The Ice Has Melted...

I always thought I would be able to come up with some suitable tribute to a very under appreciated legend, but find myself at a loss for words when I try to spell out an appropriate celebration of this man’s existence. Getting to befriend him early on in life was well worth the minor twitch in three fingers of my right hand and the nine-stitch scar on my chin. Though too unpolished for today's hockey players, it was a treat just to listen to his stories. He could go on for hours about his love of the Leafs and his friendly dislike of Aurel Joliat.

The legendary Bobby "Go Time" Malone is known throughout the Northwest and across Canada. There are very few people playing hockey who have not met or heard the stories about him. Adam Sandler cinematically tapped his stick on the ice to him in the 1996 movie Happy Gilmore in the form of golf coach Chubbs Peterson (played by Carl Weathers) who used many of Bobby's colorful sayings ("Life is no different from hockey. It requires talent and self-discipline."). NY based band The Movielife also infused Malone-isms throughout their 1999 album "It's Go Time". Bobby left us just a few months short of what would have been either his 95th or 97th birthday. He always said he was never sure if he was born in 1904 or 1906, and blamed the confusion on the fact that although he KNEW he had become a teenager in 1917, he learned to count “eleven-teen & twelve-teen” and had forgotten if he factored that into account or not.

When I first asked him to contribute to my website, he wrote a column and offered to answer questions from readers. Here are some of the classic offerings from the “GO TIME” MAIL BAG...

Dear Mr. Malone,
I LOVED your post, you are a good addition to an otherwise lacking THRASHERS web page. Can you tell us about yourself. Who? What? Where?

Hey there Nicky,
Mr. Malone was my dad. You can call me Bobby or “Go Time” it is what I answer to. Hey, this little girl running this site, Joseph, she’s no computer genius, but she allows me to talk, ya know? I couldn’t do it if my nurse Michelle wasn’t writing him for me, and he wasn’t posting for me.
Hey there, what’s to know? I’m Bobby “Go Time” Malone, born in November 1904 and am a native of what was then called the region of Peel on the northwest shore of Lake Ontario (edit: what is now known as Mississauga).
My dad and my uncles toiled in lumber mills, as did I most of my life. In the winter we played hockey. I grew up idolizing the Leafs and dreamt, as all young boys did, of someday wearing their magnificent sweater. No, I never played in the NHL, but spent 17 years playing for smaller clubs in North Bay, London, Brampton, and Cornwall here in Ontario, as well as in other Canadian cities that you may not’ve heard of such as Nipawin, Melfort, The Pas, & Brandon. I also worked in many of those cities, but generally returned home in the springtime to work in the mill.
Thank you for asking, and keep reading!

Dear Go Time Malone,
I am from the US, and we have a strong rivalry with the Canadians in Olympic Woman’s hockey. Do you follow woman’s hockey? Having seen the NHL grow from it’s beginning, what do you expect to see happen in the future of women’s ice hockey?
Kirsten Viggested, Bowbells, ND

Hey there Kirsten,
It is nice to see girls taking an interest in hockey, though I think they belong in the stands. There’s not a man alive wanting to see his wife out on the ice looking for her teeth. I'm tuning you out. No men need to skate figure 8’s and women aren’t meant to play hockey, that’s why their skates have toe-picks. All you're doing is wasting time.

Dear Go Time,
You have often chide the website guy on the subject of Aurel Joliat. I have read about him and see he played for Montreal but what is the deal.
Jerry Thorne

Hey Jerry,
If you have read the truth, you should be aware of why nobody likes him! He'd toss you off a building and laugh. Let me tell you, he once took pay to throw a game from some real tough guys. He then skated out and scored 6 times to give his team the championship. Joliat was a liar and a sneak. He was only about as small as (Thrasherville) but meaner than a moose and dirtier than one too. Joliat played like he had a lacross stick in his hand. And you know how they check in lacross, always up around your head. The story has been told many times of how he once sent Eddie Shore off the ice on a stretcher. He really could shoot off his loud mug too! When they brought him back to Montreal back in the 1980's he bragged that he could still play 5 minute shifts. He was a real creature, I hope his conscience ate him alive.

Go Time-
How on earth did you ever hook up with the numbnuts that runs the website? I'd figure a man of your experience, and obvious intelligence would steer clear of a lout like Thrasherville.

Blotto, hey. That there is a name! Ya’ know, you’d think surviving to the age of 93 would be plenty to endure in life with out having to run in to the likes of that sawed off stool Thrasherville. I do things so others don't have to. I tell you what, all fooling around aside here, he’s all right, for a girl!
I actually met Sara a good 23 years ago this fall. Don’t hold this against me, but we have some mutual acquaintances . I was down from the Toronto area about the same time he was departing South. Though usually uninvited, he’ll stop in and visit an old sore like me when he’s home. He’s like a baby duck, he pursues you all over the yard, no thinking allowed. I figure I made the mistake of talking to him. That smart-mouthed pain in the ass has been tormenting me ever since.
Thanks for the question.

“Go Time” Malone:
Where did you come up with that name?
Just Wondering

Hey there Justine, it’s a moniker I picked up one winter when I was in North Bay. It was a railroad town, and at that time, there was still a lot of fur trading there. Nearly all of the boys were boarded by families near Lake Nipissing. I had been in Grade 10, and just starting out in Juniors. When we were not practicing, or doing our studies, we joined the games going on out on the lake. Anyone with a twig was allowed to play, there were days when it seemed that whole town was out on the lake.
All of the lads were older and they could be unfairly tough on me. One afternoon I had been kept after practice by the coach for getting in a scrum with “Lunk” Scheurer, one of the boys who had particularly roughed me up. Well, I wasn’t gonna be allowed to play the next game and let me tell ya, I was madder than a hornet!! Instead of going home, I headed straight to the lake.
No sooner had I sat down to lace on my skates when “Lunk” skates buy and says, “Hey there Malone, I scored on your girl! So’s half the team!”
Now that was all I had to hear, I was hot as a crotch! I took after him in my stocking feet, fists a flyin’, and bloodied his snotlocker before they got me off of him. Well it turns out that sweet doll of mine, Beth, had been playing goal and half the team HAD scored on her. Nevertheless thereafter I’ve been “Go Time” Malone!

Here are some pictures I took of Bobby after he got out of the hospital. The young lady in the picture is the nurse that took care of him and who he later married in a small private ceremony. She moved to the Buffalo area shortly after his passing and severed contact with Bobby's friends and family...