For personal use and select distribution only © February, 2003 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: July 1875.

Sully designed some rooms to build on to the Gazette office and Dorothy hired some men from Colin’s construction company to help build it. They had an audience. Dorothy’s grandchildren, Aimee and Jeremiah, were sitting on the edge of the Gazette porch, watching. “Mr. Sully” said Jeremiah, “is the rooms gonna be done soon?”

Sully turned to Jeremiah and smiled. “Mebbe by the end of the week. Are ya ready to move in ta them?”

“Sure. We didn’t bring much. I think Grandma misses her room though. Are they gonna be nice rooms like the ones where we are at now?”

“I sure hope so.”

“Hope what?” asked Dorothy as she and Michaela came strolling over.

“Jeremiah was just hoping their rooms would be nice as the ones at Colleen and Andrew’s.”

Dorothy smiled. “I’m sure they will be, Jeremiah. Sully and the men do good work. Did you know Sully designed the rooms?”

“He drawed them for us?” asked Aimee.

“Yes he did.”

She giggled. “That’s nice.”

Sully turned back to building while Dorothy and Michaela talked to the children.

“Sully!” he heard Dorothy call out a few minutes later.

He turned to see Michaela, pale, bent over, grasping Dorothy’s arm. In seconds he scooped Michaela into his arms and headed for the hospital. He entered the hospital to find Andrew by the front desk, talking to one of the nurses. “Andrew!”

Andrew turned. “This way,” he said, leading them to one of the patient rooms, followed by the nurse. Sully laid Michaela down on the table. “Why don’t you go sit in the waiting area and I’ll come and talk to you as soon as I finish checking her out.”

“Nope. Ain’t leavin’ her. Do what ya gotta.”

Andrew knew there would be no arguing with his father-in-law. “Michaela?” he asked as the nurse prepared her for the examination. “Are you in pain?”

“Yes,” she gasped. “Here,” she said as she touched her abdomen. “The baby….”

“Shh,” said Andrew. “Let me check…” Andrew examined her. “There’s some bleeding, but your water hasn’t broken. Just let me do some things. I think everything will be alright.” While Andrew worked on Michaela, Sully stood by her head, holding her hand and soothing her. Finally Andrew was finished. “The bleeding is stopped and you look okay. But as your doctor, I am ordering you to rest more and stay off your feet for any length of time. I told you this morning you were standing too long when you were working on Lucas. You thought you’d be okay, but now we know that isn’t true. I understood you still had to practice when you were carrying Katie, and a little with Benje. But now that there are enough doctors, you need to come close to stopping any work and take it easy.”

Michaela looked at Andrew, “I don’t think….”

“No ya don’t,” said Sully. “Ya ain’t thinkin’…ya think ya can do it all, but not this time. Like Andrew said, there’s enough doctors now ta handle the needs of the town. So as of right now, you are out of the physical part of doctorin’. You can talk things over with the other doctors and patients, but no more practicing!”

Michaela looked up at Sully and saw the concern in his eyes. And just like that she capitulated. “Okay.”

“Okay?” questioned Sully, anticipating an argument.

“Yes, okay. You both are right. I promise to take it easy until the baby comes. I’m sorry, Sully. I just keep thinking I can do it all.”

Sully leaned over and kissed her. “I know…but ya can’t and shouldn’t. It’s time for ya to take it easy.”

“I will.”

“I want you to stay here tonight,” said Andrew. “And if everything is still okay tomorrow you can go home.”

Michaela nodded.

“I’m gonna go tell Brian.”

“Sully, since Colleen is coming home from Denver this afternoon, we’ll keep Katie and Benje tonight.”

“Thanks, Andrew.”

Sully opened the door to go look for Brian only to find him, the rest of the family and assorted others in the waiting room.

“Pa? Is ma okay?”

“Yes, Brian, she’s gonna be fine.” He looked around at the assembled friends and family and smiled. “Thanks for coming. Michaela was just being Michaela and over doing things. Andrew said she has to take it easy and she will be stayin’ here tonight. I told her that all she can do til the baby comes is talkin’. I’d like ya all to help. She promised, but she cares about her patients so much, she may forget.” He saw the nodding of heads, knowing they would help. “Brian, can ya meet Colleen at the station and tell her what happened then take care of the homestead tonight? Andrew said they would take the little ones and I wanna stay here with your ma.”

“Sure, pa. Can I see ma?”

“Let me check.”

Sully went back in and Andrew said the family could come in. Brian was first in, relieved to see his mother looking okay. “Ma?”

“Hello, Brian. I’m sorry I frightened you and the rest of the family.”

