Java Man (500,000 years ago - ?)

by Kurt Couchman

Java Man was an early form of man living during the Pleistocene Epoch, 500,000 or more years ago. He also made some excellent coffee! Java Man’s fossilized remains were found on the island of Java by the Dutch paleontologist Eugene Dubois in 1891. Actually he was a cop on break when he found the thing. He had gotten out of his patrol car near the woods, went to expel his coffee from the morning and found this weird looking head. He figured, "Heck, if it’s not worth anything, I can keep it for decoration." So he took it home and put it on his coffee table. When one of his rock loving friends came over for tea and cookies, he remarked on the skull. The rock guy said, "Dang, that’s a weird looking skull. It’s not Dave Egyd’s, is it? No, it’s too small, however, it does have the same low brow and small brain cavity." Dubois named his find Pithecanthropus erectus meaning "erect ape-man." I don’t even want to know how he came up with that name, but I don’t think it’s very nice to start labeling people without even getting to know them. How would you like it if somebody came up to you and thought you looked like a rat-monkey? A complete skull and other bones were found in 1936-39. Now they know that I have to run from the bad people, but they keep coming. Oh no! My toe is embedded in my fat nose! Who did that?

the truth is out there.
people now know it.