For personal use and select distribution only © November 2001 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: September 1874.

“Well, Colleen, in two days you leave for Denver. I am so happy you are going to do this,” said Michaela as she and Colleen drank coffee at Grace’s.

“Me, too, ma. I’m so glad things worked out. I really didn’t want to have to go back east to school. Andrew told me he would go and find work where ever I went to school, but I know he loves it here as much as I do. He even said if I wanted to go to school all five days in Denver, he would find a part time job up there to be with me. But I like the way Colin worked it out. I can still work toward my degree in school, still get the live experience working here and be able to see my family. I think I’ve got the best of both.”

“Yes, I do too.”


“Yes, dear?”

“Andrew and I have been married for over a year now….and…..well, there’s been no baby. Do you think something’s wrong?”

“Not necessarily, Colleen. Some women don’t conceive easily. Have you and Andrew talked about it?”

“No. For some reason I haven’t been able too. He doesn’t say much about it, but I know he wants children. I see him watching other babies….Benje, Heather and Jacob….I see the longing…..I’m afraid I will disappoint him by not being able to have a baby.”

“First of all, if a couple doesn’t have a baby, it’s not necessarily a problem with the woman. It can be the man. And it might be no problem at all….just not the right time. Look at Grace…how long she and Robert E were married before the twins. I can examine you…see if things look okay….”

Colleen looked at Michaela for a few minutes. “Yes, maybe that would be a good idea…..but I don’t want Andrew to know.”

“Then now would be a good time, with Amanda out at the resort with Andrew.” Michaela and Colleen got up to head for the clinic, passing Preston on his way to the café. “Good morning, Preston.”

He just looked at them with a sneer and went on without answering.

“He’s getting more and more reclusive,” said Michaela. “I don’t think he even goes to the saloon any more. Just the bank and the café. He truly is an unhappy man.”

Colleen smiled. “It’s because he has no control anymore. And the resort is doing so good without him. And I have heard people talk about taking their money out of the bank. If his attitude had been different, when the stock market crashed, I think people would have been more understanding. I mean, does anyone like him? When we were in Denver, we ran into Mr. Leonard. The man whose son was kidnapped and pa rescued him up at Cache Creek.”

“Did he remember you?”

“No. My professor knew him and introduced us. I remembered him. He was interested in Andrew the doctor. Then I reminded him who I was and about pa and you. He wanted to know if pa still felt the same about Colorado being a state and I said he did. He said he thought we’d be a state in the next few years. Then he asked if Preston was still in Colorado Springs and I said yes. He went on to tell us that Preston had gotten him involved in some scheme that went bad and he lost a lot of money. He thinks Preston is a con man.”

“How interesting. When he was here he acted like Preston would be involved in the statehood movement.”

“He said he also heard a rumor that Preston was trying to sell the bank.”

“Well, that would be good. We wouldn’t have to put up with him anymore.” Michaela said as they entered the clinic.

“Colleen, I did not see anything that would stop you from having a baby. But there’s so much we don’t know yet. Someday I’m sure they will have figured out why a woman can’t conceive. They’ll probably even figure out how that woman can still carry a baby she wasn’t able to conceive. Someday, science will be able to work miracles for women wanting children….just you wait!”

“Thanks, ma…”


“What do you think about adoption?”

“I think it’s wonderful. It gives a chance for a couple unable to have a child to get a child not wanted by it’s parents. I read once that in Europe, long before America was discovered, if a girl had a baby she couldn’t keep, outside of monasteries or convents there was a wheel that that the girl laid the baby on and rang a bell. The wheel would turn, taking the baby inside, where it was cared for and a home found. We ought to have something like that here in America. As it is, the girl has a baby in secret and sometimes the baby is left to die.”

“How sad!”

“Yes. The lucky babies are left on the steps of a church. The unlucky ones are left who knows where.”

“Maybe, if we don’t have a baby in the next few years, we can look into adoption….what do you think?”

“I think you’d make wonderful parents….whether the baby was biological or adopted!” Michaela responded, hugging her daughter tightly.

“Sully?” asked Michaela as they lay curled up in bed.


“Did you know Preston was trying to sell the bank?”

“Where’d ya hear that?”

“Colleen said they heard it in Denver. Remember Erza Leonard?”

“How could I forget him?!”

“He told them he had heard it.”

“Probably be a good thing. Ain’t many go ta the bank anymore…..and sure ain’t many in town like him. Be best for everyone, ‘cluding Preston, for him ta go.”

