For personal use and select distribution only © August 2001 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: June 1874

“Pa,” Brian said as they sat at the dinner table, “the Sullivans’ll be here in four days. I got the trip all planned. They said they can all ride horses. Are you gonna come with us?”

“I don’t know yet, Brian. Do ya need me too?”

“We’re just going up to the cabins at Palmer Creek. They’re gonna stay there for five days before they go back to Denver. I’ll take them on some rides from there. Cloud Dancing’s gonna help.”

“You get everythin’ ready. Then let me know if ya need me. Okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks, pa.”

Sully was brushing Michaela’s hair. The kids and Clara were asleep. “Sully? Do you think Brian will be okay? He’s never handled guests for five days by himself. I mean, before he’s only done day trips, but he’ll be responsible for them night and day.”

“Cloud Dancin’ll be there too. And I can go up if he needs me. He’s almost as good at being a guide as he is at writin’ things. He’s smart and knows the woods. He’s made a lot of plans for the trips that we had before and I ain’t never changed ‘em. Don’t worry, honey, he’ll be fine.”

“I suppose…but…I….”

“Michaela, ya gotta accept that he’s a young man now. He’ll do the right things. We raised him that way.”

“Yes, of course. But I look at him and still see that little boy who ran away to live with you and the Indians, and ended up getting lost and breaking his leg.”

Sully put the brush down, knelt down at her side and laid his arm on her shoulder. “Ya ain’t ever gonna think of the kids away from ya without worryin’. That’s the ma in ya. But our kids are smart….they know the rights and wrongs…..they know how to take care of themselves and those they love. We raised good kids, Michaela. Ya gotta keep remembrin’ that.”

“I know…..I know all that….I just can’t help myself…”

“An’ I’ll be here to remind ya they’ll be okay.”

Michaela turned in her chair to face him. She reached over and ran her fingers through his hair. “I will enjoy having you remind me because it means you’re by my side. Byron Sully. My mountain man. Byron Sully. My husband…my sweetheart….my lover….my Byron…..” She spoke softly, then leaned down to him to join lips.

Slowly, keeping their lips joined, Sully rose and pulled Michaela up. They parted lips, but arms went around each other. “When ya talk like that, ya get my insides to boilin’….”

“Do you think there is a way to stop the boiling?” Michaela asked, with a provocative smile.

“There just might be….”

They kissed again and Sully began undoing Michaela’s robe. After a few buttons, he pulled back. “Michaela? Ya ain’t got nuthin’ on under yer robe…”

She blushed. “I know…you’ve said many times before how you enjoy being together, skin to skin….I am trying to please you by not wearing my nightgown……I…..”

“I’m pleased….ya ain’t gotta make excuses……” While she was explaining, he had continued to unbutton her robe and when it was undone enough, he eased it down her body to the floor. He moved back a few steps to gaze at his wife’s glorious body. Michaela glanced up into his eyes to see fiery desire written there. Without his touch, her body responded to that desire. He saw and smiled. “I think yer boilin’ too…..”

Even after all the time together, her first thought at his comment was to cover her breasts. She started to, then stopped herself. He saw the blush spreading. “Sully….I….”

“Shhh…it’s okay….yer body’s response was a good answer….” He step closer, put his arms around her and crushed her against him so that there was no space between their bodies. “Skin ta skin….”

“Not quite,” she whispered. “Your pants….”

He laughed, backed up and took his breeches off. Then he stepped forward and pulled her against his body again. Again their lips and mouths were joined and their tongues enjoyed. Michaela felt his arousal between them and squirmed her hips against him. The need between them became great. He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around him as he entered her. Thus joined, the movements of need, of desire, of love began.

The sensations, the pleasure grew as they became lost within each other. Their mouths were still joined and their groans of pleasure echoed within the other. Soon release came. She laid her head on his shoulder. Still inside her, he carried her over to their bed, where he sat down with her on his lap.

She put her hands on either side of his head as she looked into his eyes. She saw the passion had not diminished. She pushed her body against his to force him to lay down. He did and pulled her with him. She knew he could not stay inside much longer and he started to maneuver so he could withdraw. “Not yet…” she murmured. She moved her lips down to his chest to caress his nipples. She wanted more. She continued her pursuit and soon began to be rewarded. His body began thrusting again. He rolled over so she was underneath. He gazed into her face. Her eyes were open and returning his gaze. Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth. With each thrust, she surged against him, making their pleasure greater.

