For personal use and select distribution only © July 1999 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: September 1873

"Good morning, Ma," said Colleen as she came into the clinic from her rooms. "Andrew already went out to the resort. He was concerned about one of the resort patients he saw yesterday and wanted to go out early to check on her. This is Amanda's Monday out there and mine to stay here."

"It's nice to have you here, Colleen. I do miss the old days when you were always helping me," Michaela replied.

"I miss it too. But on the other hand..."

"Yes, Colleen," Michaela said, laughing, "No need to say anything else!"

Colleen laughed and hugged Michaela. They started straightening out the clinic. "Ma, did you know we're almost out of bandages?"

"Yes. Yesterday I had Horace send a telegram to our Denver supplier to get a shipment. It should arrive in a few days. In the meantime we should probably get some sheets from Loren and make bandages out of them."

"Good idea. I'll go over and get some."

Colleen went to the store and asked Loren for the sheets. "Sure thing, Colleen. I got some right here. How many do you need?"

"Just two. We're waiting for a shipment of bandages, but in the meantime we will need to cut up some sheets for bandages. Can you put them on Ma's account?"

"Sure. Here ya go," said Loren, handing her the wrapped up sheets.

Colleen left the store to head back to the clinic. Two strangers, Will and Tom, were just leaving the Gold Nugget when they saw Colleen. "Whoo, looky here...ain't we got us a pretty filly here!" said Will, heading toward Colleen. Tom circled around to cut her off and in seconds they had grabbed her arms. "Hey," said Will, "we need a kiss from this'n. Maybe we could get more, huh Tom!"

"Makes me hungry just lookin' at er," said Tom. "Me first, Will!"

"Nah....I saw 'er first, so me first!"

"Leave me alone!" Colleen yelled, trying to jerk away from the men. The harder she pulled away from them, the harder they held on.

Sully was just rounding the corner from the Livery when he saw Colleen under attack. He broke into a run and pulled out his tomahawk. Sully threw it, hitting Tom on the head with the blunt end and he fell to the ground. This startled Will and he let go of Colleen. Colleen got away and rushed into the clinic and her mother's arms. Will twirled around, pulled a knife and lunged at Sully. Sully avoided the knife and reached for his knife. As he was avoiding Will, Tom came to and kicked at Sully, knocking him down. Will jumped on Sully and cut his left hand. Then Will stuck his knife into Sully's right arm and ripped it down.

Hank rushed out of the Nugget so see what the commotion was and reached Will just as he was lifting his knife to stab Sully in the chest. Hank hit Will on his head with the butt of his gun and shoved the unconscious Will off Sully. He aimed his gun at Tom, "Don't move...I'm the Deputy Sheriff and yer under arrest!"

Looking down the barrel of Hank's gun, Tom held perfectly still. Michaela and Colleen came out of the clinic. "Sully!" Michaela yelled, rushing to her husband's side.

By this time, others had gathered around, among them Daniel, Robert E, Jake and Matthew. While Hank and Daniel arrested the two men, Robert E and Matthew helped Sully stand up and into the clinic. Michaela and Colleen followed them into the clinic.

"Colleen, can you help?"

"Yes, Ma!" Colleen said, wiping away her tears. "I'm okay. I can help with Pa."

Michaela and Colleen began the task of cleaning up the blood and sewing up his wounds, after giving him chloroform to sleep.

Michaela opened the clinic door, to find a crowd of people outside. The first ones she saw were her sons and Cloud Dancing. Brian and Katie had been up at Palmer Creek with Cloud Dancing but she didn't see Katie. "Where's Katie?" she asked Brian.

"Miss Dorothy has her. Miss Dorothy came up to get us and tell us about Pa. Is Pa gonna be okay?" asked a worried Brian.

"I believe so. He has a small cut on his left hand, which only took five stitches. The worst wound was his right arm, which took over 100 stitches and I also had to stitch up an artery. He lost a lot of blood and hasn't woken up from the chloroform yet."

As Michaela said that, Cloud Dancing, Loren and Daniel, who had all previously received blood from Sully, stepped forward. "I will be happy to give Sully some of my blood," said Cloud Dancing. Loren and Daniel shook their heads in agreement.

"Thank you," Michaela said, nodding at them. "At this time I don't think he needs a transfusion, but please stay in town just in case. I should know soon."

"Is there anything we can do for you?" asked Hank.

"You already did, Hank. You saved Sully's life. I can never thank you enough for that!"

"Weren't nuthin'," Hank said, actually looking embarrassed. "Just doin' my job."

Daniel smiled. He received a few negative comments regarding making Hank a deputy. This helped him feel vindicated and he could tell by the looks of the townspeople that they were looking favorably on Hank.