“Ya gotta take it easy, ma. You and the baby are real important.”

“I know. I promise to take it easy.”

“You’re gonna have to. Pa asked us all ta help ya not overdo things.”

Michaela smiled and turned to look at Sully. He smiled back at her. She glanced up at her family, standing behind Brian, gazing at her with love and concern. “I love you all so much and I promise to take care of myself and the baby.”

The next day Andrew cleared Michaela to go home. “I’ll let you go as long as you stay home for a few days. You need to rest. And I mean rest…no housework. You can sit or lay down, but no work. I’ll come out in a few days and check on you. And on the way home, I want you to lay down in the back of the wagon. Sully, we have a lot of blankets in our extra rooms. Why don’t you use them to take Michaela home and just bring them back the next time you come to town.”

“Thanks, Andrew, I’ll do that. I plan on staying home as long as Michaela does.”

“Sounds good. Just come get her whenever you’re ready to go home.’

“It’d be okay to have Katie and Benje home, wouldn’t it?” Sully asked.

“Sure.” Andrew turned to Michaela. “As long as you don’t go lifting them up…okay?”


Sully got the wagon and put the blankets in it. He went to the hospital and carried Michaela out, even though she said she could walk. He then picked up the kids at the center and settled them in back with Michaela. “Now, kids, your ma’s been sick and we’re taking her home. So I want ya to just sit next to her and talk to her on the way home. Don't be trying to climb all over her. Okay?"

“I be careful, papa,” said Katie, looking at her pa with serious big blue eyes. “And I watch so Benje be careful too.”

“Thanks, Kates. You’re such a big girl.”

Katie smiled at her pa, then cuddled next to her ma, with Benje on Michaela’s other side. When they arrived home, Sully made Michaela stay in the wagon while he made sure the kids got in the house. Then he carried her in and settled her in a chair while he unhitched and put away the horse and wagon. They enjoyed a quiet afternoon with the kids, with Sully not allowing Michaela to do anything. Brian arrived home before dinner and offered to make it, with Katie volunteering to help him.

Sully insisted that Michaela go up to bed early. “Ya can read your journals, or whatever ya want, but ya been sitting up down here long enough. I ain’t taking any chances.”

“Pa, I’ll see to the kids.”

“You sure, Brian?”

“Yep. I like helping them…they’re fun. And that way you can stay with ma.”

“Thanks, son.”

“Ma, after awhile, would ya like some chamomile tea?”

“I would love it, Brian. Thank you.”

Sully picked up Michaela and headed upstairs. He settled her in their bed and made sure she was comfortable. Sitting down beside her, he took her hand in his. “Ya okay, love?”

“Yes,” she replied, smiling at him. “You are so good to me.”

“Cuz I love ya so much. But ya do things that scare me. Ya gotta take care of yourself…especially now, with the baby. I need ya ta be okay…we all need ya….”

“I know. I’m sorry, Sully.” She leaned against him and he put his arms around her. He kissed her forehead and pulled her tighter.

Michaela woke up to a quiet house and alone in her bed. She realized that it had to be mid-morning. The window was slightly open and she could feel a slight breeze. She lay still and mentally checked out her body. She could feel the baby moving as it should and she felt good. She stretched with enjoyment and was just deciding to get up when the door slowly began to open. She watched and the face of her beloved appeared.

Sully smiled. “Morning.”

“Good morning…or is it afternoon?”

“Nah, it’s still morning. Not quite 10,” he said as he moved over to sit on the bed, handing her a cup of tea and a biscuit.

She drank some of the tea and started on the biscuit. “It’s so quiet. Where are the children?”

“Brian took Katie and Benje into town. He’ll bring ‘em home tanight. Me and you got the whole day to enjoy the quiet.”

“I like that.”

“Ya hungry for anything else?”

“Not just yet. Lay down with me?”

“You bet!” Sully moved to lay down beside her and put his arms around her. “How ya feelin’?”

“Good….warm…comfortable.” She snuggled next to him and put her hand under his shirt, laying it on his chest, over his heart. “I so love to feel your heartbeat. I can feel the strength of it moving down my arm, inside me to the baby. The baby knows the strength is from it’s daddy…..see, the baby is starting to move more.”

He smiled as he moved his hand to feel the movements of the baby. He could feel the baby and there was more action the longer he kept his hand on Michaela’s abdomen. “Mebbe the baby is tryin’ to dance!”

She giggled. “Not if the learning is coming from daddy!”

“Hey! I’m gettin’ better.”

