For personal use and select distribution only © May 2002 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: March 1875

Sully and Colin were standing in front of the hospital.

“Sure looks good, Colin.”

“Yes, it does. I was talking to Jonas earlier and we figure it will be done in the next few weeks. Bob wants to be here for the opening, so I wired him that we will open two weeks from tomorrow. I know Michaela and Andrew have hired three nurses from Denver. They said that four nurses will be enough to start.”

“Michaela ain’t seen the inside yet. D’ya think I could bring her over?”

“Of course. I’d like her to see things before most of the others...let us know what she thinks. Only you, me and the workers have been inside.”

“Let me go see if she’s busy.” Sully went over to the clinic and found Michaela saying goodbye to a patient. He kissed her. “Ya waiting for anyone?”


“Can ya come with me?”

“Yes. Let me tell Amanda.” Michaela came back out. Sully took her hand. “Where are we going?”

“To the hospital.”


“Just wait.”

They arrived at the hospital and Colin was waiting. “Hey, Dr. Mike. Your husband is going to take you on a personal toured of the hospital. We have about two weeks to the finish and I sure would like any recommendations from you, even though you already approved the designs. Sully asked if you could and I’m sorry he thought of it first!”

Michaela smiled. “I’d love to go through it.”

“Good. I’ll meet you over at Grace’s when you’re through and treat you to lunch. Right now I’m going to sneak over to the clinic and visit with your nurse.”

Sully and Michaela laughed. They entered the hospital. Sully showed her the front desk and waiting room. Then they toured the three examination rooms and the five patient rooms with two beds in each. They stopped outside another room. “And this is?” Michaela asked.

“Close your eyes so you can be surprised?” She smiled and did as her husband asked. He led her into the room. “You can open your eyes now.”

What Michaela saw was a state-of-the-art surgical room. “Oh my…”

Sully glanced at her face to see tears. “Michaela?”

“Oh, Sully…this is…this is….oh, my…. it’s beautiful…..I mean, Sully, it has everything I could hope for! Look at the table…and so much light…..and, just…it’s wonderful…” she exclaimed as she turned into her husband’s arms.

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. “You deserve it, my love. You’ve work so hard for this town. It’s time ya had a great place to work.”

She looked into his eyes. “Thank you so much. Your design is perfect.”

“Just for you…everything for you. Now, are ya ready to see your office?”

“Yes.” She replied as she kissed him.

He led her to one of two rooms behind the front desk. He stood behind her and put his hand over her eyes, then opened the door. “Ya ready?” She nodded her head and he took his hand away.

Michaela gasped. Here was a bright, cheerful room with a window. There was a beautiful desk, a chair at the desk and three chairs in front of it. A small cot against the wall and bookcases built into the wall, with a number of books already on them. A small bench under the window and a nice wash basin. “Sully! It’s beautiful…and you made the furniture, didn’t you?”

“Yep. Made yours and Andrew’s special. Course his is a little different and ain’t quite as nice. You two deserved ta have nice offices after all ya been through!”

She turned and threw her arms around his neck. “You make me so happy!” She pressed her lips against his as he put his arms around her and pulled her close. She turned back around and went forward to explore the room. “These books! Where did they come from?”

“Bob sent ‘em. He sent the same set to Andrew and a third set for the doctors’ room.”

“Doctors’ room?”

“Yep. There’s another room down the hall with four cots, a desk, chairs, bookcase and wash basins. It’s for the other doctors. Bob said it’s the kind of thing they have in big hospitals. And there’s another room for the nurses and other help to rest up in.”

Michaela went over to her desk and there was a beautiful penholder. “Sully? Where did this come from?”

“Elizabeth sent it a few weeks ago. Said ya needed new pens ta go with the new desk.”

“How did she know about all this?”

“Colin told her when she was here at Christmas.”

“I love it all! I can’t believe it, after all these years that my office won’t be in the same room as my examination table. I’ll need to bring the filing cabinets over.”

“Nope. You ain’t gonna have any in this room. The new cabinets’ll be out by the front desk and the person at the desk will be responsible for the filing. You only have to put your notes in it. Bob said you doctors shouldn’t be doing what he says is clerk work. Them big city doctors don’t file their own records.”

Michaela smiled. “But we’re still just a small town.”

“Yep. But that don’t mean ya gotta do without the big city things!” She nodded and slowly turned around to look at her new office. Then she stopped and turned back to Sully with a frown. “What’s wrong?”

”What about my filing cabinets, my desk, those things?”

“Well, I been thinkin’. Matthew’s office barely holds his things. In fact, he has to stack some of his law books on the floor and his files are in piles everywhere. I though he could move inta the clinic and make it a nice office, and since you got a new desk, let him have yours. And the rest of the clinic could be Colleen and Andrew’s. They could move their bedroom upstairs and have a bigger sitting room.”

“I should have known.”

“Known what?”

“That you’d think of everything. You are the smartest man I’ve ever known.”

“Nah…I ain’t. Ain’t got book learning and such.”