"I will let you know if there is any change," Michaela told the waiting crowd. "Daniel, Hank, Matthew and Cloud Dancing, can you come in and carry Sully up to a recovery room? And Brian, you come too."

Michaela had Sully settled in the recovery room, with Brian at his side. Matthew left with Colleen to take her out to Andrew and explain everything to Andrew and Amanda. Things were calm at the moment, so she went to the Gazette to see Dorothy and Katie. Katie was sitting on the floor playing with the toys that Dorothy kept for her. Cloud Dancing was with them.

"Michaela, are you okay?" Dorothy said.

"I'm better now. Seeing him like that, with all the blood......" Michaela took a gulp, had tears in her eyes and was about to lose control.

Dorothy came over, put her arm around Michaela and led her outside, knowing Cloud Dancing would watch Katie and felt Katie didn't need to see her mother upset like this. They walked over to Grace's and sat at a table. Grace quickly came over with some coffee and sat down with her friends.

"I imagine you'll all stay in town tonight, so we'll bring dinner over to the clinic. You don't worry about a thing." Grace said.

"Thank you, Grace. I really think he'll be fine, but I was so scared!"

"Of course you were, dear," said Dorothy. "But you're very strong and can be the doctor while working on your husband. There are a lot of doctors who wouldn't be able to. And Sully's strong, he's recover. He's been hurt worse, like when he fell off the cliff with Sargent O'Connor. You'll all be fine."

Michaela stayed there for a few minutes, holding hands with her friends. Then she went back to the clinic, leaving Katie in the care of Dorothy and Cloud Dancing. She went up to Sully's room. Brian was sitting close to the bed, with his hand laying on Sully's left arm. She checked Sully's breathing.

"Ma?" Brian asked.

"He's breathing fine, Brian. His pulse is strong. Your father is a very strong man and as Dorothy just reminded me, he's been through a lot worse and recovered just fine. I'm staying here with him until he can go home. You can stay here or at the homestead. I'll ask Colleen and Andrew to keep Katie with them tonight."

"I wanna stay here, Ma. I know Matthew and Amanda can keep an eye on the homestead. I wanna be near when Pa wakes up."

Michaela wrapped her arms around her son and hugged him, "Okay," she whispered in his ear and gave him a kiss. She went around to the other side of the bed and sat down to wait with Brian.

A little while later, Matthew and Amanda came in. "How is he, Dr. Mike?" asked Matthew.

"His breathing and pulse are strong. I'm pretty sure he won't need a blood transfusion. He just needs some time to sleep and recover. How's Colleen?"

"She's okay. Just a little shook up. Being in Andrew's arms helped a lot," said Amanda. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Yes....could you go get Katie from Dorothy and take her to lunch? Then maybe you could bring some lunch to us?"

"Yes...of course. In fact, while Amanda goes to get Katie, I'll get your lunch and bring it up before we eat," said Matthew.

While Michaela and Brian were eating, Daniel came into the room and asked after Sully and Michaela gave him an update. Then Daniel said, "Those two men had a lot of cash and they were able to prove it was theirs. So I fined them $30 each and wired the Marshal about keeping them in jail awhile. I'm putting $30 into the town fund and giving you the other $30," Michaela started to say something, but Daniel stopped her. "I know, I know...he's your husband and you wouldn't charge him for care, and I agree if he had gotten hurt doing something else. But his wounds were caused by others and they should pay. Plus there are patients you treat who can't can put this money towards those treatments. I ain't gonna take it back!"

Michaela smiled at Daniel, "Okay, Sheriff, I'll take it."

"Well, I gotta go relieve Hank at the jail. Send for me if ya need me."

"Thanks, Daniel."

It was mid-afternoon. Brian had fallen asleep in the chair. Michaela was watching Sully's chest rise and fall, content to know his breathing was normal.

"Hey..." came a whisper.

Michaela looked up to see those wonderful blue eyes gazing at her. "Oh, Sully!" she exclaimed, waking up Brian.


Sully smiled at Brian. "What happened? I feel weak."

"Do you remember getting into a fight with some men bothering Colleen?" Michaela asked.

Sully closed his eyes and when he opened them again, Michaela could tell he was remembering. "Colleen?"

"She's fine. She's out at the resort with Andrew. The men are in jail. You have cuts on your left hand and right arm. You should be fine."

"I remember Hank coming to help me?"

"Yes. He saved your life by knocking out the man about to stab you. Everyone's worried about you. We'll let them know you're awake and aware. Brian? Can you go let them know?"

"You bet! I'll be back, Pa!"

"Thanks, son."