“I agree. Your waltz is the best. The others, like the reel, well…”

“That’s okay. The waltz means I can hold you, be the only one dancin’ with ya. Reels mean I gotta watch other men dance with ya.”

She moved her lips up and kissed his cheek. “The best is our waltz…” she whispered.

He turned and claimed her lips for a tender kiss. “I like it too,” he said in her ear. “And in a few more months, mebbe we can enjoy it again.”

She smiled. “As long as the baby likes to sleep.” He laughed and hugged her. They lay quiet for a few minutes. “Sully?”


“Will you read me some poetry?”

“Sure.” Sully picked up the volume of love poems that John Watson had given him when he and Elizabeth had brought Brian and Sarah back from San Francisco. Keeping one arm around Michaela, he opened the book and began to read to her in a soft, loving voice. Michaela snuggled against him and listened to the words of the poets in the warm, loving voice of the man who was her world.

Sometime later, Sully took Michaela downstairs and prepared lunch. After the lunch they enjoyed together, Sully carried one of the wingback chairs out to the porch and let her enjoy the great weather. He sat at her feet, his back against her legs. She placed her hands on his shoulders and they sat there, quietly watching their world, listening to the sounds, content to be together.

After awhile Sully felt Michaela’s hands relax on his shoulders. He smiled, knowing she had fallen asleep. He remained where he was as he knew it was okay for her to nap in the chair. He thought about how lucky he was to have her and his family. To be not only a father, but a grandfather. He thought about three month old Charlotte. He could see both Amanda and Matthew in her features. He loved having babies around and although Charlotte would be five months old when the baby was born, he thought it would be fun to see her and the new baby grow up together. He chuckled, his child and grandchild just about the same age. He thought about how settled the older children were becoming. Matthew and Colleen settled in their marriages. Brian in love with Sarah, talking often of their future marriage. Katie was becoming such a charming young lady, so smart beyond her four years. And then his rough and tumble Benje, who adored his older sister and wanted to follow her everywhere. What a family, he thought, what a family!


“Hey, ya woke up.”

“How long did I sleep?”

“Probably ‘bout a half hour. Good for ya.” Michaela ran her hands through Sully’s hair, massaging his head. “Hmmm…that feels good.”

“I’m glad. A little something I can do for you. You do so much for me.”

“An’ you do a lot for me…just by being you. Ya mean so much ta me…and the family…”

Michaela moved her hands around to touch his face. To run her fingers over his lips. He caught one of her fingers in his lips and held it for a moment. He got up turned around and kneeled in front of her. He smiled at the face he loved so much. “What?” she asked.

“Just needed ta see your face. I mean, the image of ya is always in my mind, but I like to see the image move.”

She giggled. “Mr. Sully, you are such a romantic!”

“And that’s good, ain’t it?”

“It certainly is,” she said as she took his face in her hands and moved it towards hers. He felt her legs open and he moved between them, his chest up against the abdomen full of baby and their lips met. It began as a soft, tender kiss and turned into more…and more. Then Sully felt the baby move against him and he reluctantly gave up his wife’s lips.

“Seems like the baby’s had enough.”

Michaela smiled. “Yes…but the mother hasn’t.”

“Father ain’t either. But right now, baby is boss.” He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. “But I can wait, knowing what will come.” He stood up. “Ya need anything?”

“No, I’m fine. Look, here come the kids.” She said. Pointing down the road.

Sully turned to see their wagon in the distance, with Brian driving. He stood on the porch, next to Michaela, waiting for the children. When they pulled into the yard, their father was there to greet them and help them off the wagon. Katie ran toward Michaela, with Benje toddling behind as fast as he could. Sully looked at Brian. “Son, I’ll take care of the horse and wagon. You go on and see your ma and help Benje.”

“Okay. Thanks, pa.”

“Thank you for taking the kids ta town and watching over them. It makes things a little easier on your ma right now, knowing you’re with the kids.”

Brian smiled and climbed down. Sully patted him on the back as Brian headed for the house.

After a dinner made by Sully, the family settled in the living room. Sully and Brian played checkers while Michaela watched the little ones play. Soon Benje fell asleep on the rug using Wolf’s body for a pillow. Sully glanced up to see Katie yawning as she sat at Michaela’s feet.

“Best be getting these little ones up to bed.” Brian started to get up to help. “I can do it, Brian. Why don’t you keep your ma company?”

“You sure? I don’t mind.”

“I know, but I’d like to and I’m sure Michaela would like to have a little time with you..“

“Yes, I certainly would. I’ve been missing time with you.” Sully picked up the kids and headed upstairs. Brian went over and sat on the arm of Michaela’s chair. “And how was today?”

