Diesel Treatment


Posted By: Rayelan 
Date: Thursday, 14 June 2007, 1:22 a.m. 


The called said that Schiff was given the diesel treatement. This is when they put you on a bus and you drive... in VERY TIGHT SHACKLES for at least 12 hours a day... many times longer. 

The blood pools in your legs... the shackles cut in to your skin. You are NOT allowed to go to the bathroom, so people urinate in their clothes. 

Prisoners are routinely given shoes that are too small. toe nails become ingrown to the point that prisoners have to pull them out with pliers to ease the pain. 

This is what happened to Irwin... they gave him boots that were too small. His foot became infected, he developed gangrene and they had to amputate his toe. 

This is the fate the Ed Brown would suffer... so would Elaine... they are NOT any easier on women tax protesters. 

HEre's an article I found about Irwin Schiff and the removal of his toe. 


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Irwin Schiff Update 8/06 
Contributed by djahn 
Tuesday, 05 September 2006 
Last Updated Wednesday, 06 September 2006 
I wanted to pass along the following update from Angela Stark regarding Irwin Schiff. 

David Jahn 

I just spoke with Irwin and he sounded cheery. But what he told me didn't make me feel cheery. Remember when I reported that he had problems with his feet, because they made him wear those terrible army boots that didn't fit him properly? 

Well, get this. Irwin said he had just gotten out of the hospital. Are you sitting down? They had to amputate the second toe on his left foot! I freaked out when he told me. He said they didn't treat it properly from the beginning. He said he didn't get the proper medical attention and so in order for him not to possibly loose his big toe (which would affect his balance) they had to take the second. 

It became gangrene and...they let him suffer? 

I am just sick about it. Irwin said he had no choice but to let them do it. Then, being Irwin Schiff, he 
started to make jokes about it. He said, "It's not that big a deal. I just won't be able to swim that good". 

I told him to sue! He is going to walk with a limp now. They are going to murder him little by little. I am so angry about this! 

Then Irwin changed the subject and said he is watching the Arthur Farnsworth case with a lot of interest and is looking forward to his visit some time, since he is in the same area. 

Irwin said to keep sending him letters and cases and news articles. It keeps him busy and in touch with the outside. He asked again about America: Freedom to Fascism and when it was coming out. That was about it. He said they were calling him for chow and had to go.This sucks! 

Angela Irwin Schiff News 


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