For personal use and select distribution only © May 1999 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: September 1873

Sully was at the train station getting mail when the train pulled in. He headed down the street toward the clinic when he heard someone call his name. He turned around and was very surprised to see Ethan Cooper coming toward him.

"Ethan," Sully said, "what are you doin' here?"

"Why I've come to see my children!" Ethan said holding out his hand to shake Sully's, but Sully did not shake.

"That so? Been over four years since they heard from ya. Don't be surprised if they ain't too pleased to see ya."

"Oh, they'll be happy. They always have been before."

"Yeah....well..... They're at the clinic. Come along."

As they headed toward the clinic, Sully saw Andrew come out of the store. "Andrew, wait up," he called. When they got to him, Sully said, "Andrew Cook, meet Ethan Cooper.

Up until he heard the name, Andrew had a smile on his face and had been ready to shake the stranger's hand, but not now, even though Ethan held out his hand.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cook...doesn't anyone in this town shake hands when a hand is offered?"

"It's Dr. Cook," Sully said.

"Oh, Doctor Cook! I suppose than means Dr. Mike has told you her side of the story?" Ethan said.

"No wife told me her side."

"You're wife?"

"Colleen Cooper Cook! I believe she wrote you we were getting married!"

"Oh...yes....well, it was such short notice...

Sully shook his head and continued toward the clinic with Andrew and Ethan. He opened the door to find Michaela, Brian, Colleen, Katie and Amanda.

Ethan pushed by Sully and held his arms out, "Brian! Colleen!" They looked at him, shocked. Neither made a move toward him. "Children, come give your father a hug!" Again, neither moved. "Colleen, I should have been here to walk you down the aisle, but it was such short notice and the business...well, you know."

"You would not have walked me down the aisle," Colleen replied. "My pa, Sully, did and he gave me away. And it would have been the same if you'd been here."

"You ain't my pa," Brian said. "Sully is. A father is someone who's there when you need him. You ain't never been here for me, or Colleen, or Matthew. Every time you come here, you cause problems. 'Sides, you signed the papers that let Dr. Mike and Sully adopt us, so we're their children. We kept the Cooper name 'cuz of our ma, not 'cuz of you."

"But, son, things just kept happening to keep me away," Ethan said to Brian. "I would have been here if I could have been. I came here to take you back to San Francisco with me, give you some decent schooling, send you to college."

"No. I don't believe that. You ain't never come to get us for us. I know about the time you stole the money from the church." When Brian said that, Ethan looked at Michaela and Sully in anger. "They didn't tell me, Matthew did. He figured it out. Ma and Pa didn't know I knew. So I figure you came that time 'cuz you was broke and thought ma might have left us something when she died and you'd get it from us. I know ya came the second time to show off your new wife and so she'd think you was a good father. And ya only tried to take us that time when ya found out she couldn't have babies. I don't know why you wanted us then, but I figured it had something to do with her family or with you looking like a proper father for all for those San Francisco friends. I'd guess this time ain't any don't want me in San Francisco 'cuz you love want me there 'cuz you need me for some reason. Well, it ain't gonna happen. I've grown up since you was last here and I know where my family is, I know who loves me and I love them!" Brian walked over to Michaela and put his arms around her and she did the same.

"So you can leave on the next train," Matthew said. No one had heard him come in, but he was just inside the clinic door. Ethan turned to look at him.

"But son...

"I ain't your son. I heard all of what Brian said and I feel the same way. And I still remember the look on ma's face when you took off the first time, leaving her with no money for food. The only reason we made it okay was because Miss Olive helped ma get back on her feet. Sully helped out when he could. I heard ma crying every night for awhile, but she tried to hide all that pain from us. As for decent schooling we've had that, thanks to Dr. Mike and Sully. There just ain't nothing you can offer us. I can't speak for Colleen or Brian, but you killed any love I had for you."

"Me, too! " Brian said. And Ethan saw Colleen shaking her head in agreement.

"This isn't right!" Ethan yelled. "They," he said indicating Michaela and Sully, "have turned you against me!"

"No!" Colleen said. "You did that! Ma and Pa have never said a bad thing about you to us. I'm sure they could've, but they didn't. They are decent people who aren't out to make others look bad. That's what you do! You don't care about our feelings! If you did, knowing how happy we were here, you wouldn't have tried to make us go with you that time...the only reason you didn't is because Miss Lillian was a decent person. But you know, I don't care what you think the reasons are....we have no use for you, so like Matthew says, you can leave!"

"Is everything all right here?" Daniel said, having heard the shouting as he was passing by.

Ethan turned on him, "Who the hell are you to interfere!?"

"I'm the sheriff and you'd best get some manners," Daniel said quietly.

Sully, who up to this point had stood by ready to help the children, said, "This is Ethan Cooper, Daniel, and he says he's come to take Brian to San Francisco.

"Brian, do you want to go with him?" Daniel asked.

"NO, sir!"

"Then Mr. Cooper, unless you have other business, I suggest you leave," Daniel said. "And I suggest you don't come back to Colorado Springs again."

"Well maybe I'll just sue all of you for taking my children!"

"I'm almost a lawyer now," Matthew said, "and I know enough about the law to tell you that you don't stand a chance. But I bet I could find a law to use against you for what you did to ma and us!"

Ethan looked at Matthew in shock, then stormed out of the clinic and headed for the train station.

"I think I'll just follow him along and make sure he don't get into any trouble until the train leaves, with him on it," Daniel said. He nodded at his friends and went out after Ethan.

"Do you think we're finally rid of him, ma?" Brian asked.

"I hope so, Brian. But it doesn't matter, with what we have been through we have learned that as long as the family sticks together, we can overcome anything," Michaela said. She looked for Katie, who had been very quiet through all of this. Katie was in Amanda's arms, her eyes wide and bright with wonder, but didn't seem to show any fear at the shouting that had been going on.

"Well..." said Sully, "it's lunch time. Any one wanna eat?"

Sully's comment relieved the tension in the room and they laughed.

Later that day, Sully and Daniel met up outside the livery. "He got on the train and left," Daniel said. "All the time he was waiting, he sat there and glared at me!"

"Thanks, Daniel. I know we could'a gotten rid of him, but there might have been some pushin' and shovin'. But you being the sheriff kinda made him see he had to leave. The kids have been through enough because of him. Mebbe this time he'll stay away."

"If not, we can handle it again. But I can't believe he'll try anything else. I think Matthew's words about being a lawyer helped. It sure surprised Cooper."

"Yeah, it did," Sully said with a smile.

"Well, I guess if you're done needing the sheriff, he's gonna go see a pretty lady! " Daniel said.

"And how are you and Anna Marie doing?"

"Real good. Between you and me," at this point Daniel looked around to make sure no one could hear, then lowered his voice, "I'm just waiting on the ring to come from Chicago, then I'm gonna ask her to marry me!"

Sully smiled at his friend and patted him on the back, "Congratulations," he said.


The End

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