“Good. Miss Dorothy is getting papers from back east and San Francisco now and we’re looking at them for interesting things to put in the Gazette so the people here can know what goes on in other places. It’s been fun reading about other people and things. The Denver paper says they think we’ll be a state within the next year. Do you think so, ma?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised. There are a lot who want Colorado to be a state.”

“But a lot don’t…like pa.”

“I know. Your father is afraid that the Indians will be hurt even more if we become a state. People are afraid of what they don’t understand…of people different from themselves. He’s afraid that they will try to eliminate the Indians…more than they do now.”

“Ain’t fair. This was their land to begin with.”
“That’s right. And the best thing you can do is to continue to write stories about our Indian friends and publish them in the Gazette. Some are bound to make it to other papers. You can help others to see that most of them want to live in peace.”

“I’ll sure try, ma.”

Michaela put her arm around Brian’s waist and hugged him. “I know you will.”

Sully came down and joined them in the living room. “Benje never woke up and Katie went to sleep after one page of readin’ to her. Hey, Brian, I want your ma to take a bath tonight. Can you help me with the water?”

”Sure, pa. And then I’m going up to write before I go to bed.” He leaned over and kissed his mother goodnight.

Michaela sat in the living room reading her latest medical journal while Sully and Brian readied her bath. When it was done, Brian said goodnight on his way upstairs as Sully came to get her. He led her into the alcove, closed the curtain and helped her undress and then into the bath. Michaela sank into the warm bath water. She gazed up at her husband. “Such a luxury. It’s wonderful!”

“I’m glad. An’ the view is pretty good.” Michaela blushed and Sully chuckled. “As long as we bin married and ya birthed two kids, soon ta be three, an’ yet still ya blush! God, I love ya!”

He knelt down next to the tub and placed his lips on hers. Michaela slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Sully put his hand on the opposite side of the tub so that he wouldn’t fall in. As the kiss ended, he pulled back a bit to look at her face and her smile matched his.

“You could always get in with me…”

“Nope. Things happen when we take baths together. ‘An you gotta be careful. But ask again in a few months and ya won’t be able ta stop me.” He chuckled as Michaela giggled. He moved away and stood up. “Now, you go ahead and soak. I’m gonna go up and get your robe.”

Michaela and Sully were sitting on the porch in the mid-morning, watching Brian, Katie and Benje playing in the yard. Brian was chasing Katie while Benje tried to catch up. Sully and Michaela were laughing with the kids. Brian stopped and pointed, directing Sully and Michaela to look toward town and the wagon that was heading their way. “Looks like Andrew and Dorothy are coming.”

“Andrew said he would be out to check on me. I’m glad Dorothy is coming with him.”

As the wagon pulled into the yard, they saw that Aimee and Jeremiah were in the back. Sully went to help Dorothy down while the kids jumped out of the back and went to play with Brian. Dorothy and Andrew walked up to the porch with Sully. “How are you feeling, Michaela?” asked Andrew.

“Quite well. Sully has made sure I did practically nothing.”

Andrew smiled. “That’s exactly what I wanted. Let’s go inside so I can examine you.”

“Dorothy, I’d like ta go with ‘em. Do ya minding helping Brian watch the kids?”

“Not at all. I’ll just sit here and enjoy them.”

Sully helped Michaela stand up and with Andrew they went into the house and up to the bedroom. Michaela lay on the bed and Andrew did his examination. “Everything looks good, Michaela. I think you can come back into town when you want. You need to ride in the back of the wagon until the baby is born. You can sit up, but the climb up to the wagon seat is too high. And you need to promise that you will not do any more physical activities as a doctor until after the baby is born. Consultations with all of us is fine, but your days need to be shortened. You only have about two months to go…I expect the baby near the end of August…and after time to recover from the baby’s birth, you can go back to all your old activities. Okay?”

Michaela smiled at Andrew and Sully. “I agree to your terms, Andrew…if I don’t, Sully will be sure to make me.”

They went back downstairs and out to join Dorothy and the children. As they got to the porch, they saw Cloud Dancing, who had just ridden into the yard. After the greetings, Andrew spoke to Dorothy. “I assume you’re not ready to go back to town?”

“No, but I know you need to…”

“It’s okay, Andrew,” Sully said. “I’ll bring Dorothy and the kids back to town later.”

As Andrew left, Michaela and Dorothy settled into the chairs Sully had brought out to the porch as Sully and Cloud Dancing sat down on the porch stairs. Brian left the kids and came over to them. “It’s just about lunch time. I thought I’d go in and make lunch for everyone.”