“Dearest, Leonard and Preston had a lot of schooling and it did not make them smart,” she said as she moved over to him and put her arms around his neck. “You are smart beyond anything they could imagine. You know things that are important out here and you know people. Yes, you are the smartest.”

“Thank you for believin’ in me.”

“I say the same…thank you for believing in me.”

And they continued the thanks with a sweet kiss. They left the hospital and headed to the café, entering and joining Colin. “Well, Dr. Mike, what do you think?”

“Colin, I love it. The rooms, my office, the surgical room…it’s all so wonderful. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, but most of the thanks go to your husband. He not only designed it, he told us how the rooms should be stocked and the furniture he built, well it’s really beautiful.”

As Sully shook his head, Michaela smiled at him, “I have already, and will continue to thank him. It was easy to see his hand in many of the things there. But you and Bob also deserve thanks, and Jonas and his workers…all of you contributed to a great hospital.”

“Thank you. And I got a letter from Bob. The doctors have been hired. There’s one who is just a year out of college, one who works at a hospital in San Francisco and wants a change and one who has had a private practice in Denver that he recently sold when his wife passed away. They have all come with good references and Bob has made it clear to them that they will be working for you. He said you can decide who will work at the resort.”

“If it’s my choice, I think they should take turns. I think it’s better if we all know both the hospital and the resort. And are they aware they will have to travel to outlying homesteads?”

“Yes, they know about the travel. And as far as taking turns, Bob would say that’s your decision. I think the doctors will be moving down in the next week. Will the nurses be here by then?”

“Yes. They already have rooms reserved at the boarding house. I think they will be here this weekend.”

“Two of the doctors are single and could stay anywhere for the time being, but the doctor from San Francisco has a wife and two small children. I told Bob I would try to find a place for them.”

“There may be some more rooms at the boarding house.”

“Well, I had an idea while I was sitting here waiting for you. Sully, could you design a small house for the doctor and his family? We have the extra land around the hospital; maybe we could put up a few homes there for the staff, beginning with the family. Could we have at least the one house within the next week?”

“Probably. If not, I bet it would be okay if they stayed in the rooms at the clinic until we could finish it. But I will draw some plans up today….a couple of bedrooms, kitchen and sitting room.”

“Sounds good. As soon as you finish the plans, I’ll go over them with Jonas. Maybe we could hire a few more men.”

Sarah and Brian were walking, hand in hand, toward the clinic from school. They were talking about the math test they had taken earlier. Sarah had scored a perfect 100.

“You know, you’re really good at math. Ya oughta ask Colin for a job at the bank.”

“I can’t!”

“Yeah, ya can. He’s a nice man.”

“It isn’t that, Brian. I wouldn’t know how!”

“Whadda ya mean? Ya just go tell him ya’d like to work for him if he has anything.” Sarah shook her head no and put her head down with her eyes closed. Brian stopped her, turned to face her, putting his hand under her chin, raised up her head. “Sarah, what’s wrong? Look at me.”

She opened her eyes and started into his, with a little glistening in her eyes. “I just can’t….I’ve never been very brave about things…not like you….I’d burst into tears if he said no…”

“No, you wouldn’t. You’re braver than ya think. After all, ya got ma to let you look after Katie.”

“That was easy. Your mother is easy to talk to. But Mr. Petersen…most other people…”

“Ah, Colin’s easy. I’ll go with you.” He said as he grasped both her hands tightly. “I happen ta think you can do anything!” He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “It’ll be okay.”

They continued walking and Brian headed straight for the bank to see if Colin was in. Just as they reach the bank, Colin came out. “Hello, Brian, Sarah.”

“Hey, Colin,” Brian said as Sarah nodded her head. Sarah’s hand tightened in Brian’s and he knew she wasn’t going to be able to ask. “Colin, Sarah’s real shy and is afraid to say anything, but I was telling her you might be able to give her a job. She’s real good at math…always gets a high score on our tests. She’s real smart.”

Colin smiled. “It’s funny you should ask. I really do need some help and decided to put up a notice sometime this week. However, it’s not actually in the bank.” At that Sarah looked up at Colin while Brian squeezed her hand. “Where I need the help is in the management office. I need to keep the affairs of the bank, hospital, construction company and resort separate and up to date. And there will probably be other companies as the town grows. I need someone good at math, good at organizing. It’s only a few hours a day right now. But if you’re willing to attempt it, Sarah, to learn about it, I’m willing to take a chance.”

Sarah was beaming. “Mr. Peterson, I’d love to try!”

“Good. First things first, call me Colin. And how about you come by tomorrow after school and we’ll get started.”

“Hey, ma, I’m home,” said Colleen as she came in the door at the clinic.
"Colleen!” Michaela exclaimed as she got up from her desk to hug her daughter. “You’re a day early…not that I mind.”

“Yes. Classes were cancelled for tomorrow because of a meeting for the professors. They announced it in time for me to catch the train. Where’s Andrew?”

“Out at the resort.”

“I’m going to borrow a horse from Robert E and go surprise him. Do you think we can all meet at Grace’s for dinner?”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll let the rest of the family know.”

“Where’s Amanda?”