“Yes, I agree.”

“’Sides, I still see him now and then looking at ya and wantin’ ya.”

“Sully! No!”

“Yep. I think that’s what he’s always hated me for…..I got ya and he don’t……”

“But Sully, he doesn’t even like me….”

“Mebbe…mebbe not….but that don’t mean he don’t want ya. He ain’t dumb. He knows yer the kinda proper lady’d make him look good. With you on his arm, lots would be his friends!”

“You’re exaggerating!”

“Nope….ya just don’t see it, Michaela…but I do. I can see how other men want you…”


“Well, not counting William and David…..Preston, Jake ‘fore he met Teresa, that hermit ‘fore we got married, Ethan, Daniel, the Reverend, Hank and even Custer….”

“Not Custer!”

“Yep….he’d look at you sometimes like he wanted ta grab ya and take ya…..”


“It’s true, Michaela. Ya jest don’t know how beautiful you are….and smart…..a man may say he don’t like a smart woman, but it ain’t true. Anyone of ‘em it’d be a proud peacock ta have you on his arm.”

Michaela turned to face him with a very troubled look. “Sully….I don’t mean to….I mean I….”

“I know…..ya can’t help what and who ya are… ain’t your fault….but it’s true. Don’t worry yourself about it…it’s their problem, not yours…..and I gotta say I like havin’ ya on my arm…..I guess I’m the proud peacock!”

Michaela smiled. “Oh, Sully, I love you so. I don’t want anyone but you. But please tell me if I do something to make those men think I’m interested…that I….”

“Honey, you don’t do nuthing to make them think you’re interested…nuthing but being you! Now let’s not talk about them anymore. I wanna talk about us.”

“What about us?”

”Well, I think us oughta do some of this…” he said as he pulled her close and laid his lips on hers.

After a long kiss, they broke apart. “I think I like this…” she said.

The family gathered at the station to say goodbye to Colleen and Andrew, who were heading for Denver. “I’ll be back tomorrow evening, Michaela, once I’m sure Colleen is settled.”

“Don’t worry, Andrew. Amanda and I will handle whatever comes up.”

Colleen went to hug Michaela. “I’m scared,” she whispered in her ma’s ear.

“You’ll be fine,” her ma whispered back.

They broke the hug and Sully stepped in to give his daughter a good bye hug and kiss. “We’re so proud of ya, Colleen.”

Colleen smiled. “Thanks, pa.”

As the train pulled out and they waved goodbye, Sully looked at Michaela to see the tears. He put his arm around her. “Michaela, Denver ain’t that far and she’ll only be gone three days a week.”

“I know….I know…..” she said, smiling at her husband through her tears.

Amanda was out at the resort and Michaela was working at the clinic. She had had a busy morning. She was use to Amanda taking care of the small problems and there had been a lot that morning. She was getting ready to go over to see Katie and Benje before she went to lunch, when someone knocked at the clinic door. Michaela opened it to Anna Marie.

“Hello, Dr. Mike. Are you busy?”

“Not at all, I was just going to go see the children, but that can wait. Please, come in.”

“I forgot to make an appointment for my yearly physical. I realized it just over a year ago when you examined me and told me about the importance of seeing you at least once a year.”

“My, has it been a year?”

“Yes. Do you have time now or should I make an appointment?”

“Now is fine.”

Michaela finished the examination. “You can get dressed now. Then come join me at my desk.” Michaela walked over and sat down. She opened Anna Marie’s chart and started to write, then stopped and looked at the words, shaking her head. Just then Anna Marie came out from the other side of the screen.

“Dr. Mike? Is something wrong?”

Michaela smiled. “No…not wrong….please sit down…” Anna Marie sat and looked at Michaela with concern. “Anna Marie, do have regular monthlies?”

“No…I’m never sure when they’re going to happen. Is that a problem?”

“No…it just means there are things you miss….like the fact that you’re pregnant.”

“What? Are you sure?”

“Yes….about three months. You should be having the baby around the middle of March.”

“Oh, Dr. Mike, I can’t believe it! It’s like a dream come true!” Anna Marie exclaimed as tears of joy ran down her face. “I can’t wait to tell Daniel and Sarah.”

“I don’t mean to bring up something bad, Anna Marie, but you told me you had some miscarriages. Do you remember how far along with you were?”