After Brian left the room, Sully looked up at Michaela to see tear tracks. "Michaela? Come'ere..." He held out his left arm. Michaela laid on the bed next to him and he put his arm around her. "It's okay. Your doctin' saved me again. Don't worry...I ain't planning to leave ya anytime soon." He put his lips on her forehead and kissed her. "I love ya."

"I love you, too. I can't lose you!"

"Ya ain't gonna. Not yet, anyway…..not for a long time…."

That evening the entire family, along with Grace, Robert E, Cloud Dancing, Dorothy and Daniel, gathered in Sully's recovery room to have dinner and be together. By then, Sully was sitting up, with Brian and Katie on either side of him.

"Papa not feel good?" Katie asked.

"Papa got hurt, Kates, but by tomorrow night we'll be home for dinner. Okay?" said Sully. When he said this he saw Michaela raise her eyebrows in question. "The doc hasn't said so, but we will be, okay?"

"Yes!" Katie said. "But, Papa, Mama's the docter. Mama, we go home marrow wif Papa?"

"We'll see, Katie. If papa's really better, we'll go home."

"'Kay, mama. 'Kay, papa?"

"Okay, Kates."

Sully improved rapidly the next day. By late afternoon Michaela gave the approval for him to travel home, in the back of the wagon. Brian drove the wagon with Sully, Michaela and Katie riding in back. Matthew, Amanda, Colleen and Andrew were waiting for them at the homestead. Although he had improved, the ride home tired him out and Michaela insisted he go up to bed for a nap. "I promise to wake you for dinner," Michaela said. "Colleen and Amanda have planned a nice dinner."

Sully nodded and Michaela went upstairs with him, carrying a sleeping Katie. Michaela put Katie to bed and then went into their bedroom to make sure Sully was laying down. He was sitting on the bed with a funny expression. "What it is?" Michaela asked with a worried frown.

Sully laughed. "I've had the same clothes on since yesterday and I just realized that with my injuries, I can't take my boots or clothes off!"

Michaela laughed with him "Here, let me help you!"

Michaela took off his boots and clothes and helped him into bed. "Stay with me awhile," Sully said. Michaela smiled and laid down with him. Sully put his head on her breast, while Michaela soothed his hair back from his forehead.

"Sleep, my love, sleep."

After awhile, Michaela came down stairs. Amanda and Colleen were starting to prepare dinner while Andrew and Matthew were playing chess, with Brian looking on. "How's pa?" Brian asked.

"He's asleep finally. It took him awhile to get comfortable and he made me promise to remember to wake him up for dinner. He doesn't like being incapacitated! It's not in his nature."

"Will an hour's rest be enough?" asked Amanda. "If not, we can delay making dinner."

"Enough for now," answered Michaela. "After dinner, he can be with the family a little while, but then I'm sending him back to bed. I want him to rest a few days and that's going to be difficult. I would like to stay home with him, if the three of you could manage the clinics."

"We'll manage, Michaela. I agree Sully needs to rest," said Andrew.

"Thank you."

An hour later, Michaela headed up to wake Katie and Sully for dinner. She went to Katie's room first, but Katie wasn't there. Michaela smiled and went to her room to find Katie snuggled up against her papa. Michaela stood there for a moment, taking in the scene, then leaned over to kiss Sully awake. He opened his eyes and she pointed to Katie, which brought a big smile to his face. Michaela bent down to wake Katie up, "Katie, dear, it's dinner time."

Katie squirmed a little bit, then opened her eyes. "Mama...Papa," she said, glancing up at Sully.

Michaela lifted Katie off the bed, "Let papa get up." Michaela carried her out to the stairs. "Brian, come get Katie please."

After Brian took Katie down, Michaela went back in to help Sully get his clothes on, but left his boots off. He shook his head.

"What?" Michaela asked.

"Don't like this......don't like needin' help."

Michaela laughed, "I know. Although I don't like you getting hurt, I do like taking care of you!"

Sully smiled and put his arms around her the best he could and they shared a deep kiss. "I like this part."

"I do too! I'm going to keep you home for a few days to get some rest. And just to make sure, I'm staying home too. I also plan on Katie going into town with one of the kids so that you won't have excuses to be running around here."

"So just me and you, here, alone, for a few days? Hmmm...."

"Yes. But you'll be resting most of the time!"

"Will you read Whitman to me?"

Michaela smiled, "Certainly."

"Still, good to have ya to myself here, for a few days. Can we go up to the waterfall?"

"Maybe in a few days....if I think you're recovering okay. Let's go to dinner. The family is waiting."