Michaela was laying in Sully’s arms, running her fingers through his chest hair, as their racing hearts and rapid breathing returned to normal. “You’re an incredible woman, Mrs. Sully….” He murmured in her ear.

“That’s only because I have an incredible man, Mr. Sully!”

“Michaela?” Sully called, calling up stairs. “Are ya ready yet? Brian and Clara just left. Me an’ Katie are waiting.”

“We’ll be right down,’ Michaela replied. “I’m just finishing with Benje.”

Michaela joined them a few minutes later and they left for town. They left the kids with the babysitter and Sully dropped Michaela off at the clinic. Michaela’s first patient was at nine and it was pretty steady until noon. After Michaela and Amanda had lunch, Michaela went back to the clinic to work on some charts, while Amanda went up to the train station to see if there were any packages for the clinic. A little while later, Amanda came into the clinic, out of breath.


“Clara asked if you would come up to the station. A telegram came for Horace and while she wouldn’t say what it said, she wanted you there before she gave it to Horace.”

“Please, watch the clinic?” Michaela said as she headed out. Amanda nodded her head. Michaela hurried up to the station. “Clara?”

“Thanks for coming, Aunt Michaela. Could you sit over there? Horace will be right here.”

“Certainly.” Michaela sat on the bench and was only there a few minutes when she saw Horace coming up the street. When he reached the station steps, she called to him. “Horace, come join me please.”

“Sure, Dr. Mike.” Horace sat down next to her.

“Horace,” said Clara, coming up to him. “This telegram came for you.” She handed him the message.

Horace opened it up. “It’s from Myra’s sister….” He said as he read the rest of the message. As he finished reading, he reached for Michaela’s hand.

“Horace, what is it?” He turned toward Michaela. His face was ashen and there were tears in his eyes. He handed the telegram to Michaela. She quickly read it. “Oh, Horace, I am so sorry!” He nodded his head, but could not speak.

Sully was talking with Robert E’s when he glanced up the street and saw Michaela holding Horace’s hand. He could tell something was wrong so he hurried up to the station. “Michaela?”

She glanced up at her husband. “Sully,” she said softly. “Horace just got a telegram. Myra passed away yesterday. Her sister is asking Horace to come to the services and to get Samantha. They’ll have the services when he arrives.”

“Horace?” said Sully. Horace looked at Sully with tragic eyes. “D’ya want me and Michaela ta come with ya?” Horace looked at Sully, then at Michaela. He could not speak, but he nodded his head yes. Sully turned to Clara. “Clara, can ya get us tickets to leave on the next train for St. Louis? And send a telegram back saying we’re comin’?”

“Yes, Uncle Sully. The train will be here in three hours.”

Sully and Michaela walked Horace back to the boarding house so he could pack. Loren came out of the store and asked what was wrong. At Horace’s nod, Sully told him. “I’ll help him pack,” said Loren. “You two need to go home and pack.”

“Thanks.” Sully said.

They went to the clinic to tell Amanda, asked her to tell the rest of the family and take care of Katie and Benje. They hurried home to pack and by the time they arrived back at the station, the entire town seemed to know. Horace was at the station. Daniel and Brian were sitting with him. They sat down to wait.

“Brian, you gonna be okay with your guide trip?”

“Sure, Pa. Don’t worry.”

“Well, ya got Cloud Dancin’ and I bet Robert E’d help if ya needed it.” Brian nodded his head.

Hank came up to the station to stand in front of Horace. “Horace?” Horace glanced up at him. “I know I ain’t been yer friend and I ain’t treated ya right, but I did care about Myra. I’m askin’ yer permission to go along with ya. I’d like to say good bye.”

Horace gazed at Hank for a few minutes with a blank stare, then his face softened. “I think Myra’d like that, Hank.”

“Thanks.” He put out his hand and they shook. “It’s okay, ain’t it Daniel, for me ta be away…ya ain’t got any trips planned?”

“It’s okay, Hank…thanks for askin’.” Daniel replied.

Hank went, got his ticket and sat down with them to wait.

They boarded the train and headed for Denver. Hank sat next to Horace and they were across from Sully and Michaela. In Denver, they changed trains and headed east, sleeping on the train.

“Horace?” asked Hank. “Did the telegram say what happened?”

“Not really. Just that she got sick.”

“Dr. Mike?”

“It could be anything, Hank. When we get there, we’ll find out. The telegram said Samantha was physically well, but isn’t sure what happened.”

They arrived in St Louis before noon and they went to Myra’s sister Irene’s house. Irene answered the door and bade them come in. Horace introduced Michaela, Sully and Hank to her.