“Thanks, son,” said Sully. “I’ll come help ya.” As he reached the door, he turned back, “Dorothy, meant ta tell ya I’ll come finish your rooms as soon as Michaela can come back ta town.”

“That’s not a problem, Sully. I know you’ll finish when you can.” Sully nodded and followed Brian into the house. “Michaela,” said Dorothy, “what do you think about us telling Aimee and Jeremiah and we’re married?”

“I think you should. They’re old enough to understand not to talk about it in town, and they should enjoy their grandfather. I know they love Cloud Dancing and are comfortable around him, so imagine how happy they would be if they knew he was their grandfather.”

Dorothy glanced at Cloud Dancing to catch his smile. “I know, I know,” she said to him, “that’s exactly what you have been saying.”

“Yes. But I know having Michaela say the same thing is a help to you. The children are very smart and I believe they can keep the secret from the people in town.”

After lunch, Dorothy asked to borrow one of the Sully horses. Jeremiah rode with Cloud Dancing, Aimee with Dorothy, and they headed up to stay overnight at Palmer Creek in order to explain the marriage to them. They agreed to be back by mid morning to ride into town with Sully, Michaela and the children.

Michaela had just arrived at the hospital and it was just before ten in the morning. She was in her office with the door open so that she could hear and see the traffic at the hospital. In the week since she had returned to work, she had adhered to the rules set by Sully and Andrew. Course, she thought to herself, with the attitude of the most of the people, doctors and nurses she came into contact with, trying to do anything else would be impossible. Colleen would be home this afternoon for her weekly three days at home and, as always, Michaela was anticipating seeing her daughter.

She decided to walk out to the front desk and arrived in time to see McKay helping Clara into the hospital. “Clara?” she asked.

“Aunt Michaela,” she gasped, “my water broke and the pains are intense.”

Andrew heard, came out of his office and went to help support Clara. “We’ll go into that room,” he said, pointing to one of the surgery rooms. Nurse Ruth hurried to get the bed ready. Michaela headed for the surgery room. When she got there, Ruth got a chair and set it at the head of the bed so she could be with Clara. “Clara,” asked Michaela, “how long have you been having the pains?”

“Since last night,” Clara gasped, “but I knew it would take awhile and wanted to be at home.”

“She told me just a little while agop,” said McKay. “I thought she was just tired. But soon as she said somethin’, I hitched up and brought her in.” He said as he moved to the head of Clara’s bed on the other side from Michaela. He took her hand in his and leaned over to kiss her. He looked over at Andrew. “Clara and I discussed this and I wanna stay with her…okay?”

“Of course. Michaela, I know you want to stay also and your presence will help Clara. I am going to have a cot brought in as you should not be sitting long. Ruth, would you ask someone to bring it in?”

“Yes.” She left and a few moments later she returned, followed by Sully carrying the cot from Michaela’s office and set it next to Clara’s bed and Michaela’s chair.

He leaned over to kiss Michaela and then Clara’s cheek. He looked at McKay. “I’ll be right outside if ya need me.” McKay nodded his head and Sully left.

The day passed swiftly as did Clara’s labor. Michaela was amazed that Clara, having her first, was progressing so swiftly...she remembered her long hours of labor…but here it was, only about six hours since she got to the hospital and very close to delivering. Michaela switched often between bed and chair, depending on how she felt, but she was determined to stay and be there for Clara.

She glanced up at McKay to see the sweat rolling off his face. He was concentrating intensely on Clara’s face, holding her hand, telling her how much he loved her. Clara alternated between telling him she loved him and trying to push him away as the labor became intense. The door opened and Colleen came in, ready to help. She quickly greeted her husband and mother before putting on her hospital apron and joining Andrew at the foot of the table.

Michaela had known Andrew was worried about something, but she had not asked so as not to worry Clara. When Colleen joined Andrew, she saw the same concern on Colleen’s face. Michaela waited. Finally Andrew spoke to Clara. “Clara, it’s time for you to really push hard and keep it up. The baby is coming feet first and we have to deliver you quickly for the sake of the baby. I know it will be rough on you…we will help as much as we can. Yell as much as you want. Now, push!”

Clara worked hard to push the baby out. Andrew and Colleen did everything they could to help. And minutes later, the baby came out. While Andrew continued working on Clara, Colleen took the baby to another table and with Ruth’s help, worked to make sure the baby was breathing. Michaela waited with baited breath for the baby’s cry. They were quickly rewarded with the newborn noise. Colleen looked over, with tears of happiness in her eyes, and said, “You have a healthy boy.”