Dinner was enjoyable. After dinner, they moved over near the fireplace. Sully sat down in one of the wingback chairs and Michaela noticed him grimace in pain. She got the bottle of laudanum and went over to him. "Here, Sully, I want you to take some of this." Sully started to shake his head, but Michaela stopped him. "I know you don't want to, but you are in pain and I would feel better if you did. For me, please?" Sully looked at her a minute and then nodded yes. After she gave him the medicine, she sat down at his feet.

"Sully," said Andrew, "I didn't get a chance to thank you for saving Colleen. I know you would do anything for your daughter, but I still need to thank you."

"Yes, thanks, Pa," Colleen said as she stood behind Sully, put her hands on his shoulders and leaned down to kiss his cheek.

Sully smiled and patted Colleen's hand. "Can't let any of my girls get hurt if I can help it. 'Sides, Andrew, I didn't do nothing you wouldn't'a done if you'd been there."

"I know, but I wouldn't have done it as well."

"Well!?" Sully exclaimed, laughing and looking at his injuries, "You call this well?"

Andrew smiled, "Yes, I do. I probably would have gotten killed and gotten Colleen hurt or killed."

Colleen had gone over and sat down next to Andrew and at his comments, she took his hand and gave him a kiss. "You would have done fine."

Andrew blushed slightly at Colleen's praise. The rest of the family smiled at Colleen's display of confidence.

Michaela glanced at Sully and could tell he was getting tired. "My dears, you can stay here as long as you like, but I am making Sully go to bed. He needs a lot of rest."

"Katie," Matthew said, "Would you like to stay with Amanda and me tonight?"

Katie looked at her parents, "You may if you'd like to," Michaela said.

Katie smiled, "Yes, Mafew!"

"We'll take her to town tomorrow, Dr. Mike and make sure she's watched during the day. You and Sully just take it easy." Said Matthew.

"Don't worry about anything, ma," said Colleen. "We'll all take care of Katie and the clinics."

"Thank you." She turned to Sully to find his eyes closing from the effects of the laudanum. "Sully? Sully, you need to wake up enough to go upstairs."

Sully opened his eyes and nodded to Michaela. "Come on, Sully," said Matthew, "I'll help you up the stairs."

Matthew took Sully upstairs and when he came back down, he said, "I helped him to the bed. Do ya need any more help, Dr. Mike?"

"No thank you, Matthew. We'll be fine. Thank you for taking Katie."

"I'm gonna go stay with Matthew and Amanda, too. Okay, Ma?" Brian asked.

"Yes, Brian. That'll be fine. Matthew and Brian, could you do me a favor tomorrow morning, before you go to town? I want Sully to take a bath in the morning, it'll make him feel better. If you could bring the water in and put some of it in the tub. When I get up I'll start a fire and warm the water still in the buckets and make it warm enough for him."

"Sure, Dr. Mike. We'll come in the back door and be as quiet as possible. I know Sully needs his rest."

"Thank you, Matthew."

Michaela gave each of her family a kiss goodnight. After they left, she blew out the lights and went up to their room. Sully, eyes closed, was lying on the bed with his clothes still on. "Sully?"

"I'm awake," he said, opening his eyes. "Don't know for how long."

"Just stay awake long enough to help me get your clothes off."

Michaela helped him sit up and get his clothes off. Then she pulled back the covers and got him into bed. He laid back against the pillows. "You comin'?"

"Yes, as soon as I change." Michaela changed into her nightgown and brushed her hair. All the time Sully was watching. "I see you're not that tired!"

He laughed. "Even tired, I enjoy watching ya. Course I'd like to be brushing your hair, but don't think I have the energy."

"Not right now. Soon." Michaela finished and got into bed besides Sully. "Let me hold you tonight, instead of you holding me," she said and put her arms around him.

Sully snuggled down against her breast. "I like this. Even when I get well, I'd like this once in awhile."

Michaela kissed him on the forehead, "Any time, my love."

Sully turned his head and kissed the valley between her breasts. Then he settled down to sleep. Sully woke up once during the night in pain. Michaela gave him some more laudanum and he went back to sleep.

Michaela heard the boys bringing the water in, but Sully did not wake up. Michaela's arms were still around him. Knowing he was safe in her arms gave Michaela a good feeling. After a little while it was silent downstairs. Michaela lay, waiting for Sully to wake up, thinking about the events of the past year.

Sully started to wake up around nine in the morning. Michaela gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Good morning. How are you feeling?"

"Mornin'. Sore, some pain. Not a lot of pain, though, not like last night."

"Good. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, sure am."

"The boys brought in some water and after breakfast, I want you to take a bath. It'll relax you. We're going to stay here today. We can talk, rest, play chess.....anything, as long as you take it easy."