Just then, Samantha came into the hallway. “Papa!” she cried as she ran into Horace’s arms. “Oh, Papa….”

Horace patted her on the back as he hugged her. “I know, sweetheart, I know…” Irene guided the group into the sitting room and indicated they should sit. Samantha sat on Horace’s lap, with her arms around his neck and her face against his chest. “What happened, Irene? Please tell Dr. Mike.”

“Myra got caught in the rain and couldn’t get a ride so she walked home. She got sick fast and the doctor said it was something in her lungs…a word I can’t remember.”

“Did he say pneumonia?” asked Michaela.

“Yeah…..I think that’s it.”

“Dr. Mike, if she were in Colorado Springs when she got sick, could you’ve helped her?”

“I don’t know, Horace. It depends on how bad it was. I’ve had some success with my Indian medicines. But it’s hard to say…”

“Papa? Am I going to go home with you?”

“Of course! Ya want to don’t ya?”

“Oh yes, papa, yes.”

“When are the services?” Horace asked.

“They can be tomorrow. I got to go to the funeral house and let them know you’re here. I hope you don’t mind doubling up. I only got three bedrooms.”

“Oh no, Irene, don’t worry about us. We saw a hotel on the way here. We can stay there.” Said Michaela.

“Me too.” Said Hank.

“Horace?” asked Irene.

“Please papa, stay here….”

“Yes, I will. Thank you, Irene.”

“We’re gonna go to the hotel and leave ya ta talk. We’ll come over tomorrow morning. If the services are in the morning, can ya send us a message?” asked Sully.

“Yes, sure,” said Irene.

“Thanks, Sully, Dr. Mike, Hank,” said Horace.

Brian met the Sullivan’s, John, his wife Emily and their children, Charles and Deborah, at the station and introduced himself. “Did ya have a good trip?”

“Yes, thank you,” replied John Sullivan. “My wife, children and I are looking forward to being in the wilderness. William and his sons have told us about their climb up Pike’s Peak. While that’s a little beyond us, just being out here is great.”

“Good. Our friends, Cloud Dancing and Sheriff Daniel Simon have cabins up on Daniel’s land and that’s where we’ll be staying. We’ll take day trips from there. “

“Cloud Dancing is the Indian William told us about, yes?”

“Yep. He and my pa are blood brothers.”

“Will he tell us some stories?”

“I think so. You can ask him. Now, let’s get your luggage in the wagon and head up to Palmer Creek. The horses are already up there.”

Sully, Michaela and Hank checked into their hotel and had lunch. After lunch, Hank excused himself, telling them he would meet them for dinner.

“Michaela, are ya tired or do you wanna go for a walk?” Sully asked.

“I would love to go for a walk. It’s so nice out. But I would like to change clothes first. I’ve been in this dress for days!”

Sully smiled and guided Michaela to their room. Once inside, he pulled her to him and he kissed her.

“Mr. Sully?”

“Hmmm, Mrs. Sully, it’s nice ta be alone with ya. It’s been days, too!”

Michaela laughed and returned the kiss. Then it became more than just a kiss. Michaela pulled away. “If we’re going to go for a walk, I’d better change and we should go. A few more minutes of this and I think our walk will be forgotten!”

He nuzzled her throat and laughed. “You’re right, as usual!”

Michaela and Sully strolled through the streets near their St. Louis hotel. They found a beautiful park full of trees and ponds, bridges over little streams connecting the ponds, and benches. They sat down on a bench near one of the ponds, held hands and enjoyed the scenery.

“It’s so peaceful here. It’s almost hard to remember why we came.” Michaela said.

“I know. Not being with Horace and his family, and the sadness, ya can think we’re just here on a vacation. Poor Samantha…and Horace, but they’ll help each other, huh?”

“I think so. Horace has missed Samantha so much. And he is a good father. I think they’ll be okay. And we’ll be there to help them.”

“You bet!”

As Michaela and Sully came down the stairs for dinner, Hank was waiting for them in the lobby. They had a pleasant dinner and said their good nights. When Sully and Michaela returned to their hotel room, the staff had lit a fire in the fireplace and turned down the bed. Michaela walked over to the fireplace and seconds later felt arms come around her and a body pressed into hers.



“Nothing….just Byron….”

His lips came near her ear. “Michaela….my love… life…..”