“It’s okay….I know you need to ask. I think I was about two months each time.”

“Okay,” Michaela said as she wrote in Anna Marie’s chart.

“That’s good…right? I mean, you said I was about three….”

“Yes, it should be okay. But you need to take it easy. I want to make sure you don’t have a problem. I know you’ve had a lot of sewing work, but you need to cut way down. I don’t want you sitting at the machine more than two hours a day and not all at once. And I want you to come for an appointment once a week for awhile. And no standing on your feet for any length of time. You really need to be careful.”

“I promise to do whatever you say. And once Daniel and Sarah know, I won’t have a choice. In fact, there’s Daniel walking by,” Anna Marie said as she started to rise.

“I’ll get him,” Michaela said, rising and going to the door. “Daniel, could you come here please?’

Daniel walked in the door to see Anna Marie. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

As Michaela sat down, Anna Marie smiled at Daniel. “Nothing’s wrong…everything’s right….we’re going to have a baby.”

“What?” exclaimed Daniel, with his face lighting up. “Are you sure?”

“Well, of course….Dr. Mike wouldn’t have told me if she wasn’t sure…”

“Yeah! That’s right…..I didn’t mean ya didn’t know, Michaela!”

“I know, Daniel, it’s okay. But we have to discuss potential problems.”


“Daniel, remember I told you I had miscarried before and after I had Sarah?”


“Well that’s what Dr. Mike is talking about.”

“Daniel, Anna Marie needs to cut way down on her activities…..” Michaela went on to explained to Daniel the cautions Anna Marie needed to take. When she was done, a joyful Daniel took his wife home. Once he got her settled, he went to find Sully to tell him. Then he hurried home to be with Anna Marie when Sarah got home so they could tell her together.

Michaela and Sully were having lunch at the café. “Did you see Daniel today?”


“Did he say how Sarah took the news about the baby?”

“Yep. She was happy. Hugged both Anna Marie and Daniel. He was thrilled. Even though they talked about that he’d still love her the same if a baby came along, he wasn’t sure Sarah would believe it or be happy about a baby. But she sure was.”

“I’m so happy for them.”

“Daniel told me Anna Marie’s lost babies before. You think she’ll be okay?”

“It’s hard to say for sure, but she’s past the time where she miscarried before, so I’m hopeful. But she does need to take it easy.”

“Good. I’m sure Daniel and Sarah will make her slow down.”

“Good morning, Dr. Mike, Sully,” said Colin Reilly, “or I guess afternoon.”

“Hey, Colin, join us won’t ya,” said Sully.

“Thank you. Actually, I would like some information from you. Not many people use the bank. Is that because they are afraid of banks?”

Sully and Michaela smiled. “No, they just don’t like Preston Lodge the third,” Sully said.

“That’s good to hear. Mr. Lodge put the bank up for sale and a banker friend of Bob’s and mine in San Francisco heard about it. He asked us to go in on it with him and another banker. I wanted to make sure the venture wasn’t doomed before we bought it.”

“When the bank first came, a lot of people put their money in,” said Michaela. “But then Preston started acting like he was doing them a favor. He made some loans and wouldn’t work with the people on paying them back when there were some problems. Like Horace. He bought a carriage on a loan and made every payment until the last two. He had some problems, was late and Preston took the carriage without giving Horace any break. That really made people mad and things seem to get worse after that.”

“Now that’s not the way to run a bank! My friend in San Francisco always said that for a bank to be successful the people putting their money in the bank must feel the banker is their friend. We’ll probably go in on the deal with them.”

“And make sure the town knows you’re involved. They already like ya, Colin, and Bob, and that’ll make a big difference. Heck, mebbe even me and Michaela will take a chance!”

Colin laughed. “That’s good! It’s nice to know family might trust you!”

“Brian,” said Michaela as the family sat down to dinner, “how is school this year?”

“Good, ma. Sure is nice having less kids in class. We got more room at our desks. Did I tell you Sarah and me share a desk? Miss Teresa said we could share with whoever we wanted as long as we got our work done.”

Michaela smiled. “And is Sarah excited about the baby?”

“Is she ever! It’s about all she talks about when I walk her home.”

“I’m glad. Anna Marie and Daniel were a little worried.”

“No need ta be. Sarah can’t wait to have a brother or sister. Did you know that Horace comes just about every day to have lunch with Miss Bridget?”

“Does he now?” said Michaela, smiling at Sully.