"It's okay with me. Are Katie and Brian gone already?"

"They stayed with Matthew and Amanda last night. Amanda will watch Katie today, in town. They'll be home tonight and as long as you've gotten enough rest today, they can stay home. I'll go down and get breakfast ready. Would you like it in bed?"

"Yeah...if you'll eat with me." He said, giving her a sly smile.

"I'll be happy to," she replied, with a smile of her own.

Sully rested while Michaela fixed breakfast and brought up a tray with eggs, steak and willow bark tea. She was followed by Wolf. "Look who I found," Michaela said. "He wanted to come see you."

"Hey, boy." Wolf jumped up on the bed and licked Sully's face. "I'm glad to see you, too, boy."

Michaela had brought enough to give Wolf some of the steak. The three of them enjoyed their breakfast. After breakfast, Michaela went down to start a fire in the alcove fireplace and warm some water for Sully's bath. When it was ready, she called to Sully to come down.

She waited at the bottom of the stairs and down the stairs he came, without a stitch of clothing on. Before she could say anything, he commented, "I couldn't get my pants on. Sides, I figgered it's only me and you and you already seen me without clothes."

Michaela shook her head, smiled, and headed for the alcove with Sully right behind her. Since he couldn't use his right arm very well and his left hand hurt if he put pressure on it, Michaela helped him balance as he stepped into the tub and sat down. "Soak for a little while and I'll go make some more tea. Call me if you need me."

Michaela came back into the alcove with the tea to find Sully leaning back in the tub with his eyes closed, seeming asleep. She sat down on the bench to drink her tea and watch her husband.

In a little while he looked up and smiled at her. "This was a good idea. Really feels good. I need help washing though."

Michaela put her tea down, went over and knelt down at the tub. She reached up and smoothed his hair back from his face, then he reached for her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it. In turn, she grasped his hand, brought it to her lips and gave him a kiss. They both smiled with love. Michaela took the soap and started lathering his body, starting at his chest. He watched her face as she moved lower, slowly. Michaela didn't realize, as she moved lower, that her movements were becoming slower and sensuous. Sully knew that soon she would realize what she was doing to him, but he gripped the sides of the tub in order to remain still and enjoy the sensations. All of a sudden, she realized what was happening. She glanced up at his face to see his eyes were closed and a look of pleasure on his face. Since she had stopped, he opened his eyes to see her rising.



He watched as she started getting undressed. She took off her skirt and then her blouse, leaving her in just her camisole, being glad she hadn't yet put on her stockings and shoes. She was standing right next to the tub, so he reached out and rubbed her leg. Then Michaela slowly dropped the straps of her camisole to uncover her breasts and then dropped the camisole the rest of the way to the floor. She blushed as Sully moved his loving eyes up and down her body. As Michaela moved to the foot of the tub, Sully sat up to give her room, she stepped into the tub and sat down. They moved closer, to touch and feel, to give and receive pleasure. They lost track of everything in enjoying each other. When the time came, she moved over him as he reclined and she reached down to guide him into her. Their eyes locked onto each others as the movements became faster and ecstasy was reached.

Slowly, Michaela released him from her as she felt him soften. She leaned forward to capture Sully's lips and they joined in a loving kiss filled with passion not yet spent. Her body lay, lightly, floating, on top of his as their tongues and lips continued to enjoy the passion.

"Michaela? Let's go upstairs now...."

She smiled at him, straightened up and got out of the tub. "Wait until I'm dry. Your bandages are wet and I need to change them." Michaela toweled herself off, then assisted Sully out of the tub, dried him off and took off the bandages. She wrapped a towel around her body and one around his waist. She got her medical bag and led him upstairs. The wounds looked good. She bandaged them again, quickly. Sully reached out and took her towel, tossing it on the floor and his towel followed.

"Do the wounds hurt? I could give you some more laudanum."

"Ain't that bad....I don't wanna go to sleep....I want you," he said, taking her hand and leading her to the bed.

"So soon?"


Lying side by side, facing each other, bodies touching, they began kissing again with tongues and lips, while hands roamed each other's bodies, though Sully's hands were slower because of his injuries. Michaela started by caressing his chest, feeling his nipples harden, then she caressed his manhood and moved her hands to his backside and lower. Sully cupped her breasts and rubbed his thumbs across her nipples as they reacted to his caresses, down her body to rest in her nest. She felt him rise between her legs and she moved one leg to drape it over his hip. He moved his hand away from her and brought himself into her. The movements started, gained speed and again they were in the throes of ecstasy, coming to completion.

Slowly, their heartbeats returned to normal as their bodies separated, passion sated....for now.