She turned around to face him, putting her arms around his neck. “I want you,” she whispered. “I need you…”

He saw the tears in her eyes. “I want and need you, too.” He whispered back, knowing the death of Myra and the pain for Horace and Samantha was starting to overwhelm her. “It’s okay, my love….it’s okay.” He pulled her tight against him and they stood there, just holding each other. He turned his lips to her cheek and felt the tears, knowing this was the first time she cried for the loss of their friend. He rubbed her back gently and let the sorrow run its course.

She moved back a little and looked into his eyes. “I’m okay, now.”

He smiled and nodded, then taking her hand he led her to the wash basin and with the towel, gently washed her face clear of the tear tracks. He led her over to the bed and began taking her clothes off. When she was naked, he guided her into the bed and then undressed himself, joining her and pulling her into his arms. Michaela ran her hands down his back and then back up to grasp his hair. He moved so that he was laying over her and gazing into her eyes. Slowly the passion built. The movements were gentle. An affirmation of life, of living.

Brian got the Sullivans settled in at Palmer Creek, and introduced them to Cloud Dancing. The Sullivans were tired from travel and spent the remainder of the day resting in their cabin. Brian and Cloud Dancing fixed them dinner and as they sat around the campfire eating, Cloud Dancing began telling them the beginning of the Cheyenne people. When he finished, after dinner, the Sullivans thanked him and retired for the night.

The next morning, after breakfast, Brian guided his party up to the Red Rocks, taking until noon to get there. At the rocks, they had lunch while Brian told about the hawk he and Sully had saved.

“And what happened to the hawk?” John asked.

“Ma helped her and she got better. Then ma and pa took her back and released her where we found her. Hawks mate for life, so we wanted ta be sure she got back to her mate. Ma and pa saw her take flight and join up with her mate.”

“You must have a lot of these stories,” Emily said.

“Well, for awhile I never thought they were stories….just part of living. But I started writin’ them and Miss Dorothy put them in the Gazette….that’s our town paper. She sends each of our papers to the Denver paper and they take some of our articles and put them in their paper. Some of my stories have gotten around and people have written me ‘bout them. From all over.”

“We’d like to hear some others.”

“Well, One of the first was when ma and pa saved me. The Senator probably told ya that ma and pa aren’t my blood folks. Ma had only been in town a little while. She and my blood ma were best friends. My real ma got bit by a rattlesnake and before she died she asked Dr. Mike to take us. Dr. Mike was living in Sully’s, that’s my pa now, old homestead. My brother Matthew, sister Colleen and me moved out to live with her. I was about six. I guess we’d been there maybe a month and it was a few months before Christmas. I got mad at Dr. Mike and I ran away to live with Sully and the Cheyenne. I never got there. I fell off a cliff and broke my leg. Dr. Mike hadn’t been riding long and didn’t know much ‘bout the wilderness, but she rode out, found Sully and the Cheyenne and they looked for me. Wolf found me.” At that, Wolf, who had been lying next to Brian, looked up, barked and licked Brian’s hand.

“He must know you’re talking about him,” said Charles.

Brian smiled and patted Wolf’s head. “Yep, he’s a smart one. Anyway, Pa climbed down the cliff, brought me up and ma set my leg. Matthew didn’t think ma could find me so he rode inta town got some help. They saw the Cheyenne off the reservation, which they weren’t suppose to be, not knowing they were looking for me, and went for the Army. We all seemed to reach the same place at the same time….the Army, the Cheyenne, the towns men with Matthew and me, Ma and Pa. The Army came thundering toward the Cheyenne, who were ready to fight. Matthew, me, Ma and Pa were between them and the Indians. Ma ran out into their path and held up her arms, yelling for them to stop. They did and ma explained everything to them. They weren’t happy as they were always looking for ways to kill the Indians. But they turned around and left.”

“And the Indians?” John asked.

“They looked at ma, nodded, knowing she prevented a battle. They turned and went home. That was the first time ma protected the Indians from the Army. Their commander that time was Colonel Chivington and he never liked ma after that.”

“You’re mother is very brave,” said Emily.

“Yeah…but she don’t see it that way. She says she’s just protecting her family and friends.”

Michaela, Sully and Hank arrived at Irene’s at 11 in the morning. Horace met them at the door. “The services are at one. Come in. Irene wants you to have lunch with us.”

After lunch they headed for the funeral parlor. Myra was laid out and looked like she was asleep. Horace was holding Samantha’s hand and headed for the coffin. But Samantha held back.

“Samantha?” Horace asked.

“No, papa. Don’t wanna go….”

“Samantha, don’t you wanna see your mama?”

“No, papa. That not mama….”

“Samantha?” Michaela said. “Do you want to come sit with me?”