“Upstairs taking a nap.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later.” Colleen opened the door to find Brian. “Hey, Brian. And before you ask, yes I’m early…ma will explain.”

Michaela explained to Brian and asked him to tell the rest of the family.

The family gathered at the café. After greetings and placing orders, they relaxed and enjoyed the family company.

“Andrew,” said Michaela, “I went inside the hospital today. My husband gave me a tour.”

“And….?” Asked Andrew.

“You’ll love it….I do. We each have an office right up front. Sully made the furniture for them and Bob sent us each a set of medical books. Maybe if you’re nice to your father-in-law, he’ll take you there tomorrow.”

Andrew smiled. “And, father-in-law, how can I talk you in to a tour?”

“By promisin’ ta always be good to my doctor daughter.” Sully said, laughing.

“You got it!!”

“Ma?” Colleen asked, “Have you got the hospital staff yet?”

“Yes. Three doctors and four nurses, including Amanda. Everyone should be here by the time the hospital opens in two weeks.”

“Do you know anything about the doctors?” Andrew asked.

“A little. We have one just a year out of medical school coming from Denver, another from Denver who was recently widowed and chose to sell his practice, and one with a family coming from San Francisco. He and his wife wanted to move to a smaller place to raise their children. I received their records today, which you can read. I’m pleased with what I have read about them. I have decided they will take turns at the resort clinic, night call at the hospital and house calls. I expect it will take time for them to get use to house calls….I didn’t ask if any of them could ride, although the buggy will go to most places, they will still need to know how to ride.”

“They will. If I can learn, they can…..and you had to learn too. I’d still like to take some house calls though.”

Michaela laughed. “Yes, I know. I think I would too.”

“Michaela….” Said Sully.

“I know, dear,” Michaela said as she took his hand. “I promise to only go to homes that are close and only in good weather…”

“Hmmm…we’ll see….” Michaela raised her eyebrows and shook her head at her husband, smiling at his concern. “At least with five doctors, six in a year when Colleen gets ta be a doctor, I’ll see more of ya at home! And since they’ll be here soon, I ain’t gonna have to worry so much about ya and the baby.”

“I love you,” Michaela said, kissing his cheek.

Horace notice the three nice looking ladies, who had just got off of the train, standing together looking around. “Clara, ya think them look like the nurses Dr. Mike said was coming?”

Clara glanced over at them and smiled. “They look puzzled enough to be. Maybe they didn’t know how small our town is compared to Denver.”

Horace chuckled. “Guess I’ll go check on ‘em.” He went out and spoke with the ladies then called back to Clara. “Clara, I’m taking these ladies to the clinic. Be right back.” Clara nodded. Horace and the nurses picked up the luggage and he led them down the street. When they got to the clinic, he knocked. “Dr. Mike?”

Michaela opened the door. “Hello, Horace. And these must be our nurses.”

“Yes ‘em.”

“Thank you for bringing them here. You can put the luggage on the porch. Ladies, please come in.” They walked in the clinic as they thanked Horace and he headed back to the station. “I’m glad to finally meet you after our correspondence. This is our current clinic where everything is done. The hospital will be opened next week. I have obtained rooms for all of you at the boarding house. Let me show you the clinic before I take you to the boarding house. Tonight, we’ll have diner at the café and I will introduce you to my family.”

Michaela smiled at the nurses. “As you can see, I have a large family. You met my son, Brian and my husband earlier.” Michaela then gestured to each member of her family and introduced them. Then she smiled at her family and introduced the nurses. “They have rooms at the boarding house. Ladies, Andrew and Colleen will take you around the hospital tomorrow afternoon. We go to church in the morning and then have lunch. We would be pleased to have you join us.”

Sully was saddling Wind. Michaela and the children had left earlier to go to town so Brian would get to school on time. As he rode out of the yard he saw Matthew waving him down so he rode over to Matthew’s. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Amanda is just feeling tired and wanted to stay home today. I don’t wanna leave her alone. Can you put a sign on my office and let Dr. Mike know?”

“Sure thing. Ya think Amanda’s okay or do ya want Michaela to come out?”

“Nah, she says she’s fine…just tired.”

“Okay. I’m sure your ma’ll stop by on the way home tonight.”

Matthew smiled. “Sounds like that’d be what Dr. Mike would do!”

When Sully arrived at the clinic, he saw the door was open and he went in. “Michaela?”

She came in from the other room. “Hello.”

“Why ya got the door open?”

“Because the weather is nice. Unusual for this time of year and I just thought I would enjoy it.”

He smiled. “Good. Ya don’t mind if I close it then….Oh yeah, Amanda ain’t coming in today and Matthew’s with her. She’s just feeling tired, but Matthew said not ta worry.” He said as he closed the door and locked it.

“Sully?” He just smiled as he walked to the door to the other rooms, closed and locked it and then to the back door to lock it. He kept smiling at his wife and then he went to the first window and pulled down the shade. “Sully!” she exclaimed. He said not a word as he continued to pull down all the shades.