Michaela shook her head. "What?" Sully asked.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. It's not the kind of rest I prescribe for someone with your kind of injuries. The bath was supposed to relax you."

He laughed, "I'm relaxed. I promise I'll take a nap.....really sleep......promise...."

She kissed him again, "Okay....close your"

"Stay with me? At least til I go ta sleep. I wanna feel ya next to me."

"I'll stay for awhile. Lie on your stomach and I'll rub your back."

Sully rolled onto his stomach with his arms stretched out over his head. Michaela knelt next to him and began to massage his back, in relaxing and restful motions. In a little while, Michaela could hear the deep and even breathing, indicating Sully was sleeping.

Michaela left the bed, dressed and went down to clean up the alcove. After straightening the house, she sat down to read her newest medical journal. Close to noon time, she went up to check on Sully. He was on his back now, but still asleep. She decided he could eat when he woke up, but that right now, sleep was what he needed. She went back down to fix herself a little lunch when she heard horses in the yard, and looking out the window she saw Grace and Dorothy. She opened the door and gestured for them to come in.

"We brought you lunch, knowing how much you love to cook," Dorothy said, Grace nodded her head.

" I was just going to fix myself something. Sully's asleep and I don't want to wake him for lunch. He needs the rest."

"How's he doin'?" Grace asked.

"Fine. He didn't want anymore laudanum this morning and he only had two doses last night. I changed the bandages this morning and the wounds look good."

"Do you want me to bring out some dinner tonight?"

"No, thank you, Grace. We'll be okay."

After lunch, Grace and Dorothy left. Awhile later Michaela heard noise upstairs and went up to see Sully. He was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to put his pants on. "Here, let me," Michaela said. She helped him on with his pants and buttoned them up. "Do you want a shirt?"

"Nope. It's warm enough. I am hungry though."

"Grace and Dorothy were out and brought lunch. We saved some for you." Michaela said as they headed downstairs.

Sully and Michaela spent the rest of the afternoon in the living room and on the front porch. Talking and reading from a book of poety by Whitman. Matthew and Amanda brought Katie and Brian home around five.

"Papa! Mama!" Katie called when she saw her parents sitting on the porch steps. Matthew stopped the wagon, Brian jumped out and lifted Katie out. Once she was on the ground, she ran for the porch and into her mother's arms.

Michaela lifted her up and gave her a kiss. "Hello, my sweet girl. We missed you and your brother." Brian came up the stairs and kissed his ma on the cheek. "It's good to have you home."

"It's good to be here, Ma. How are you, Pa?"

"Good, son. Like yer ma said, glad to have ya home." He looked up at Matthew and Amanda. "Thanks for keeping 'em and bringing 'em home. Do ya wanna come in?"

"You're welcome. They're fun to have around. And, no thanks, we need to go home and do some things. Do you want us to keep them tonight?" Matthew asked.

"No, thank you. Sully's doing fine and we'd like them to be home. But if you could take them to town again tomorrow morning?"

"Sure. We'll be here in the morning."

Michaela explained to Brian that Sully needed to take it easy and Brian agreed to keep Katie busy if she got out of hand. After dinner, the family settled in the living room. Katie had missed her parents and wanted to stay close to them, so she curled up on Sully's lap, while Brian sat on the floor, with Wolf, and told his parents about his busy day. He told them that Katie had been very busy too, between Amanda, Grace and Dorothy. After Brian got out of school, she had gone with him to work at the livery with Robert E. Katie fell asleep on Sully's lap, proving Brian's story. Michaela picked her up and carried her up to bed.

Brian was tired, too, and wanted to read a little while before he went to bed. "Goodnight, Pa. I'm going to bed, too. I'm glad you're better," he said as he gave Sully a hug.

"Thanks. See ya tomorrow."

Brian went up and into Katie's room. She was asleep and Michaela covered her up and kissed her goodnight. She smiled at Brian and went into his room with him. "Thank you for your stories tonight. We enjoyed them and Sully relaxed." She hugged Brian and kissed him goodnight.

"Thanks, Ma. See ya in the morning."

Michaela went downstairs to find Sully still in the chair, gazing into the fire. "Sully?"

He looked up and smiled. "Just thinkin' how lucky we are to have our children, both the big 'uns, and Brian and Katie. It's a good family, Michaela."

"Yes, it is.

"Come 'ere. Sit with me." Michaela went over, sat in Sully's lap and put her arms around his neck. Sully moved his hand up to touch her face. "Thanks for today. I feel a lot better. I love the kids, but I liked it, with just the two of us here today. I appreciate the freedom you showed this morning, with the bath and all. That sure helped my recovery!"