“Thank you, my love,” McKay whispered, leaning in to give Clara a kiss.

Colleen brought the baby over and put him in his mother’s arms. Then she went out to let the waiting family know, bringing back with her, an elated Elizabeth.

“Mother!” exclaimed Michaela, standing up.

“Hello, my dear,” Elizabeth said as she hugged her daughter and kissed her cheek. Then she bent down to Clara. “Congratulations, my dear. And thank you for my second great-grandchild, first great-grandson.”

“Thank you, grandmother and you are welcome. Isn’t he beautiful?”

“Yes, dear, of course. Congratulations, Terrace.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Quinn.”

“Now, Michaela, Sully mentioned your problems. I understand you wanting to be here, but now it is time for you to rest. Sully is very worried. Come, dear, say hello to John and calm your worried husband.”

“Go ahead, Michaela. Colleen and I will take care of Clara and the baby. We’re going to move her to one of the rooms and she will stay at least overnight.”

Michaela glanced at her family, turned and kissed Clara. “I’m proud of you and I know Rebecca would be. You did very well.”

Clara smiled. “Thank you, Aunt Michaela.”

Elizabeth put her arm around Michaela’s shoulders and together they left the room. Sully was waiting just outside the door. “Michaela?” He asked as his arm circled her back.

Michaela cuddled against his chest. “I’m fine, love, though slightly hungry. But pleased that Clara and the baby are fine. And, mother, how…”

“Why don’t we go to the café? I don’t think your husband will be patient long enough for an explanation.”

“You’re right. Thanks, Elizabeth. Com’ on, Michaela…Brian and Sarah are already at the café with Katie, Benje and Charlotte,” said Sully in a voice that brooked no interference. Elizabeth, John, Amanda and Matthew followed along.

They entered the café and spotted Brian, Sarah and Charlotte and joined them. “Hey, grandma, John.” Then he looked at his parents. “Katie and Benje are in back with the twins. They already had something to eat,” said Brian as Amanda took Charlotte from Sarah’s arms.

“Thanks, son,” said Sully, and before Brian could ask, “and your cousin had a baby boy. They’re both okay.”

Brian smiled, glancing at Sarah. “Thanks, pa.’

Grace joined them in time to hear about the baby. She smiled. “’Nother baby! Nice. Hello, Mrs. Quinn.”

“Grace,” said Elizabeth, shaking Grace’s hand.

“Meatloaf’s the special. Okay with everyone?”

She got agreement from all and hurried off to place the orders with her workers.

“Now, mother, when did you get here and why didn’t you say you were coming?” asked Michaela.

Elizabeth smiled. “John and I have been travelling and did not really know when we would arrive. We arrived in Denver yesterday and looked up Colleen, knowing she would be coming home today. We decided to surprise you and Colleen agreed. We came down on the train with Colleen. Of course, we did not know we would be arriving to such excitement.”

“Well, I’m glad to see you. How long will you be staying?”

“Oh, I don’t know. It’s been so wonderful as we travel on our own time table.”

“Besides,” said John, glancing at Brian., “the weather is so nice, we thought Brian would take us up to Palmer Creek to stay at the cabins.”

Brian smiled. “Yeah…I’d like that.”

“Well, give your grandmother and me a couple of days to rest and then we’ll go.” Brian nodded agreement. “And suppose after dinner, someone could take us out the resort?”

“You don’t want to stay with us?” Michaela asked.

“It’s okay, dear,” replied Elizabeth. “You all have growing families and we just decided it would be easier for everyone if we stayed at the resort.”

Before Michaela could reply, Sully squeezed her hand and she understand he meant not to say anything, so she did not respond.

Michaela was resting in bed and waiting for Sully to come home from taking her mother and John to the resort. She wasn’t sure why mother would want to stay at the resort. Maybe the noises the children made at both Matthew and Amanda’s and the homestead was too much. But then again, her nieces and nephews back east often stayed with her mother. She listened to the silence of the homestead. It was nice to know the children were safe in bed and the only thing that would make it better were if Sully were home. This was one of her favorite times. She picked up a journal and started reading, hoping he was home soon.

A little while later she heard the wagon pull into the yard. She knew it would not take more than twenty minutes for him to unhitch the horses, settle them in and then check the house. She put the journal away and waited. Soon the door opened and in came the man she waited for. “I’m so glad you’re home!”


“Because I missed you…”

“I missed you too…always do when I ain’t with you.” He undressed and joined Michaela in bed. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, kissing her forehead. “I really like this time…kids in bed…no one ta bother us….”