When he was done, he went over to her and put his arms around her. “Soon as the hospital’s open and you move over there, I reckon times like this won’t happen. So I aim ta enjoy some stolen time alone with my wife.” She smiled as his lips came down to hers.

Slowly, as they were kissing, their hands moved to undo fastenings…helping each other disrobe. Soon they were skin to skin. He moved his hand down to cover the mound of her abdomen as she nuzzled his neck, while his other hand pulled the pins out of her hair and combed her hair with his fingers as it tumbled down her back. Then he stood back and led her over to the cot, taking the blankets off it and spreading them on the floor. Slowly, he guided her down to the blankets. She reached up, put her hand on his neck and pulled him down to her, connecting their lips. The kiss increased in passion as her hands ran down his back. He moved his hand up to cup her breast. The kiss ended and he moved his lips to her forehead, then each eye, her cheeks, her chin and down to her neck as his hand began to caress her breast. Then his lips moved down to her other breast to caress her nipple with his tongue.

Michaela issued a small moan as his lips and tongue incited her body’s electrical impulses. He moved his lips and tongue to pay attention to her other nipple, intensifying her reactions. His hand moved down to caress every part of her body, lingering on the mound of baby before proceeding downward. She grasped his hair and urged his face back to hers to again claim his lips in a kiss more passion than ever. He raised his head to look into her eyes and see the desire matching his own.

Michaela urged him to turn over on his back and she moved her lips down to grasp his nipple and run her tongue over it. Sully’s moan at the thrill of her attention matched hers. As her lips moved to his other nipple, her hand traveled down his body to grasp and caress him. He glanced down toward her face to see only the tent her hair made. His hands moved to pull her hair back so he could see the face of his beloved. As he did she raised her head to look him in the eyes with a smile that lit up her face.

Sully rolled them over again so he could look down at her. He moved his lips down to her ear and whispered, “I can’t wait any longer…”

She turned her lips to his ear and whispered, “Then don’t…”

He slowly entered her as her hand released him. His body began the movements that would culminate in their mutual pleasure. She ran her hands down his arms to grasp his hands. Their fingers intertwined and he raised them over her head. Their lips and tongues collided, taking each other to new heights. She wrapped her legs around his, urging him on…wanting…needing an intensification of his efforts. Their fingers tightened as that moment of finalization came.

Slowly, he relaxed against her, withdrew and moved to her side. He looked at her smiling face. “I’m gonna miss this.”

She giggled. “We’ll just have to figure something else out.”

“Well, your office is gonna have a cot in it….”

She blushed. “Yes, but there will be more people around. I mean, someone will be at the front desk and…”

He laughed. “That’s my Michaela!”


“It ain’t like people don’t know what we do…I mean ya got this to prove it,” he said as his hand moved to her abdomen.

“I know they know that,” she murmured, “but not where!”

“Yeah, the wheres’d sure changed their opinion of their prim and proper Boston doctor.”

She giggled. “Yes…probably…”

“Ya know, my office has that back entrance…the doors can be locked and it only has the one window!”

Again the blush occurred as she replied, “Maybe we can try that sometime….”

“Yeah…anytime…I like that…” After they were dressed, he pulled her into his arms again and they shared a loving kiss. “See ya later to take ya home,” he whispered in her ear. He released her and slipped out the back door.

Michaela sat down at her desk, thinking about her husband, unable to focus on the charts laying there. Then someone knocked at the door. She answered it to find Hank standing there.

“Wasn’t sure you were here, windows covered an’ all, but I cut my hand…”

“Please, come in. I was just resting…the baby and all….”

“That’s right…heard ya was having another…congratulations…”

“Thank you. How did you do this?” she asked as she uncovered the cut.

“One of my customers got a little mad when I said he was drunk and I wouldn’t give him anymore. He started throwing glasses on the floor. He’s new in town and didn’t know I was also the law. After I arrested and locked him up, went back to help clean up the glass and one of the pieces kinda bit me.”

“Well, it’s not too deep. Let me get some light in here and I’ll sew it up.” She said as she raised the window shades.

Sully was at the station, reading a letter from Welland Smith asking him to make a short day trip. Clara came out to sit next to him. “Hey, there, how ya feeling?”

“Oh,” she said, smiling, “pregnant…”

“I guess…ya got a ways ta go ain’t ya?”

“Yes. But I get tired, then I see Anna Marie and Amanda and realize this is nothing yet.”

“Yeah, but you’ll be fine. How’s McKay?”

“He’s fine. He’s so excited. He’s already built the baby furniture. He keeps asking what else he can do. He said he always thought of the Army as his family and never imagined he’d get married and have a baby. He said he’s going to teach the baby to ride as soon as possible. I told him it may be a girl and he said it didn’t matter…boy or girl, the child could learn to ride.”

“He’s a good man, Clara.”

“I know, Uncle Sully, I know. I am always so thankful that he fell in love with me. He’s everything to me. Moving here to Colorado Springs was the best thing I ever did. Thank goodness Mother was on my side. If she had opposed the move like grandmother did, I would probably have gone back to Boston. I wouldn’t have Terrance in my life and be this happy.”