“Yeah. Me and Sarah think they’re really interested in each other. Miss Bridget sure smiles extra special when she sees Horace. Me and Sarah are gonna ask if we can take care of Samantha some night so they can have dinner!”

“Brian, like I tell yer ma, let ‘em find their own way…”

“We will pa, but I don’t think Horace’d ask for us to take care of Samantha. We just thought it’d be good to ask.”

“And so it would, Brian. Your father just thinks people can figure it out. Of course, he seems to forget that without you, Colleen and Matthew prompting him, he may have never come around to ask me anything! He might not have come to Boston to tell me he loved me.”

“Might have,” Sully mumbled.

“Yes, dear, but ‘might have’ would not have been enough. So Brian, do what you can to help!”

Michaela finished putting Benje to bed and went to check on Katie. Katie was in bed looking through one of her picture books. “Katie, it’s time to go to sleep.”

“I not through with my book.”

“Then you can finish it tomorrow.”

Katie looked up at her mother with a pout. “Tonight?”

“No. And that’s enough pouting, young lady. Hand me the book and I will put it on your shelf.”

After a big sigh, Katie handed the book to Michaela and settled down in her bed. Michaela put the book away and then leaned over to kiss her daughter good night. “Sleep well my little angel.”

Michaela went back downstairs. Brian was at the table doing his homework, but no sign of Sully. “Where’s your father?”

“Out on the porch.”

“Thank you.”

Michaela went outside to find Sully sitting on the stairs looking at the sky. She sat down next to him. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. No words were spoken. They enjoyed the quiet and the closeness of each other. After awhile, Brian came out to tell them he was going to bed. Soon they moved inside, turned out the lamps and went up to their bedroom.

As Michaela moved forward, Sully closed and locked the door then came up behind her and put his arms around her waist. She laid her head back on his shoulder and grasped his arms. He moved his lips to her neck and gave her a series of tiny kisses.

“Hmmmm….nice…” Michaela murmured. “More?”

“Any time…” Sully replied as he continued nuzzling her neck.

He slowly moved his hands up to cover her breasts, without removing his lips from her neck. She moved her hands behind him, resting them on his backside. Then he started unbuttoning her dress. When he undid them to her waist he moved back a little and pulled the dress off her shoulders, down to her elbows, trapping her arms, which were now at her sides. He moved his hands back to caress her breasts through her camisole, caressing her nipples. She moaned with pleasure as he continued caressing her. He reached up to the camisole straps, pulling the camisole down to uncover her breasts, then moved his hands back to her bare skin. Under his hands he could feel the rapid beating of her heart and she was starting to pant with pleasure.

Michaela broke away from Sully and turned to face him. She reached over and pulled his shirt out of his waistband, raising the shirt and pulling if off over his head so that he was bare to the waist like she was. Sully reached for Michaela, pulling her against him and claiming her lips with his. Michaela moved her hands to his waistband and started unbuttoning his breeches. When all the buttons were undone, she started to move his breeches down, when he stopped her.

“You first,” he murmured as he pushed her dress over her hips and down to the floor, followed quickly by her camisole. He smiled at her. “Now you can continue.” She smiled and her hands went back to the breeches to finish taking them off.

Again Sully pulled her against him and joined their lips. Now they were skin to skin. Michaela felt him rising against her. He had his arms around her and lifted her just barely off the floor, walking toward their bed as she tighten her arms around his neck, never losing the contact of their lips. He stood at the bedside, continuing to hold her, as their tongues enjoyed. Slowly, he let her down to the floor as their lips separated. She reached behind her to pull the covers down, never taking her eyes off his.

Sully smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you too, so very much,” Michaela replied.

As she started to turn to get into bed, he swept her up into his arms and swung her about. She replied with laughter, then he tossed her gently into their bed and climbed in besides her. He ran his hand over her cheek, down to her lips and up the other cheek, reveling in the face he loved so much. She reached up to cup his chin and gaze into his eyes.

“I ain’t ever gonna get tired of looking at this face.”

“Even when it’s all wrinkled and worn.”

“Nope. Even when it’s all wrinkled, it’ll still be the prettiest face there ever was. And worn…ain’t ever gonna be worn…it’s gonna be on the go always!”

“Maybe you’ll get tired of it?”

“Nope. It changes every day…..always new surprises….”

“How can that be?”