Michaela smiled. "When you look at me in a certain way, like you did this morning, I forget about everything..... even about propriety! Later, when I was downstairs while you were sleeping, I realized the doors were unlocked and someone, the children, could have come in and I got worried."

"The kids would'a called for us. They wouldn'a just walked into the alcove because they would'a seen the curtain was closed. Sides, ya knew they were in town."

"Yes.....I know.....I do so enjoy being with you, alone, doing things...." she said, blushing.

"Ya mean making love?"

"Yes.....that's even hard for me to express. It's like Boston tries to intrudes on our togetherness."

"Ya've come along way, Michaela, since I first met ya.....since our wedding night. I remember it was hard for you to look at me you look, even though you still blush. Mebbe ya'll always blush, which is okay with me. But you've opened up with me so much. I like it. I like touching you and I like you touching me."

"I like it too," she said, burying her face into his neck. "I do like looking at your body....."

Sully laughed, "Yeah and then I catch ya and you blush!"

"I know, I know." She kept her face in his neck, not being able to look at him as she told him how she felt. "I like touching you. It thrills me when you respond to my touches.....when you.....I....." she paused, not sure if she should say more.

"Go on, Michaela. Tell me."

"When I feel you grow hard," she whispered. "I don't know how to tell you what my emotions's something I never really thought or knew much about before you. I mean I knew the clinical part, but the other.....the strength and power you have....."

"Tell me how you feel when I touch you."

"Wonderful. The sensations from your touch. I feel my body responding to you. There are feelings I was never aware a person could have.....I get lost in those feelings."

"Good. I get lost in feelings too. I ain't never felt this way before. When we're makin' love, you're my world, nothing else is there. I know I'll hear the kids if they need us. Nothing else matters for that time."

"Sully? Can I ask you about Abagail?'

"What about her?"

"You said you never felt this way before. Didn't you with her?"

"I told ya before, love, it was different with her. Abagail loved taking care of the homestead and me, and she wanted a baby. But she didn't wanna be intimate the way we are. I think Maude probably told her that it was a 'wifely duty', just like your ma did. Abagail saw it as a means to have a baby. I never saw her without something on, she always closed her eyes if I didn't have something on so I wore a nightshirt to bed. I never pushed her for more than she was willing to give. Once she knew she was pregnant, we were never intimate again."

"Oh, Sully, I'm sorry. But if that's how it was, how did you learn to be so caring with me?"

"Some from the Cheyenne. They ain't afraid to talk about relations between couples. The fathers talk to their sons and the mothers talk to their daughters. Cloud Dancing and Snowbird weren't afraid to tell me about being intimate. When I lived with the Cheyenne or by myself, I got use to not wearing anything to bed and found I liked it. Once I knew I wanted to be with you, to be married to you, I remembered what the first time was like for Abagail and I talked some to Cloud Dancing. He talked about taking it slow and gentle. He told me stories of braves who didn't and the problems they had in their marriages. But even without the Cheyenne's help, I knew I never wanted to treat a woman the way I know some men treat 'em. Women would come to the mining camps and I never liked what I saw. I don't 'member much about my pa and ma together, but what I do 'member is my pa treating my ma like she was real important. In New York, before the bad times, they laughed a lot together. At night me and my brother could hear noises coming from their room and we knew it weren't bad. They kissed a lot. After things started goin' bad for pa, they didn't laugh as much and we didn't hear the noises often, but he never hurt ma. I guess I always remembered that."

"I'm grateful then, to the Cheyenne and your parents for their gifts. But I bet much of it is in your nature. Mother saw intimacy probably much like Abagail and I feel sorry for them. They missed so much," she said as she kissed him. "I could never imagine not wanting you. Sometimes I think I want you too much. I don't think I ever told you, but not long after we were married, after we were back from our honeymoon, I thought something was wrong with me because I thought about the time. Dorothy caught me in one of my daydreams of you and asked me what was wrong. I told her and she laughed. She told me my feelings were natural, that nothing was wrong with me.

She said it was our time to find joy in each other, not to be afraid and it was a sacred flame burning bright. The more I thought about what she said, the more I realized she was right and I never want the flame to burn out."

"I'm glad for what Dorothy said. Wish ya'd told me sooner only cuz it's a good thing, a good feelin' that a friend sees it that way. Our flame ain't gonna burn out, Michaela. We got through lots of problems since we met, but we always worked 'em out somehow and we always will. Our love'll carry us through it all."

"I think so too. And I do love you, Byron Sully, I love you with all my heart and soul."

"I love ya the same, Michaela. You, me, the kids, the one that's comin' and maybe soon some grandkids. It's a good life, Mrs. Sully, a good life."