Michaela giggled. “I was thinking the same thing while waiting for you. I love the evening, in bed, as long as the children are okay.” She moved her hand to his chest, over his heart. “Sully, why do you think mother and John wanted to stay at the resort? Do you think our houses are too noisy with kids?”

He chuckled. “Nah…don’t think that’s the reason.”

“Then what…”

“Michaela, your ma and John are in love. Don’t ya think they wanna share a room and wouldn’t think you or Matthew would like it.”


“See…that’s what I thought and probably they think.” Michaela frowned and Sully knew she was considering what he said. He waited.

She looked up at him. “You really don’t think they are…well…you know….”

“Honey, I ain’t sure, but what I think is they got the right to do what they want. They are both grandparents. They done what society thinks is right for a long time. It’s their time to do what they want…to be happy. Just be happy for them…huh?”

“If mother is happy, then I will be. It’s just hard to think of her loving someone besides father.”

“But ya like John, don’t ya?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then let’em be…okay?”

She looked up at Sully. “I love you, you know…”

He smiled. “Yeah, I know…and I love you…”

Michaela and Sully were having coffee with Grace when Elizabeth and John came into the café. Spying them, Elizabeth and John joined them.

“Good morning, mother, John.”

“Good morning, Michaela…Sully and Grace. It’s so beautiful here in the summer. John only had the chance to see your lovely town in winter….”

John smiled. “Elizabeth told me how beautiful the summers were. I think we will really enjoy going up to Palmer Creek.”

“Brian’s sure lookin’ forward to it,” said Sully. “We talked about it and he’ll take good care of ya. Sarah’s gonna go along and cook and Cloud Dancin’ ll be there. I told Brian I can’t go…don’t wanna be very far from Michaela.”

“That’s understandable…I have heard about the problems of a few weeks ago,” said Elizabeth.

“Mother…how did you find out?”

“Oh…a little bird…” replied Elizabeth, smiling. Michaela glanced at Sully. “No, dear, it wasn’t your husband. And I did not come to Colorado Springs because of it. I didn’t hear until after I arrived and all you need to know is that it came from one of the many people who care about you.”

“Well, I gotta go ta work,” said Grace. “I can see some of my helpers need me. Sure am glad ta see ya, Mrs. Quinn.”

“Thank you, Grace. And after all this time and as close as you are to my family, please call me Elizabeth.” Grace smiled and nodded. After Grace was out of hearing, Elizabeth looked around to see that there was no one near. “Michaela, Sully, we want to tell you something,” she said, taking John’s hand. John kissed her hand and smiled. “John has asked me to marry him and I have agreed.”

Michaela smiled with joy. “Oh, mother! John! That’s wonderful!”

“Sure is…congratulations,” said Sully, reaching over to shake hands with John.


“Well, we’re hoping at Thanksgiving time. John had already asked his family to come to Boston for Thanksgiving. And your sisters and families are there. We haven’t told any of them why and don’t plan to for awhile, but with your large family and how hard it is to travel, we thought we should tell you ahead of anyone else. We’re hoping all of you, including Clara and her family, will be able to come. I’m sure Clara would stay with Rebecca and there’s enough room at our house to take care of you and your children. Would you be able to travel that soon after the baby?”

“I don’t see why not. I have never had a problem recovering from delivering my children. And I think all of the children would love to come as long as they knew why. We have enough doctors to allow Andrew and me to be gone. Colleen will be on a school break, as will Brian. Matthew can arrange his cases to have the time off. Sully can be very flexible with his businesses. Clara won’t have a problem taking time off and Terrace has his own business.”

“That would be so nice. And we’ll like Sarah to come also. She’s almost family and Brian might not want to be away from her that long….I remember years ago when you came to Boston and Matthew had a very hard time being away from Ingrid.”

Michaela smiled, a sad smile. “Yes…he did miss her…and at the time, I did not realize how hard it was…I had only just begun to admit to my feelings for Sully. I think about her now and then…she was really on my mind when I thought Sully was lost in the river…I don’t know how Matthew surrvived…I’m not sure I would without my husband.”

“Yeah, ya would….just like I would…we’d be sad if we lost one of us, but we’d go on for our kids…”

Michaela smiled at her husband, “And again, you are right. And, mother, I’m sure Anna Marie and Daniel would let Sarah come. Why don’t we plan to have a big family dinner after you come back from Palmer Creek. We can make reservations for dinner at the resort and you can announce your intentions to the children.”

“That sounds fine, Michaela,” said John. “We also want you to know that Elizabeth and I decided, as a wedding present to each other, we are paying for the tickets for everyone to come to Boston.”

“We…” started Sully.