“Don’t know, but I find something different all the time…somethin’ to make me love it even more. Ain’t somethin’ I could ever tired of…..and this body….” He said, running his hand down the length of her body, pausing at her breasts and then continuing. “It’s always new to me….places to discover all the time. When I’m away from ya, I see how ya look the last time I saw ya and then when we’re together again I find ya more beautiful than ever.”

“Your body thrills me in the same way. Sometimes I’ll be at the clinic, waiting for a patient, and I begin to think of you and then I see you and….”

“And what?” he asked, noticing the red creeping over her body. “Da’ya see me with or without clothes?”

“Without,” she whispered.


“And I want you with me….then….there….”

“So you like looking at me naked just like I like looking at you…”


“And can ya remember all of me?”

“Oh, yes,” she replied as the red got deeper.

“Oh, my darling Michaela,” he said, laughing, “even your dreams make ya blush….”

She smiled. “Yes, I know, my darling Byron. But I’m always afraid someone will come and see me blushing….I don’t want them to know what I’m thinking about!”

“Well, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with it, ya know. But you could always tell them you had been cleaning somethin’, like the floor, that took lots of effort.” He leaned down and kissed her. “I like it that you can see me in your mind that way. You wantin’ me like I’m wantin’ you!”

“I’ll always want you…” she murmured as his lips, which had been hovering over hers, moved to claim a kiss and then began moving downwards until he reached a nipple, which he grasped gently with his teeth. “Ohh…” she moaned as his tongue caressed her nipple and his hand moved to enjoy the other nipple. With one hand entwined in his hair and the other clutching the sheet, her body became more infused with pleasure. Then, without removing his mouth, he moved his other hand down her body, caressing her skin all the way, until he reached his goal and then some. By now, Michaela wanted him to take her, to be inside her. She slid her hand under him to find and grasp his manhood, feeling that he was ready. When he made no move to accomplish this, with the hand in his hair, she gently urged his head away from her breast so that she could look him in the eyes. “Sully, I need you now, now Byron, now…”

He smiled and kissed her lips, then he moved over her to accommodate her desires…and his…..

Afterwards she lay on his chest, wrapped in his arms. He heard her sigh, “Michaela?”


“What’s the sigh for?”

“I was just wondering how it can get better every time.”

He laughed. “Cuz they say practice makes perfect and we sure do practice!”


“True, ain’t it?” Her answer was to turn her head into his chest and give his nipple a small, gentle bite. “Hmmm, good answer, but it’s gonna lead ta other things…”

“And what other things would that be?” She asked, lifting her head up to look into his eyes and trying to look innocent.

He smiled. “More practice…” he replied as he pulled her lips down to his.

Sully rode out to the resort as he had received a message that Colin wanted to see him. When he arrived, Andrew was standing just outside the clinic. “Hey, Andrew,” he called.

Andrew came down the steps to shake his father-in-law’s hand. “Morning, Sully.”

“So how’s ‘single’ life?”

“Not good. I miss Colleen terribly for the three days she’s in Denver. But then again, her homecomings are great!”

Sully laughed. “Yeah, them homecomings can be the best thing in the world for what ails ya!”

Andrew nodded as Colin came out to join them. “Sully, thanks for coming. I need to talk to you about some building. Can you come to my office when you and Andrew are through?”

“Sure, we’re through now, just saying hello. See ya later, Andrew.”

“Bye, Sully, Colin.”

“So, Colin, what can I do for you?”

“Help me expand the bank. Tomorrow it will be announced that my friends and I bought the bank.”

“Hey, that’s great! And that means Preston’s leavin’?”

”Yes. He offered to stay on, at a very high salary, to help run the bank. But I told him we didn’t need his help. Right now he’s clearing out his things and being watched by some of my people.”

“Good. Now what do you need?”

“Well, we can’t expand on either side, but there’s the upstairs and we bought the land behind the bank and figure we can build out there. We need a few offices as we are going to use the bank to have the offices for the resort, the hospital, the building business and other things we may acquire. And there’s only the front entrance to the bank and I want another one, leading out the back, maybe facing where the hospital’s going to be. Here is the map of the new land and the hospital land. Counting the office for the bank manager, we need a total of five offices and maybe they can be upstairs. It’s all one room right now and all it has in it is a bed and dresser as that’s where Preston was living.”

“No problem. I’ll do some lookin’ and surveyin’ and then draw up the plans for you.”