Samantha nodded her head and let go of Horace’s hand. Everyone but Samantha spent a few moments at Myra’s coffin. Then the minister, who’s church Myra had been attending, talked about her kindness, her devotion as a mother and friend.

The next day, they boarded the train for Denver, then Colorado Springs. On the trip, Samantha cuddled against either her father or Michaela. They arrived in Colorado Springs the same day that the Sullivans were leaving and met them at the train station. They stayed and talked to them while Horace took Samantha home and Hank went to the Gold Nugget.

“Mrs. and Mr. Sully, we truly enjoyed your son. He showed us some wonderful places and kept us entertained the entire time.” John Sullivan told them.

Sully smiled. “Thanks, Mr. Sullivan. We’re very proud of him,” he said, looking at Brian, who blushed under his father’s praise. “Sorry we couldn’t be here when ya came.”

“Oh no, don’t mention it. Brian told us why you weren’t. We’re very sorry to hear about your friend.”

“Thank you,” Michaela murmured.

“We’d like to come back for another trip next year.”

“Welcome ta come any time,” Sully said.

As the train pulled out and they waved goodbye to the Sullivans, Sully put his arm around Brian’s shoulders. “I’m real proud of ya, son. Ya handled things just fine. Didn’t he, Michaela?”

She smiled. “Yes, he did. Just like a responsible young man.”

Sully smiled at Brian. “Your ma worries about ya. It’s hard for her ta think of ya as anything but her little boy.”

Brian smiled at his mother with a great fondness.

A few days after their return, Horace and Samantha came out to the homestead for dinner.

“And how are things going?” Michaela asked.

“Pretty good, Dr. Mike. Samantha and me are getting use to each other. But my one room at the boarding house sure ain’t good for a family. I wanted ta ask ya, Sully. Do you think you could design and help me build rooms on to the station? I’d like to have a little place there for me and Samantha.”

“You bet, Horace.”

“I’ll help, too, Horace,” Brian said.

“For right now, maybe just a sittin’ room and a couple of bedrooms. We’ll eat at Grace’s. Later, maybe a kitchen.”

“I’ll draw up some plans tonight, Horace, and show ‘em to you tomorrow.”

Horace was very pleased with Sully’s plans and the following day, his friends, including Hank, came over to build the rooms. With all the help, they were able to finish the building in one day. The next day, Michaela, Dorothy, Grace, Josephine, Teresa, Amanda and Colleen, made the beds, and fixed up the rooms to be a comfortable home. Then Horace and Samantha moved into their new home.

“Horace looked so happy, moving Samantha into their rooms.” Michaela said to Sully, as they lay cuddling in bed.

“Yeah….I think they’ll be okay. Josie was talking with Samantha about Myra. She’ll help Samantha handle what’s happen. And Horace sure loves his daughter.”

“Yes he does.” She turned her face to his chest and kissed him. “I’m so happy we’re home, Byron. I miss our bed when we’re away.”

“I miss it too, but as long as you’re beside me, I’ll sleep anywhere….”

Michaela laughed and snuggled as she drifted off to sleep, secure in his arms.

It was Sunday and barely light out. Sully was just on the edge of waking up. As he shook himself awake, he tried to grasp what caused him to wake early. Then he heard it again. Someone was yelling….calling for Michaela. Then he realized it was Matthew and he could hear the fear in Matthew’s voice. He turned to Michaela. “Michaela, wake up….something’s wrong!”


“Michaela….it’s Matthew!”

Michaela looked at Sully and then she heard Matthew calling. She got up and put her robe on as Sully was pulling up his breeches and heading for the door. He ran down the stairs and opened the front door just as Matthew started up the stairs. Michaela was not far behind.

Matthew was having trouble breathing, but he was able to gasp out, “Amanda…something’s wrong….hurry!”

“Michaela, get your stuff! I can saddle Flash and you can ride her over and it’ll be faster than running….”

Sully tore for the barn and Michaela got her bag. By the time she got to the barn, Flash was ready. She mounted and headed for Matthew’s, passing him as he was heading back home. She quickly reached the house, dismounted and ran in and up the stairs to Amanda. Amanda was in bed, doubled over and Michaela could see the blood. Michaela knew immediately that Amanda was miscarrying.

“Amanda, let me help you…,” she said as she gave Amanda some laudanum. She helped Amanda straighten out and then she proceeded to confirm her diagnosis.

“Dr. Mike? It’s the baby, isn’t it?” Amanda sobbed.

