Eric K'Napp - Index

Drawing by Eric K'Napp

Links to Eric K'Napp's Story & Writings

 Mule Creek Torture

 Sacramento Torture

Pictures of Sacramento Torture

Journal Entry - Monday, April 19, 2004

Journal Entry - May 12, 2004

Journal Entry - August 24, 2004

Journal Entry - August 25, 2004

My Rights and the Law as a California State Prisoner

Journal Entry - September 16, 2004

Journal Entry - September 21, 2004

 Lancaster Torture

May 2005 - Eric K'Napp - Documents

click picture
Jailhouse Lawyer Denied Medical Appliance to Block his Lawsuits

 15 Case rulings on overcrowding, careless double celling and more

 Victim recants; lawyer wants conviction set aside


Drawing by Eric - 2007

Eric's California Poppies

Updated January 19, 2009

 Three Strikes Legal