“Well, McKay sure got something when he married you. I told him them Quinn women could be a pretty good thing…”

Clara giggled and kissed her uncle’s cheek. They heard the train whistle. “Well, I guess I’d better go back to the office.”

Sully watched a couple with two young children get off the train. He saw the medical bag and immediately knew who they were. He smiled to himself. Before Michaela he would not have recognized a doctor. He got up and went over to the family. “Excuse me…you must be one of the new doctors…”

The man stuck out his hand and shook Sully’s. “Yes, I am. My name is Lewis Hampton. This is my wife, Caroline, our children Lewis Jr. and Roseanne.”

“Glad ta meet ya. I’m Sully. Dr. Quinn is my wife. I reckon you’re tired from your trip.”

“Yes, we are. It’s been long, especially for the children. And just before we left San Francisco, we found out Caroline is again with child.”

“Well, let’s get ya down to the clinic. We ain’t quite got your place done. We’re building ya a home next to the hospital and it’ll be a few more days. In the meantime, I think Michaela plans ta put you up at the clinic. These your bags?”

“Yes, and we have a number of boxes. Is there some place we can store them?”

“Sure. Hey, Horace.”

Horace came over. “Yeah, Sully?”

“This is Dr. Hampton and his family. This is Horace Bing, our station and postmaster. Can you store their boxes until their place is finished? They’ll be staying at the clinic for now. And I’ll be back for most their luggage later.”

“Sure for the boxes. And I’ll have someone bring their luggage to the clinic in a little while. ”

“Thanks.” Sully guided the family down to the clinic, helping to carry the few bags they needed now. He sat the family down on the bench because Michaela had a patient, and put their bags inside the main door. “Soon as Michaela’s free, we’ll see if the clinic rooms is where she’s gonna have ya stay.” He went on to tell them about the town, pointing out some of the buildings. The door opened and Hank came out. “Hey, Hank, ya okay?”

“Yep. Just cut my hand and Dr. Mike took care of it.” He replied as Michaela followed him out.

Sully introduced Michaela and Hank to the doctor and his family and then Hank went back to the saloon. “Michaela, are you gonna have them stay upstairs?”

“Yes. We only have a patient in one room, with three empty rooms.” She turned to Dr. Hampton. “The patient is a farmer and has a badly broken leg. If I let him go home, he’d figure out how to walk on the casted leg and it might not heal properly. It’s hard to get these people to take care of themselves when there’s farm work to be done. But his three sons were able to assure him that they would take care of the farm.”

“Thank you, Dr. Quinn,” said Dr. Hampton.

“Please, it’s either Dr. Mike or Michaela.”

“And I’m Lewis.”

“Michaela, Mrs. Hampton’s gonna have a baby,” said Sully.

“Caroline, please,” Caroline responded.

Michaela smiled. “Caroline, you join a number of ladies, including myself, my niece, Clara, and my daughter-in-law.”

“Daughter-in-law?” Caroline questioned.

“Yes, I know how that sounds!” Michaela exclaimed. “The quick story is that when I first came here, I adopted three children. Matthew is now 25 and his wife is expecting.”

“How wonderful. Is the first child you’ve carried?”

“No, third. We have a girl and a boy so far. Now, I imagine you’re tired…” Michaela was saying as a wagon rounded the corner, driven by one of the farmers.

“Dr. Mike,” Earl Wilson exclaimed, “Edna was cooking and her clothes caught fire.” He pulled the wagon up as Michaela rushed to the back of the wagon, along with Sully and Lewis. They carried Edna into the clinic.

“Caroline,” her husband said, “why don’t you and the children go rest. I’d like to work with Dr. Mike.”

She nodded. “I’ll take you up,” Sully said. “Earl, why don’t you help me carry the bags. Ain’t nuthin’ you can do and Michaela and Dr. Hampton’ll care for Edna.”

Sully was sitting with Earl when Michaela and Lewis came out of the clinic. “Earl, Edna is going to be fine. Her burns are not as serious as they look. We have put dressings on them.”

“Can I take her home?”

“Not tonight. If she does okay over night, you can take her home tomorrow. But I don’t want her doing anything for a few days.”

“Thank’ye. Kin I see her?”

“Yes. Go ahead inside.” She closed the door behind him. “Well, your first day here and you’ve already had your first patient.” Michaela said to Lewis.

Lewis smiled. “It’s the best way to start. And I’d like to watch her tonight.”

“Thank you. But if you need anything, Dr. Andrew Cook, our son-in-law, lives downstairs and will help you.”


Sully and Michaela were cuddling in bed. “I’m glad Dr. Hampton and his family arrived today. And he was very interested in helping with Edna. It made me feel good.”

“Yeah, me too. Nice people. And mebbe you’ll start taking things easier.”

Michaela smiled and snuggled closer. “I will with the baby coming, but you know, more people are moving here and…”

“And nuthin’, you can still take it easy now and then.”

“Yes sir!” she exclaimed, placing her hand over his heart. “This is one of the things I love, feeling your heart beat.”