“Shhh…yes, dear…..” Michaela heard Matthew outside the door.

“Dr. Mike,” he whispered.

“In a minute, Matthew.” Michaela kept working on Amanda. She determined that the bleeding had stopped. The laudanum was working and Amanda did not seem to be in the severe pain as she had earlier. Michaela covered her with the sheet. “I’ll be back in a minute, dear.” She went out to find Matthew and Sully in the hall. “Matthew, I’m sorry….she miscarried…”

“The baby’s gone?”

“Yes, dear.” Michaela glanced at Sully and saw the pain and memory in his eyes.

“Amanda okay?”

“She will be.”

“Can I see her?”

“Certainly. Only for a few minutes. Then if you could prepare a hot bath for her.” Matthew nodded and went into the bedroom. Michaela turned to Sully and he put his arms around her. “Oh, Sully….our grandchild….” She said with a sob.

“I know….shhh…..” he said as he hugged her tightly. “Just ‘member what ya said before, it’s nature’s way of saying somethin’ was wrong.”

She nodded. “I know….and that’s true, but still….”

“It’ll be okay, my love…..” he kept his arms around her and kissed her forehead as they stood there a few minutes.

Matthew came out. “Ma?”


“She’s sleeping. Should I still get the bath?”

“Not yet. She needs the sleep. Will you prepare it when she wakes?”


“The bath will make her feel better, relax her. The bleeding stopped and she’s okay. She needs lots of rest. I don’t need to stay, but I will be back. I’ll come over and check her in a few hours. But come get me if you need me.”

“Okay. Thanks, Dr. Mike, Sully….”

“Any time, dear, you know that.”


Michaela kissed his cheek as Sully patted his back. “We’ll be back later,” Sully said. Matthew nodded as his parents left and headed back to their home, leading Flash.

Around noontime, Michaela went back over to check on Amanda. Matthew met her at the door.

“Amanda’s soaking in the bath. She slept til ‘bout a half hour ago.”

“That’s good. That’s the best thing for her right now, lots of rest.”

“Dr. Mike?” Amanda called.

“Yes, dear?”

“Can you come here?”

“Certainly.” Michaela went into the kitchen, where the bathtub was. “How are you feeling?”


“You need to rest. Let your body recover.”

“I…..I….I want to ask…..I need to know…..” She took a breath, with tears in her eyes.

“Amanda, honey, it’s okay. What is it?”

“Does this mean I can’t have babies?” she gasped out.

“Oh, no, dear…not at all.”

“Did I do something I shouldn’t have?”

“No. Amanda, many women miscarry. I have had a miscarriage.”

She looked up at her mother-in-law. “You?”

“Yes, dear. When Sully was in hiding I lost a baby. I blamed myself for awhile. Sully blamed himself for not being there….but there’s no one to blame. I knew that as I was blaming myself. I have always told women who miscarry that’s it’s nature’s way of stopping something that should not be. It means there was something wrong with it. I went on to have Benjamin. You will go on to have children. Trust me.”

“See, Amanda, I told you,” Matthew said.

She smiled at him. “Yes, but hearing it from a doctor is different than hearing it from your loving husband.”

Matthew smiled back and leaned down to give her a kiss.

Michaela smiled at her children. “Now, this doctor wants you to take it easy for a few days. No going into town. You will not be allowed at the clinic for a little while. While Matthew’s working, one of the family will come by to check on you. You are to rest, eat well and soak in warm baths.”

“Yes, doctor!”

Michaela returned to the homestead, to be met by Sully at the door. “How is she?”

“She’s resting….she’s going to be fine. She was afraid she wouldn’t have any more children.”

“And you told her that ain’t so…you told her about us, didn’t ya?”

“Yes. How did you know?”

He put his arms around her and smiled. “Because I know you.” He kissed her. Then they heard giggling behind them to turn and see Katie standing there.

“Katie!” exclaimed her mother with a smile.

Sully scooped her up into his arms. “Hey Katiedid! How ‘bout we take your brothers and mother for a picnic?”

“Yes, papa! Me go get Bran. Down, papa!”

Sully set her on the floor and she tore off for the stairs to tell Brian. Michaela wrapped her arms around Sully. “We’ll all be okay…”

“We always have been….we got a good family….and we know it’s gonna grow,” he replied sharing a kiss with his wife.

The End

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge
That myth is more potent than history
That dreams are more powerful than facts
That hope always triumphs over experience
That laughter is the only cure for grief
And I believe that love is stronger than death.

-- Robert Fulgham
Send all comments to me at