Honorable Correctional Officers

From the pen of Moshe Isaac Stein:

Granted the evil that men do lives after them, but please never let us bury the good.  Yes, there were (and most probably still are) evil people working at Shasta County Jail.

Yes, there were more than two evil ones.

However, we must also mention how Deputy Rene Meek stood up for your author when he first arrived at Shasta County Jail.  When the author arrived after a six hour journey, chained and stuffed in a corner of a Siskiyou County Van he was quite literally “IN EXTREMIS,” or at the point of death.

I suffer from acute hypertension or high blood pressure, and had been held at Lassen County Jail for some seventy (70) hours, without medication prior to being transported.  I could barely hobble into the reception area.

The Reception officer wanted to throw me into a holding cell, when I begged for medical aid.

However, Deputy Meek insisted that the nurse practitioner be called.   The nurse was amazed at the extreme blood pressure reading, and ordered that I be transferred to a hospital immediately.  The officer in charge wanted to throw me into a holding cell still, but Deputy Meek insisted that I be moved to a medical facility.  When the idiot in charge refused she informed him that if he did not have me transferred immediately she would arrest him.

He capitulated.

When I arrived at the Mercy Medical Center in Redding, my blood pressure was an incredible 217 over 123.  Had Deputy Meek not intervened my life would have been forfeit.

Then, later, in April of 2003, four and a half months after my arrival to await my supposedly speedy trial, and after I had clandestinely managed to establish contact with the Consulate-General of my homeland, I was sent a message informing me that a consular official was coming to speak with me.

Of course, the Sheriff (Pope) didn’t want me speaking to them, so his minions decided to do away with me by poisoning me with incorrect medication.  Thanks to the speedy action of another HONEST COP, one Deputy Ben Estill who literally carried me from the cell down to the medical department, I thwarted another near extinguishment of my very life.

Then there was Deputy Seals, reputed as a veritable Asshole.

Yes, Deputy Seals was a severe person, and he did dislike the inmates.  However, he treated everyone equally. . .not only inmates, but also crooked cops.

When two deputies were playing with yours truly, and holding him from the roof by his feet, it was Deputy Seals who approached and informed them, that “If anything happens to him it happens to you.”

Sure Deputy Seals told me that if I valued my life, I better forget what happened, and he sent me back to the pod.  So I did forget it.  However, we must never forget when someone does the right thing.

Yes, there are evil people in this world.  But, when we forget the good they will perish by the wayside, and the evil will flourish.

So please, let us say a brief prayer of thanks for Deputies Meek, Estill and Seals!

And I apologize for not writing. . .a matter that I plan to rectify.

Moshe Isaac Stein

February 2009

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