“Me too, cuz I like havin’ ya touch me…being close ta me. I like the feelin’ of ya next to me. My beautiful wife, I ain’t never gonna get tired of being alone with ya. An’ even with the baby comin’ I’m hopin’ having more doctors means more time we can have alone.”

“I’d like that, my love. Maybe some time after the hospital opens, we can have Brian take the kids into town and you and I can spend the day alone out here.”

“Sounds good ta me.” He replied, kissing her forehead and holding her tighter.

Finally, the day arrived for the ceremony to open the hospital. Colin and Bob chose to have the ceremony on Friday since Colleen was sure to be home from Denver. The other two doctors had arrived the day after Dr. Hampton. They settled into the boarding house and Dr. Hampton and his family moved into their home. Michaela and Sully took the doctors and nurses on a tour of the hospital the day before the opening. The ceremony was planned for one in the afternoon.

Jake gave a short speech indicating how important the hospital was and how the town appreciated the efforts of Bob and Colin to bring the hospital to town. Then he introduced Bob Peterson.

“Thank you, Mayor Slicker. First, I’d like to introduce the hospital staff,” he said, pointing behind him to the doctors and nurses. “Of course, you all know Dr. Michaela Quinn and Dr. Andrew Cook, who have taken care of your medical needs for a number of years. Then we have Dr. Lewis Hampton, who came to us, with his family, from San Francisco. Dr. Sidney Boyd, from Denver where he had a private practice. And Dr. Alfred Maxwell, who graduated from medical school last year and has spent a year in practice at the Denver Hospital. And our nurses, Amanda Cooper and the three from the Denver Hospital, Miss Fiona O’Grady, Miss Nellie Wilson and Miss Ruth Ryan.” The audience welcomed them with their applause. “And of course next year, Colleen Cook will become our sixth doctor.” Again the applause.

“We have hired four people to take care of the maintenance of the hospital. As more people move here and more doctor and hospital services are needed, we anticipate hiring more. Dr. Quinn and Dr. Cook will be moving their offices to the hospital this afternoon. I give my thanks to Byron Sully who designed the hospital and Jonas and his men for building it. I toured the hospital yesterday and I am very proud of the results of their efforts. The result of all of this is that there will always be a doctor here at the hospital to take care of any one who needs medical help. With that, I now pronounce this hospital operational!” And the applause was deafening.

As the crowd dispersed, men Colin had hired showed up with the boxes from the clinic and the resort clinic. Michaela, Sully, their family and Sarah were standing on the hospital porch with Colin and Bob. “Now, Dr. Mike and Andrew,” said Colin, “here are your things and you can go into your offices! The boxes that hold patient charts will go into the file cabinets behind the front desk. From now on you care for your patients and make your notes in their charts, but the filing will be done by the secretary at the front desk.”

“Thank you, Colin. Are you telling me I don’t need to go back to the clinic?”

Colin smiled. “Only if you want to. With the help of your husband and children, I think we have brought over everything you’ll need here at the hospital. I know you own the clinic and your husband tells me that you have already decided what to do with it.”

Michaela smiled and nodded. “That’s true. But we have yet to make its use known.”

“Now’s as good a time as any,” said Sully.

“I agree. Since you came up with the idea, you go ahead.”

Sully kissed his wife on her cheek. “Well, we know that Matthew’s office is no longer big enough for his practice. So we’re giving the clinic room to him. He’ll have Michaela’s desk and her file cabinets.”

“What?” questioned a stunned Matthew.

“You deserve it, Matthew,” said Michaela. “You worked hard, got your degree and set up practice in an office barely big enough for you. When Sully mentioned you should move into the clinic office, I was thrilled he thought of it. Is it okay with you?”

“Okay?! It’s great…I mean, an office big enough for everything, for people to be comfortable when they come to see me...a real desk…not a table with boxes under it…and file cabinets! How can I ever thank you?”

“Ain’t nuthin’, Matthew. We want our kids ta have a good place ta work. You can move soon. Jonas and the men are gonna make a few changes to it and the rest of the clinic. Which brings me to the rest of it…Colleen, Andrew, we wanna make some changes and give the rest to you as your home. We thought you could move your bedroom upstairs. We’ll change the downstairs to give you a bigger sitting room and kitchen. What’ya think?”

Colleen threw her arms around Sully. “Oh, pa, thank you! It’s wonderful!” Then she moved to her mother. “Thank you, ma, thank you.” She exclaimed as Andrew shook Sully’s hand.

Laughing while her arms were around her daughter, Michaela looked at her husband, “I think this has been a good thing!” Sully smiled.

“And Sarah, Brian said you’re working for Colin,” said Michaela.

Sarah nodded. “Yes. I’m going to keep track of the businesses.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“She’s already begun and what a difference!” Colin exclaimed. “The office was a mess as I never seemed to have time. Sarah has it organized and can actually find things.”

“You know, it’s always been the one problem I have had with Colin,” said Bob. “He’s great at managing people, business, but the paper work always seemed to get away from him. This morning I asked him for something, we went to the office and he asked Sarah. In a minute it was in my hand. I am very impressed!”

