Katie and catching her when she started laughing so hard. Michaela tied Flash up and went to sit with Sully, giving him a kiss.

"How was your day?" Sully asked.

"Quite. Only three patients."

"Hmmm. Daniel came out to see me.'

"How come?"

"He asked Anna Marie to marry him last night and she said she needed to think about it. He's worried she really doesn't love him the way he does her."

"She does."

Sully looked at Michaela to see the smile he loved. "How d'ya know?"

"She was one of my patients. She told me about the proposal. She had some concerns that we discussed. I think she's going to say yes tonight after telling Daniel about her concerns."

"Good. I think they'll be okay, huh?"


A few days later, the Sullys and Coopers were waiting for the train. Colleen and Andrew were returning from Denver and they were all having dinner at the cafe. The train came to a stop and the family was back together. They headed for the cafe. They had just been seated, when Sully saw Daniel, Anna Marie and Sarah walking toward the cafe. He stood up. “Daniel, Anna Marie, Sarah...come join us,” he called.

They smiled and came over to the Sully’s table and said hello to everyone. One of Grace's helpers came over and took their dinner order.

Michaela was sitting directly across from Anna Marie. “Anna Marie, what’s that I see on your finger?”

Anna Marie looked down at the ring and blushed, while Daniel had a big grin on his face. "I asked Anna Marie to marry me! She did me the honor of accepting my proposal!” There were heartfelt congratulations all around.

“When ya gettin’ married?” Sully asked.

“As soon as our house is finished....can’t ask ‘em to live with me at the jail! You know that partly built, one story house on the edge of town....the one Robertson was building until he got into trouble and left town? Well, we just bought it from the bank. It won't take too much to finish it,” Daniel said.

“I’ll help ya,” Sully said.

“Me, too,” Brian piped in.

“Thanks my friends. Robertson put in two bedrooms already and they’re almost finished. The living room’s mostly done. We gotta build the kitchen, the outhouse and I wanna build an extra room for Anna Marie’s sewing.”

Anna Marie was an excellent seamstress and had been taking in some work while living at her sister’s. “I told Daniel I’d like a room for my sewing as more and more ladies have been asking if I can make clothes for them and their families. I haven’t had the room at my sister’s, but could at our house. And being in town instead of out on her farm will be a big help.”

"Maybe you should build another bedroom," Brian said. "It seems lots of ladies are having babies.....Ma, Miss Teresa, Miss Josie and Miss Grace."

"Brian!" said Michaela as Daniel laughed, Anna Marie blushed, and Sarah gave him a special smile. Then Michaela told them, “We had a seamstress a while back. She use to work for Hank, then left him and Loren let her use space in hi store to begin sewing. Once the town’s ladies got past what Emma use to do, the little time we had her as a seamstress was wonderful. The ladies got use to her and then she left to travel with Gilda St. Clair. I know they will give you a lot of work.”

“Daniel, ain’t ya gonna build up at Palmer Creek?” Matthew asked.

“We thought about it, but it’s awfully far from town. If I have ta be gone for my job and if Cloud Dancing ain’t around, then Anna Marie and Sarah would be way out there all alone and I don’t like that. I rode up to Palmer Creek to see Cloud Dancing this morning and asked him to be my official caretaker, for pay, and take care of the land. He said he would without pay, living there and all, but I explained all the new wilderness areas I heard about, had paid caretakers and we should be the same. I also talked to him about putting in a few small cabins and renting them out for a few days to people who like to stay in the woods on a vacation. The people would have to put down a bit of money as a deposit....I learned that from Anna Marie.... beside what they pay to stay for awhile, and if they hurt anything up there, we keep the extra money. He agreed after I told him he could decide where the cabins went, how many and would have some say over the people.”

"That sounds like a good idea,” Sully said. “Help people appreciate the land.”

“Yeah. And I thought we could combine your business and mine. I mean, being sheriff I ain’t always got time to worry about getting messages about people wanting to stay there, or taking them up there. If you and Brian could handle all of it, then we could split the profits 50-50. Would that be okay with you?”

“Fifty percent is too much, Daniel. It’s your land.”

“I don’t think so and neither does Anna Marie. You’re getting’ all the worry and I figger that way I could get ya to help build the cabins and all, and do any necessary maintenance on ‘em. Anyway, it’s what we wanna do.”

Sully smiled at them, then turned to Brian, “It’s part your business and part your work, so what’d think?”

“I like it, Pa! Like when Cloud Dancing’s telling his stories, it’s always daytime cuz we have’ta get the people back to the resort, but they could sit around a fire at night and then sleep up there. That’d be neat!!”

“I guess that means yes, Daniel,” Sully said.

“We bought one more thing this morning. The valley you like that’s right next to my land, the one ya been calling Wilderness Valley. The small stream there runs into Palmer Creek. It’s now part of our land, so it’ll remain untouched. That’s Anna Marie’s contribution with some of her money.”

“Our money, Daniel...” said Anna Marie.

Daniel smiled. “So consider it your land, too. We agreed that we want your family to share it with ours.”

"Daniel, I don't think th...."

"That's right, Sully, don't think. We ain't gonna discuss it with you cuz it's a done deal. When we registered our deed we had the Sully name put on it with Simon. Nothing you can do now. We agreed that you're our friends, close to being family, so that's the way it is." Anna Marie nodded her head in agreement.

Michaela was in bed reading when Sully came in. "She go to sleep?"

"Yep. She tried so hard to stay awake while I was reading, but she couldn't fight it. We only got through the first few pages. I guess we'll read some more tomorrow night." He got undressed and joined her in bed.

"You said Robert E needed to see you today. What did he want?"

"To hire me. He's gonna build a roof over part of the cafe and put up some walls. Business is good, but when the weather's bad, very few people eat there. He's hoping to eventually make most of the cafe inside, with some places on the outside. I told him I'd help."

"How nice for Grace."

"Hey...put your journal down." He said, with a grin.

"Why, Mr. Sully?" she said, laughing.

"Well, I need some holding. Don't you?"

"Hmmm....yes, I think so!"

Our eyes tell the story
Beyond the words before us
I see the you
And you the me
Time was still
Emotions abound within
Our hearts flutter together
Rounding out the moment
Recorded as one
For eternity to share
The spirit of love
The joy between us
----Chan Heawak

The End

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