"Yes, Mr. Sully, it certainly is! Come. Let's go up to bed."

Michaela helped Sully get his clothes off and into bed. She changed and started to join him. "Wait. I wanna hold ya but I can't put my right arm around ya. Would ya sleep on the other side?"

Michaela smiled, went around and got into Sully's side of the bed. Sully put his arm around her and pulled her close. "Best part of the day....being here, with ya close to me."

"I like it, too." She kissed his chest. "Sully?"


"I'm going to ask you something, but I won't be mad if you don't want to answer.....was there anyone else, besides Abagail and me?"

Sully didn't say anything right away. Michaela waited.

"Yeah....there was.....just one..... Women were always coming into the mining camps to be with the men. I was 16 and alone. Daniel was on a trip to a different camp. I was in our tent by myself, sitting on my cot, when this girl came in. She was a little older....18 I think. Her name was Jenna. I told her I wasn't one of the ones that wanted a woman. She told me she had come to the camp with her ma....that she hadn't been with but a coupla men...... that she wanted to be around someone her own age for awhile.....and could we just talk." Sully paused and kissed Michaela's forehead. She stayed silent, knowing there was more and he would tell her in his own time, his own way. "She sat on Daniel's cot. She told me of travelling with her ma and the others. She had no where else to be, she knew of no other life....she said she knew it wasn't a good way to live, but didn't think she could do anything else. I felt real bad for her."

Again he paused. "I dunno how long we talked.....but she started crying.....she came over to my cot and asked if I could just hold her. I did. I dunno how long we sat like that, but then she asked if I'd ever been with a woman. I said no. She started kissin' my neck and face. Then her hand dropped into my lap and things started happenin'....I didn't know what to do. I ain't sure how she got her clothes off while kissin' me, but she was naked and she started undoing my pants. She whispered she wanted a chance to be with a man who'd never been with a woman before. With her hands wandering and me being young and not knowing much......things happened that I hadn't meant to happen. I fell asleep in her arms and I woke up alone. They were in the camp two more days and both nights she came to be with me. Then they left. Daniel and me had become friends with few of the men in camp. One of 'em asked if I'd had a good time. He never said, but in later years I wonder if he hadn't paid her to come to me. I never saw her again. While she was with me though, she was kind and gentle. I'm sure I was clumsy and all, but she didn't make fun or anything. I never forgot that. I saw other women in camps, that cuz of all the abuse they suffered, were mean to inexperienced men."

Michaela's hand had been laying on Sully's chest, over his heart, during his story. She reached up and pulled his face down to hers and kissed him. "Thank you, my love, for trusting me, for telling me. My gratitude now extends to Jenna. I am sorry for the girl but grateful that she had the humanity to be good to you for your first experience."

They kissed again and fell asleep with their arms around each other.

The next few days were ones of rest and relaxation for Sully and Michaela. Michaela stayed away from the clinic, knowing Andrew, Colleen and Amanda were handling any problems. Matthew and Amanda took Katie and Brian into town every morning and brought them home at night. The evenings were spent quietly, with Brian making sure Katie didn't bother their pa too much. On the fourth day, Michaela and Sully took a trip up to their waterfall. The fall weather was very pleasant. They spent the entire day there, swimming, talking and making love.

On the sixth day, Saturday, Michaela and Sully went into town in the morning with the children. It was time to take out Sully's stitches.

Dorothy came up to them as they were getting out of the wagon. "Michaela, Sully, it's good to see you in town. How are you feeling, Sully?"

"Just fine, Dorothy. Michaela's taking out the stitches and I'll be good as ever."

They went into the clinic, where Amanda was waiting as she was working at the clinic this day.

"Ma," said Brian, "I promised Robert E yesterday that I'd come help him this morning. He's paying me to do some cleaning. Do you want me to take Katie?"

"No, dear, you go ahead. Katie can stay with us, but thank you."

"See ya," Brian said as he rushed out and headed to the livery.

Amanda put Katie in her play area.

"Sully, sit up on the table please," Michaela said. He got up on the table. While Michaela was taking off the bandages, Amanda got the scissors and tweezers. Michaela slowly removed the stitches from Sully's arm and hand. Because of her careful stitching, the scars on his hand and arm would barely be noticeable.

"I know ya wanna spend some time with Amanda and get caught up. Katie and I are gonna walk around town and see some friends. We'll meet ya at Grace's for lunch," said Sully as he took Katie and headed out.

Michaela called after him. "You still need to be careful! Don't over do it! You're still recovering"

"I promise!" he called back.

Thoughts of you make my blood dance,
and tingles my every cell.

----Chan Heawak

The End

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