Brian looked up from his dinner, “Hey, in tomorrow’s Gazette we’re telling how Colin and Mr. Petersen bought the bank from Preston!”

Sully smiled. “So I heard. Colin asked me to draw up plans for the bank expansion.”

“That is wonderful.” Michaela said. “But, Sully, expand where? There are businesses on both sides.” Sully explained Colin’s ideas to them. “That’s strange, I thought Preston was living at the boarding house. Well, I can’t say we’ll miss him.”

Sully smiled. “I ain’t gonna miss him always watchin’ you.”

“Oh, Sully, he doesn’t!”

“Yes he does, ma. I seen it too. One time he was watching you walk from the store to the clinic. I asked him why he was watching you. He got mad, said he wasn’t and it was none of my business and went into the bank, slamming the door.”

“Why didn’t ya tell me, son?”

“Cuz you woulda gotten mad and he wasn’t hurtin’ nothing. Sides, no one would think anything of it cuz they know what Preston’s like.”

“I still don’t like the idea…him watchin’ your ma!”

“Sully,” Michaela said softly, “Brian’s right, he wasn’t hurting anything. And we can feel sorry for him. Wanting things he can not have and being so unhappy. I don’t think he’ll ever be happy. So let’s just be glad he’s leaving. Okay? Sully?”

“I guess…” he replied, shaking his head.

By the time Sully and Michaela came into town, the Gazette had been out for about an hour and the town was a buzz with the news. Sully stopped the wagon in front of the clinic, got down, helped Michaela down and then got Katie and Benje out of the back. Just then, Josie came over, Heather in her arms. “Michaela, Sully! Did you hear the wonderful news! Preston sold the bank and is leaving town.”

“Yeah, we heard. I guess you ain’t sad,” Sully said with a smile.

Josie grinned. “Not at all. We will all be the better for the loss. Timothy says I ought to feel sorry for such an unhappy man, but I just can’t do it…..not after he said such horrible things about Timothy before we were married.”

“Well, I ain’t gonna miss him….causing trouble…..watching Michaela….”

Michaela smiled. “Sully, let’s forget about him….okay?”

Andrew rode in to town and up to the station to wait for Colleen’s train. He saw Preston sitting at the station, surrounded by boxes and baggage. “So, Preston, where are you moving to?”

Andrew was rewarded with the famous Preston sneer. “It’s none of your business. But any where would be great if it’s away from this small, provincial, horrible town!”

Smiling, Andrew replied, “Well, luck to you, Preston, but can’t say that we’ll miss you.”

The train pulled in and Colleen got off and into Andrew’s arms. “Oh, I missed you!”

Giving her a kiss, Andrew replied, “And I miss you too. Every second of every day.” Then he put his lips next to her ear. “And the nights are lonely without you in our bed.”

Colleen smiled. As they moved away, she saw Preston. “Andrew? Is he leaving?” she asked, gesturing toward Preston and his things.

“Yes. I’ll tell you about it later.”

The entire Sully clan, including Clara and McKay, met at Grace’s for dinner. They had decided to always have a family dinner on Wednesday night when Colleen got home from Denver. Grace had set aside a large table for her favorite customers.

“Colleen, now that you’ve been at school for two weeks, how do you like it?” Michaela asked.

“Oh, ma, it’s great. I love my classes and the professors are good. And I’m not the only female who wants to be a doctor. There’s five of us. We all received the college rules and one of the rules is that no one is to be discriminated against. Two of my professors taught at your college in Pennsylvania. And there are women counselors, although mine is a man.”

“Ya sound real happy with it, Colleen.”

“I am, pa. The only problem is missing Andrew and of course all of you. Especially when I think that this will continue for two years. But when I graduate and come back here, we’ll have the hospital. That’s exciting. And I so want to make all of you proud of me.”

”We already are proud of ya. Doing this is just extra…we’re proud of ya no matter what.”

“Thanks, pa.”

“I haven’t had a chance to ask you, Andrew, how you are doing.” Asked Michaela.

“Okay. I get through Monday through Wednesday by looking forward to Wednesday night. I miss Colleen and rather she were here, but I would never stand in her way and I’m going to be awfully proud to have a doctor for a wife.”

Colleen took Andrew’s hand and leaned over to kiss him. “Thank you, Andrew.”

Katie decided it was time for them to pay attention to her. “’Leen, I miss you too!”

Colleen looked at Katie with a smile. “And I miss you, Katie.”