“Please, Sully,” Elizabeth interrupted, “let us do this. We know you can pay for your own, but this is something we really want to do.”

Sully glanced at Michaela and could see the plea in her eyes. “Okay…”

“Thank you,” said John.

The following morning, Brian prepared for the trip to Palmer Creek. And that afternoon he gathered everyone and headed out. It was just the four of them and Cloud Dancing was waiting up at the cabins. He rented a wagon from Robert E and was driving with Elizabeth riding beside him, and Taffy and a horse for Elizabeth tied to the back. Sarah and John were riding horses.

Michaela and Sully saw them off. “D’ya think Brian’ll get your ma to ride one of the horses?”

She smiled. “I don’t know. I know he is going to try. And mother might just try to ride. She’s trying a lot of things lately. I think John is a good influence on her.”

“Yep. An’ it makes her real nice all the time. She sure is happy with John. She sure surprised me when she told Grace ta call her Elizabeth.”

“Yes…that’s definitely a new mother.”

“You really okay goin’ ta Boston so soon after the baby?”

“I think so. I promise we won’t go if I’m not. It will be nice to have everyone going. And I know Brian and Sarah will help out with the children. We need to talk to Anna Marie and Daniel about Sarah.”

“We will.”

The group returned four days later, late in the afternoon. Brian and Sarah dropped Elizabeth and John at the resort and returned to town with Robert E’s wagon and the extra horses. They unhitched the wagon and helped Robert E with the horses. Brian pulled Sarah up with him on Taffy and took her home. Because Michaela and Sully had already gone home, he headed out for the homestead.

After putting Taffy in the barn he hurried into the house. “Ma, pa, I’m home,” he said as he entered the house.

Michaela turned toward him from where she was sitting in the living room, watching Katie and Benje. “Brian, welcome home. Did you have a good time?”

“Hey, son, how’d it go?” asked Sully, coming from the kitchen.

“I had a great time and it went great.” He said, answering both parents at once and in a rush he continued. “And grandma rode a horse, and both grandma and John told Sarah she was a good cook. And Cloud Dancing and John got a long real good…..”

“Whoa, son,” said Sully, coming up behind him and patting him on the back. “Sure sounds good.”

“It was, pa. I really like John and grandma is a lot more fun now.”

Sully looked at Michaela and smiled. “Your ma and me were talking about the same thing a few days ago. I’m glad it went okay. Now, are ya hungry?”

“You bet, pa.”

Sully and Michaela cuddled together, in their bed, lamps out. “Brian certainly had a good time.”


“I feel so good right now. And that scares me a little.”


“Because when things really start going good, something happens.”

“We already had that happen back a couple a weeks ago. Things are gonna go okay now. You’ll see…”

The family gathered out at the resort for dinner. Dinner was pleasant and Colin had set them off a little from the rest of the guests as John had given him some idea of what was going to take place. After desert was served, Elizabeth stood up. “This does a person good, to see some of her family gathered and so happy. I would like you listen to all I have to say before making any comment. I would like all of you to come to Boston for Thanksgiving. John and I will be married then and I want my family to be there.” There was a collective gasp, excluding Michaela and Sully. “You are the first family we have told and as we explained to Michaela and Sully a few days ago, we are telling you because of the difficulty you have in travelling to Boston. For a normal Thanksgiving I would not blame you for not wanting to make the trip, but we are hoping you would consider this a special one. By telling you early, we are hoping you can make plans to cover your businesses. And we will be paying for all the tickets…it’s what John and I decided to give each other as wedding presents…nothing could be a better present that to have all our families with us.”

At the end of her speech, Elizabeth sat down, clutching John’s hand. The family members began to talk at once, with Michaela and Sully listening and watching with smiles on their lips. Soon the chatter slowed down as the family members calmed down. Michaela glanced at the family, then turned to Elizabeth and John. “From looking around the table, I think you have won, mother.” She looked at the others. “Is there any one here who won’t be going to Boston?”

No one said a word. John then stood up. “I can’t thank you all enough. You have made the woman I love very happy.” They all looked to Elizabeth to see her eyes full of tears and a big smile on her lips. “Oh, and Brian, we have also invited Sarah and her parents gave their permission.” That statement brought such a grin to Brian’s face.

As John said down, Sully stood up. “I’d like to toast Elizabeth and John. Two great people, part of a great family and here’s wishin’ them a great life.”

The family stood and toasted a beaming Elizabeth and John.

The End

The touch of your hand in passing, so light, so swift, that no one else suspects its loving reassurance - that touch sustains me through the hardest day.


The End

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