Brian was holding Sarah’s hand and tightened his grip. “I told her she was good, but I don’t think she believed me,” he said, looking at a blushing Sarah.

Sully put his arm around Michaela. “Our children only choose the best, so we ain’t surprised.” That brought laughter.

“I couldn’t agree more!” said Colin, smiling at his daughter. “And I bet they’ll give us good grandchildren too!”

“I think so,” agreed Sully.

“Mother!” exclaimed Sarah, looking down the lane coming from the street.

The rest turned to see Daniel coming with Anna Marie in his arms. “I think she’s having the baby!” He yelled.

“This way,” said Michaela as she led them into the clinic, followed by Andrew and Colleen. They took Anna Marie to the surgical room and Daniel laid her down. Michaela examined Anna Marie as Daniel held her hand. “Yes, the baby’s on its way.”

“Daniel,” said Anna Marie. “Please go out and wait with Sarah and the others.”

“I’d stay here if ya want,” he replied.


Daniel went out to the waiting room to find the others. “Dr. Mike says she’s having the baby, Sarah.” He glanced at Sully. “Anna Marie told me to wait out here. We been talking about me being in there, but she don’t want me to be.”

Sully, who was holding Benje, patted his friend on the back and led him to a chair. Katie followed along and climbed up in the chair next to Daniel.

Colleen came out. “Amanda, ma says this may be awhile and she thinks you should go home. Clara, ma wanted to know if you and Terrance would take Katie and Benje home with you?”

“Yes, of course,” Clara replied as McKay nodded.

“Pa, she figures you would wait with Daniel, and Brian with Sarah.” Both of them nodded.

“We’ll leave, too,” said Colin. “But this is exciting. The first baby born in the hospital.”

A few minutes later, Ruth Ryan came in. “I saw Mr. Peterson and he said we have a lady in labor. He said Dr. Mike and Dr. and Mrs. Cook were here. I said I would come back to help.” She headed for the surgical room and went inside.

The time dragged for Daniel and Sarah. Around dinnertime, Grace, having heard about Anna Marie, brought dinner over. “Now you all eat. Daniel and Sarah, ya got to stay strong for Anna Marie. So eat!”

Colleen came out occasionally to give an update on Anna Marie to an extremely nervous family. Now and then they could hear Anna Marie crying out. While Daniel was pacing, Brian urged Sarah to go outside with him.

“Brian, I’m worried,” said Sarah, with tears in her eyes.

“No need to be. Your ma’s got the best doctors and they’ll take care of her.”

“I know, but…well…she’s been in there for hours!”

“Yeah and it could be hours more. I was around when ma had Benje and it took all night. Ma told me later that it was a pretty normal time. She said some ladies take a lot longer. We just have ta be patient,” he said, putting his arms around her and holding her tight. “It’ll be okay and then you’ll have a brother or a sister.”

Sully knew it was well after midnight. He looked at Daniel with concern. Daniel was sitting next to him, head down with his head in his hands. They had been hearing Anna Marie off and on for hours now. He glanced over and saw that Sarah was finally asleep, laying on a bench with her head in Brian’s lap. Brian looked to be dosing. He felt bad that Anna Marie hadn’t wanted Daniel in there with her. He couldn’t imagine not being with Michaela.

Sully figured it was around five in the morning when they heard a baby cry. Daniel jumped up and look anxiously towards the exam room door. Sarah sat on the bench, clutching Brian’s hand.

The door opened and a smiling Colleen walked out, carrying a bundle. She looked up and smiled. “It’s a boy.” The group hurried over to her. Daniel moved the blanket a little and gazed at his son. Sarah, with tears in her eyes and a smile, looked at her baby brother.

“Can I go in and see Anna Marie?”

“Not yet, Daniel. There’s some bleeding that ma and Andrew need to control.” Colleen glanced at Sully and he caught her look of concern. “Here, Daniel, hold your son.”

“I don’t wanna hurt him. I can’t….”

“Of course you can!” Colleen exclaimed. “Go sit on the bench and I’ll help you.”

Daniel sat down and Colleen showed him how to hold the baby. He ran his fingers over his son’s face. After a little while, he looked at Sarah. “Do you wanna hold him?”

She nodded and Daniel handed the baby to her. Brian smiled at the look of rapture on Sarah’s face.

A few minutes later, Andrew came out. “Daniel?”

“Andrew! Can I see Anna Marie now?”

“No. We’re getting ready to operate.”

“What?!” he exclaimed as Sarah looked up startled. Colleen quickly took the baby.

“Anna Marie is hemorrhaging…bleeding…and we can’t stop it. We’re tried almost everything…and now we have to do the last thing there is. We have to do a hysterectomy…which means she won’t be able to have any more children. Michaela explained it to Anna Marie before we put her to sleep. I need to go back in now, but we wanted you to know.”

Daniel sat down on the bench, stunned. He looked to Sully. “I can’t lose her.”

“You won’t. Michaela and Andrew have done this before and they are good, you know that.”