“Why you go away?”

“So that I can be a doctor?”

“Like mama and Androo?”



“Sully?” Michaela asked as they lay cuddled in bed.


“Have you any plans for Saturday?”

“Nope. Why?”

“I thought we could go on an overnight trip to the waterfall. Just you and me.”

“If I know you, you’ve already planned where the kids’ll be.”

Michaela laughed. “Yes. Amanda said they would take Katie and Benje. Brian will be fine here.”

“Why, Mrs. Sully, I would love ta spend the night at the waterfall with ya.”

“Thank you, Mr. Sully.”

Michaela had no patients so she decided to go across to see Katie and Benje. Lucille answered the door. “Dr. Mike, come in.”

“Thanks, Lucille. Are the kids being good?”

“Why, yes, mam. All these kids are pretty good. I’m glad ya came over. I wanted ta ask ya something.”


“Well, me and a couple of friends wanna start a business of taking care of kids in this town. I went to the bank and talked to Mr. Reilly. One of the buildings the bank takes care of is next to the library and there ain’t no one in it. He took me there and it’s just right for what I wanna do. And the bank will loan me the money to start the business. Here are the papers he gave me to read and sign if I wanna do it, but I don’t know enough about such things. Could you read it?”

“Lucille, I would, but I’m not sure I would understand it. But I will send Matthew, my son, over. He’s a lawyer and he will help you.”

“Is that Mr. Cooper?”


“I can’t pay very much to have him read it.”

“Trust me, Lucille, Matthew doesn’t charge much and he is fair.”

“I do trust ya, Dr. Mike. I’d be pleased if Mr. Cooper would read it.”

Michaela left and seeing that no one was waiting, she went over to Matthew’s office and explained the situation to him. “Matthew, she did not come to you as she’s afraid of what you would charge.”

Matthew smiled. “Why, ma, on a first consultation, I don’t charge anything.”

“And that’s another reason I’m proud of my lawyer son!” Michaela turned to leave.

“Hey, Dr. Mike, Amanda says we’re keeping Katie and Benje on Saturday night.”

“Yes. Sully and I are going away overnight.”

“Good. Have a good trip.”

“Thanks, Matthew.”

Katie was in her swing with her father pushing her. Benje was crawling in the grass with his mother right behind him.

“Hey Dr. Mike, Sully.”

“Hello, Matthew, Amanda. I’m glad you’re joining us for dinner.”

“Thanks for asking us, Mother.” Said Amanda.

“I wanted to tell you about Lucille. I read the contract from Colin and it’s very fair. I suggested she go ahead and accept. He delayed her first payment for four months to help her get started. And the first year rent on the building will be part of the loan so she can be in the place without paying until her first loan payment. She was very excited. She couldn’t believe I wasn’t charging her. This afternoon, just before I closed, her husband brought me a basket of apples and we brought some over with us.”

“Thank you, Matthew, for both the apples and helping Lucille.”

“Ah, ma, I was glad to do it.”

Sully smiled and patted Matthew on the back. “Really proud of you, Matthew.”

“Thanks, Sully.”

Sully was saddling Flash and Wind when Matthew and Amanda arrived to take Katie and Benje. Michaela came out of the house with the kids and their overnight bag.

Katie went running down to Matthew. “Mafew, Manda, me and Benje staying with you!”

Matthew scooped her up into his arms. “I know, Katie. We’re gonna have fun!”


Michaela handed Benje to Amanda. “They’ve both just finished lunch. Thank you for this.”

“We like taking care of them.” Amanda said, then she smiled up at Matthew. “Gives us practice for what may happen in the future.”

“We’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.” Michaela said. “Probably by the time you get home from church and the picnic.”

“See ya then.” Said Matthew as he and Amanda took the kids and headed home.

Sully and Michaela arrived at the waterfall by mid-afternoon. They took their supplies and saddles off the horses and set them out to graze.

“I’m glad ya thought of this.”

“I just needed to be alone with you, knowing we would not be interrupted.”

He put his arms around her and they kissed. “I need this, too. Anytime I can be alone with you is nice. And being at our waterfall, well ain’t nothin’ better. Ya wanna camp out here or up at the cave?”

“Oh, out here. The weather is still so nice.”

“Good. Let’s go in the water.”

“It will be cold.”

