Welcome to the Mystery files of Tyler!

here you can find all the dirt you want on Tyler Hodson and his mercenaries of evil, The Butt Rockets.
tyler is an evil lad who lives in my hometown (see photo below)


The Tyler Conspiracy

Ok, so here's the deal. Spring '98. An innocent girl, let's call her "Julie", decided to join her school's track team. An innocent decision, right? Not for "Julie". You see, she came into the art room to brag to one and all about her recent choice to join the track team. Among her classmates present in this art session were this writer, a one Rob Reed, Bobby D., and. . .Tyler. This news flirted with Tyler's imagination. He could join track, gain respect with his peers, and score some points with Julie, because, as you probably figured out, Tyler had a crush on Julie. So, as things would happen, everyone who was present that day joined track. (for each his own reason) Early in the season, Julie injured her knee. Though she was hurt, she stuck it out and stayed with the team. Soon afterward, Tyler "injured" his knee. He didn't stick it out though. He hobbled around on crutches the whole track season. Now, late in the season, Julie, for no apparent reason, up and quit track. Then, Tyler mysteriously disappeared. . .
Now, is there some connection between the quitting of track of Julie and the disappearance of Tyler? I think so.

this many people hate tyler

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Tyler sez, "I can't breathe!!!!!!"

Tyler scares me. take me back