Daniel turned to Sarah, who was crying, Brian’s arms around her. He reached over and took her hand. “You heard Sully…he’s right…she’s gonna be all right. This family will stay together!”

It was mid morning when Daniel and Sarah finally got to see Anna Marie. Colleen had put a cradle in the room and the baby was resting in it. They entered her room to find Dr. Boyd with her. “I imagine you are the family,” he said.

Daniel nodded. “I’m Daniel and this is our daughter, Sarah.”

“I’m Dr. Boyd and it’s nice to meet you. She’s going to be fine. Dr. Quinn and Dr. Cook did a fine surgery. She’ll need to stay here a few days, but then you can take them both home.”

“Can I talk to her?”

“She’s not quite awake yet. But you can sit here and wait. It shouldn’t be too much longer. I’ll be right down the hall if you need me and there will be a nurse close by. Dr. Quinn is taking a nap in her office but I think she’ll be in shortly.”


Sully was sitting at Michaela’s desk watching her sleep. He had made the secretary promise not to let anyone bother them. Dr. Boyd was here and would take care of anything that came up. Before she went to sleep, Michaela assured him Anna Marie would be just fine. She had sent Andrew and Colleen home to get some rest. As soon as she woke and checked on Anna Marie, Sully had her promise he could take her home. Clara and McKay had brought the kids into town and had taken them to the day care center. He got as comfortable in his chair as possible and closed his eyes.


He woke with a start. Michaela was standing next to him. “How long you bin awake?”

“Just now. I doubt if I could have left the room without you hearing me. I thought I did good to get this close without you hearing.”

He smiled, stood up and took her in his arms for a hug and a kiss. “Ya think you’re ready ta go home?”

“As soon as I check on Anna Marie. And then could we stop by the café? I’m awfully hungry!””

“Sure. Let’s go.”

They went into Anna Marie’s room to find her awake and holding the baby. “Good morning,” said Michaela. “How do you feel?”

“Sore but good. Dr. Boyd was here a few minutes ago and said the baby and I are fine.”

“Good. And have you decided on a name for the baby?”

“Yes, Cassidy.”

“Cassidy Simon. That’s nice. Congratulations. And how are you, Daniel?”

“Fine, Dr. Mike, now that Anna Marie’s okay. Thanks for taking care of her.”

“You’re very welcome.”

“Now, if you folks don’t mind, I’m taking my wife for food and then home. Brian, will you bring the kids home later. I want your ma to rest.”

“Sure, pa.”

Brian brought Katie and Benje home just before dinner. The family had a quiet dinner and spent some time sitting before the fireplace. Katie and Benje had missed their parents and were cuddling with them while Brian talked about Sarah and the baby. Finally, the kids fell asleep and Brian and Sully carried them up to bed. Sully came back down to find Michaela still in the chair, gazing at the fire and smiling.


“Where’s Brian?” she asked, gazing up at her husband.

“He went on ta bed. He’s tired too…didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, worryin’ about Sarah.”

“I think I’m ready to go up too,” she said as she stood up. Sully walked over and scooped her into his arms. “Sully…I can walk…”

“I know ya can, but I wanna carry ya.” He carried her up, brushed her hair, took her clothes off and settled her, naked, in their bed. He quickly took his own off and crawled in beside her. “It’s been a long two days for us.”

“Yes. But good ones. All these new beginnings…the hospital…nurses and doctors moving to town…a new baby. What a wonderful time these past few weeks have been.”

“Yep. And in a few months we’ll have our own new beginnin’.”

“Well, more than a few. About six more. But in those months, we’ll have a grandchild and a great niece or nephew. And you’ll be building on to the house.”

“Yeah…lots of things happenin’. But this happenin’ right now is what a like the best,” he said as he claimed her lips. “You too tired?”

“I’m never too tired for some holding,” she responded, running her fingers over his cheek. She ran her fingers down to his chest, pulling at his hair a little before finding and caressing a nipple.

“I guess you ain’t,” he whispered.

“Let me,” she whispered. “Lay on your back.”

He looked in her eyes and then did as she asked. She raised herself to be above him and kissed his lips, then eyes, then chin and then her lips found a nipple. She caressed it with her tongue, eliciting a groan from him. “Michaela…. oh, Michaela…” he whispered. She smiled, glad that she could give him such pleasure. She continued her task, going from one to the other as her hand crept down his body, seeking. She reached her goal and smiled again. He groaned again…put his arms around her and rolled over so he could pay attention to her as she had to him. Finally, the climax of their loving began and intensified, with the goal obtained.


If time can be owned, then I claim it now, for us, I demand it now and forever, this is our time, a time for love.

If time can be owned, then I stop it now, at this moment, so that the way we feel for each other, will last for all eternity.

If time can be owned, then we will treasure it, each passing moment we are together, will live a life of its own and flourish.

If time can be owned, then I give this gift to you, my past, my present, my future, my life I bestow to you.

If time can be owned, then we will fill it with joy, and add the sweet memories, of our lastingness together.

If time can be owned, then you are my time, and I yours, and we shall outlive time itself, and become one in the presence of god.

By Tony Brooks

The End

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