“Maybe…but it’ll be nice. Come’on,” he urged. Michaela looked at Sully and then the water. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. Then she started taking her clothes off. Sully joined her in this endeavor. Sully stripped naked, but Michaela stopped at her camisole. Sully walked over to her and put his hands on the straps of the camisole. “Nah, ya ain’t gonna leave anything on.” And looking into her eyes, he slowly pulled the straps down until the camisole was to her waist, then kissing her, he pushed it over her hips and it dropped to the ground, “Now that’s more like it,” he said as he crushed her against him.

He picked her up in his arms and headed for the pond at the bottom of the waterfall. His hand came around to cup her breast as he was walking and she responded by tightening the arms about his neck. When they reached the pond, he stopped and kissed her, deeply, passionately. Then he stepped into the pond, slowly sinking down with her still in his arms. Once they were in the water up to their necks, he let her go. She moved back a little and then stood there gazing at him as he was gazing at her. They spoke no words…none were needed.

They were in the deepest part of the pond, standing and the water was just below her shoulders. They moved slowly, circling each other. Smiling, enticing, but not touching. Their desire for each other was warming them up and finally the lovers moved close enough to touch, to caress and, still, the silence. They moved towards the shallow water until the water was at waist level. He reached out and slowly, lightly, moved his fingers over her breasts, brushing his thumbs across her nipples. She placed her hands on his chest, drawing circles around his nipples, lightly touching them as she went. Both were responding. Both wanted more.

They moved together as one, touching skin to skin. She felt him under the water. His hands moved down to her hips and pushed her closer and she felt him move between her legs. They gazed into each other’s eyes, smiling. And still no words. He moved his hands up under her arms and slowly lifted her until she placed her legs around his hips. She reached down and guided him inside. They began slowly at first, their movements easy, then as the desire built, the movements built and he moved back toward the deeper water. And then the target was reached in a shuddering conclusion.

She put her head down on his shoulder, hugging him tightly, his arms tighten around her. She felt him leave her. She put her legs down to touch the bottom and removed her arms from his neck, moving a step back to look into his eyes. He returned the look.

“I love ya, my beautiful lady.”

“I love you, too, oh so very much.” They kissed then headed for the shore. “And now I’m getting cold.”

“Wait here, then, in the water,” he said as he urged her down into the water. He ran over to their things, picking up one of the blankets and came back to the pond. He reached out a hand to assist her out of the water and then
wrapped the blanket around both of them, again skin to skin. “Now, this is the way ta get warm.”
“I agree. But it’s hard to move, wrapped up like this.”

“Are ya complainin’?”

“Not really. I just thought it would be nice to sit on the ground together and watch the waterfall.”

“I think we can manage that.” He loosened the blanket enough for them to sit down. Then wrapped his arm around her shoulder, holding the blanket around them again. They huddled together watching the waterfall.

“This is close to heaven. Being with the love of my life in the wilderness, alone, at the waterfall.”

“Yep. Ain’t nothin’ to compare. But like we did the other night, we’re gonna practice more later. Right?”

Michaela laughed. “Right!”

After dinner, they lay in each other’s arms, watching the clear night sky. “Look, Michaela, a shootin’ star. Make a wish.” He glanced her to see her following the star. “Did you make one?”



“I can’t tell you or it won’t come true.”

“But if I guess it will.”


“Well, I’ll have ta think on it.”

Later, they took off their clothes and cuddled under the blankets. Enjoying the stillness and each other. Again, for awhile, words were not necessary…just being together was enough.



“Have you thought about having another baby?”

“Some. But we’re also okay with what we got. I’d love another one, but more than that, I want you safe. I need you more’n anything and ain’t willing to risk you. So if it happens, okay, but if it don’t, that’s okay too.”

“I love you.”

“I love you.” He replied, kissing her forehead. “Michaela?”


“Is that what ya wished for?”

She giggled. “How well you know me. Yes, it is.” She placed her hand on his chest, over his heart, to feeling his heart beating. “Sully?”


“I need you too….always and forever.”


Kisses in the moonlight, whispers in your ear.
Secrets only two can share that others will not hear.
Laughter in the morning, a hug to start the day.
Tears if we must be apart when work takes us away.
Smiles that light a room, a gentle loving glance.
Moments that can fill our hearts with thoughts of just romance.
Comfort in your sorrow, a shoulder that is there.
A willing ear that listens to the burdens you must bear.
Arms that hold you close, a flower picked with love.
All these things that love is, are gifts from up above.

-Author unknown

The End

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